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1、如何避免雅思口语挨个蹦词 雅思口语挨个蹦词不知道能给多少分?如何让雅思口语变得更加流利,就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语挨个蹦词如何避免雅思口语挨个蹦词不知道能给多少分?最近,古力娜扎的英语成为大家关注的焦点,原因是娜扎在某颁奖礼上用英文念出获奖人姓名和所获奖项。不知娜扎是为追求颁奖效果有意停顿还是英文不擅长,观众听到的最终效果是这样的.“Twenty.nineteen.Mnight.Asian.musicawards.best.dance.performance solo.”单词是一个个往外蹦出来的.并不是连贯的完整句子。别管人家是英语是蹦迪出来还是滑冰出来的,当在听说英文是人家娜扎的第

2、三语言时,连个方言都不会说的柠檬精上身.关于呈现效果,不管是像娜扎说的“现场太热烈,用力喊麦”,还是粉丝围观的“英语的确够不上颜值”;在我们的口语考试上,这样一词一顿的确是不占便宜.雅思口语四项评分标准中,第一项就是流利度和连贯性,具体怎么提高,怎么避免在考官面前出现娜扎的尴尬,叨叨下具体方法太长不看版1. 熟悉评分标准;2. 根据问题编写答案;3. 录音,重听,纠正,提高;4. 坚持每天训练不放弃;口语练习操作流程:1. 熟知评分标准,有目的的练习和提高;结合评分标准评估自己的水平,仔细观察雅思官方给出的回答和自我回答的不同,找出差距。根据评分描述有针对性的提高。2.根据语料库熟悉part1

3、、part2常考话题,写出每个话题的具体回答,自我修改或找老师修改语法错误,保证基础语句没有问题的情况下将语料复述下来。每天坚持练习不同话题,坚持写和背结合;对于基础较好同学,写思路和关键词也可,练习根据思路组织语言。避免死记硬背,避免直接背诵现有语料答案。3. 坚持练习,包含写、说,录音,重听,纠正几部分。完整说出答案后反复听自己的录音,抓住不足的地方进行提高。比如不确定的发音、大段停顿空白、逻辑混乱等明显问题。基础较好或练习一段时间的同学,不容易听出自己的错误,可以找老师或其他人协助听问题。注意听录音练习的初期不要过分在意细节,开始阶段先尝试坚持,避免因为小停顿、重复或一句话没说清楚等问题

4、上纠结。4. 每天坚持上述流程练习。开始可能会因为不适应或小问题不断重复,稍显漫长。3-5天熟悉流程后会小有进步。坚持练习,不放弃,短期内对于话题练习、连贯性提升帮助明显。雅思口语题库part1新题配参考答案:Smile雅思口语part1:SmileDo you like to smile?Why not? I always remind myself wearing a smile when I go out.When do people smile at others?When you get to hear a bit of good news . When you receive an

5、 unexpected text or call from someone whom you thought drifted away from you. When you are watching a television quiz programme and you realize youre getting all the answers right!Do you smile when people take pictures of you?Most people want to look their best for a moment in time captured for post

6、erity, and Smiling makes people look more approachable to others- someone who they might want to engage with for conversation or potential friendship.Can you recognise a fake smile?A true, real happy smile is a very strong and uplifting display. We like to see such smiles and theyre addicting to wat

7、ch and mimic. Fake smiles however are much less efficient at such tasks, and at times they even leave a suspicious trace on them.雅思口语题库part1新题配参考答案:Reading雅思口语part1:ReadingDo you like reading?你喜欢读书吗?I like reading because sometimes its just nice to experience someone elses life; their world. Or some

8、times if Im having a rough day, Ill get a few minutes of my time and read. It really calms me down.What kind of books do you read?你读什么书?I really like biographies, historical fiction, mysteries, fantasy, and science fiction. I also like a lot of old books that usually require me having to look up a n

9、ew big word every five seconds.Do you read electronic books?你看电子书吗?Yes, I read books with electronic devices, after all, theyre cheap and easy to download from anywhere in the world.Do you read books related to your profession?你读过与你的专业相关的书吗?As an undergraduate of mathematics, there are many must-rea

10、d books in my professional area. To complete the assignment, we must read the greatest and most fundamental masterpieces Ive ever come across.雅思口语题库part1新题配参考答案:Plan雅思口语part1:PlanDo you make plans every day?Yes, planning my day the Night before will drastically increases my productivity.Are you good

11、 at managing your time?When you start getting more than in less time your life changes.Time management is at the core of productivity. The one limited resource that everyone has in common is time. Learning to manage your time effectively will help you stay focused, get more done, and lead a more suc

12、cessful life.What is the latest plan you made?To make the best impression on banks and investors, I made a business plan for 2 months and it really satisfied my clients.What is the hardest part about making plans?The unpredictability that comes with events will affect the proceeding of the plan.雅思口语

13、part1新题配参考答案:Perfume雅思口语part1:PerfumeDo you use perfume?你用香水吗?I used to wear perfume, but I got a headache from someone elses perfume or cologne, then I stopped using perfume.What kind of perfume do you like? 你喜欢哪种香水?There are several kinds of fragrance categories, like fruity, floral, green, oceani

14、c, oriental, spicy and Woody (Chypre). I like all kinds of natural perfume which gives the greater feeling throughout the day.What does perfume mean to you? 香水对你来说意味着什么?Perfume is a sign of me. Sometimes, I can simply get attracted to someone because of the way they smell. Perfumes are rich in phero

15、mones and make me attractive.Do you give perfume as a gift? 你送香水作为礼物吗?Well, it depends on who I would send to. Perfume is the good product for presenting the gift to others. It is also make easy to carry the brand of the product, but it would be awkward when you dont know which perfume the recipient likes to wear, so I wouldnt send perfume to my clients or others I am not familiar with.如何避免雅思口语挨个蹦词


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