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1、第一章 翻译的性质,标准及要求,青岛滨海学院教师教案,前 言,教学课时两课时目的要求要求学生对我国翻译史有一个初步对了解;了解翻译对性质,标准和要求。教学重点 翻译的性质,标准 教学难点 本章的实践部分,Part One 理论(Theory)(45min.),翻译的性质 翻译的标准 翻译的要求,翻译的性质,翻译是一种语言活动过程,又是该活动的结果。翻译是通过语言机制的转换或沟通自身文化和异国文化的桥梁;翻译是具有不同文化背景的人互相交际、交流思想、达到互相理解的媒介。总之,翻译是一种融理论、技能、艺术于一体的语言实践活动。,翻译的性质,翻译的类型按翻译手段,可分为口译、笔译和机器翻译。按源出语

2、和目的语,可分为语际翻译、语内翻译和符际翻译。按翻译题材,可分政论翻译、应用文翻译、科技翻译、文学翻译等。按照穆雷教授的分法,翻译可以分为一下几类:按翻译主体的性质来分:人工翻译、机器翻译按工作方式来分:口译、笔译按翻译的材料来分:文学翻译(包括诗歌、小说、戏剧等文学作品)和实用翻译(包括科技、商务、新闻、法律等自来哦的翻译)按处理的方式来分:全文翻译、摘译、编译、改译、综译按翻译技巧来分:直译、意译、音译按翻译原则方向来分:异化翻译、归化翻译按翻译的目的来分:交际翻译、语义翻译按翻译的效果来分:显性翻译、隐性翻译,翻译的标准,名家谈翻译的标准 严复:信、达、雅鲁迅:宁信而不顺(直译)许渊冲:

3、诗歌翻译的三原则“三美”(意美、音美、形美)“三化”(等化、浅化、深化)林语堂:音美、意美、神美、气美、形美郭沫若:好的翻译等于创作朱光潜:译者“须设身处地在作者的地位,透入作者的新窍,和他同样感,同样想,同样地努力使所感所想凝定于语文”。傅雷:以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在于形似而在于神似。钱钟书:文学翻译的最高理想可以说是“化境”,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入与“化境”。,翻译的标准,名家谈翻译的标准 辜正坤:翻译标准多元互补论:翻译的标准是多元的而非一元的;翻译的标准既是多元的,又是一个有机的


5、三者的次序不能颠倒。,翻译的要求,坚持洋为中用的原则,根据我国的国情,选择那些好的和比较好的作品进行译介;不断提高本民族语言和被译语言的修养和驾驭能力,不断用语言学、逻辑学、修辞学、美学等方面的新知识丰富自己;对原作及原作作者进行认真地科学研究,把握作者所处的时代特点和原作产生的时代背景;“耽于道术,淡于名利,不欲高炫”。(彦琮),Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第1组)1.Considering its lack of training,our team has acquitted itself well.2.He would be quit

6、e a likeable fellow if only he wouldnt act the goat so much.3.The management instituted(建立)a system of consultation with the staff so that any grievances might be aired(宣扬).4.We didnt take his expression of interest in our ideas too seriously,for we suspected he was merely angling for praise.,鉴于我们队缺

7、乏训练,其表现已经不错了。,如果他不搞恶作剧,他是一个讨人喜欢的小伙子。,管理部门建立了与职工协商的制度,不管有何不平,均可言明。,尽管他说对我们的想法颇感兴趣,我们却不能当真,因为我们怀疑他仅仅是沽名钓誉。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第1组)5.He wouldnt have done it of his own will,but he was argued into it by his wife.6.Wherever she went she was attended on by a large number of followers

8、 and servants.7.The director of the operation called his team together so that he could brief them.8.You never realize how fortunate you are to have good health until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.,若不是妻子说服了他,他是不会自愿做的。,不管她走到哪里,随从和佣人都是前呼后拥。,行动计划主任把手下集合起来,以便简单介绍一下情况。,除非你突

9、然亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你不会认识到有一个健康的身体是何等有幸。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第1组)9.The amount which is brought in by the rents of those few cottages is almost negligible when income tax and the cost of repairs are deducted.10.He was strolling aimlessly along the street,when he was suddenly brought u

10、p by a notice in a shop window.11.The magistrate brushed aside the suggestion that the policeman might have been mistaken about the speed at which the car was going.12.His kidnappers threatened to bump him off if he did not tell them where the secret papers were hidden.,扣除收入所得税和房屋修缮费,这几间小别墅的租金收入几乎是微

11、不足道。,他在大街上毫无目的地漫步时,突然被商店橱窗上的一则告示吸引住了。,有人提出可能是警察高错了那辆轿车的行驶速度,法官对此没有理会。,绑架者扬言要结果了他,如果他不告诉他们秘密文件藏在哪里的话。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第1组)13.He burned his fingers badly,though we warned him against it.He lost nearly all his money he had invested.14.He is the kind of person who will always bu

12、tter up those who he thinks can be of any use to him.15.Philip tried to get me interested in a scheme for producing a new synthetic fiber,but I wasnt buying it.16.It is time the nations of the world called a halt to the manufacture of nuclear weapons.,他吃尽了鲁莽的苦头,尽管我们告诫过他。他投进的钱几乎都陪上了。,他是这样一种人,总是巴结他认为对

13、自己有用的人。,菲利普力图使我对生产新合成纤维的计划产生兴趣,但是我未上他的当。,现在是世界各国停止造核武器的时候了。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第1组)17.As soon as the proprietors(经营者)attention was called to the dangerous state of the staircase,he promised to have it repaired.18.After I had told my story,someone else capped it with one that se

14、t the table in a roar.19.He will end in the bankruptcy court at the rate he is carrying on.20.Roy,a college graduate,make it his mission to save the endangered owls and begins to team up with a number of young people with hands-on experience.,人们提醒房东注意楼梯的危险情况,房东即刻答应修一修。,我讲了一个故事,接着,另外一个人讲了一个更盖帽的,引得哄堂大

15、笑。,照他这样下去,他终将出现在破产法庭上。,罗伊是位大学毕业生。他以拯救濒危猫头鹰为使命,并为此开始与一批有实践经验的青年牵手。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第2组)1.Half the price money he spent,and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day.2.The Opposition speaker accused the British Government of leading the country up the garden path on the question

16、 of civil defence.3.Let me catch those boys stealing my apples again,and Ill set the dog on them.4.The Thompsons had a new suite of furniture not so long ago,and now theyve got a new car;things must be looking up with them.,他先花掉奖金的一半,另一半留待困难之时。,反对党发言人指责英国政府在民防问题上把国家引入歧途。,如果让我再抓住那些偷苹果的孩子,我将放狗咬他们。,汤普森

17、夫妇不久前添置了一套新家具,现在又买了一辆新车,他们家的情况一定是好转起来了。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第2组)5.I might have got more for those shares if I had kept them a little longer,but Ive made a profit on them.6.I shall have to pay the bill some time,so I may as well pay it now.7.If we had brought out this product six

18、 months ago,we should probably have a large sale for it,but now weve missed the boat;our competitions have captured the market.8.Smith is in for trouble now;he was nailed using a crib in the English examination.,那些股票若再晚一点卖掉,我或许赚得更多;不过,我还是赚了。,迟早我得付帐,不如现在就付。,若在六个月之前生产这种产品,我们现在就可能获得很大的销路;可是我们坐失了良机,市场被我

19、们的竞争对手占领了。,史密斯招来了麻烦,因为他在英语考试中作弊被抓。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第2组)9.The counterfeit banknotes were palmed off(蒙混)on the unsuspecting customers.10.Tom complained that the teacher was always picking on him,while others who were equally to blame got off scot-free.11.If you need to be put

20、in the picture,ask Mr.Jackson;hell give you the facts of the case.12.Putting two and two together,I should say he was the culprit.,那几张假钞被塞给了毫无怀疑的顾客。,汤姆抱怨,老师总是找他的茬,而其他应该受到责备的同学却万事大吉。,如果你需要了解情况,请问杰克逊先生吧,他会把有关事实告诉你的。,从这些事实判断,他就是肇事者。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第2组)13.It should be evident t

21、o anyone who can read the writing on the wall that Britain is not on the mending,but faces a period of economic difficulties.14.Some differences are of a kind that cannot,and should not,be sunk;differences on moral grounds,for instance.15.Will customers please take note that from next Monday this sh

22、op will close at 5 p.m.16.I was agreeably surprised by the address tonight,I had never thought much of Thompson as a public speaker,but he certainly rose to the occasion.,对一个有洞察力的人来说,显然英国不是在复兴,而是面临一个经济困难时期。,有些分歧是不能,而且也不应该忽略不计的,譬如道德分歧就是如此。,恭请各位顾客注意:自下星期一起,该店于下午5时停止营业。,今晚的演讲让我感到惊喜。我一直大不相信汤普森适合当众演讲,可现在

23、看来他的确行。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第2组)17.The price of vegetables has rocketed recently.18.Chinas entry into WTO and the awarding of the 2008 Summer Olympics to Beijing have caused many developers to push their way into the citys property market.19.I am not going to risk being run down

24、 before my friends by a fellow I despise(轻视)20.My hat is off to these workers who have a high sense of the protection of ecology and environment.,近来蔬菜价格出现暴涨。,中国加入世贸组织,北京荣获2008年夏季奥运会举办权,促使许多房地产开发商挤入北京市场。,我不想当着朋友的面冒险让一个我鄙视的人贬低我。,那些工人具有很高的生态和环境保护意识,我很佩服。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第3组)1.O

25、wing to the falling of the orders,the firm is having to sack a number of its employees.2.My father and I have never seen eye to eye where business is concerned.3.Now weve been here so long well see the summer out before we go back to town.4.The Old Year was seen out in the traditional fashion,by the

26、 singing of“Auld Lang Syne”.,由于订单减少,公司正要裁减一批雇员。,在生意问题上,我和父亲从未有过共识。,我们在这儿待的时间很长了;夏天过后,我们就回城。,人们按照传统的方式,在忆往昔的歌声中送走了过去的一年。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第3组)5.He always insisted that we know our jobs in the most minute detail,which is really a necessary basic characteristic of good divers.6.

27、He always looked into my eyes,and he never smiled.I was saturated with cold sweat.7.In South Korea,it is common to see jobless people in suits and ties wandering around public parks and railway stations.8.A burgeoning economy with relatively low unemployment rates-at least in the 1960s and early 197

28、0s attenuated(削弱)what could have been a continuing and bitter racial struggle for scarce jobs.,他总是要求我们了解自己工作的琐细末节,因为这是一个优秀的潜水员必要的条件。,他老是注视着我的眼睛,没有一丝笑意,令我浑身上下冷汗涔涔(cen)。,在韩国,常常可以看见西装革履的无业人员在公园或车站转来转去。,一个迅速发展的经济加上相对低的失业率,缓解了为抢饭碗而可能演变成持久激烈的种族斗争,至少在20实际60年代和70年代初期是这样的。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各

29、句译成汉语(第3组)9.Piled on a table were departmental funding requests that amounted to more than half again as much as money would be available.10.It is gratifying to discover the great interest which foreign leaders displayed in having the governor of an American state in their country.11.My investments

30、in that company can longer be reckoned(估计)on as a source of income.12.He allowed his abilities to run to seed.,桌面上堆满了各部门的经费要求报告,总金额比可能提供的款额多一半以上。,我们高兴地看到,一些外国领导人对一位美国州长访问他们的国家深感兴趣。,不能指望我在那个公司的投资是一个收入来源了。,他白白浪费了他的才干。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第3组)13.In order to overcome transport diffi

31、culties,it is suggested that firms should stagger(交错)working hours.14.Ive no objection to your having an hour off to go shopping if you can get anyone to stand in for you.15.There are a number of eminent personalities at the dinner,but the one who stole the limelight was ninety-year-old Mr.S.,the on

32、ly surviving founder-member of the society.16.The address he had prepared would,no doubt,have proved effective and gained him applause,had not a previous speaker stolen his thunder.,为了克服交通困难,建议各公司错开上班时间。,如果你能找到一个人暂时代替你,我不反对你腾出一小时去购物。,出席宴会的有许多著名人士,但最引人注目的是90岁高龄的S先生;他是唯一健在的该社创始人。,倘若不是刚才的演讲者抢先一步,他准备好的讲

33、演无疑会很精彩,会博得阵阵掌声。,Part Two 实践(Practice)(40min.),请将下列各句译成汉语(第3组)17.If s person had once been taken to her heart,she would hear nothing said against him.18.Though a busy and successful novelist,he was willing to take up any promising(有前途的)young writer and give him all the help he could.19.After dinner

34、the two ladies retired to another room and left their husbands to talk shop20.New light may be thrown upon the cause of cancer by research that is now in progress.,一旦她爱上了一个人,任何反对他的话,她一概听不进去。(情人眼里出西施)。,虽然是一个无暇顾他的成功小说家,但他愿意提携年轻有为的作者,向其提供一切可能的帮助。,饭毕,两位女士退到另一个房间,让她们的丈夫谈正事。,关于癌症的起因,有可能通过正在开展的研究得到新解释。,Part Three 总结(summary)(5min.),学生通过翻译练习,发表个人对翻译学习的看法:你是怎样理解翻译的标准的?什么是翻译标准多元化?,Part Four 巩固(consolidation),参考书目:1.英汉翻译基础教程 第一章 翻译概论(主编:穆雷)2英汉翻译教程 第一章翻译的基础知识篇(主编:杨士焯)3.实用英汉互译教程 第一章(主编:冯庆华),


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