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1、雅思口语新话题思路引导之家族企业 整理了雅思口语新话题思路引导:一个家族企业,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语新话题思路引导:一个家族企业第一步,审题:Describe a family business you know这里不需要注意时态问题,一般现在时就可以了,如果遇到描述过去的经历,考生们则需要灵活转变时态。Family business 家族企业,这个一般听上去就是大的企业,其实小卖部并不适合这个话题,考生们一定要注意话题可以涉及的business 的体量大小,什么样的企业算得上家族企业,首先企业要有继承人,这个就不限定你是国内还是国外,不限定是古代还是现代

2、,但肯定不是未来。最后,you know,要求你对这个企业有一定的认识,所以整个话题,考生描述的时候要尽量说到细节,比如这个企业的文化,企业的人数,企业的经营业务等等。总之,不要疙疙瘩瘩的,否则很容易让考官听得不耐烦,甚至怀疑你根本就不清楚这个企业。举几个例子:杭州的娃哈哈,香港富豪李嘉诚,柯林斯家族(柯林斯字典)如果你知道小雀斑是谁的话,应该知道这个家族企业,当然还有迪士尼,日本的丰田其实考生可以想到很多例子,如果真的对家族企业不熟悉,考生可以说一个自己身边的例子,比如你同桌家是卖家具的,家里都是红木家具,大学毕业后他回家继承家业,将自家的红木家具放到网店上,最后走出国门好了,言归正传,看一

3、下本期的雅思口语新题思路引导:What the business it:家族企业名字,这里扩充一下企业的经营业务,企业的历史等等。How you know it:如何得知这个企业,可以是知名的,可以是广告,可以是从小就用这个牌子,毕竟娃哈哈也喝了一整个童年了。What products it sells:这个企业卖什么产品,这个话题内容是核心,考生们可以多详细描述,比如生产家具的,是什么家具,家具价格等等。Who the customers are:关于客户人群,可以是年轻人,老年人,中外客户,残疾人,甚至是宠物等。可以强调因为这个产品的哪些特点深受用户喜爱。And how you like

4、it:关于你对这个家族企业产品的观点,这是一道开放性问题,可以选择喜欢或者不喜欢。也可以一开始不喜欢,现在喜欢。好了,下面是范文时间:今天我想要分享的话题是有关我家乡小镇上的一家制作香肠的企业。我爷爷说他小时候这家店就开在最热闹的街市了,差不多有100年的历史了,也就是晚清的时候,据说他们的祖先是广东人,擅长制作香肠。祖辈世世代代(from generation to generation)以灌香肠(fill the sausage)为生,如今已是第五代传人了。这家的香肠(sausage)特别好吃,店主已经开了200家分店(subbranch),遍布(spread all over)中国10多

5、个省市,还经常有游客慕名前来(Attract)这家百年老店(century-old shop, Old shop, hundred years-old shop),买一些香肠回去送亲友,很多人要排2个小时的队伍才能买到。不过自从有了网店,人们可以开始在网上预约寄送服务,但,老店的日常依然门庭若市(there is a lot of visitors,be crowded with visitors),因为他们的店里开展了新的业务煲仔饭(clay pot)。这家店里的香肠很有特色,精选的黑猪肉,腌制(salting, curing)及晾晒(air)过程需要大约2个月的时间,不仅考验师傅的技术,好

6、的腊肉还会受到湿度(humidity),温度的考验。每到农历春节,这家店的生意就特别好,当地的习俗就是买一大串的腊肉挂在房梁(beam)上,过年的时候蒸(steam)着吃。据说是因为过去没有冰箱,肉类难以储存过久的原因,人们才把猪肉制作成香肠。如今,人们发明了更多的腊肉吃法,于是这道菜就成了过年餐桌上的必备。蒸笼(food steamer)里散发出来的香味让人欲罢不能,真希望这家店一直开下去。雅思口语新题part2范文:家族企业Describe a family business you know (new)You should say:What the business itHow you

7、know itWhat products it sellsWho the customers areAnd how you like it雅思口语part2范文The LUCRATIVE SMALL-SCALE business that Id like to talk about today is a boutique that I patronize, named She Loves.我今天想谈的利润丰厚的小型企业是一家我光顾的精品店,取名为“她爱”。As a fashion shop, it sells an array of womens wear and specialize in

8、dresses and blouses. Although theyre not tailor-made clothes, customers can almost always find an outfit that fits them at She Loves because the shop will have the clothes adjusted, free of charge - I should add. Theres also a range of chic accessories such as clutch purses and belts.作为一家时尚商店,它出售一系列

9、女装,专门设计服装和女衬衫。虽然他们不是定制的衣服,但顾客几乎总能找到一套适合他们的衣服,因为商店会把衣服调整好,免费我应该补充一下,还有一系列时髦的配饰,比如手包和腰带。If Im not mistaken, She Loves has been up and running for 2 years. What I find impressive about the shop is that within such a short period of time, its sales figures have soared and its business profile has been e

10、nhanced significantly. Its Facebook has at least 350.000 followers and there are hundreds of orders per month from different areas in the country. Whats more, the shops always packed with people shopping or browsing.如果我没记错的话,“她爱”已经启动并运行了2年。我对这家商店印象深刻的是,在如此短的时间内,它的销售数字大幅上升,其业务状况也得到了显著改善。它的Facebook至少有

11、350.000名关注者,每个月有数百个来自不同地区的订单。更重要的是,商店里总是挤满了购物或浏览的人。I knew about the shop by random, seeing its banner ad when surfing the net. Captivated by the dresses advertised, I clicked on the ad and have visited its website at least once a week out of a habit since then. Also, I drop by the physical store mor

12、e than twice a month, especially when there are new arrivals.我随意地知道这家商店,在网上看到它的横幅广告。我被广告上的裙子迷住了,我点击了广告,从那以后,每周至少访问一次它的网站。此外,我每月都会在实体店购物超过两次,尤其是在新到的时候。If I had to give an explanation for my liking for the shop, Id definitely say that Im really content with the various products, plus the enthusiasm of

13、 the staff there. Despite being a family business, to my surprise, the shop operates really professionally. Besides, as its a clicks-and-motar business, I can conveniently do the shopping right at home. She loves is surely always on the list of my favorite boutiques.如果我必须解释一下我对这家商店的喜爱,我肯定会说,我对各种各样的产

14、品都很满意,再加上那里员工的热情。尽管我是家族企业,但令我惊讶的是,这家店的运作非常专业。此外,由于这是一个“点击”和“motar”的业务,我可以方便地在家里进行购物。“她爱”肯定总是在我最喜欢的精品店的名单上。雅思口语PART 3What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?How to be a successful businessman in your country?Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small compan

15、ies?Do you think globalization is a positive development?In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?The roles of husbands and wives changed in recent years. Both spouses have been more open to perform different roles such as working outside the home or pitching-in with the househol

16、d duties. Another change I think is limiting the number of children in the family. Parents nowadays think of having smaller families due to high cost of living.近年来,丈夫和妻子的角色发生了变化。夫妻双方都更愿意扮演不同的角色,比如在外工作或承担家务。我认为另一个改变是限制家庭中孩子的数量。现在的父母认为由于生活成本高,他们的家庭规模更小。Should husbands and wives have different roles wi

17、thin the family? Why (not)?Traditionally, husbands and wives had clear-cut roles in the society. Husbands used to provide the financial need of the family, while women were expected to take care of the house. Changes had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in each of

18、these roles. I think this change is good. It is not necessary to define each role. I think whatever role each husband or wife takes, as long as it is good for the family, it is okay.传统上,丈夫和妻子在社会中扮演着明确的角色。丈夫过去常常为家庭提供经济上的需要,而妇女则需要照顾家庭。随着时间的推移,发生了变化,丈夫和妻子都开始参与其中的每一个角色。我认为这个改变是好的。没有必要定义每个角色。我认为无论丈夫或妻子扮演

19、什么角色,只要对家庭有好处,就可以了。Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?Both are important but family is more important for me than friends. Friends may come and go but I know that my family is always there and will always be there no matter what happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.两者都很重要,但家庭对我来说比朋友更重要。朋友可能会来,但我知道我的家人总是在那里,无论我的生活中发生了什么,无论我做什么决定,我的家人都会永远在那里。雅思口语新话题思路引导:一个家族企业


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