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1、如何提升雅思口语发音和表达能力 说到雅思口语提升,我们首先会想到什么?大部分人都会想到发音和表达能力。下面就和大家分享如何提升发音和表达能力,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语提升丨详细解读如何提升发音和表达能力一.如何通过看美剧(英剧)提升发音关于提升发音的方法,小站雅思君来给大家介绍一种备受推崇(也遭受非议)的方法看美剧或英剧提升语音语调。看美剧或者英剧能否真的提升英语口语发音呢?答案是肯定的,但是要用对方法。接下来小站雅思君来给大家介绍如何通过看英美剧提升发音水平。1. 挑选高质量英美剧首先,想通过英美剧提升发音的话要找到一部高质量的英美剧。尽量选择一些现代剧,剧情贴近生活口语表达正式。不要选一些古

2、代题材、科幻类的或者太偏重于某一领域的的影视作品,因为语言表达不够贴近生活。至于英音和美音不用太过纠结,喜欢哪种口音就学哪种。找好英美剧后,我们就要进入模仿练习了。2. 模仿练习关于看美剧做模仿练习,小站雅思君想强调两点:a.只模仿一个人的发音;b.不要模仿发音陋习。有的同学可能会有疑问,为什么只模仿一个人的发音?Native speaker也会有发音陋习吗?只模仿一个人的发音是为了让大家练习口音的时候更容易把握发音的精要,选择这个人发音一定要标准。第二个问题,Native speaker的发音陋习问题。其实很多英美剧中的人物表达都会有一些错误或者陋习(可能是导演安排),比如,whats up

3、?有的人会说what up?有的人还会在they、I后面跟is等等,这类表达错误虽然不影响理解,但是对于我们这些学习语言的人来说是一定要避免的。二.如何学习英式思维的口语表达有的同学学过英语语法规则以后就开始用语法造句,虽然一些句子是符合语法规则的,但却是非常中式的表达。比如我们经常会说“How to say(怎么说)”,其实正确的表达是“How do you say that”,还有很多根据中文直译过来的句子,比如I(我)very(很)like(喜欢)it(它).其实正规的表达应该是I like it very much。所以想要练好雅思口语,一定不要在英语表达中应用中式思维去组句子。学习英

4、式思维不仅要将语法书系统学习一遍,然后要多读多听多看,形成英式思维的表达习惯。三. 口语模考练习怎样做更有效除了练习基本功外,我们还要针对考试做模考练习。那么,模考练习应该如何做才更有效呢?首先,模考过程要尽量模拟真实考试场景,有考官,有问答流程;其次,模考过程中要录音,方便自己以后查缺补漏;最后,模考完成后要得到有效反馈。所以综上所述,大家在做模考练习的时候尽量找比自己水平更好的老师或同学充当考官,这样能够在做完模考后得到一些有用建议。雅思口语Part23新题预测之范文和解题思路:一次投诉 a ComplaintDescribe a complaint that you made and y

5、ou were satisfied with the result描述一下你对一次结果令你满意的抱怨【解题思路】You should say:When it happenedWho you complained toWhat you complained aboutAnd why were satisfied with the result你应该说:当它发生你向谁抱怨过你抱怨什么以及为什么对结果感到满意Part3Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?What products or services do people

6、 in your country like to complain about?Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before?Do yo think customers complaints will improve products or services?Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?公司有必要建立客户服务吗?你们国家的人喜欢抱怨什么产品或服务?你会在以前投诉过的商店里买东西吗?你认为顾客的投诉会改善产品或服务吗?

7、建立客户服务有什么缺点吗?【口语范文】The complaint I am going to tell youhappened a few months ago. Then I was inthe middle of a financial crisis. I had to cutmy budget on other aspects so that I couldafford the textbooks that teachers required me to buy. After reviewing my bills, found I had spent too much money on

8、my cell phone. So I decided to degrade the package.我要告诉你的抱怨发生在几个月前。那时我正处于金融危机之中。我不得不削减其他方面的预算,这样我才能买得起老师要求我买的课本。在检查了我的账单后,我发现我花了太多的钱在我的手机上。所以我决定降级这个包。When I called the customer service of the operating company the representative said that I could upgrade my package any time I wanted, but if I wanted

9、 to degrade it, I had to wait until next year. It was totally absurd but no matter what i said the staff insisted that this was the regulation and there was no room for negotiation. I called several times. Every representative gave the same answer.当我给运营公司的客服打电话时,客服代表说我可以在任何时候升级我的包,但是如果我想降级的话,我必须等到明年

10、。这是完全荒谬的,但无论我说什么,工作人员坚持这是规定,没有协商的余地。我打了几次电话。每个代表的回答都一样。I was enraged. i went to the website of the ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is a government body supervising all the mobile operating companies. I filled a form, explaining what happened in details and why I thought this w

11、as unfair. After I submitting it, the website said it would give me a reply in 7 working days.我被激怒了。我去了工业和信息化部的网站,这是一个监管所有移动运营公司的政府机构。我填了一张表格,详细解释了发生了什么,以及为什么我认为这是不公平的。我提交后,网站说会在7个工作日内给我回复。In fact, it did not take that long. On the second day the company s customer service called. He said he was the

12、 manager of the relevant department and was sorry about the inconvenience his colleagues had caused. The package of my number was degraded immediately. I was satisfied with his attitude and the result.事实上,没花那么长时间。第二天,公司的客服打来电话。他说他是相关部门的经理,对同事们给他带来的不便表示抱歉。我的电话立刻被退订了。我对他的态度和结果很满意。雅思口语Part23新题预测之范文和解题思

13、路:可怕经历Describe an occasion when you were scared描述一个你害怕的场景【解题思路】You should sayWhen it happenedWhere you wereWho you were withWhy you were scaredHow you felt about it当它发生你在哪里你和谁在一起你为什么害怕你觉得怎么样Part3How do people usually get frightened?Why is it easy for some people to be scared?What should people do wh

14、en they feel scared?Do children like to scare others?Is it OK to frighten others?人们通常是如何受到惊吓的?为什么有些人很容易感到害怕?当人们感到害怕时应该做什么?孩子们喜欢吓唬别人吗?吓唬别人可以吗?【口语范文】I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake but not awake, during a surgical procedure.In my dream, the nurse dr

15、ugged me withome kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thoughtthe nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an peration. I tried to speak, but I couldnt hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my wrists.I felt immobilized我要分享一个两年前让我害怕的梦。我做了一个梦,在手术过程中,我醒着但没

16、有醒。在我的梦里,护士用某种神经去敏剂给我下了药。我想护士通常在动手术前给病人服用镇静剂来帮助放松。我想说话,但我自己听不见。我试着举起双臂;感觉好像有重物绑在我的手腕上。我感觉我动不了了。Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant throughout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse

17、 pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I str

18、uggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr.Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and meth

19、odical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions.I still couldnt speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.然后,护士把我从房间推到手术室,我感到一阵冷空气从我的脚趾一直吹到头顶。整个走廊都是这样。当护士把我的床推进手术室时,门猛地打开了。我闭上眼睛,避开头顶上卤素灯泡的强光。然后,一个真正的医生把一张咖啡桌推到我旁边。我看见一排工具放得整整齐齐。他们看起来锋利;她的双眼闪出光芒。我的喉咙开始发干。我感到胳膊上的毛直立起来了。我挣扎着抬起头,这样我就能听到医生们的会议,但无论如何我都听不到。一个穿着桃色手术服的医生朝我走来。他说他叫巴拉斯汀医生。他的声音听起来很低沉,但点头表示同意。他示意我要做的手术。手势缓慢而有条理;足够让我不说话就能明白他在说什么。我点了点头。然后,他问我是否有问题。我还是说不出话来,所以我摇了摇头。巴拉斯汀点点头,给了我一些一氧化二氮,让我睡着。


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