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1、备考GRE冲刺提分指南 该如何备考GRE,我们一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。备考GRE冲刺提分指南:语文篇GRE语文的意义GRE语文VERBAL备考中,词汇量是重中之重,在最后一月的冲刺中,词汇的强化训练仍然不能放松。如果在考试中能够基本不出现看不懂的词汇,或者即使出现了不认识的词汇也不影响解题,那么考生在GRE词汇上的备考工作就基本完成了。而这个成果,需要通过长期坚持背诵GRE词汇并通过大量的练习进行词义的巩固和实际运用来完成,并且需要特别注意阅读量的提升和知识面的扩充。在GRE语文考试中,填空部分的多空题审题和逻辑中对单题的理解都对阅读水平和技巧有相当高的要求。通过阅读

2、可以获得的各类专业原文书籍、杂志,比如TIME、SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN、NEW YORKER等,既能增加阅读量,锻炼阅读效率,强化阅读能力,也能做到对词汇量的扩充。而如果能在做阅读和其他GRE语文部分的题目时,不出现理解方面的问题,能顺利通畅地完成对*和题目的阅读,那么在阅读上的复习目标也就达成了。有了好的知识储备,接下来需要做的就是强化并熟练解题技巧。GRE语文VERBAL中,考生可以充分利用返回修改答案这个功能来安排自己的做题顺序,以提升得分效率。因此,在最后一月冲刺备考时,考生们可通过大量模考来熟练做题顺序。小站指导以下是小站名师推荐的较好的做题顺序:先做填空(开始的前5

3、6题,包括单空题、双空题、三空题),跳过中间的长/短阅读后继续完成后面的45题一空六选二题目,接着做后面的45个阅读题,做到第20题后点击”REVIEW“,跳回前面第7题左右开始的阅读题,完成剩余阅读题目。这样,考生可以高效地完成填空并集中精力进行阅读。而在时间分配方面,可以是填空910分钟,阅读1719分钟,最后留下12分钟检查。1. GRE填空做题顺序首先要读题知大意(专有名词首字母代替,提取主干,略读修饰成分),然后找标志词signpost(从空格入手、联系句意)再次进行逻辑推理(无反则同;时间相反,一切相反),最后才是寻找答案(确切理解单词的多重含义)。小站名师tips:大家在考前再把

4、机经单词整理一下,整理的意思是找出自己不认识的着重记忆,平时也要把自己记不住的、意思容易弄混的、同义反义词归纳总结,这样你会很有成就感。2. GRE阅读做题顺序:做题按照“读*,读完题干,定位原文,排除干扰选项(3个)比较候选选项(2个) 得出答案”的顺序进行,可以记住GRE阅读考试的几个口诀:“几个论点,什么态度,长句抓主干,对比找反义,因果找双方,并列记位置,机制找末句”,要记住“题目*,位置内容,首句中间(however句、转折句、观点句读如首句)”。考生应该在平时训练时加强这类方法,形成条件反射,考试时才能得心应手。精选新GRE填空练习题1. kagan maintains that

5、an infants reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or -signs of adolescent anxiety.(a) prophetic(b) normal(c) monotonous(d) virtual(e) typical2.the spellings of many old english words have been-in the living l

6、anguage, although their pronunciations have changed.(a) preserved(b) shortened(c) preempted(d) revised(e) improved3. although johnson _GREat enthusiasm for his employees project, in reality his interest in the project was so _as to be almost nonexistent.(a)generatedredundant(b)displayedpreemptive(c)

7、 expectedindiscriminate(d)feignedperfunctory(e)demandeddispassionate4. however _ they might be, roman poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would _.(a)subservientimitate(b)independentinspire(c) originalemulate(d)creativeadmire(e) talentedneglect5. the imposter syndrome ofte

8、n afflicts those who fear that true self-disclosure will lower them in others esteem; rightly handled, however, _may actually _ones standing.(a) willfulnessconsolidate(b) impostureundermine(c)affectationjeopardize(d) candorenhance(e) mimicryefface6. the new biological psychiatry does not deny the co

9、ntributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and-such illnesses.(a)disguise(b)impede(c)constrain(d)precipitate(e)consummate7. in the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted

10、system of values was regarded as-, even as a sign of madness.(a) adventurous(b) frivolous(c) willful(d) impermissible(e) irrational8. literature is inevitably a - rather than -medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.(a)distorting. a neutral

11、(b)transparent. an opaque(c)colorful. a drab(d)flawless. .an inexact9. the proponents of recombinant dna research have decided to-federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.(a) protest(b)i

12、nstitute(c)deny(d) encourage(e)disregard10. because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still -on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a-enterprise.(a)scarce. . common(b)accessible. marginal(c)unidentified. subsidized(d)conserved . . pu

13、blic(e)plentiful. profitable答案:aadcd deade精选新GRE填空练习题1 the sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly-source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.(a)exploited(b)quantifiable(c)controversial(d)inexhaustible(e)remarkable2 a common argument claims that in folk art, th

14、e artists subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling _ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.(a) facilitates(b) averts(c) neutralize(d) implies(e) represses3 it is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forev

15、er-others, in the end, all his-has only worked against him.(a) dedicating. self-procession(b) leading. self-righteousness(c) consigning. self-adulation(d) relegating. self-sacrifice(e) condemning. self-analysis4 the hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a-system; its strata remain-and the

16、 practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.(a) health. skilled(b) delivery. basic(c) regimental. flexible(d) training. inferior(e) cast. intact5 although ancient tools were-preserved, enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally-proGREss th

17、rough prehistory.(a) partially. noticeable(b) superficially. necessary(c) unwittingly. documented(d) rarely. continual(e) needlessly. incessant6 it is puzzling to observe that joness novel has recently been criticized for its_structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvi

18、ous_is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework.(a) attention to. preoccupation(b) speculation about. characteristic(c) parody of. disparity(d) violation of. contradiction(e) lack of. flaw7 ironically, the party leaders encountered no GREater-their efforts to build a proGREssive party tha

19、n the-of the proGREssives already elected to the legislature.(a) support for. advocacy(b) threat to. promise(c) benefit from. success(d) obstacle to. resistance(e) praise for. reputation8 during the 1960s assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, s

20、table institution to widespread-it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose-was both imminent and welcome.(a) flight from. restitution(b) fascination with. corruption(c) rejection of. vogue(d) censure of. dissolution(e) relinquishment of. ascent9 until the current warming trend exceeds the range of n

21、ormal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable-the possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric co2 can cause long-term warming effects.(a) interest in(b) uncertainty about(c) enthusiasm for(d) worry about(e) experimentation on10 the idealized paintings of nature pro

22、duced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval -natural settings had been - and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.(a)fear of. exorcised(b)concerns about.regained(c)affection for. surmounted(d)disinterest in. alleviated(e)enthusiasm for. confrontedkeys:daced eddba备考GRE冲刺提分指南


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