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1、听力中各种表达方式总结,情感的表达方式 之 喜,人们在高兴时常常会表达自己对事物的满意、赞赏等,主要的表达方式有 Its great!Good!Well done!How exciting!Wonderful!Im pleased.Thats satisfying.How nice!What a fantastic thing!I cant help singing!Cheers!God bless us!,怒通常表示不满和责备,主要表达方式有,What a bad thing!How can you do this!You shouldnt have done such a thing.Wh

2、y didnt you think of a better way?I hate you!Im very disappointed Im not satisfied.Im angry!How disappointing!I feel awful about all these.What a shame!I couldnt imagine!How can I believe?You are such a fool!Nonsense!What a mess!I cant bear it any more!Im fed up!You are stupid!,哀即是悲伤,为自己悲伤属于个人情感,为别人

3、悲伤常含有同情的意味,主要表达方式有How sad!How miserable!What a pity!Im sorry to hear that.I feel sad today.I feel awful about it.I cant help crying.I hope this had never happened.,谢意,表示谢意是一种礼貌用法,最常用的表达方式就是用“thank”这个词,如 Thanks./Thank you./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much./Many thanks./Thanks for/Thanks a million./I

4、m thankful to you.,其余表达方式还有:Im grateful to you./How can I express my gratefulness?/You are a great help!/I appreciate your help./Im indebted to you for your kindness/It is nice of you.,回答常常用 Not at all./You are welcome./Dont mention it./At your service./Thats OK./Thats all right./Thats nothing./Its

5、my pleasure./With pleaure./Nothing important.,歉意和原谅,道歉和适当的原谅也是一种礼貌行为,通常用“Sorry.”和“Excuse me.”就可以了,比较正式的场合或对不熟悉的人可以用以下表达方式:I apologize for Please accept my apology.I am awfully sorry.I am to blame for Its my fault for I shouldnt have Please forgive me.Please excuse me for I beg your pardon.I wish I d

6、idnt If only I had?Show mercy on me!,表示原谅可以说,Dont think of it any more.I forgive you.Thats nothing important.Dont bother about it.Dont worry.Its not your fault.Just take it as a lesson.Take it easy.Its not you to blame.Well,no one is perfect.I accept your apology.Lets forget it.,疑虑和确定,疑虑是一种不确定的表达方法,

7、通常可以用 Im not sure about/I doubt that/I suspect that/Im worried about/Im anxious about/It is a question that/I feel uncertain about 等等,其中需要注意的是“I doubt that”和“I suspect that”前者常常否定that从句的内容,表示不太相信;而后者常常肯定that从句的内容,表示认为有这个可能。,表示确定的表达方式主要有 Im sure that/I have no doubt about/I feel certain that/Im not w

8、orried about/Its out of question that/I insist that/I hold the notion that/I stick to等等。,主观意愿与客观意愿,主观意愿是指出自身的愿望意志,而客观意愿往往受到客观条件的限制,也许并非自愿。表示主观意愿可以用 I want/Im willing to/I wish/I hope/I plan/I expect/Id like to/Im pleased to/Im dilighted to/I like/I love to/I enjoy/Its my pleasure to/Im fond of/Id ra

9、ther to/I see no reason why I shouldnt/Im interested in/I prefer/I intend to/Im keen on,表示客观意愿可以用,I should/I ought to/I must/It is necessary that/I have to/I can/Im able to/Im capable of/Its my duty to/I am required to/I am supposed to/I have the quality to,惊奇与恐惧,惊奇与恐惧是比较强烈的感情,所以经常使用感叹句,表示惊奇的表达方式有很多

10、,常见的有Oh,my God!/Really!/Cant believe it!Is that true?/What a surprise!Incredible!/Unbelievable!Are you kidding?/Impossible!It must be a joke!/How astonishing!How amazing!/Thats out of imagination!How could it be!,表示恐惧的表达方式,Oh,my God!/Im scared to death./How terrible!What a terrible thing!/Im afraid.

11、/Help me!/Horrible!How dreadful!,常见谈话行为表达方式,1.赞同与不赞同 谈话中常常要表达自己的意见、立场等,考试中有时会让你判断某人的态度,所以赞同与不赞同的表达方式也是考虑中的重点。表示是否赞同的表达方式主要有:Im not sure I agree with you.Im afraid I dont agree.Im afraid I disagree.Im afraid I cant agree with you.Im afraid I dont share your opinion.I dont agree at all.I totally disag

12、ree.I couldnt agree with you more.,2.询问意见与给予意见,谈话是一种交流,而意见常常是交流的主要内容之一,向别人询问意见可以说:What do you think?Whats your opinion?How do you see the situation?Can you express your opinion?Can you give me some idea?,给予意见则可以说:,I think/I feel that/I advise As far as I am concerned As I see it/In my view I am abso

13、lutely convinced that Im sure that/I strongly believe that I have no doubt that,3.请求帮助和提供帮助,请求帮助可以说:Will you do me a favor?Will you please?Will you be kind enough to?Would you?Would you mind?Could you help me?Can you give me a hand?I wonder if you can help me.May I ask you for?,回答可用 OK/Yes./Of cours

14、e/Sure/Certainly./Just say./Why not?/Yes,if you want me to./Thats fine with me./No,I wont./No,Im afraid I cant./Id love to,but Im afraid,回答时注意语气的轻重和礼貌的程度,这样才有益于交流和沟通。向别人主动提供帮助可以说:Is there anything I can do for you?Can I help you?Do you need help?May I/Shall I Let me know if I can be of any help.I wo

15、nder if I can be of any help.Illif you like.,回答可用 Yes,thanks./You are very kind.Yes,please.Id like you to Thanks,but I can manage.Thanks,but Id like to do it myself.No,thanks./Not at this moment.,4.邀请,邀请是一种请求,语气要尽量婉转,可以说 Would you like to join us?Id like to invite you tovery much.Well be very glad i

16、f you can We are honoured to invite you to Would you please give us the honour to?It would be a great pleasure if you can It would be nice for you to come.Are you free tonight!Id like to,回答可以说 Yes,Id like to./Yes,thanks./Yes,Why not?Its my honour./Sure./Of course./Certainly.Id like to,but/Im sorry,b

17、ut I wish I would,but,5.贺词,贺词分为二类,一类是事前祝愿寄托美好祝福;另一类是事后祝贺,表达同喜的心情,通常表示祝愿的表达方式有 Good Luck./Wish you success.Wish you happy new year!Best wishes for you!Please give my best wishes to Give my regards to your parents.Have a nice/May you succeed.May God bless you!,表示祝贺的表达方式最常用的就是 Congratulations!其余表达方式还有D

18、rink to your success!I congratulate you.Allow me to congratulate you on Allow me to express my happiness on hearing your success等等。,6.提醒,提醒就是一种提示和警告,主要表达方式有Remember that/Dont forget that Be careful that/I remind you that watch that/Mind you.Make sure that/Take care that I warn you that,7.诺言,表示诺言的表达方

19、式主要有 I promise/I assure you that I give you my word that I confirm you that I pledge that I convince you that I guarantee that I will never break my word.I take my oath that I swear that,8.打比方和作比较,对待二类事物,一是观察其相同点,作比喻,二是观察其不同点,作比较。第一种即比喻的表达方式有 look like/suchlike/A is compared to B as/A matches B表示比较表达方式有 A is better than B./I prefer A to B/compare A with B./asas/be superior to/be inferior to/contrastwith,


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