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1、Unit 1 section A,The title:Learning a Foreign Language,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,1,Pre-reading activity:,Please look at some pictures,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,2,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,3,These pictures remind us of our school life in kindergarten primary sch

2、ool junior middle school senior middle school,Tips,Your Experience of Learning English,1.When and where did you begin to learn English?2.Do you enjoy learning English?Why?3.How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school?.,1.When and where did you begin to learn English?,Tips:I began

3、to learn English.years ago.,I have learned English for.,My experience with English began in.when.,2.Do you enjoy learning English?Why?Tips:No,I dont enjoy it because it is too difficult.Yes,I enjoy it very much.It can help mefind a good job after graduation.learn the cultures of other countries.make

4、 some foreign friends.learn the value of hard work.,3.How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school?,My English teacher in.was,Tips:,kind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/,cold/always angry when I.,The authors 4 stages of language learning experiences(Para.2-7),Introduction(Para

5、.1),Conclusion(Para.8),Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.,1.Junior middle school2.Senior middle school3.College4.Online learning,Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldnt trade for any

6、thing.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,11,7.participate8.assignment 9.embarrass 10.insight,reward frustrate intimidate opportunitymedium access,Menu of Key Words,Para 1.words and phrases,1.one of+最高级形式“最的其中之一”E.g.Xiamen is one of the most beautiful cities in China.2.yet=but:表示转折,New Horizon C

7、ollege English I Unit 1-A,12,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,13,3.reward,vt.give sth.in return for good and valuable doings 酬劳,奖赏,酬谢,报答【例句】His efforts were rewarded by success.他的努力获得了成功。*reward sb.with sth.for(doing)sth.因为sb.做 sth.而奖励某人某物e.g.he rewarded us a lot of money for helping him.(hand

8、somely)他因为得到了我们的帮助而对我们大加酬谢。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,14,2)n.some money given to someone for his good doing;something as a return for good and valuable doings 报酬,奖金【例句】He was given a reward of$900 for catching the criminal(罪犯).【搭配】give/offer a reward to sb.for sth.为某事而给某人酬劳。,【记忆法】reward

9、ing a.报答的,有价值的,有益的=meaningful rewardless a.无报酬的,白费力气的,徒劳的,4.at times 有时;时而不时=sometimes;now and then5.frustrating(adj.)(指物)令人沮丧的;令人失望的=upset;disappoint frustrate(v),New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,15,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,16,frustrate,vt.1)cause sb.to have feelings of disappoi

10、ntment 使沮丧,使灰心【例句】He was frustrated by his poverty.他因贫穷而灰心丧气。2)cause the failure of sth.使挫败【例句】The police frustrated the bandits(匪徒)in their attempt to rob the bank.,【记忆法】frustrated a.(人)失败的;失意的;失望的 frustrating a.(物)令人沮丧的,令人灰心的,失望的 frustration n.挫败,挫折,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,17,frustr

11、ate,例如 一个不得志的艺术家:an frustrated artist This traffic accident made us frustrating.【搭配】feel frustrated at 对感到沮丧He looked about for her everywhere,feeling deeply frustrated at her disappearance.,6.be(well)worth sth./doing sth.=be rewarding enough for the time,effort,money,etc.(很)值得做某事 e.g.he decided to

12、have a look at the house for it is well worth buying.他决定去看看那个房子,因为它很值得买下来。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,18,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,19,补充:,区分 worth,worthy 和 worthwhile(1)worth一般用作表语,用于 worth sth./doing sth.中,用主动表示被动;如:Its worth seeing/hearing/reading.值得一看/一听/一读。,New Horizon C

13、ollege English I Unit 1-A,20,(2)worthy既可作表语又可作定语。作表语时,常用在be worthy of+n./being done/to be done 中,如:They will prove worthy of our trust.他们不会辜负我们对他们的信任。He is worthy to have a place in the team.他配成为该球队的队员。(3)worthwhile 作表语,常用在It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.中。,Para 2.words and phrases,1.junior(adj.)=h

14、aving a low position,level or rank(地位、水平、职位)较低的 the junior reporter 初级记者 be junior to sb.比小 be senior to sb.比大(n)年少者;晚辈,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,21,2.positive(adj.)2.1 积极的-反义词:negative 消极的On the positive side 从好的方面看2.2=definite 确实的、明确的 be psitive about/that 从句 e.g.I cant be positive ab

15、out what time it happened.E.g.we have no positive evidence that she was involved.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,22,3.be at the top of the class 在班里名列前茅,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,23,Para.3:words and phrases,1.senior-juniorAdj.(地位、水平、层次)较高的 a senior position 高级职位Noun.上级;长辈Senior

16、citizen 长者(尤指退休人员)-委婉语 e.g.She was not appreciated by her seniors.她不被上司赏识。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,24,2.eager(adj.)-eagerness(n.)be eager to do sth.渴望做某事E.g.Everyone in this class is eager to learn.be eager for sth.渴望某物E.g.She is eager for her parents approval3.formeradj.以前的 our forme

17、r teacher n.前者 the former(前者),the latter(后者),New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,25,4.while conj.尽管=it is used to introduce information which contrasts with information in the main clause.e.g.1.while Im reading books,he is listening to music.(指俩个对比的动作)e.g.2.while I like him personally,I dont thin

18、k what he is doing is right.尽管我个人很喜欢他,但是我并不认为他的所作所为是正确的。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,26,5.point at sb.指着某人6.not onlybut also:不仅而且用来引出俩个小分句,当not only放在句首时,要半倒装。即:当not only放在句首(表强调)时,其后边的句子要倒装;But also 引导的小分句不用倒装。E.g.Not only did he finished his home work,but he also cleaned the room.,New H

19、orizon College English I Unit 1-A,27,补充:其他部分倒装的情况,表示否定意义的副词或短语放在句首作状语时,句子用部分倒装。never/little/few/hardlyseldomnowherein no wayunder no circumstancesno sooner.than.scarcely(hardly).when.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,28,Para.4,1.unlike prep.不像;和不同=different from dislike v.不喜欢2.far from(1)be fa

20、r(away)from“离很远”E.g.Our school is far from my home.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,29,(2)not at all,usually used to show that a result of action was not expected or wanted“一点都不”advE.g.1.Far from(being)angry,hes very happy.他一点都不生气,反而很高兴。E.g.2.Far from helping the situation,youve just made it

21、worse.你非但对形势没有帮助,反而是形势更糟。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,30,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,31,3.intimidate,vt.frighten by making threats恐吓,威胁【例句】He said he would never be intimidated by big names and authorities.【记忆法】intimidation n.威胁【搭配】intimidate sb.with sth.以相威胁They intimidated th

22、e shopkeeper(店主。老板)with threats that they would kill him.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,32,Para.5,1.opportunity n.a favorable or suitable occasion or time 有利的机会,合适或有利的时机或时间,【搭配】get/make an opportunity 得到/制造机会 catch/seize/take an opportunity 抓住/利用机会 on/at the first opportunity 一有机会,New Horiz

23、on College English I Unit 1-A,33,2.medium,(1)n.媒体,方法,媒介 Pl.mediums or media mass media 大众媒体e.g.The train was the usual medium of transportation in those days.在当时,火车是普遍的运输工具。(2)a.of middle size,amount,quality中间的,中等的,半生熟 e.g.a medium-sized/middle-sized house中等大小的房子,New Horizon College English I Unit 1

24、-A,34,3.access,(1)n.means or right of using,reaching进入;means of entering,or a way in通道;使用,接近【例句】The only access to that building was guarded by the soldiers.通向那栋楼房的惟一通道由士兵把守着。【记忆法】accessible a.易接近的,可到达的,易受影响的,可理解的【搭配】give/allow access to 接见;准许出入 have/gain/get/obtain access to 有权接近;有权会见;,New Horizon

25、College English I Unit 1-A,35,(2)get the right of using or reaching sth.可以使用,获得【例句】Citizens may get/have free access to the library.公民有权使用图书馆。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,36,4.Participate(in),v.=take part in 参与,参加,分享,分担【例句】If only I could participate in your good fortune.要是我能分享你的好运就好了。,【记

26、忆法】participant n.参加者;participation n.参加【搭配】participate with a friend in his sufferings 分担朋友的痛苦,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,37,Para.6,Commitmentn.1)devotion to信奉,献身【例句】We are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.我们在寻找对此工作真正能尽责尽力的人。2)a promise to follow certain bel

27、iefs or actions承诺;约定;约束【例句】He doesnt want to get married because he is afraid of any commitments.,【记忆法】commit v.犯(错误),干(坏事),把交托给,提交 答应负责;committed a.效忠的;忠于的【搭配】fulfill/meet ones commitments 履行自己的诺言;,2.keep up with(表状态)赶上;跟上=catch up with(表动作)E.g.It is very important to keep up with the changes of th

28、e time.跟上时代的变化是很有必要的。3.meet/satisfy the minimum/lowest standards of“满足最低的要求”,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,38,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,39,4.ssignmentn.1)a piece of work given to a particular person 任务(=task/duty);(课外)作业(homework)2)act of dividing assignments分配,委派,【记忆法】assign v

29、.分配,指派【搭配】carry out ones assignment执行任务 fulfill assignments 完成任务,Para.7,1.all the time 一直 all the way long 一路上2.as well as 也;和一样;不但而且=“and”,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,40,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,41,3.embarrass,vt.make someone feel upset esp.doing sth.not rightly 使窘迫,使为难;使感到

30、拮据【例句】The decline(下降)of sales embarrassed the company.销路下降使公司陷于财政困难。,【记忆法】embarrassment n.窘迫,为难;经济困难;令人 困窘的人或事;embarrassing a.令人为难的,尴尬的 an situation 令人尴尬的情形【搭配】be embarrassed with luggage 拿着行李不便,4.cry out of/from 因为而大哭5.feel like sth./doing sth.想要 E.g.feel like a walk=feel like walking 想散步6.give up

31、sth./doing sth 放弃 give up into sb.向投降,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,42,7.think out:仔细斟酌、思考 consider all the aspects and details of sth.before doing it.=think carefully about sth.E.g.The book is well thought out.构思缜密8.post sth.on(the wall/desk/internet)=put up sth.on 粘贴;张贴;在网上发帖子 E.g.He post

32、s(puts up)a picture on his desk.,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,43,e across 偶然碰见/遇见=meet,find,or discover sb./sth.by chance E.g.I did not come across difficulty while taking in the exam.参加这场考试,我没有遇到困难。E.g.The young man would get nervous every time he came across a girl.那个年轻人每次遇到女孩子就紧张。,New H

33、orizon College English I Unit 1-A,44,9.reap(1)收割 E.g.Farmers are reaping rice in the field.农民们正在地里收割稻谷。(2)收获;得到=get/gain/obtainreap/get/gain/obtain the benefit(s)of“从中获益”,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,45,10.benefit(1)vi.使获益 sth.benefit sb.某物使某人获益=sb is benefit from sth 从中获益(2)n.利益;利润E.g.The

34、 program is bring benefits to the farmers.这一计划正在使农民获益。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,46,Para.8:,1.trying adj.令人厌烦的;难以对付的=boring and difficult e.g.Those are indeed trying days.那些日子确实很困难。2.trade/exchangefor 交换E.g.He decided to trade his car for a truck.他决定用他的小汽车换一辆卡车。,New Horizon College Engl

35、ish I Unit 1-A,47,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,48,3.insight(into)对的深刻见解,n.the power of using ones mind to see or understand the true nature of sth.洞察力;深刻的见解 give sb.insights into“让某人深刻理解”=have a deep understanding of sth.【例句】Visiting the city gave me insight into the lives of the people wh

36、o live there.参观这座城市使我了解了那里居民的生活情况。,【记忆法】insightful a.富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的【搭配】gain/have an insight into了解,熟悉;看透,municate,(1)vi.exchange feelings,opinions,or information with other people 交流;交际 communicate with sb(2)vt.make(feelings,opinions,or information)known or understood by others 传达;传播 e.g.Tom communic

37、ates his ideas clearly.=Tom expresses himself municate diseases 传播(疾病),New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,49,5.now that,Now that sb.does/has done sth.,instead of,he/she can should do sth.else.由于 既然某人做某事,而不再,他她就能做另一事。now that 既然;由于=because of sth.or as a result if sth.E.g.Now that Tom has arrived

38、,we can begin our class.既然汤姆来了,我们可以开始上课了。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,50,6.instead of 代替;而不是=rather thanE.g.You should be out for fresh air instead of staying indoors all day.你不该整天呆在屋里,应该到外面呼吸一下新鲜空气。7.stare at sb.凝视某人,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,51,8.reach out to=communicate wi

39、th;contact 接触;联系E.g.With the introduction of the Internet,we can reach out to our friends by email.由于互联网的使用,我们可以通过电子邮件与朋友联系。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,52,对比下面词组:,(1)reach out for=try to get“努力抓住”e.g.You must reach out for any opportunity that comes your way.你必须抓住所遇到的任何机会。(2)reach for=ho

40、ld out ones hand to get sth.“伸手去拿”e.g.He reached for the phone and dialed the number.他伸手拿起电话,拔了电话号码。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,53,9.bridge the gap 缩小差距、差异E.g.The governments should take measure to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.政府应该采取措施缩小贫富差距。,New Horizon College English I Unit 1-A,54,


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