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1、最新GRE填空题目答案及解析整理 今天和大家也一起来学习一下GRE填空题目答案及解析,快来一起看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空题目答案及解析:网络战争10. While recognizing that recent reports of cyberwarfare, phone-hacking scandals, and identity thefts have tended to accent the destructive connotation of the word, Sue Halpern maintains that “ hacking ” is such _ t

2、erm that its meaning nearly always derives from its context.A. a genericB. an inclusiveC. a positiveD. a subjectiveE. an affirmativeF. a technical选 AB翻译:尽管最近的一些关于网络战争,电话窃听丑闻,以及身份盗用的报告,已经倾向于强调 “ hacking ” 的破坏含义,但 SH 坚持认为它是一个含义复杂的词,几乎总是需要在具体情境中才能分析。while 在本句中引导让步关系,尽管报告都强调 A,但她认为 B。generic 一般的,通用的,没有商

3、标的,在本句中比较符合 having no particularly distinctive quality or application 的意思,没有特点或特别用途,可以用在很多情境下的词inclusive 包括的,包罗广泛的subjective 主观的,个人的,臆想的,主语的affirmative 肯定的,同意的,积极乐观的GRE填空题目答案及解析:折射与反射定律9. In the absence of a surface gradient, the new laws of refraction and reflection are _ the conventional law, so t

4、hey represent more of an extension than a complete revolution.A. inferable fromB. entailed byC. antithetical toD. coincident withE. antecedent toF. oppositional to选 AB翻译:因为没有讨论表面梯度,新的折射与反射定律只是由老定律推导出来的,所以看起来更像是某种延续而非彻底革命。inferable 可推导的,可推断的entail 牵涉,使(某事物)必要antithetical 对偶的,对比的,对立的coincident 巧合的,同时发

5、生的,特点相似的antecedent 前面的,以前的完全乱翻的,不懂啥叫表面梯度。GRE填空题目答案及解析:阴郁的故事8. Even if the story now seems a surprisingly innocuous overture to the authors later, more fully developed narrations, it _ some of the key traits of those bleaker tales.A. avoidsB. beliesC. undercutsD. anticipatesE. possessesF. prefigures选

6、 DF翻译:尽管作为作者后续创作的,发展更充分的故事的序章,这个故事显得相当乏味,但它已经具备了那些更加阴郁的故事的主要特征。innocuous 无害的,乏味的,不冒犯人的overture (书、音乐、讲话等的)序,(向某人做出的)友好表示、姿态或提议 make overtures of friendship to the new neighbours narration 讲述,叙述,故事belie 使人产生错误或不符合实际的想法、掩盖 Her looks belie her 50 years. 证明为虚假或错误的、与矛盾 The facts of the situation belie hi

7、s testimony. undercut 削弱,削(价),(网球等)打下旋球(削球),切去下部anticipate 抢先于(某人或某事),预先处理或提前使用(某事物)prefigure 预示,预想GRE填空题目答案及解析:考古学遗址7. The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of _ society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary sett

8、lements that it presumably controlled.A. an expansionistB. a hierarchicalC. an urbanD. a heterogeneousE. a diverseF. a stratified选 BF翻译:CP 考古学遗址最开始被理解为代表了某种等级制社会,因为它被认为处于一系列同时代的,可视为由它控制的较小的殖民地中心位置。indicative 陈述(语气)的,表示或暗示某事物的expansionist 扩张主义(者)的。这通常不是个好词,所谓 “扩张” 往往指武力侵略,当然这也不是贬义词,只是中性的客观描述。就像杀人犯不是什

9、么好词,不能随便往什么人身上甩,但它不是贬义词而是中性词,这就是词义与情感色彩的区别,建议大家在学术写作中尽量准确使用各种中性词,我认为(在分析性写作中)越是诉诸于词的情感色彩,越 low 。hierarchical 等级制的,根据等级划分的urban 都市的,市镇的heterogeneous 成分混杂的,由不同种类组成的diverse 不同的,多种多样的stratified 分层的,分等级的presumably 可推断地,可假定地,符合推断地,理所当然地单词题。GRE填空题目答案及解析:巴基斯坦化石研究6. Analysis of 47.5-million-year-old fossils

10、from Pakistan has yielded fresh insights into the early ancestors of modern whales. For example , Maiacetus inuus was a land animal (i)_ life in the sea. One Mariacetus inuus fossil encased a fetus positioned for a head-first delivery, which is typical of a land mammal and suggests the species gave

11、birth onshore. But it probably spent much of its time (ii)_ : its big teeth were suited for catching fish, while its flipper-like feet must have been (iii)_ walking.Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)A. resistantD. in the waterG. incompatible withB. removed fromE. fleeting from predatorsH. clumsy forC. a

12、dapted toF. protecting its youngI. strengthened by选 CDH翻译:对于一些来自巴基斯坦的,四千七百五十万年的化石的研究,让我们对现代鲸的祖先有了一些新的理解。比如说,M. i 是一种适应了海洋生活的陆生动物。一块 M. i 化石怀着胎儿,其位置显示分娩时胎儿先出头,这是陆生哺乳动物的典型特征且意味着这个物种在岸上生产。但它大概多数时候呆在水中:它的大牙齿适合捕鱼,同时它的鳍状足肯定不方便行走。不难,时间充裕的话应该做对。Maiacetus inuus 慈母鲸,完全不需要认识encase 把装入( A in B),一般用被动语态,本句没用。inc

13、ompatible 不相容的,矛盾的,相克的鳍状足能不能走路?能,海狮,海象,海豹,都能短距离地半爬半拱地走几步,但确实能。所以你只能说它笨拙 clumsy,鱼上岸才叫 incompatible with walking 。最后说一说 while,它在本题中,只适合理解为 and / similarly and at the same time that,如果你按以前 while 引导对比或让步关系的套路去理解,很可能就被误导了。Adult female and fetal (in blue) Maiacetus(https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maiacetus)最新GRE填空题目答案及解析整理


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