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1、如何攻克雅思段落信息配对题 雅思阅读考点识别之“段落信息配对题”,手把手带练?一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读考点识别之“段落信息配对题”,手把手带练雅思阅读中的配对题,或者说段落信息配对题真的难以攻克?当 然 不 是!只要掌握正确的方法所谓难题也能高效解决通常,在遇到段落信息配对题时,大家容易存在一些解题误区。比如,总是利用翻译的思路解题。关于这一点,桃子老师总会对自己的学生表示,“你们明明大多数都不是翻译专业的学生,一个个都还在雅思考试中挣扎着,做题时却总把自己当作是翻译家,准确率和速度双重堪忧”。配对题本身是乱序题型,并且通常题干与原文的同义替换程度比较大,所以

2、解题难度高。同学们要么不知道题干重点如何对应,甚至还会出现明明已经找到原文对应处,却识别不出来的情况。因此,准确分析题干中的考点逻辑对于快速准确做好配对题至关重要。在雅思阅读中,有7大逻辑考点和4大话题考点,掌握这些考点的性质与对应的词库会给大家解决诸如段落信息配对题这样的难题提供更清晰的思路。比如,举个栗子:我们来看一道剑雅真题中的段落信息配对题:28. the way in which this is not a typical book aboutmathematics. (C11T3P3)在这道题目当中,题干信息直接出现了否定词not,表示否定逻辑。关于逻辑概念,大家必须明确一点:题干

3、中所表述的逻辑关系在原文中一定会原逻辑重现,但逻辑重现不代表原词重现。因此,能否识别出相对应的逻辑关系,对我们能否准确解题至关重要。比如,那这道题目中的not在原文中的具体表现形式有以下几种可能性:副词:hardly/rarely/not a typical book动词:diverge from/fail to be a typical book形容词:different/distinct from a typical book前缀:an atypical book反义词:a special/unusual book带着这样的思路,我们回到原文中看一下原文的对应关系:B One of my

4、purposes in writing this book is to give readers who havent had the opportunity to see and enjoy real mathematics the chance to appreciate the mathematical way of thinking. I want to reveal not only some of the fascinating discoveries, but, more importantly, the reasoning behind them.In that respect

5、, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public. Some present the lives of colorful mathematicians. Others describe important applications of mathematics. Yet others go into mathematical procedures, but assume that the reader is adept inusing algebra.在B部分的第二段当中,出现了t

6、his book differs from mostbooks on mathematics written for the general public这样的表达。这句话的意思就是这本书与其他大部分的书不同,也就是说它不是一本典型的书。题目中的not与原文中的differ from是否定逻辑对应的关系,所以毫无疑问,这道题目的答案出自B部分。在缺失逻辑思路的情况下,这道题目并不一定意味着做不出来或者做错,但是在解题的速度上一定得不到保障。因为按照原有的思路,大家需要把“非典型”和“与大多数不同”关联起来需要一定的思维转换时间,但实际上not和differ就是一个能够快速识别的否定逻辑考点的对

7、应。当然,否定逻辑只是雅思阅读7大逻辑考点的一小部分。掌握题干的考点提取与分析,能够使大家更加准确地还原题干在原文中的出现形式,以及在考场上尽可能的节省时间、提高正确率。此外,在识别考点的基础之上,如何对题干进行抽象到具体的联想分析,还原原文对应信息呈现的可能性也是解决段落信息配对题的重要方法。雅思阅读解题技巧:多重选择题多重选择题型 (maltiple-choice tasks)IELTS阅读测试中多重选择题型与toefl测试中的多重选择题型虽然类似,但实质上差别很大。ielt阅读测试中的多重选择题型更多侧重于对*的理解,而非强调语法、词法的运用。多重选择题答题步骤:1. 详细阅读答题指引,

8、尽量找出相关答题信息。2. 按所给问题顺序答题。3. 首先剔出例句答案所在部分,紧随其后从上至下开始答题。4. 在问句中找出关键词语。5. 在所给选择答案中找出关键词语。6. 依次将问句及选择答案中的关键词语与*中的相关词语进行匹配。7. 依据三点相符原则确定答案,既如果在匹配过程中找出三个逻辑上相同点既可确信答案正确无疑;两点相同,准确率也应在80%以上;一点相同,就须根据语法知识及相关信息加以判断。但有些题只需一点或两点相同即可找出答案。注意多重选择题型下列情况:1. all of the above. (上述全部)2. either a. or b. or c. or above. (或

9、者上面的a.或b.或c.)3. it depends on. (视 而定)如果出现上述三种情况,就要对所有的选择答案进行分析对比。IELTS阅读考试中常常以混合题形式出现,不能单单以一种答题方法进行答题,要掌握各种题型的答题要领,具体运用到组合题中。上面八种题型的答题步骤只能作为答题时的参考,考生在实际考试过程中可根据具体情况灵活运用。雅思考试阅读理解备考辅导Celebrity Endorsements: An Examination of Gender and Consumers AttitudesCelebrity endorsements have long been used as a

10、 source of marketing messages to promote a wide variety of products and services. Companies have been spending huge amounts of money to have athletes and other celebrities endorse both sports and non-sports products. Celebrity images can be found in print, radio, and approximately 20 percent of all

11、television commercials (Boyd and Shank 2004). Within a relatively short time, the amount of money spent on athletes in advertising has skyrocketed. In 1986, companies paid approximately $100 million for endorsements, licensing rights, and advertising (Peetz, Parks, and Spencer 2004). Ten years later

12、, that amount had risen to more than $1 billion, as athlete endorsement expenditures have hovered around $1 billion dollars annually for the past ten years (Peetz, Parks, and Spencer 2004).The actions of athletic products manufacturer Nike underscores the nature of spending on athlete endorsements.

13、During an eight-month period in 2004, Nike invested $192 million in endorsement deals with National Basketball Association (NBA) rookies Lebron James ($90 million) and Carmello Anthony ($15 million); NBA star Kobe Bryant ($45 million); tennis star Serena Williams ($40 million); 14-year old U.S. socc

14、er talent Freddy Adu ($1 million); and Canadian world champion hurdler Perdita Felicien ($1 million). These were deals within an eight-month timeframe and did not take into account existing deals with golfer Tiger Woods, National Football League player Michael Vick (currently serving a prison senten

15、ce and suspended by the NFL), Major League Baseballs Derek Jeter, tracks Marion Jones (another athlete who recently admitted to drug use and had her 2000 Olympic medals stripped), and soccers Mia Hamm (Thomaselli 2004).As a result of the pervasiveness of celebrity endorsement in advertising, much ha

16、s been studied and written about this phenomenon over the past several years (for recent examples, see Bailey 20XX; Biswas, Biswas, and Das 20XX; Thomson 20XX). The studies have explored a number of issues related to such factors as the relative effectiveness of celebrity endorsers in advertising, t

17、he factors that impact consumer response to celebrity endorsers, and, more recently, the consequences of negative information or publicity surrounding a celebrity endorser (for example, Bailey 20XX; Louie and Obermiller 2002; Silvera and Austad 2004; Till and Shimp 1998). The introductory quote from

18、 Peetz, Parks, and Spencer (2004) encapsulates the reasons that marketers have been using celebrities as endorsers, while Jones and Schumann (2000) underscore that there is a high price tag attached to this endeavor.Although the use of athletes as endorsers and the amount of money spent on these end

19、orsers is increasing, there still remains much to be learned about how consumers perceive athlete endorsers and the variables that influence endorser effectiveness. More specifically, we know little about the impact of genderboth gender of the consumer and gender of the endorseron consumers attitude

20、s and perceptions. The study seeks to determine whether the gender of the consumer who is exposed to a celebrity endorsement will impact how that consumer views a male or female celebrity endorser. The paper is organized as follows: First, background information on celebrity endorsement is presented

21、 and testable hypotheses are developed. We then provide details of an experimental study that was undertaken to test these hypotheses. The results of the experiment are presented and these findings are discussed. Finally, the studys limitations are highlighted and avenues for future research are suggested.


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