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1、变压器工作原理,主讲:魔幻小仙1973,变压器工作原理,变压器及其工作原理 变压器是利用电磁感应原理传输电能或电信号的器件,它具有变压、变流和变阻抗的作用。变压器的种类很多,应用十分广泛。比如在电力系统中用电力变压器把发电机发出的电压升高后进行远距离输电,到达目的地后再用变压器把电压降低以便用户使用,以此减少传输过程中电能的损耗;在电子设备和仪器中常用小功率电源变压器改变市电电压,再通过整流和滤波,得到电路所需要的直流电压;在放大电路中用耦合变压器传递信号或进行阻抗的匹配等等。变压器虽然大小悬殊,用途各异,但其基本结构和工作原理却是相同的。,下图是我们常见的两种变压器:,变压器工作原理,干式变

2、压器,油浸式变压器,变压器工作原理,变压器的构造:变压器主要由:铁芯、绕组、油箱、附件等组成。,变压器的主体构造:1、铁芯 2、绕组,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,铁芯铁心的作用 是变压器的主磁路铁心的材料 0.350.5mm厚的硅钢片 铁心形式 电力变压器主要采用心式结构,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,铁芯是变压器的磁路部分,由铁芯柱(柱上套装绕组)、铁轭(连接铁芯以形成闭合磁路)组成,为了减小涡流和磁滞损耗,提高磁路的导磁性,铁芯采0.35mm0.5mm厚的硅钢片涂绝缘漆后交错叠成。小型变压器铁芯截面为矩形或方形,大型变压器铁芯截面为阶梯形,这是为了充分利用空间。,铁芯,变压器工作原理

3、,变压器工作原理,绕组:绕组是变压器的电路部分铜或铝导线包绕绝缘纸以后绕制而成。,绕组,变压器工作原理,绕组是变压器的电路部分,采用铜线或铝线绕制而成,原、副绕组同心套在铁芯柱上。为便于绝缘,一般低压绕组在里,高压绕组在外,但大容量的低压大电流变压器,考虑到引出线工艺困难,往往把低压绕组套在高压绕组的外面。,变压器工作原理,变压器的附件:1-铭牌;2-信号式温度计;3-吸湿器;4-油标;5-储油柜;6-安全气道 7-气体继电器;8-高压套管;9-低压套管;10-分接开关;11-油箱;12-放油阀门;13-器身;14-接地板;15-小车,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,变压器工作

4、原理,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,油箱是装器身和变压器油的,为了便于散热,有的箱壁上焊有散热管。变压器油的作用是绝缘和冷却。,变压器工作原理,变压器的工作原理:变压器可将一种电压的交流电能变换为同频率的另一种电压的交流电能电压器的主要部件是一个铁心和套在铁心上的两个绕组。,与电源相连的线圈,接收交流电能,称为一次绕组 用U1,I1,E1,N1表示;与负载相连的线圈,送出交流电能,称为二次绕组 用U2,I2,E2,N2表示;同时交链一次,二次绕组的磁通量的相量为 Fm,该磁通量称为主磁通;,变压器工作原理,变压器原理图(图3-1),若一次、二次绕组的电压、电动势的瞬时值均按正

5、弦规律变化,则有不计铁心损失,根据能量守恒原理可得由此得出一次、二次绕组电压和电流有效值的关系:令 K=N1/N2,称为匝比(亦称电压比),则,变压器工作原理,变压器工作原理,变压器的铭牌参数:每台变压器都有一铭牌,上面标注着型号、额定值及其它数据,便于用户了解变压器的运行性能。,电力变压器产品型号 SL7315/10 产品编号 额定容量 315kVA 使用条件 户外式额定电压 10000/400V 冷却条件 ONAN额定电流 18.2/454.7A 短路电压 4%额定频率 50 Hz 器身吊重 765kg相 数 三相 油 重 380kg联接组别 Y yno 总 重 1525kg制 造 厂 生

6、产日期 图14电力变压器铭牌示意图,变压器工作原理,额定容量SN:它是变压器额定工作条件下输出能力的保证值,是额定视在功率,单位有:伏安(VA)或千伏安(kVA)或兆伏安(MVA)。一般容量在630kVA以下的为小型电力变压器;8006300kVA的为中型电力变压器;800063000kVA为大型电力变压器;90000kVA及以上的为特大型电力变压器;,变压器工作原理,额定电压U1N/U2N 均指线值电压。原边额定电压U1N是指电源加在原绕组上的额定电压;副边额定电压U2N是指原边加额定电压副边空载时副绕组的端电压,单位有:伏(V)或千伏(kV)。,变压器工作原理,额定电流I1N/I2N 均指

7、线值电流。原、副边额定电流是指在额定容量和额定电压时所长期允许通过的电流,单位有:安(A)额定频率fN 指工业用电频率,我国规定为50Hz。,变压器工作原理,变压器的额定容量、额定电压、额定电流之间的关系为:单相变压器:三相变压器:,变压器三相绕组接线有两种:1、星形联结 星形联结记作:“Y”或“y”2、三角形联结 三角形联结记作:“D”或“d”,变压器工作原理,干式电力变压器特点 干式电力变压器承受热冲击能力强,过负载能力大、难燃、防火性能高、低损耗、局部放电量小、噪声低、不产生有害气体、不污染环境、对湿度、灰尘不敏感、体积小、不开裂、维护简便。因此,最适宜用于防火要求高,负荷波动大以及污秽



10、变压器的外表应无积污。12)变压器室不漏水,门、窗、照明应完好,通风良好,温度正常。13)变压器外壳及各部件应保持清洁。,本次课程结束,谢谢大家,Friendship,the difference in China and the West,Chinese except friendships to be more lasting.Different foundations for friendships.Westerns expect friends to be independent.Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,Chine

11、se except friendships to be more lasting.,For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes.Chinese are friends even if they havent spoken for 20 years.If you shared something at one time,then all your life you are friends.This is the best of guanxi(关系),the Wide Web that connects Chinese

12、 through time and space.So,we can say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born.,In North America,even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city,graduation from a university or mar

13、riage.If the people do not see each other regularly,the relationship is likely to die.,Different foundations for friendships.,Chinese friends share“things in common”:a task,a class,the hometown.Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together.You may or may not like the person,but

14、if he or she can do something for you because of his position or job,you can be friends.But in North America,business and friendship are kept separate.The friendships are usually tied to specific activities.A person may have work friends and leisure(休闲时)activity friends.Also friends tend to have sim

15、ilar financial circumstances,because friendship in the West is based on equality.,Westerns expect friends to be independent.,Why?Its because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together,so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one pe

16、rson is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving.A westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking“What do you want to do?”The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution.Chinese friends g

17、ive each other more concrete help.A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain.They give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.,Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,In the West,you can certainly ask a friend to

18、 do something with you,but you recognize that your friend may say no,if he or she gives you as reason.You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping.Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them.A friend

19、in China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked.There are few limits to what you can expect from a friend.You can feel free to tell your friend what he or she can or should do or help or please you.,Good friends are like stars.You dont always see them,but you know they are always there.,


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