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1、Unit 16 The United States of America New Words东台市一中高二英语备课组,entry n 进入,入场,入 会 entry into the UN/the city entry into No entry 禁止入内 entry permit 入境许可 entryway 入口通道 entry word 开头词 make ones entry into 进入(同义词)entrance 进入 2.mental a.脑力的,思想上的,精神上的 mental labor/illness/patient/hospital3.physical a.物质的,身体的,肉

2、体的,物理学的 physical condition/world/exercise/education/examination/strength/property/change,4.depression 沮丧 n.in a state of deep depression 商业萧条,不景气 the Great Depression of the 1930s 二十世纪三十年代的大萧条5.suffering n.受苦,受难 a.受难的,受苦的,患痛的 v.suffer 6.greedy a.贪婪的,可与for连用 He is greedy for money.渴望的+to do/for sth.W

3、e are greedy to get more information.be greedy of/for gain 贪得无厌 be greedy for knowledge 渴求知识,7.greed n.greed for power/praise/wealth8.merchant n.商人,贸易者9.unemployment n.失业状态,失业率 A lot of workers were thrown into unemployment.很多人被迫失业。(作定语)unemployment problem unemployment insurance 失业保险10.unrest n.动乱,

4、骚乱,不安 social/political/civil unrest 社会/政治/国内动乱12.former a.1.)以前的,原先的 former days 往日 He is my former classmate.,2.)前者的,前面的 Of the two books,I prefer the former.3.)the former 前者,相当于代词,若指代复 数,则the former 视为复数 反义词 latter 较后的,后者的13.economical a.节约的,节省的,经济的 adv.economically 在经济上,节约的 economical shopper/hou

5、sekeeper One must be economical of ones time.14.injustice n.u 不公平 The injustice of this angered me.c 不公平的事 He struggled against every injustice.,15.funeral n.葬礼(定语)funeral custom/march(葬礼进行曲)16.vain a.徒劳的,无效的 a vain attempt 徒劳的尝试 in vain 徒劳,作表语:All her complaints were in vain.作状语:He didnt die in vai

6、n.他没白死。词组:in a vain attempt/effort to do sth 妄图做但未成功 in the vain hope that 未能如愿17.eventually adv.最后,终究,结果 You will find someone eventually.Eventually we all must die.18.dawn n 开端,黎明,The darkest hour is before the dawn.It is almost dawn.The book is about the dawn of civilization.19.overcome vt.战胜,克服

7、overcame overcome overcoming The fire was overcome by daybreak.overcome the difficulties/the weakness be overcome by/with 受不了,不堪 eg:We were overcome with joy/heat.20.insist vi.坚持 1.)坚持,坚持主张 insist on/sth./doing sth.They insisted on their original view.She insisted on doing the experiment.,2)坚持说+that

8、 I insist that he is correct.3)坚持要求,一定要(虚拟语气)+that He insists that she(should)be invited to the party.21.resist vt.抵抗,抗拒 n.resistance The nation was unable to resist the invasion.22.chief n.领袖 a party chief 政党首领 a laboratory chief 实验室主任 adj.主要的,最重要的,首要的 Thats the chief thing to remember.23.afterward

9、s=afterward(美)adv.后来,在这以后 Afterwards he went back to his rooms.,24.widespread adj分布广的,普遍的 比较级 more widespread 最高级 most widespread The English language is very widespread.There is widespread snow in China today.25.rot vi.腐烂 Some of rubbish rot away over a long time.vt.使腐烂 The continual rain will rot

10、the rice.n.腐烂,腐坏 There is dry rot in the floor.地板已经朽了。26.wildlife n.the wildlife of the area He is concerned with wildlife preservation.,27.supply n.供应品,供应量,常用复数 school/office supplies 学校/办公用品 We have a great supply of meat.vt.提供,供应,常加to/with supply sth.to sb.The electricity company supplies electri

11、city to houses.supply sb.with sth.We supplied them with money and clothes.28.chain 1)链子 The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.2)一系列,一连串 chain reaction 连锁反应,29.willing adj.愿意的,心甘情愿的 比较级more willing 最高级most willing be willing to do/be willing that Im willing to help you.Are you willing that she should be admitted into our club?乐于.(常做定语)The teacher offers us willing help on the difficult problems.老师乐于帮助我们解难题。,


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