1、如何科学背GRE单词 如何科学背GRE单词?我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何科学背GRE单词GRE干货公众号:雷哥GRE2 人赞同了该*说到单词,这是备考GRE的同学一直努力想要迈过去的一道坎。随便翻开一道填空题你就会发现,传说中11000词汇量起跳的考试果然名不虚传。备考GRE的过程中,背单词占到了备考总时间的三分之一都不过分。为什么?因为语文部分一半是填空,填空绝大部分靠的就是词汇量,当然,语文部分另一半是阅读,阅读时一定的词汇量也是需要的。词汇影响填空指数:五颗星;影响阅读指数:三颗星。如何背那背单词应该怎么背呢?我们背单词可以分为两轮。第一轮,先认出大概长相和中文
4、法自己编故事记住。如果说词根决定了这个词的基本意思,那么前缀和后缀就决定了这个词的方向和性质。所以多熟悉常用的前缀、后缀和词根对于快速记住一大串词是很有帮助的,可以在短时间内大大提高词汇量。记同义词也对填空六选二有帮助。总而言之,把单词进行各种形式的分类记忆,会比单独背下来一个词,要记得深刻很多。最后,背单词之余不要忘记练填空部分,做填空题就是检验自己词汇量有没有进步的最直接方法,光背不练题的话很快又会忘了。很多你背不下来或者印象模糊的词,做题碰到一次,就一直能记住它了。GRE重点词汇解析:antediluvianantediluvian:史前的;陈旧的; extremely old and
5、antiquated1) a very old (or old fashioned) person2) prehistoric, before the flood3) ancient; outmoded; (literally,before the flood)4) antiquated; extremely ancient 、5) ancient, obsolete, pre historic6) antiquated; extremely ancientantediluvian : ageGRE重点词汇解析:flagrantflagrant: 不能容忍的;Conspicuously bad
6、, offensive, or reprehensible1) glaringly wrong2) extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeableflagrant hidden, concealed, subtleflagrant obscureflagrant clammyThe flagrant foul was apparent to everyone.plebeian:平民的,社会下层的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank1) humble,
7、one of the common people平民的,社会下层的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank【例】 a man who rose to greatness but never forgot his plebeian past 一个仕途通达,但从未忘却自己平民出身的人【近】 baseborn, common, humble, inferior, lowborn, lumpen, mean, prole, proletarian, unwashed, vulgar【反】 aristocratic
8、, genteel, gentle, highborn, highbred, lofty, noble, partrician, wellborn 上流社会的GRE重点词汇解析:timoroustimorous: 羞怯的; lacking courage; timid1) lacking courage; timid2) timid by nature or revealing timiditytimorous unflinching; audacious, scrappynerve daunted, timoroustimorous : assertiveness1. The timorou
9、s child hid behind his parents.2. Hillary came to accept him as a timorous soul who needed succor.timorous scrappy 膽小好鬥timorous intrepid/stalwart 膽小無畏/勇敢timorous undaunted 膽小大膽GRE重点词汇解析:discreetdiscreet: 谨慎的,having or showing discernment or good judgment1) maintaining or respecting privacy, especial
10、ly about something of a delicate nature2) careful, heedful, chary, wary, prudentSynonyms: cautious, modest, prudent, restraineddiscreet injudicious (选项有agitated)discreet brash, imprudentThey were so discreet about the affair that it was never discovered.untactfuldiscreet diskr:t n. 言行)谨慎的,慎重的,审慎的;考虑
11、周到的1. marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise _x001D_self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect2. free from ostentation or pretension; modestdiscreet reckless, tactless, thoughtless, artless, na ve, uncalculating,imprudentdiscreet(adj.) showing good judgment in conduct; prudentWe
12、 confided our secret in Mary because we knew shed be discreet.(言行)谨慎的:having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speech【例】 He was very discreet, only saying what was necessary. 他是个十分谨慎的人,从来不说多余的话。【近】intelligent, judicious, prudent【近】 imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious 不谨慎
13、的【考法2】adj. 不易察觉的: not readily seen or noticed 【例】 With a discreet gesture, she signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party. 她 用一个不起眼的手势向丈夫暗示准备离开聚会。followed at a discreet distance 远远地跟踪【近】 inconspicuous, invisible, unnoticeable, unobtrusive【近】 apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, visible 明显的如何科学背GRE单词