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1、部分词和短语在医学英语中的翻译一,不定冠词a/an 和定冠词the,在表示”一类”时可以省略不译A low salt diet may result in reduction of blood pressure.Salted chicken低盐饮食可使血压降低.2.If the tumor spreads into other parts of the body,it is called a malignant tumor.如果肿瘤扩散到身体的其他部位,则称之为恶性肿瘤.3.The spleen is a solid organ about the same size as the kidne

2、y.脾为大小与肾相似的实质性器官.二,不定冠词a/an 和定冠词the,如果不译,会产生含义不清或指称不明时,不定冠词a/an 可翻译为:一,每,某,等定冠词the可翻译为:这(些),那(些),此,该,等,Many people believe that the disease is caused by a virus.许多人认为此病是由一种病毒引起的.2.The disease is more common in young adults.这种疾病在年纪比较轻的成年人中较常见.3.Deficiency of an enzyme has several general consequences

3、.缺乏某种酶会产生一些全身性后果.4.The operation must be accomplished without impairing the already precarious blood supply.该手术必须在不破坏已经不稳定的供血情况下完成.5.The symptoms caused by the virus may be relatively mild.这种病毒所引起的症状比较轻.6.The germs are found in the waste removed from the body.这些病菌是在身体排出的废物中发现的.,三.复数名词英语中的可数名词有单复数之分,

4、但汉语中的名词本身并没有单复数.在翻译英语中的复数名词时,既要符合逻辑,又要符合汉语的习惯.1)一般可以将复数名词与单数名词同样对待,不必翻译成复数It is common to divide tumors into tow main groups,benign and malignant.通常将肿瘤分为两大类:良性肿瘤和恶性肿瘤.The medical workers first applied acupuncture analgesia in dental operations.医务工作者最早在牙科手术中应用针刺镇痛.2)有时根据需要,应在复数名词前加上”有些”,“各种”,等Disease

5、s may be classified into following categories.疾病可以分为下列几类.There are complex problems in medicine,and it takes much time to solve them.医学上有一些复杂的问题,解决这些问题要花许多时间.3)如果确定复数名词的具体数量,可以将这一数量翻译出来.The heart is slightly bigger than a fist,and lies between the lungs.心脏略大于一个拳头,位于两肺之间.,应该注意的是,英语中有些复数形式的名词,其意义跟不是复数

6、形式的名词可能没有任何关联.例如:times;works;pains;glasses 等Take three tablets of the medicine three times a day after meals.Mercury weighs about 13 times as much as water.The doctors spare no pains to cure the patient of hisdisease.(不辞辛苦)4)The medical works are difficult to translate.四.FailureFailure 一词在医学英语中使用非常广

7、,一般有”失败”,“缺乏”,“未能”,”没有”等含义,在专业方面还可以解释为:”障碍”,”衰退”等,所以翻译时,一定要根据上下文灵活掌握.The operation is a failure.手术没有成功2.Hemophilia(血友病)is characterized by failure of the blood to clot,so that the victim must use extreme caution to avoid trauma(外伤)of all kinds.血友病的特征是血液不能凝固,因此,患者必须极其注意避免发生任何外伤.,3.Once the presence o

8、f cardiac failure is recognized it is important to determine the nature of the underlying heart disease and to search for correctable factors which may have played a role in promoting or aggravating(恶化)the heart failure.一旦发现存在心力衰竭时,重要的是确定潜在的心脏疾病的性质,并寻找在促发或加重心力衰竭上可能起过作用的一些可纠正的因素.4.The failure of norm

9、al subjects to acquire acute bacterial pneumonia is due to the efficient defense barriers of the lower respiratory tract.正常人之所以不会患急性细菌性肺炎,是由于下呼吸道的有效防御屏障.5.An acute inflammatory process may fail to subside completely and pass into a chronic stage.急性炎症过程可能难以完全消退,于是转入慢性期.6.When there is evidence of pro

10、gressively serious pancreatitis(胰腺炎)that has failed to respond to medical management,exploratory laparotomy(剖腹探查)and surgery are justified.如有证据表明为进行性加重的胰腺炎,经内科处理无效,就应该进行剖腹探查和外科手术.,五.DozenDozen 在英文中,常用来计数,但汉语一般不用,常翻译为”十来个”,”许多”;要根据上下文来具体处理.1.There are dozens of such examples.许多类似的例子2.Sometimes the vi

11、ctim has suffered from long-standing indigestion but has failed to consult a physician until the cancer has spread to other organs such as the liver,in which there may be secondary growths by the dozen.有时病人长期患消化不良,但未能够及时就医,以致癌肿扩散到其他器官(例如肝脏等),并在这些器官中产生大量转移灶.3.The increase of potency ranged from sever

12、al to several dozen times.药效增加了几倍和几十倍不等.,The diagnosis is suspectedIf the abdominal pain continues for an hour or more,the diagnosis of acute appendicitis may be suspected.In other cases the diagnosis may be suspected from the results obtained in a routine examination of urine in renal function test

13、s after the discovery of hypertension.An injection of antitoxin should be given immediately the diagnosis is suspected.The diagnosis should be suspected in any patient with chronic productive cough,especially if his sputum continuously becomes more purulent(浓的)and streaked(加有条纹)with blood.1.如果腹痛持续1个

14、小时以上,可作出疑似急性阑尾炎的诊断.2.另一些病例是,在发现高血压后,根据尿常规检查或肾功能检查所得到的结果,做出疑似此病的诊断.3.当诊断为疑似病症时,应该立即注射抗毒素.4.对任何慢性咳痰的人,尤其是如果他的痰液中不断增加浓性物质,并带有血丝,应该做出疑有此病的诊断.The diagnosis is suspected 不能够翻译为:怀疑所做的诊断,而是:通过诊断怀疑为某种疾病,或做出疑似某种病的诊断,Sickness,illness,disease,malady,disorder,complaint,ailment 都是疾病的意思.He is confined to bed by si

15、ckness.He has never been the same since that long illness.his illness made it necessary to postpone the conference.illness,sickness 都是普通的日常用语.但是illness 比 sickness 较为正式,并且常用于较严重的疾病.4.Tuberculosis is one of the most dreaded of human diseases.5.Heart/eye/foot and mouth disease.Disease 主要是指人体器官发生结构性变化的疾

16、病,而且一般是长期的,根深蒂固的疾病.6.There are no cure for the malady of age.7.Toothache is an un-tolerated malady.Malady 是指长期难以治愈的慢性病,通常令人痛苦,还可致命的8.He suffers from a stomach disorder.Disorder 是指造成身体某部位功能失调的疾病.9.He suffers from a chest complaint.Complaint 常用于口语中Common colds are mild ailment.Ailment常用于不太严重的小毛病.,1.pa

17、thogen2.Solubility3.Vaporize 4.interferon 5.Additive 6.reagent 病原体 溶解度 蒸发,汽化 干扰素 添加剂 反应物,试剂7.atronpine 8.infusion 9.Herbalist 10.Pharmacodynamic 阿托品,颠茄碱 汤剂,浸剂 草药医师 药效的11.Therapeutic 12.Solvent extraction 13。Peroral 治疗的 溶剂提取 口服的14。Under-or overmedicated 用药不足或用药过量的No one can even guess the misery and

18、suffering which men have been spared by the discovery and use of anesthetics.麻醉药的发现和应用给人们解除了难以想象的折磨和痛苦。2。What is the value in terms of adverse effects and actual const of the drug就其副作用和它的实际成本消耗来看,该药的价值如何。3。Apart from the intravenous route of drug administration,where a drug is introduced directly in

19、to the blood circulation,all other routes of administration systemically acting drugs involve the absorption of drug from the place of administration into the blood除了静脉注射这一给药途径,药物可以直接进入到血液循环系统外,所有其他系统性给药途径,都涉及到将药物从给药点吸收进血液的过程。,Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by several factors.Despi

20、te significant advances in antibiotic therapy,pneumonia remains the sixth leading cause of death in the United States,and the leading cause of death from infectious disease.In 1999,nearly 64,000 deaths in the United States were attributed to pneumonia.Its incidence and mortality are highest in older

21、 adults and people with debilitating diseases.Pneumonia currently accounts for about 10%of adult hospital admissions in the United States.Pneumonia may be either infectious or noninfectious.Bacteria,viruses,fungi,protozoa,and other microbes can lead to infectious pneumonia.Noninfectious causes inclu

22、de aspiration of gastric contents and inhalation of toxic or irritating gases.Pneumonias often are classified as community acquired,nosocomial(hospital)acquired,or opportunistic acquired.Different organisms are implicated in each of these classifications.The most common causative organism for commun

23、ity-acquired pneumonia is streptococcus pneumoniae(also called pneumococcus),a gram-positive bacterium.This organism causes 70%to 75%of all diagnosed causes of pneumonia.Mycoplasma pneumonia,Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia,and the influenza virus are also leading causes of community-acquired pneumo

24、nia.Staphylococcus(aureus)and gram-negative bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumonia,Pseudomonas(aeruginosa),and enteric bacilli,including Escherichia coli,are often implicated as nosocomial causes of pneumonia.Organisms such as Pneumonocystis(carinii)generally cause infections only in immunocompromised people(opportunistic infections).,


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