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1、,The Course of Comprehensive Skills(2),Unit 5,Section One Tactics for Listening,Part 1 PhoneticsStress,Intonation and Accent,Notestag question:a question that is formed by adding a phrase such as cant we?,wouldnt he?,or is it?to a sentence,反意疑问句 Listen and tick the right box.,Part 2 Listening and No

2、te-taking,Reading NotesDyslexics:having impaired ability to comprehend written words,诵读困难者的 Flag:become tired,less active,or less interesting;weaken 变得疲倦 不活跃或乏味;衰弱,Reading,A:Listen and fill in the missing words.1.There is _ and _,for _ two are _.2.The fact that he or she might later be“_”when joinin

3、g a class of _ at _ school is the teachers _.3.If _ done it could _ reading for _.4.But the _ should be _.5.Reading should _ be made to look like a _.,no hard,fast rule,alike,bored,badly,put them off,task,undertaken gently,never,chore,no,non-readers,infant,affair,life,B:Listen again and complete the

4、 summary.It would be wrong to _ when a child should start learning to _.Parents should _ youngsters aged _ to read if they show _ in it,but never _ them to learn to read.He or she might later be“_”when joining a class of _ at _school.Then it is _ to the teacher to see that such a child is given_.,se

5、t a time,read and write,encourage,two to five,interests,force,bored,non-readers,infant,up,more advanced reading material,Reading,Similarly,if a child _ read at the age of _,teachers and parents should make _ that he is not _.If he is,specialist _ should immediately be _.Parents should not _ the youn

6、g childs _ to teach him to read.But the task should be _ gently,with great _ and a sense of _.Reading should never be _ to look like a _and the child should never be forced to _,if his interests start to _.,cannot,seven,certain,dyslexic,help,sought,ignore,appeal,undertaken,patience,humor,made,chore,

7、continue,flag,Reading,Section Two Listening Comprehension,Dialogue 1 Digital Sound,NotesAnalog:n.类似物;模拟Volume and pitch:音量 和强度Laser:n.激光Reflect:sth(from sth)(of a surface)throw back(light,heat,sound)(指物体表面)反射(光 热 声)Bounce:spring back when sent against sth hard(使某物)(碰到硬物)弹回,Dialogue 1 Digital SoundA:

8、Listen and compare digital sound and analogical sound.,Much clearer,several photos,sound,pieces,one wave of,sound,up and down,pitch,a single wave,Dialogue 1 Digital SoundB:Listen and complete the outline I.The making of the CDs A.Recording a.First they do a _ on _.b.Then the videotape is played thro

9、ugh a _.c.The computer _those separate“pieces”of sound to make the _.B.The making of master a.The master is the _ that all the other CDs are _.b.Its made of _,covered with a _.c.They use a _ to _ the signal,or the song,into the _.The laser burns through the chemical,but not through the glass.d.It cu

10、ts little _ into the back of the disk.Those holes are called“_”.e.They make copies from it.,digital recording,videotape,computer,figures out,master,original,copied from,glass,chemical,laser,burn,glass plate,holes,pits,Dialogue 1 Digital Sound,II.Playing back A.You buy the copy and put it in the CD p

11、layer.B.The light of the laser _ the CD.a.The smooth part of the CD reflects _,like a _.b.But the light that bounces off the _ is _.c.The computer in your CD player _ the light that bounces off the pits.d.You get the music.,reflects off,straight back,mirror,pits,scattered,reads,Dialogue 2 Lost in Tr

12、anslation,Detergent,In the ad there was a pile of dirty clothes on the left,a box of the laundry soap in the middle,and a pile of clean clothes on the right.,This detergent would make really dirty clothes clean.,In the Middle East,they should have changed the order of the pictures.,Shirt,When I wore

13、 this shirt,I felt good.,They made a translation mistake,which changed the meaning into“until I wore this shirt,I felt good.”,gas,They advertised using their American name.Unfortunately,which is a short way of saying“Engine stop”in Japanese.,Passage Toothbrush,NotesEntomb:v.埋葬或掩埋 Fray:become worn,so

14、 that there are loose threads,fibers or wires(使某物)磨损(致使线 纤维或丝松弛)The Occident:西方欧美国家 Dental hygiene:牙齿卫生 Prosperity:n.兴旺,繁荣Bristle:n.短而硬的毛发,Passage Toothbrush,A:Pre-listening question What was the toothbrush made of in different periods of times?First,the toothbrush was made of hairs from the neck of

15、 s Siberian wild boar.Second,the toothbrush was made of horse hairs and other animals hairs.In the 20th century,the toothbrush was made of nylon bristles.B:Choose the best answer.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,A,B,C,B,A,D,C,D,Passage Toothbrush,C:Answer the questions.1.What did tombs in Egypt from

16、3,000 years before Christ contain?They contained small tree branches whose ends had been frayed into soft fibers.2.What did Europeans usually do after meals in the 15th century?They usually used a goose feather toothpick,or one made of silver or copper to care for their teeth.3.How long did people u

17、se the animals hair for dental care?People used animals hair for dental care right up until the 20th Century when nylon was invented.4.When and where was nylon invented by Wallace H.Carothers?In 1937,in the Du Pont laboratories in Nemours,U.S.5.What do certain African and American populations still

18、use care for their teeth today?They still use tree branches to care for their teeth.,Part 3 News Items,Focus1.Israeli Issues 2.News summary3.Recognizing specific information,News Item 1,NotesTruce:n.休战Militant:n.激进分子 Broker:to arrange the details of a deal etc so that everyone can agree to it 安排,协商,

19、n.经纪人Assault:(武力或口头上的)攻击,袭击 Exchange of fire:交火 Ceasefire:停火,A:Listen to the news and complete the summary.This news item is about _.B:Listen to the news and complete the blanks.Conditions set to a truce:_Time Gilad Shalit was captured:_Broker between Hamas and Israel:_Purpose of Israel assault on G

20、aza:_ Hamass expectation:_,Israels position on a truce in Gaza,unless an Israel soldier held by Palestinian militants is freed,2006,stopping militant rocket fire on Israel,a truce with Israel to be announced within days,Egypt,News Item 1,News Item 1,Israel will not agree to a truce in Gaza unless an

21、 Israeli soldier held by Palestinian militants is freed.Gilad Shalit was captured by Palestinian militants in 2006.There have been reports that Egypt was close to brokering a long-term truce between Hamas and Israel.A punishing three-week Israeli assault on Gaza aimed at stopping militant rocket fir

22、e on Israel ended with separate ceasefires in January.The uneasy calm has been punctuated by exchanges of fire between the two sides.On Thursday,Hamas officials said they expected a truce with Israel to be announced within days.,News Item 2,NotesDensely:made of or containing a lot of things or peopl

23、e that are very close together Populated:live in(an area)and form its population居住於(某地区)Densely populated areas:人口稠密的地区 Civilian areas:平民地区 Delegation:代表团,News Item 2,A:Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about _ _.B:Listen to the news item again and decide whether the

24、 following statements are true or false.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._,the fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza despite a UN ceasefire call,T,T,F,T,F,F,News Item 2,There were fierce battles in Gaza on Friday as Hamas and Israel both rejected a United Nations call for an immediate cease-fire.The densel

25、y populated area faces shortages of food,medicine,water and electric power.Israel says its air and ground attacks are targeting only Hamas-related targets.It blames the Palestinian group for positioning fighters and rockets in civilian areas.Hamas continued to fire rockets into southern Israel.A Ham

26、as leader said in Damascus that the call for a truce would mean a surrender.But he also said Hamas was preparing to send a delegation to Cairo to further discuss an Egyptian peace plan.The United States did not vote on the cease-fire resolution passed Thursday by the Security Council.Friday,the top

27、U.N.human rights official called for an independent investigation into possible war crimes by both sides in the conflict.Gaza medical officials say more than eight hundred Palestinians have been killed.About half,they say,have been women and children.At least thirteen Israelis have been killed,inclu

28、ding at least nine soldiers.Hamas rockets have hit farther inside Israel than before.Fighting continued Saturday.,News Item 3,NotesMakeshift:临时凑合的 Inflict:vt.(on)把强加给,使遭受,使承担Outpost:a group of buildings in a place far from cities or towns,usually established as a military camp Pound:v.(连续)猛击,捣碎 Peri

29、meter:n.周长,围墙Withdraw:v.撤消,撤退,News Item 3,A:Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about _ _.B:Listen to the news item again and answer questions.1.The fighting between Israel and Hamas lasted for three weeks.2.Israeli soldiers are beginning to withdraw from Gaza.3.People

30、 headed to Gaza City to reunite with friends and relatives.4.The Hamas infrastructure:police stations,military outposts,government buildings,etc.5.The tunnels that run beneath the perimeter wall are their only link to the outside world If the border crossings remain closed.,the temporary peace retur

31、ning to Gaza and the destruction caused by the fighting,News Item 3,Israeli tanks and soldiers are beginning to withdraw from Gaza and life in the Strip is beginning to return to some sort of normality,as a tense calm follows three weeks of fighting between Israel and Hamas.There were traffic jams o

32、n the road north,families heading to Gaza City to reunite with friends and relatives.Long lines of cars backed up at the makeshift roadblocks the Israelis have left behind.But the tanks are gone,only the deep tracks remain.The destruction weve seen has largely been inflicted on the Hamas infrastruct

33、ure:police stations,military outposts,government buildings.For three weeks the Israelis pounded the tunnels that run beneath the perimeter wall but last night we met people who insist that some of these tunnels are still open and still some fuel is being pumped from the Egyptian side;impossible for

34、us to verify independently,but they say they are determined to reopen them and to dig them deeper.If the border crossings remain close,say the Palestinians,these tunnels are their only link to the outside world.,Section ThreeOral Work,FocusRetellingNotesWinston Churchill:温斯顿.丘吉尔(英国政治家、演说家及作家)Address

35、:v.make a speech to(a person or an audience),esp formally 向(某人或听众)讲话(尤指正式地)Flatter:vt.谄媚;使高兴,Oral Work,Section Four Supplementary Work,Passage 1 Reading Recovery,A:Complete the chart.,Passage 1 Reading Recovery,B:complete the following passage.Reading Recovery is a program _ by a New Zealand educati

36、on expert Marie Clay.It aims at _ who fail to learn to read at school.This program came to the US in _and up to now more than _ school children have gone through this program.During the lessons,the teacher works with the children _.He/she looks for _ that the child seems to learn best.Then the teach

37、er works to help the student develop these _ to solve problems hi reading.When the students reading ability is within the _ of the class,the lessons _.Some administrators may not like the higher _ of the program but supporters say it _ money in the end.It helps prevent the sad results and expense of

38、 letting children fail in school.,developed,first graders,1984,one million,one at a time,ways,strategies,average level,end,cost,saves,Passage 2 Internet Overtaking TV Among Consumers,A:Pre-listening Discussion.What do you think of watching films on the internet?B:Choose the best answer.1.C 2.D 3.A 4

39、.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.AC:Listen and answer the questions.1.It will have to become more like TV.2.People predict the distinction between television and the internet will soon start to blur.3.When computer industry has a model that looks a lot more like television and entertainment.4.Yes,it can.5.They want very simple,low-cost devices.,Thank you!,


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