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1、GRE考试verbal部分填空题要点精讲 作为整个GRE考试中让许多中国考生最为头疼的一个部分,GRE填空考前如何复习才能快速提分,保证正确率呢?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试verbal部分填空题要点精讲GRE填空考前冲刺复习要点介绍1. 逻辑看到GRE考试填空题之后,很快的去思考这道题是在强调一个什么样的逻辑。相等?相反?强调?进一步解释?或者并列?与其反复的去看题目,不如很直接的抓住句子中的逻辑关系,这样就知道了解题的方向了。2. 关键词找到了逻辑关系之后,就抓住了解题的方向。在有了大的方向的情况下,找到关键词,便可以很快的解题了。3. 练习与反思如果没有时间大量的去练习,也

2、至少应该花一部分的时间出来去反思做错的题目,是因为单词不会?还是逻辑没把握住?还是其它的原因。有反思,才有进步。盲目的努力,只是在给自己的失败找借口。GRE填空考前冲刺复习资料推荐1. 陈圣元句子填空填空的入门资料,每套题后面都有很详细的解释,是最佳的入门练习。2. 陈琦填空7套有一定的针对性。做完之后一定要反思,反思,再反思。如果能够结合陈琦的录音反思,那么效果就更好了。3. 绿皮填空这个里面有很多题目是和前面两个资料重复的。不过这也是最接近现在考试题目类型的练习。用来作为后期练习最好。4. 机经真题考前看机经的好处自然不用多说,即使没有命中,也能保证考生提前熟悉题型,了解最新的考试出题思路

3、。机经在考前看效果是最好的。总而言之,考生想要在考前几天通过冲刺复习提升GRE填空水平,就需要掌握好关键的复习要点,并配合使用一些性价比最高的复习资料,如此才能提高战斗力,顺利应对GRE考试。GRE考试填空模拟题及答案解析1. Just as the authors book on eels is often a key text for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas on animal development and phylogeny _ teaching in this area.(A) prevent(B) defy

4、(C) replicate(D) inform(E) use2. A recent survey shows that, while ninety-four percent of companies conducting management-training programs open them to women, women are _ only seventy-four percent of those programs.(A) protesting against(B) participating in(C) displeased by(D) allowed in(E) refused

5、 by3. It has been argued that politics as _ , whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.(A) a theory(B) an ideal(C) a practice(D) a contest(E) an enigma4. For centuries animals have been used as _ for people in experiments to assess the effects

6、 of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.(A) benefactors(B) companions(C) examples(D) precedents(E) surrogates5. Although normally _ , Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.(A) diffident(B) retiring(C)

7、contentious(D) facetious(E) presumptuous(F) intrepid6. Dominant interests often benefit most from _ of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.(A) intensification(B) authorization(C) centralization(D) improvisation(E) elimination(F) abrogat

8、ion7. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more _ the ideas.(A) complicated(B) engaged(C) essential(D) fanciful(E) inconsequential(F) involved【答案与讲解】1. Just as the authors book on eels is often a key text

9、 for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas on animal development and phylogeny _ teaching in this area.(A) prevent(B) defy(C) replicate(D) inform(E) use翻译:正如作者关于鳗鱼的著作通常被视为海洋脊椎动物学的重要教科书,他们关于动物发展和进化史的观点也影响了该领域的教学。选Djust as 指示了句子中的类比关系。eel 鳗鱼;text 此句中指教科书textbook;vertebrate脊椎动物(的);phylogeny

10、 (【音】法医拉着你)生物进化史,种系发生史;(phylogeny)一个种或类群的进化史,尤注重研究各大类群生物的世系及亲缘关系。种系发生史的基本观点是不同物种的动植物皆源自相同祖先。(大英袖珍百科)defy 公然违抗,拒绝与合作,不为所动;replicate 复制,重复,反折;inform 赋予(某事物)其特征,贯穿,遍及;2. A recent survey shows that, while ninety-four percent of companies conducting management-training programs open them to women, women

11、are _ only seventy-four percent of those programs.(A) protesting against(B) participating in(C) displeased by(D) allowed in(E) refused by终于碰到 while 的让步用法,容我先介绍下 while 和 when 这两个连词的指示特点。WHENwhen conj1at or during the time that 在.时; 当.时:It was raining when we arrived.我们到的时候正在下雨.hen he saw her, he wave

12、d.他一看见她就摆了摆手.hen visiting London I like to travel by bus.我游览伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车.2since; considering that 既然; 考虑到:How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了, 还能学什麽东西呢?(牛津高阶双解)WHILEwhile conj1(a) during the time that; when 在.期间; 当.的时候:He fell asleep w

13、hile (he was) doing his homework.他做着做着功课就睡着了.hile I was in Madrid there was a carnival.我在马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节.hile (locked up) in prison, she wrote her first novel.她在狱中写出了第一部小说.(b) at the same time as 与.同时:While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.玛丽写信时孩子都在外面玩儿.e listens to the radi

14、o while driving to work.他去上班一边开着车一边听音乐.lived in a hostel while I was a student.我求学期间住在青年招待所里.2(used to show a contrast 用以表示对比或相反的情况):I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的.nglish is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey

15、itself.英语世界通行, 但土耳其语离开本国就很少有人说了.3(fml 文) although 虽然:While I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cannot be solved.尽管我承认有问题存在, 但我不同意说这些问题不能解决.(牛津高阶双解)结论:0 when 和 while 做连词时,都可以表示“当时”的概念;1 when 有时可以引导弱因果关系,作“既然,考虑到,鉴于”解释;2 while 有时可以引导对比关系,A如何“而”B不这样;3 while 还可能引导让步关系,“尽管(但)”。再看一遍本题:

16、2. A recent survey shows that, while ninety-four percent of companies conducting management-training programs open them to women, women are _ only seventy-four percent of those programs.(A) protesting against(B) participating in(C) displeased by(D) allowed in(E) refused by翻译:最近有调查显示,尽管开设了管理培训的公司中,94

17、%都对女性开放,但女性只参加了所有受访公司项目中的74%。选B可以认为本题 while 引导了一种让步关系,做although讲。选项都是基本词汇,但要努力避免干扰。排除ACE的理由都是only,如果没有only,ACE都成立。尽管94%对女性开放,但女性抗议 / 不开心 / 被拒绝通顺;尽管94%对女性开放,但只有74% 被女性抗议 / 使她们不开心 / 拒绝她们就不通顺了。排除D的理由是open,尽管94%开放但只有74%允许矛盾,这种情况成立的前提是,尽管名义上94%允许但只有74%事实上允许,这层(名义上VS实际上)的意味我们在题目中是读不出的,如果你这样认为,说明你发散思维了,戒绝脑

18、补,戒绝发散,面壁去吧。3. It has been argued that politics as _ , whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.(A) a theory(B) an ideal(C) a practice(D) a contest(E) an enigma翻译:有人认为政治,不管它那些超越经验的主张,具体到实践层面,都只是(怀着)共同憎恶(的人)的统合。选Cwhatever 。theory 理论;ideal 理想,目标

19、,典范;practice 实践;contest 竞争,驳斥;enigma 谜,谜语;transcendental 超验的。考试思维:无论它的那些超验的主张(如何),政治作为 _ ,都是共同仇恨的系统整合。transcendental claims 是关于经验、知识、理论的,所有跟经验、知识、理论有关的选项都排除,ABE就划掉了。这种思维方式最高效也相当准确,可惜它通常帮不到不这么想的同学,读不懂句子的同学基本上无论如何也不会这么猜。我试着解释一遍句子,你理解了句子的含义再回头看看,也许就茅塞顿开了。事后诸葛亮思维:主语是 politics 政治,政治的先验性主张指什么?以公平和法制为例,都属于

20、政治主张。我们需要知道交易双方的身份才倡导公平交易吗?显然不需要,任何交易都该保障它的公平性。我们追求的法制社会,是只保护低收入阶层,而不保护中产和富裕阶层吗?显然也不是,法律该保护任何一个社会成员的合法权利。这种脱离了对象,时间,空间,具体情境限制的主张,可以认为是一种先于经验的主张。后半句说,politics has been the systematic organization of common hatreds,政治是共同仇恨(的人)的系统组织,怎么理解?共和党人与民主党人互相攻击,蓝绿互相攻击,左派与右派互相攻击。简言之,政治就是一部分人用合法的方式憎恨和对抗另一部分人。人们走进一

21、个政治团体,通常未必是因为什么共同的追求,只是有共同的敌人罢了。再读一遍句子:有人认为政治,不管它那些超越经验的主张(是什么),具体到实践层面,都只是(怀着)共同憎恶(的人)的统合。It has been argued that politics as practice , whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.能理解为啥选practice了吗?4. For centuries animals have been used as _ fo

22、r people in experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.(A) benefactors(B) companions(C) examples(D) precedents(E) surrogates翻译:数百年来,为了评估医疗或其他制剂的效果,都会先进行动物实验,而后决定是否能够用于人类。选E词汇题,空后面的内容都是用来解释空的。benefactor 捐助人,施主;(老罗的版本把这个词翻译成“恩人”,我认为是不准确的。)compa

23、nion 同伴伴侣战友,(花钱雇佣的)陪护人,(成对或成套的)物品之一;precedent 先例,惯例;surrogate 替代的人或事物,代理人,代用品;therapeutic 医疗的;agent 产生某种效果或变化的力量或物质,作用物,(药 / 化学等)剂。5. Although normally _ , Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside herreserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.(A) diffident(B) retiring(C) content

24、ious(D) facetious(E) presumptuous(F) intrepid翻译:尽管平时言行拘谨,但有感于事态严重,A还是在会议上通报了各位委员。选ABalthough ; so that put aside 暂时搁置或忘记某种情绪(反对,迟疑等)以解决某问题或争论;If you put a feeling or disagreement aside, you forget about it or ignore it in order to solve a problem or argument.We should put aside our differences and d

25、iscuss the things we have in common.We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelingsaside.(柯林斯高阶)reserve 矜持,拘谨,自制;diffident 缺乏自信的,持保留态度的;retiring 保守害羞的(85题考过retiring离群索居的,隐退的);contentious 有争议的,好(与他人)争执的;facetious 幽默滑稽的,惹人发笑的(含贬义,指不恰当地引人发笑,比如讲荤段子);presumptuous 过分的

26、,放肆的;intrepid 无畏的,勇猛坚定的。单词题。6. Dominant interests often benefit most from _ of governmental interference in business,since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.(A) intensification(B) authorization(C) centralization(D) improvisation(E) elimination(F) abrogation翻译:大财团的自主能力很强,所以政府不再干涉

27、经济的时候它们获益也最大。选EFif 引导了假设 / 条件关系。选项参照 left alone 。interference 妨碍,干扰,介入;intensification 强化;authorization 授权,委任(状),批准,认可;improvisation 即兴创作,临事施宜(临时对付);elimination 排除,淘汰,干掉;abrogation 废止,宣布无效。单词题。7. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more c

28、onvoluted the structure, the more _ the ideas.(A) complicated(B) engaged(C) essential(D) fanciful(E) inconsequential(F) involved翻译:写作新手通常会有这样一个误解:句法结构能反映想法,即结构越复杂,观点也越复杂。选AFthe more the more ,并列关系mirror 类比选 convoluted 的近义词。complicated 复杂的,难懂的;engaged 忙于的,订了婚的,卷入的,嵌入的;essential 本质的,最重要的,要点(n.);fanciful (人)富于幻想的,(事物)设计或装饰新颖奇特的;inconsequential 无关紧要的(事物),不合逻辑的;involved 错综复杂的,纠缠的。GRE考试verbal部分填空题要点精讲


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