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1、雅思口语7分有多难 雅思口语7分有多难?词汇量要多少才够?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语7分有多难?词汇量要多少才够很多同学问:雅思口语7分有多难?口语7分需要多少词汇量?其实,在教雅思口语的过程中,大家都会遇到这样的问题:如果我词汇量有限,应该怎么办?等等。对于这样的问题,新东方雅思老师给出这样的解释:词汇量是雅思口语考察的四个评分标准之一,但绝对不是唯一的评分标准,而且也不是最为重要的评分标准。考生们之所以会有这样的众多的关于词汇量的疑问,主要是由于传统英语教学方式所致。在传统英语教育中,无论是平时的课堂教学,还是考试,词汇都被给予了极大的重视。这就不可避免的导致了考生会不自觉地


3、:在外教课上,外教说的话基本上稍微有点水平的学生都会听的懂。但是学生们有没有想过,如果让你们站在讲桌上,你们是否还能连续的说3个小时呢? 恐怕5分钟都非常的困难。所以我们可以看到,其实雅思口语能力并不是通过词汇量来衡量,而是更多的看一个人运用语言这样的工具去交流。当然,不需要太多词汇量,并不代表可以没有词汇量。专家们认为,如果考生在雅思口语考试中想要考6分,2000词汇足以。如果要考7分,3000词汇都多。当然,这一切发生的条件都是考生不能在雅思口语的其他三个评分标准中有太大的瑕疵:发音,语法和流利度。可能很多人感觉3000词汇怎么可能口语考7,那么下面就让我们来分析一下这3000词汇包含什么

4、?7分的雅思口语又是如何通过这3000词汇实现的?3000词汇当然除了基本的在国内小学,初中学习的词汇外,还主要包含两个方面:1. 雅思口语常用表达:比如说for what is worth; totally;pretty much等;2. 专业的雅思话题词汇。 首先,第一类的词汇可以简单的称之为万能词汇,具有以下特点:1。在外国人的对话里会经常的用到。这些词汇可能考生早已熟知,但是并没有有意识的去应用;所以,如果想要雅思考7,考生们需要通过与外教的交流或者是看一些国外的剧来积累至少50-70个这样的口语高频词组。而且这些词组非常地道,能够让雅思考官眼前一亮。雅思口语得六分容易吗雅思口语六分不


6、以详细表述主题,表意清楚,总体上能成功地变换措辞进行复述。(C)句式多样性及语法准确性方面,混合使用简单和复合句式,但不够灵活;使用复合句式时经常出错,但并不因此影响理解。(D)语音方面,总体能听懂,偶尔因发音错误给听者理解造成负担。 评分一直受质量监控。变题期雅思口语高频话题3. 聪明人Describe an intelligent person you know.You should say:Who this person isWho you know this personWhat this person doesAnd explain why you think this person

7、 is intelligentPart 3:Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?Who do you think plays a more important role in a childs development, teachers or parents?Why are some children more intelligent than others?4. 有趣的老人Describe an old person who is interesting.You should say:Who this person isHow you k

8、now this personWhat you do with this personAnd explain why you think this person is interestingPart 3:What can old people teach young peopleDo old people share the same interest with young people?Do you think old people should live with their family?5. 儿时的榜样Describe a person you wanted to be similar

9、 to when you were growing up.You should say:When you first met this personWho this person wasWhat the person didAnd why you would like to become this personPart 3:What kinds of famous people do children like?What good qualities do famous people have?Do you think advertisements aimed at children shou

10、ld be endorsed by famous people?Can you compare the past and the present of childrens life?6. 没见过但想多了解的人Describe someone you havent seen before but you would like to know more.You should say:Who this person isHow you knew about the personWhat you want to know more about this personWhy you would like

11、 to know this person morePart 3:What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?变题期雅思口语高频话题7. 环保人士Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.You should say:Who this person isHow this person protects

12、 the environmentWhat difficulty this person has facedAnd how you feel about this personPart 3:What is the importance of environment education?How to protect the environment?Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protect

13、ion as a subject?8. 一起工作/学习的人Describe someone you would like to study or work with.You should say:Who this person isHow long you have known this personWhat you have done togetherAnd explain why you would like to work/study with this personPart 3:What kinds of person do you like to work with?Which one is more important to you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?雅思口语7分有多难


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