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1、GRE多空题如何做到全对 GRE多空题全部选对才能得分太困难?只需2个技巧就能解决问题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE多空题全部选对才能得分太困难?只需2个技巧就能解决问题1. 根据关键词汇来判断语言上的基本逻辑关系因果:because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, given, hence, sothat, to, if.then, when.then, as long as.转折:albeit, although, though, but, despite, even though,

2、 however, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even if, even though, yet, and yet.递进:even, indeed.对比:in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, notbut, paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, cur

3、iously.2. 寻找句子中的重复关系作为研究生院入学的参考考试,也许是为了体现内容有深度,很多句子涉及到了各个学科的背景知识。同时基于对所有学科学生都要公平的原则,所有的题目在解题点上都不涉及背景知识。为了做到这一点,很多时候ETS都是把答案放到句子中,然后用语言上的线索提示你去把它找出来。以下是提供重复线索的几种常见形式:(1) 简单的直接重复The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of _, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consid

4、eration.A. economics B. legislation C. cleanliness D. aesthetics E. restoration尽管大自然的美确实很重要,但污染的消除不仅是什么问题,当然不仅是美的问题。Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of-can boost sales of video clips very nicely.A. self-deprecation B. congeniality C. cynicism D. em

5、barrassment E. self-doubt摇滚乐手很少自嘲,尽管什么东西能促进录像短片的销售,当然就填自嘲。Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world _of_.A. bereft. theatricality B. composed. adversity C. fu

6、ll. circumstantiality D. deprived. polarityE. devoid. neutralityMelodramas这个词不认识也没关系,既然它表现的是无辜与罪行、道德与堕落、善与恶之间的刻板对立,那么它提供给观众什么样的世界呢?当然是刻板对立的世界,只有E选项符合要求。(2) 解释型重复The Muses are_deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.A. rueful B. ingenuous C. solicitous D. vind

7、ictive E. dispassionate冒号后面的内容就是正确选项D这个词的释义,所以不知道缪斯是什么东西也能轻松选对。Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents_。A. demur B. schism C. coope

8、ration D. compliance E. shortsightedness冒号后面的内容解释了民主方式运作的工作团体中为何少有严重的冲突,所以即使看不懂a modicum oftolerance for dissent是什么东西,也应该知道这个东西避免了严重冲突,故选B。(3) 根据语法结构推断重复The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary _ that

9、 permits very little _.A. text. clarity B. work. tradition C. genre. deviationD. oration. grandiloquence E. achievement. rigiditya literary _ that permits very little _. 是前面的a very strict form的同位语,所以第一空格填form的同义或近义词,that permits very little_. 这个从句完成后应为strict的同义或近义词。Many more eighteenth-century novel

10、s were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until veryrecently, been regarded merely as _ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers。A. a controversial B. a statistical C. an analytical D. an explicit E. an unimpeachable这道题同样,a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by

11、 bibliographers. 是前面的_ fact的同义重复,所以空格应填入文献学家关注的事实,已知的五个选项里显然只有B选项的statistical(统计的)是文献学家的份内工作。GRE考试填空真题答案及解析1. The Broadway musical business is apparently - innovation and experimentation: it - characters and story lines that have dominated the musical stage for years.A. oblivious avoidsB. eager for

12、seeks C. skilled in employsD.famous for generates E.averse to recycles2. Some theories of why election results in democracies sometimes seem perverse rest on the idea that there is an intrinsic - in human behavior; in contrast, other explanations posits that people act logically, - their interests a

13、nd behaving accordingly.A. selfishness assuming B. unpredictability ignoring C. ratiocination analyzingD.impulsivity thwarting E.irrationality calculating3. The books account of the governors term in office is too uniformly_ to be persuasive: it overlooks her many accomplishments and - her failures.

14、A. encomiastic analyzes B. caustic downplays C. harsh exaggeratesD. naive exposes E.rosy enumerates解析:1、百老汇乐坛明显抵制创新和实验:它反复使用那些统治乐坛数年的人物和故事线。解析:本题简单,没有任何难度。第一空扮演箭头的角色,以确定对创新innovation and experimentation持正评价还是负评价。冒号表示解释同义重复,characters and story lines that have dominated the musical stage for years.表示

15、创新的取非,所以决定了两空一定是反义关系。BCD两空全是正评价,A全是负评价,能够表示两个空格一正一负的只有E啦。2、一些关于“为什么民主选举有时候显得荒谬?”的理论依赖于“人的行为有固有的不合理性”这样的观点;相反,另一些解释却假定:人们做事合乎逻辑,同时也计算自己的利益。解析:分号前面的主干是theories rest on idea,第一空格是修饰idea的,根据第二主干大法从修饰theories的地方找,of why election results in democracies sometimes seem perverse决定了第一空一定填负评价词,排除C。in contrast提

16、示前后取非,后面说people act logically,前面当然要说人们做事不合逻辑啦,所以E选项很快出来。3、这本书中关于这个办公室女主管任期的报告太过粗糙而没有说服力:该报告没有注意到她的许多成就,而是放大了她的不足之处。解析:此题太简单。冒号后面的and表示同义重复,her many accomplishments与her failures.是反义,所以overlooks与第二空格应该是反义词。选项C很快出来。GRE考试填空真题答案及解析1. What the two sociologists have in common is a claim that their respecti

17、ve predictions describe_ outcomes: each scholar believes the developments he anticipates are -.A. dire preventable B. global negligible C. predetermined inevitableD. possible ineluctable E.momentous foreseeable2. An epistolary novel, composed of fictitious correspondence between its characters, may

18、seem - to the contemporary reader who writes few letters and who may doubt that anyone could have such incessant recourse to the pen.A. injudicious B. iniquitous C. unrealistic D. insensate E.superfluous3. Researchers say that methanol can boost the growth of plants by_ a natural process known as ph

19、otorespiration, during which a plant can_ much of the energy it needs to grow.A. promoting.waste B. modifying alter C. blocking storeD. inhibiting. lose E.accelerating. over utilize4. Although many genuine friendships are entered into only out of pure goodwill _ with selfish considerations, many rea

20、l_ accrue to those who enter into such relations.A. fraughtbenefits B. unmixedadvantages C. disguiseddeficitsD. confusedconsequences E.unalloyedattractions解析:1、这两个社会学者的共同之处是一个声明,声明说他们各自的预言描述了预先确定的结果:每一个学者都相信他所预测的发展是必然的。解析:怎么样的A推出怎么样的B。预言描述的当然是预言的东西,第一空很容易推出来,能表示预言的就只能是C啦。2、由人物之间虚幻的书信组成的书信体小说,在当代的读者看

21、来显得不切实际,当代的读者写信极少,可能会怀疑哪有人能有这么多需要用笔写的东西。解析:根据“年轻人是年轻的”这种最简单的逻辑做题法则,我们很轻易得出:由人物之间虚构的书信组成的书信体小说当然会seem显得虚构。所以空格处填fictitious的同义词C3、研究者们说甲醇能通过抑制一个叫做光呼吸作用的自然过程来促进植物的生长,在这个光呼吸过程中植物会损失大量它生长所需要的能量。解析:整体结构是宾语从句,我们只看从句的主干。甲醇能促进生长,正评价!通过对一个自然过程做第一空格这个动作来促进。第一空正还是负?要看这个自然过程对植物生长时促进还是阻碍。known as photorespiration

22、是补充修饰专业描述,不需要看懂,继续往下扫。(后面during which是一个带介词的非限制性定语从句,during which在从句中作状语。)后面说到much of the energy it needs to grow,这是正评价,可是植物到底能否得到这个好东西由第二空决定。所以逻辑推理结果出来:如果第二空填正评价,那么第一空也是;如果第二空填负评价,那么第一空也是。满足这个条件的只有BD,优先选择感情色彩强烈的D。4、尽管许多真正的友谊萌芽于仅仅是没有自私杂念的纯粹善意,但是对那些开始友谊关系的人们来说一些现实的诱惑在增大。解析:第一空是细节题,扮演修饰goodwill的成分,所以可

23、以使用三位一体战术。pure goodwill _ with selfish considerations要保持逻辑关系上的一致,而pure goodwill 显然与 selfish considerations取非,这样一来就要求第一空必须是一个绝对的负评价词,最合适的只有BE。转折前对pure goodwill正评价,对selfish considerations负评价,转折后就要对selfish considerations正评价啦。those who enter into such relations可以看作genuine friendships的同义重复(友谊与参与友谊的人们,上下义

24、表达),accrue显然是正评价,所以第二空格必须填selfish considerations的同义重复。对于人而言什么属于自私杂念?当然是诱惑啦。所以答案选E。GRE考试填空真题答案及解析1. During the speeches preliminary to the ships launching, its designers expression was pensive and his stare distant; doubtless, he was _ the ceremony and was anxious to get on with the launch.A. rearran

25、ging B. inspecting C. unsure of D. preoccupied with E.impatient with2. Although not all the women in the group identified themselves as feminists, their lives_ their shared belief that men and women were equal and that the accomplishments, not the gender, of an individual mattered.A. challenged B. d

26、emonstrated C. conflated D. undermined E.contradicted3. The research committee urged the professor to _ his claim that he was on the verge of an important discovery, since he had made several _ assertions in the past.A. modify irreproachable B. substantiate implausible C. promote ambitiousD. dissemi

27、nate capricious E. verify valid解析:1、在这艘船下水前的一系列演讲中,设计者的表情忧郁目光游离;毫无疑问,他对这个仪式不自信并且对继续下水感到担心。(get on with继续做。)解析:分号前面是负评价,所以分号后面的空格处一定填负评价词(用and帮助确定),粗选出CE。再精确推一下,he= its designer,与its designers expression看作上下义同义表达,所以空格应该由was pensive and his stare distain来决定,所以C比较合适。2、尽管这个群体中不是所有的女性都认为自己是女权主义者,但是她们的生活却

28、证明她们有着共同的信仰,即男女是平等的,对于一个个体而言不是性别而是成就才是问题的关键。解析:转折前面说女性们不都一样,转折后面马上说到了一样的地方(their shared belief),因此逻辑关系已经成立,我们只需要在空格处填一个正评价词以完成句子即可。唯一确定的正评价词就是B。3、研究委员会敦促这个教授去证实他的关于“他处于重大发现的边缘”的声明,因为过去他做过几个让人难以相信的声明。解析:此题与2002年11月考题SECTION ONE的第7题如出一辙。在时间对比题型中我们反复讲到时间在后否定前者,这是学术英语的惯例啦。in the past和时态上的过去完成时决定了过去的东西肯定是不好的,要被负评价的!所以第二空格填负评价的形容词BD,稍微辨析一下第一空,不难发现只能选B啦。GRE多空题如何做到全对


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