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1、如何高效备考GRE词汇 GRE两万词汇量不用怕,花式记单词方法奉上?我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE两万词汇量不用怕,花式记单词方法奉上(一)浅谈背单词的习惯八个黄金片段:起床后5分钟、早餐前5分钟、早餐后5分钟、午餐前5分钟、午餐后5分钟、晚餐前5分钟、晚餐后5分钟、睡前5分钟任何时间任何地点都可以背GRE词汇书,GRE对词汇量要求非常大,要两万以上,上不封顶。(二)GRE词汇记忆方法1、词根词缀记忆单词2、讲故事记忆单词3、联想记忆单词4、谐音记忆单词具体举几个例子:1、谐音记忆单词sentimental adj. 感伤的,多愁善感的释:arising from t

2、ender feelings rather than reasonable ones例:He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.sentimental music 伤感的音乐谐音“三屉馒头”吃了三屉馒头,吃饱饭没事干,开始多愁善感scornful adj. 蔑视的,嘲讽的同义词:contemptuous, disdainfulscorn 蔑视:s(死)+玉米(corn)长得像死玉米看不起你 + ful例:He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal.2、词根词缀记忆单词The stem and its

3、 value are the basis of the English language.(John Kennedy)词干及其所包含的意义是整个英语的基础(约翰肯尼迪)词根词缀的作用和地位前缀方向词根含义后缀词性词根 log 表示 speak 说以及有两个由尾辅音音变产生的同义词根 loqu 和 locu.人生最大的乐趣莫过于克服困难,坚定脚步,亲眼目的自己将目标一一实现。(Dr. Samuel Johnson)保证每天有 4-5 块单词记忆的时间,充分利用人类记忆两大黄金时间,早上起来的前 30-45 分钟,晚上入睡前的 30-45 分钟,然后在上午、中午或者下午,各任意抽出 45 分钟至

4、1 小时时间即可,这样每天总共有 2-3 个小时来背诵单词。记住背单词的关键原则,第一遍接触考试词汇,你的目标不是和所有词成为莫逆之交,而是混个眼熟。要逐渐熟悉起来,应该反复,多遍地看词本身。GRE填空答题方法Question Structure1、 由 1-5 个句子组成的短文2、 1-3 个空格3、 每个空格有 3 个选项(如果只有 1 个空格,则有 5 个选项)每个空格的选项是独立发挥作用的;也即,一个空格的选择不影响另一个空格的选项选择4、 每个空格只有一个正确选项;全部空格选出正确选项才得分,部分正确不得分GRE填空的能力要求输入(input):句子结构、逻辑关系、语义认知、词汇理解

5、输出(output):逻辑完整性、语义完整性、相关背景知识Skilled readers do not simply absorb theinformation presented on the page; instead, they maintain a constant attitude of interpretation and evaluation, reasoning from what they have read so far to create a picture of the whole and revising that picture as they go.(ETS官网)

6、GRE填空主要考察单词和逻辑的两方面能力。推理能力:1、基本的逻辑思维能力同义逻辑(A and B):解释,并列,目的,修饰,递进,因果反义逻辑(A but B):对比,转折2、基本的英文语法结构词汇能力:词汇能力是决定融入美国知识圈的必要条件。填空题方法论:1、确定与空格相关的逻辑关系。2、确定与空格相关的语义。当然最主要还是扩大词汇量,要把GRE核心词汇书作为 pillow book 枕边书,如果单词都不认识的话,那技巧再多还是枉然。希望大家能立志成为词汇王,达到把玩英文的境界。GRE重点词汇解析:discreetdiscreet: 谨慎的,having or showing discer

7、nment or good judgment1) maintaining or respecting privacy, especially about something of a delicate nature2) careful, heedful, chary, wary, prudentSynonyms: cautious, modest, prudent, restraineddiscreet injudicious (选项有agitated)discreet brash, imprudentThey were so discreet about the affair that it

8、 was never discovered.untactfuldiscreet diskr:t n. 言行)谨慎的,慎重的,审慎的;考虑周到的1. marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise _x001D_self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect2. free from ostentation or pretension; modestdiscreet reckless, tactless, thoughtless, artless, na ve, uncalculating

9、,imprudentdiscreet(adj.) showing good judgment in conduct; prudentWe confided our secret in Mary because we knew shed be discreet.(言行)谨慎的:having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speech【例】 He was very discreet, only saying what was necessary. 他是个十分谨慎的人,从来不说多余的话。【近】intel

10、ligent, judicious, prudent【近】 imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious 不谨慎的【考法2】adj. 不易察觉的: not readily seen or noticed 【例】 With a discreet gesture, she signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party. 她 用一个不起眼的手势向丈夫暗示准备离开聚会。followed at a discreet distance 远远地跟踪【近】 inconspicuous, invisible,

11、unnoticeable, unobtrusive【近】 apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, visible 明显的GRE重点词汇解析:culpableculpable: 该受谴责的; deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper1) meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful2) deserving of blam

12、e or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. blameworthy.3) culpability, culpableness, culpably4) careless, deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious5) (adj.) deserving blame; guiltySynonyms: blameworthy, guilty, liableculpable : blameThough she was clearly culpabl

13、e, she was never even charged for the crime.The convicted criminal still denies that he is culpable for the robbery.exemplary a. 可仿效的,可做模范的a:serving as a patternb:deserving imitation:COMMENDABLEemulate:exemplary=obviate:unnecessaryexemplary:imitation=culpable:blame/redoubtable:regarimitation n. 模仿,效

14、法,冒充,赝品the quality of an object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendentidea exemplary:imitation=culpable:blameinnocent n. 天真的人,笨蛋free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS culpableinnocentreprehensible a. 应斥责的,应该谴责的worthy of or deserving re

15、prehension:CULPABLElamentable:pity=reprehensible:censureremonstrance:dissuade=reprehensible:censurecensure:blameless=approbation:reprehensibleculpable : blame = exemplary : imitation 应受谴责的:谴责值的仿效的:仿效culpable : blame = redoubtable : regard(类)culpable: blame=exemplary: imitation 该受谴责的 谴责=可模仿的 模仿GRE重点词

16、汇解析:petulantpetulant: 易怒的; characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor : peevish1) unreasonably impatient2) peevish; cranky; rude | irascible testy touchy3) characterized by rudeness or ill humor4) easily irritated or annoyedpetulant forbearing, obliging, patient, stoic, tolerant1. The long i

17、llness put the boy in a petulant mood.2. The tone of his voice and the things that he says become quite petulant when he has not gotten enough sleep.3. The petulant child just needed some rest; after her nap, she was perfectly cheerful.4. He is a petulant and fussy man who is always blaming everyone

18、 else for his problems.【近】crabby, fractious, grouchy, irritable, moody, petulance, choleric, grumpy, irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, pettish, prickly, raspy, ratty, stuffy, testyGRE重点词汇解析:lamentlament: 悲伤; to regret deeply; deplore1) to mourn or grieve; expression of grief or sorrow2) a cry

19、 of sorrow and grief OR regret stronglyelegy : lamentcelebration : lamentcelebrate : lamentlament : grieflament : follylament =mourn=deplore=wailThe boy is lamenting the loss of his pet.Pedros only lament was that his wife didnt outlive him.elegy : lament = parody : ridiculecelebration : lament = repugnance : innocuouscelebrate : lament = slight : show respect 庆祝:哀悼=轻视:尊敬upbraid : disapproval = lament : grief 谴责表示不赞成=哀伤表示悲哀lament: grief= upbraid: disapprovallament: celebration = show respect :slight如何高效备考GRE词汇


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