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1、雅思口语技巧总结 雅思口语考验大家的综合能力,比如心态、口语水平、临场发挥能力等等,所以口语备考中需要一些技巧来支撑。那么雅思口语技巧有哪些呢?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语技巧总结 不懂技巧如何高效备考口语?雅思口语技巧总结一 口语用词讲求准确性雅思口语用词讲求准确性,我们在学习新词的时候要了解清楚用法再使用。有的同学在备考中学到了一些新词汇急不可耐地用在表达中,虽然合乎语法规则,但并不符合英语的表达习惯,结果到了考场上口语讲的令考官频频蹙眉。举个简单的例子,比如“funny”和“interesting”两个词汇都有“有趣”的意思,也都是形容词,所以有的同学在口语表达中会混用Fun

2、ny和interesting,有同学在口语中说“I went to Disney Land,and it was very funny.”其实Funny的有趣指的是“滑稽”“好笑”而不是我们通常理解的“有趣”“有意思”。这种用错词的感觉可能在我们看来只是不值一提的小错误,但是口语考官听起来会非常别扭,就好像我们听到有外国人讲中文时说:“我看到头顶有二架飞机飞过去了。”虽然“二”和“两”同义,但是这样说听起来会非常别扭。雅思口语技巧总结二 口语答题时间把控很重要雅思口语考试和托福不同,托福口语是机考,答题时间有严格限定,雅思口语考试并未严格规定答题时间。虽然没有规定答题时间,并不意味着不需要把控

3、时间。如果我们在回答Part1问题的时候讲的太长很容易被考官打断,虽然不会扣分,但是肯定会影响大家的心态,甚至会导致心态不好的同学突然变得很紧张。所以雅思口语答题的时候也需要注意时间把控,Part1答题时间不要超过一分钟,建议控制在30秒左右,Part2答题一定要超过1分钟,建议保持在1分30秒到2分钟之间,Part3每道题可以保持1分钟的的答题时间。大家在平时练习口语的时候注意按时间要求来答题。雅思口语技巧总结三 依据自身情况决定是否需要死记硬背雅思口语备考是否需要死记硬背?网上一些雅思口语备考攻略中都会提到不要死记硬背,但其实如果基础比较差的话,死记硬背学来的东西要比自己组织的好很多,而且

4、背记的过程还能增强语感,增加口语表达的准确性。需要注意的一点是“死记硬背”并不等于“生搬硬套”。背记以后可以在口语表达中使用一些俚语和俗语,也可以使用一些高级句型,比较简单的句子建议还是靠自己现场发挥。如果英语基础不错话,不建议死记硬背,重点提升应变能力和英语表达能力,备一些语料比死记硬背更有用。雅思口语新题part1范文 青少年答题思路teenagerWho is he/she?How you know this teenager?What this teenager likes to do?How you feel about this teenager?What activities d

5、o teenagers in your country like to do?Do you think it is good to be a teenager?他/她是谁?你怎么认识这个青少年的?这个青少年喜欢做什么?你觉得这个青少年怎么样?你们国家的青少年喜欢做什么活动?你认为做一个青少年好吗?口语范文Teenager1. What activities do teenagers in your country like to do?Well, they do anything that lets them enjoy their time, I guess, for example, do

6、ing shopping and hanging out with friends, watching online videos and meeting new people.1. 你们国家的青少年喜欢做什么活动?嗯,他们做任何让他们享受他们的时间的事情,我想,例如,购物,和朋友出去玩,看在线视频和结识新朋友。2. Do you often spend time with teenagers?Oh yes. I am an adolescent myself, so the majority of my friends are teenagers and we spend quite a b

7、it of time together.2. 你经常和青少年在一起吗?噢,是的。我自己也是个青少年,所以我的大部分朋友都是青少年,我们在一起的时间相当长。3. Do you think it is good to be a teenager?Definitely. The life of teenagers is always hopeful and promising with enough chances to try and to make mistakes, which is actually a period for them to learn dealing with differ

8、ent problems and going through various kinds of mental and physical changes. In addition, they dont have to face the heavy living pressure.Although apparently they have limited freedom and rights, and they are likely to feel lonely and confused on the way of growth.3.你认为做一个青少年好吗?肯定。青少年的生活总是充满希望和希望,有

9、足够的机会去尝试和犯错误,这实际上是一个时期,他们学习处理不同的问题,经历各种各样的心理和身体变化。此外,他们不必面对沉重的生活压力。虽然他们的自由和权利显然有限,在成长的道路上,他们可能会感到孤独和困惑。口语语料I know many teenagers but here I would like to talk about my cousin Rania.我认识很多青少年,但在这里我想谈谈我的表妹拉尼亚。She is eighteen years old.She has just completed her senior secondary in commerce stream.She i

10、s not tall but very beautiful.她十八岁。她刚刚完成了商科的高中学业。她个子不高,但很漂亮。She has curly black hair and a very fair complexion.She generally wears jeans and T?shirts but on formal occasions she wears traditional Punjabi suits.She is very polite by nature and respects elders.她有一头乌黑的卷发,皮肤白皙。她通常穿牛仔裤和T?衬衫但她在正式场合穿的衣服有传

11、统的旁遮普。她天生很有礼貌,尊敬长辈。She has a great sense of humour and can turn any tense situation into a happy one.She is also very good at studies and many times used to help me when I had any problem in Mathematics.Now also she helps me in any situation when I need her help.她有很强的幽默感,可以把任何紧张的情况变成一个快乐的。她也很擅长学习,当我

12、有数学问题的时候,她经常帮助我。现在,她也帮助我在任何情况下,我需要她的帮助。Although she is younger to me she is like a true friend.She is so trustworthy that I can open my hearts secrets to her and be sure that she would never let me down.虽然她比我年轻,但她像一个真正的朋友。她是如此值得信任,我可以向她打开我的心的秘密,并确保她不会让我失望。Actually she is my paternal uncles daughter

13、and lives next door.We see each other daily and sometimes even play badminton in the park opposite our house.事实上,她是我叔叔的女儿,住在隔壁。我们每天见面,有时甚至在我们家对面的公园打羽毛球。Teenage is a very stressful period of life as there are physical and hormonal changes going on at this time.At the same time there is the stress of

14、choosing subjects on which the future career depends.A great support of family is needed at this time.I am fortunate my teenage was a very happy one and so is Ranias.青少年是一个非常紧张的时期的生活,因为有生理和荷尔蒙的变化在这个时候进行。与此同时,选择未来职业所依赖的学科也有压力。这个时候需要家人的大力支持。我很幸运我的青少年是一个非常快乐的人,拉尼亚也是。雅思口语P1新题及范文 电影演员答题思路Film starWho is

15、your favorite film star?Do you think that international film star is famous in China?Do you like Chinese film star or international film star?Have you ever met film stars in your life?Do you want to be a film star?电影明星你最喜欢的电影明星是谁?你认为那个国际影星在中国出名吗?你喜欢中国电影明星还是国际电影明星?口语范文Brad Pitt is one of my very favo

16、urite actors and I am a huge fan of his movies. He is a famous Hollywood actor and has got several prizes for his superb work in movies.布拉德皮特是我最喜欢的演员之一,我是他电影的超级粉丝。他是一位著名的好莱坞演员,因其在电影中的出色表现而多次获奖。Honestly, he is a good actor who is known worldwide. He is the husband of another famous female actress Ang

17、elina Jolie. His full name is William Bradley Brad Pitt and he is around 50 years old now. For his excellent performance in acting he has received a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and three Academy Award nominations in acting categories. He has done some film production works as we

18、ll. He is a fine actor with a natural gift of depicting the characters. Often his performance in movies gets very high applauses and because of that, he was nominated for Oscars more than once.老实说,他是一个全世界都知道的好演员。他是另一位著名女演员安吉丽娜朱莉的丈夫。他的全名是威廉布拉德利“布拉德”皮特,他现在大约50岁。由于他在表演方面的出色表现,他获得了金球奖、美国演员工会奖和三项奥斯卡最佳表演奖

19、提名。他也做过一些电影制作工作。他是一个很好的演员,有描绘人物的天赋。他在电影中的表演经常得到很高的掌声,正因为如此,他不止一次获得奥斯卡提名。He usually acts in drama and action movies but his acting varies from the character of a vampire to a war hero and legendary characters as well. I have enjoyed most of the movies acted by him and his performance in movies like S

20、even, Interview with the vampire, The legend of the falls, 7 years in Tibet, Meet Joe Black was simply excellent. I find him to be a very high-class actor and a superb person with his tremendous activity in social welfare works. All these reasons make him to my favourite actor.他通常出演戏剧和动作片,但他的表演风格各异,

21、从吸血鬼到战争英雄,甚至传奇人物。我很喜欢他演的大部分电影,他在电影夜访吸血鬼、瀑布传说、遇见乔布莱克等电影中的表现简直太出色了。我发现他是一个非常优秀的演员,一个在社会福利工作中非常活跃的人。所有这些原因使他成为我最喜欢的演员。口语语料1. Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (often termed as Charlie Chaplin) was an iconic actor in the world. He looked stunning with his stick, hat, and coat. He had a distinctive walking sty

22、le on the movies. And he was famous for his comical movies. In fact, most of his movies were based on comedy and he used to portray some social problems through the movies. I admire him for his special acting skills. He was able to get into the character instantly.查尔斯斯宾塞卓别林爵士(常被称为查理卓别林)是世界上一位标志性的演员。

23、他拄着手杖,戴着帽子,穿着大衣,看上去美极了。他在电影中有独特的走路风格。他以滑稽电影闻名。事实上,他的大部分电影都是基于喜剧,他曾经通过电影来描绘一些社会问题。我钦佩他特殊的演技。他能够立即进入角色。2. Brad Pitt is a legendary actor to me for his natural acting skills. He looks very smart and has his own style. He is a versatile actor. So, he can take part in different types of movies but I like

24、d the movies where he played some gentle roles. I admire Brad Pitt for his sincere acting skills. He is a bit different from the other contemporary actors. And he also loves to remain formal in all of his movies. He is also loveable for his special facial expression in times that really make me thri

25、lled.在我看来,布拉德皮特天生的演技是一位传奇演员。他看起来很聪明,有自己的风格。他是个多才多艺的演员。所以,他可以参加不同类型的电影,但我喜欢他扮演一些温和的角色的电影。我欣赏布拉德皮特真诚的演技。他和其他当代演员有点不同。他也喜欢在他所有的电影中保持正式。他特别的面部表情也很可爱,这让我很激动。3. Jennifer Shrader Lawrence is a great actress of the present time and she is also a highly paid actress. In fact, she gets the highest payment for

26、 her roles in movies so far I came to know. She has a pretty look with a distinctive style of her own. She is comfortable with different types of character but she is perfect for characters with mystery. She can portray the character naturally. I admire her because of her intelligence and acting ski

27、lls. She was the youngest actress to get nominated for two academy awards at a time. in fact, this is not possible for the ordinary artists if you do not have some talents inside.詹妮弗施雷德劳伦斯是当今伟大的女演员,也是一位收入颇丰的女演员。事实上,她在电影中的角色得到了最高的报酬到目前为止我知道。她长得很漂亮,有自己独特的风格。她对不同类型的角色都很适应,但对于神秘的角色来说,她是完美的。她能自然地塑造这个人物。我钦佩她的智慧和演技。她是同时获得两项奥斯卡提名的最年轻的女演员。事实上,这对于普通的艺术家来说是不可能的,如果你没有内在的天赋的话。雅思口语技巧总结


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