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1、雅思口语典型错误案例之中式英语自造词 雅思口语典型错误案例之中式英语自造词一文总结了在雅思口语当中,中国考生容易犯的一个典型错误使用中式英语的自造词的一些案例。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语典型错误案例之中式英语自造词中国考生的口语存在着一些普遍问题,如发音,口音,流利度欠缺等,但是其实最为严重的是,很多中国学生自创中式表达,也就是我们所熟知的中式英语(Chinglish)。其实很多人已经对一些非常popular的中式英语耳熟能详,比如说people mountain people sea等等,但是还是有很多错误的英语句子是中国学生没有意识到,而且经常犯的错误。1.I very mu

2、ch like David Beckham其实这种说法还是比较普遍的。Very 虽说是个副词,但是并不能像一般的副词一样,放在副词前面修饰动词,所以very有自己独特的用法。这句话正确的写法是:I like David Beckham very much. 但是老外更习惯于说 I am a huge fan of David Beckham; I am insanely crazy about him; I could think of nobody that tops him; 其次,在口语表达中,很多学生习惯于用very good这种表达方式。这里向各位烤鸭们推荐其它的一些表达,譬如inc

3、redible, amazing, unbelievable, impressive,awesome等等。2. My English is poor很多学生看到这句话,第一反应就是:“这句话还是错的吗?我们老师就是这么教的我们!” 其实,在英语表达里面,尤其是口语,单纯的语法正确并不能表明这句话的意思就是对的。我从来没有听过老外讲过My Chinese is poor. 口语中更加注重的是语言表达习惯。虽然某句话是对的,但是没有人这么讲。老外通常会讲 My Chinese sucks; My Chinese is awful. 更多的情况下,老外的表达会比较积极,比如说 I am gettin

4、g better though。.3. Oral English回国后,我听到很多的学生说oral English, 甚至还包括个别的外教。根据我对这个词的了解,oral English并不能表示 spoken English. 后来,我问了很多外教,确认了我的判断是正确的。在英文里面,oral 更多的是表示跟口腔有关。口语更多的是用 spoken English 或者 speaking English 来表示。外教们在中国时间待长了,也会被同化,犯这种错误,但是他们回到自己的国家后就会立刻改过来。但是对于我们中国数千万的莘莘学子来讲,在中国这个大环境下,这样的错误如果不及时纠正的话,恐怕就是

5、一辈子都会犯的错误了。还有一些中国学生经常存在的问题,从严格意义上来讲,并不是一些错误,只是说被中国学生用烂掉了,所以雅思考官听到就会吐了。比如说:1.a lot of这个词组并没有什么错误,只是当所有学生都在用的时候,它就自然而然变成了错误的。我们可以用很多替代的词,例如:There are tons of people in the classroom; I have been to like a million interviews 等等。2.I think中国学生很喜欢用一些stereotyped 答案。比如说考官问你问题的时候,很多学生就习惯于回答 I think 其实,从英语角度来

6、讲,I think代表一种不确定性,所以当你在表达观点加上这么一个词的时候,就是表达一种不确定的概念给考官,所以建议考生们尽量避免这个表达。3.Maybe很多学生用maybe来表达probably的概念,其实这是大错特错。Maybe翻译成中文,更加确切的意思,表示应该怎么样,但是这种可能性并不大。比如说:Since you are so incredibly talented, maybe its time for you compete for the Emmy Awards. (讽刺)George W. Bush administration has always been standin

7、g in the way of other countries economic development. Maybe they love to present themselves as a pain in the ass to the world。雅思口语新题范文之共享经济答题思路SharingWhat do you like to share?when you shared it?who you shared it with?What kinds of things that are not suitable for sharing?你喜欢分享什么?你什么时候分享的?你和谁分享的?哪些东

8、西不适合分享?口语范文A few years ago, my friend and I shared a car together. This was when we were both students. We were both living away from home and although we were both working and studying at the same time, neither of us could afford to buy a car individually.几年前,我和我的朋友共用一辆车。那时我们都是学生。我们都住在离家很远的地方,虽然我们同

9、时工作和学习,但是我们都买不起一辆车。So we decided to put our money together and share the ownership of the car we set up a system where we would organize when each of us could use it individually and then other times either of us could use it, and if we ever needed to swap I would just confirm it was OK with him or

10、he would ask me if he could use it.所以我们决定把我们的钱放在一起,分享汽车的所有权,我们建立一个系统,我们将单独组织当我们每个人都可以使用它,然后其他时间我们可以使用它,如果我们需要交换我想确认它是好的和他或他会问我他是否可以使用它。It was quite an old car, but it allowed us both to go places we probably wouldnt have if we hadnt had it. But the most important thing was it made going home to visi

11、t our parents much easier.那是一辆相当旧的车,但它让我们俩都能去我们可能没有它就不会去的地方。但最重要的是,它使回家看望我们的父母更容易。We used to take turns; so for example, my friend would have it for two weekends each month I would have it for the other two weekends. It was so much easier than the long bus ride, which was the alternative.我们过去常常轮流;举个

12、例子,我的朋友每个月有两个周末我有另外两个周末。这比乘长途汽车要容易得多,长途汽车是另一种选择。It worked out really well while we were students, and then after we had graduated we ended up working and living in different parts of the country, so before we left we sold it and split the cash between us.当我们还是学生的时候,我们的关系非常好。毕业后,我们在美国不同的地方工作和生活,所以在我们

13、离开之前,我们卖掉了房子,把钱平分了。At the time I think we were the only people I knew who shared a car, but it worked for us, because I trusted him and he trusted me, and we both appreciated that without sharing the car, we wouldnt have been able to do a lot of things.当时,我想我们是我认识的唯一会共用一辆车的人,但这对我们来说很有效,因为我信任他,他也信任我,

14、我们都很感激,如果不共用这辆车,我们就不能做很多事情。So it was a mutually beneficial arrangement, and certainly made life a lot easier at that time, so it was a good idea.所以这是一个互惠互利的安排,当然也让当时的生活轻松了很多,所以这是个好主意。口语语料Sharing accommodationWhat are some of the advantages of sharing accommodation?Well, a couple I can think of would

15、 be its normally cheaper than paying all the rent yourself, and some people prefer to live with someone else than being on their own.If you share you can usually get a better place than if you tried to rent on your own. You know, you can get a bigger apartment or even a small house, and with better

16、facilities or in a better neighborhood.Sometimes, if you try to rent on your own, and your budget is limited, the accommodation options can be a bit limited.分享住宿合租有什么好处?嗯,我能想到的是,这通常比你自己付房租便宜,而且有些人宁愿和别人住在一起,也不愿一个人住。如果你合租,你通常能找到一个比自己租房更好的地方。你知道,你可以住大一点的公寓,甚至小一点的房子,有更好的设施,或者住在更好的社区。有时候,如果你想自己租房住,而预算有限,

17、那么住宿选择就会有点有限。Sharing ideasWhat are some situations where sharing ideas can be a good thing?Its interesting, I learned the value of this when I started working. We used to have problem solving meetings where we would have to come up with solutions to a problem.The amazing thing was the wide variety o

18、f ideas that people would come up with. It demonstrated just how many different ways a problem can be approached by different people.Apart from dealing with a problem, sharing ideas can also work well when it comes to making a difficult decision, or choosing a special gift for someone.Even things li

19、ke trying to decide where to go on a holiday; if you get your friends to share their ideas its a lot easier than trying to think of the best place on your own.分享想法在哪些情况下分享想法可能是件好事?有趣的是,当我开始工作的时候,我发现了它的价值。我们曾经有解决问题的会议,我们必须想出一个问题的解决方案。令人惊奇的是人们会想出各种各样的主意。它展示了不同的人可以用多少种不同的方法来解决一个问题。除了处理问题,分享想法也可以很好地工作时,

20、作出一个困难的决定,或选择一个特殊的礼物给某人。甚至像决定去哪里度假这样的事情;如果你让你的朋友分享他们的想法,这比你自己想最好的地方要容易得多。Is it better to share ideas working in a team or work on an idea individually? What are some of the benefits of this?Personally, I think if youre working in a team then the whole idea is to collaborate and do things together to

21、 get the best result, so sharing ideas should be a natural part of the teamwork process.But I guess there can also be times when having an idea and working on it by yourself can be a good thing too. For example, if you have an idea about something which is very innovative, you might want to keep it

22、to yourself until you have fully developed the ideayou know, until you have everything clear in your own mind, and then maybe share it with other people to actually make it happen.There are benefits to both ways of dealing with ideas. In a team, sharing ideas can generate a better or more comprehens

23、ive solution to a problem or create an even better idea than the original one.Working on an idea on your own gives you more time to refine it, develop it, and really make it your own creation, which can be extremely satisfying, and in some cases more successful especially if it becomes your passion

24、or its an idea for a business or something like that.在团队中分享想法,还是单独完成一个想法更好?这有什么好处呢?就我个人而言,我认为如果你在一个团队中工作,那么整个想法就是合作,一起做事情以获得最好的结果,所以分享想法应该是团队合作过程中自然的一部分。但我想也有一些时候,有了一个想法,自己去实现它也是一件好事。例如,如果你有一个非常创新的想法,你可能想要把它留给自己,直到你已经充分发展了这个想法你知道,直到你把所有的事情都清楚地记在脑子里,然后也许和其他人分享它,让它真的发生。处理想法的两种方式都有好处。在一个团队中,分享想法可以产生更好或

25、更全面的问题解决方案,或者创造出比原来更好的想法。致力于自己的想法给你更多的时间去完善它,发展它,并让它自己的创造,它可以非常满意,并且在一些方面更加满意成功特别是如果你的激情或这是一个主意业务之类的。雅思口语新题范文及语料之concert or music答题思路Concerts or musicwhich one do you prefer?if it is a concertHave you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?What the event it isW

26、here it takes placeWhat kind of music is playedif it is musicDo you like to listen to live music?When did you start listening to this type of music?Where do you listen to it?How do you feel when you listen to this music?你更喜欢哪一个?如果是音乐会的话你以前听过音乐会吗?或者你去过音乐表演吗?这个音乐会的主题是什么?它发生在哪里?演奏的是什么样的音乐?如果是音乐你喜欢听现场音乐

27、吗?你什么时候开始听这种音乐的?你在哪里听音乐?你听这音乐的时候感觉如何?口语范文I do not go to concerts that often, but when I was in my High school I used to attend a lot of concerts. I went to a concert in the last year of my high school. I famous singer came to our school to perform a concert. I had planned a dinner with my friends bu

28、t when I found out that MUK was going to sing, I could not stop myself and I decided to stay for the concert.我不常去音乐会,但我在高中的时候经常去听音乐会。我在高中的最后一年去听了一场音乐会。我著名的歌手来我们学校表演音乐会。我原计划和朋友们共进晚餐,但当我发现穆克要唱歌时,我控制不住自己,决定留下来听音乐会。The singer was good at singing Indian songs. At that time most people of my age wanted to

29、 listen rock music, but I was even a fan of good Indian music at that time. There were not many people who were in the band. There was a guitarist, pianist and a vocalist. I would even like to tell you that after that concert I even got the inspiration to become a singer. I joined a music academy an

30、d took some singing classes, but I was not able to pursue it as a full time career.这位歌手擅长唱印度歌曲。那个时候,我这个年纪的大多数人都想听摇滚音乐,但我当时甚至是一个好印度音乐的粉丝。乐队里的人不多。有吉他手,钢琴家和歌手。我甚至想告诉你,在那场音乐会之后,我甚至得到了成为一名歌手的灵感。我加入了一个音乐学院,参加了一些歌唱课程,但我不能把它作为一个全职的职业。I was accompanied by some of my good friends. Overall the experience was s

31、imply spectacular. There was real good music played and moreover there was good food available over there. I spent 2 hours in a very good manner and I was able to listen to all the good songs which I liked. The experience of listening to them play live was really good.我有几个好朋友陪着。总的来说,这次经历非常壮观。那里播放着非常

32、棒的音乐,而且有很好的食物。我花了两个小时很好的方式,我能够听所有我喜欢的好歌曲。听他们现场演奏的感觉真的很好。口语语料Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?Once in a blue moon I attend a concert, since the ticket price for foreign artists concerts is so out of my reachthat I can only stay home and watch onli

33、ne. It was 20XX that I finally did go to a concert on my own, obviously it was an international music concert. It was absolutely mind-blowing and unforgettable for me.你以前听过音乐会吗?或者你去过音乐表演吗?我难得去听一场音乐会,因为外国艺术家音乐会的门票太贵了,我只能呆在家里上网看。20XX年,我终于独自去了一场音乐会,显然是一场国际音乐会。对我来说,这绝对是令人兴奋和难忘的。Vocabulary词汇积累Once in a b

34、lue moon (idiom) rarelyOut of my reach (idiom) to be unable to affordOn ones own (idiom)Responsible for oneself, independent of outside help or controlMind-blowing (adj) Sth overwhelmingly impressiveDo you like to listen to live music?Unless its live at a coffee shop, where literally there are only

35、you and music, then yeah I would love to. But I would change my mind if its a concert. The crowd is too crazy. Its completely a mess that most of the time I end up having serious dizzy and headache.你喜欢听现场音乐吗?除非是住在咖啡馆,那里只有你和音乐,那我很乐意。但如果是音乐会,我会改变主意的。人群太疯狂了。这完全是一团糟,大多数时候我都会感到严重的头晕和头痛。When did you start

36、 listening to this type of music?Since the day a friend of mine introduced her favorite group to me. She couldnt help herself talking on and on about them that I thought I somehow needed to catch up with her. And the more I know about Korean pop, the more passionate Ive become.你什么时候开始听这种音乐的?从那天起,我的一

37、个朋友把她最喜欢的组介绍给我。她忍不住不停地说个不停,我想我得想办法赶上她。我对韩国流行音乐了解得越多,我就变得越有激情。Vocabulary词汇积累Couldnt help ones self doing Sth (n) continuously doing SthOn and on (expression) continually; at tedious lengthWhere do you listen to it?Almost everywhere, except for classroom. Its the golden era of mobile devices, everyone

38、 carries earphone and phone with them all the time, music therefore is on their fingertips.你在哪里听音乐?除了教室,几乎到处都是。这是移动设备的黄金时代,每个人都随身携带耳机和手机,因此音乐就在他们的指尖。How do you feel when you listen to this music?Well Im a type of person whose mood is easily affected by what Im listening to, thus as the music changes

39、, my mood also fluctuates. But most of the time, listening to some music helps me pick up my energyand chill a bit.你听这音乐的时候感觉如何?我是一种情绪很容易被我所听的东西所影响的人,因此随着音乐的变化,我的情绪也会波动。但是大多数时候,听一些音乐可以帮助我恢复精力,放松一下。Vocabulary词汇积累To be a type of person (that) (phrase) to belong to a group of people who share a similar characteristicPick up my energy (phrasal verb) to get better, stronger雅思口语典型错误案例之中式英语自造词


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