1、雅思口语陈述卡住怎么办 雅思口语陈述卡住?教你如何巧妙缓解尴尬,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语陈述卡住?教你如何巧妙缓解尴尬1、表达不出时的对话填充物(1)How should I put it? 我该怎么说呢好处:This phrase shows that you are looking for the best expression.It also gives a heads-up that you are about to say something that might be a bit tricky to explain.(这句话让你感觉你是在寻找最恰当的表达方式,同时也
2、提醒对方你接下来要表达的内容是复杂的。)(2)Whats the word I am looking for?什么词什么说法最能表达我的意思呢?拓展:Whats the phrase/expression I am looking for?不恰当句子举例:“What am I trying to say?” might make you sound clueless: “what am I trying to say?”坏处:让人感觉你自己都不知道自己在讲什么。恰当句子举例:Whats the word I am looking for? Dont remand me.(我想说什么来着,别提醒
3、我。)好处:It shows that you really care, when you use this phrase, youre also not expecting an answer, but also yourself instead.(这句话表明了你是真的在认真思考,说这句话通常不是真的在提问,而是给自己时间过渡。)(3)its on the tip of my tongue.我想说的话就在嘴边好处:“The tip of my tongue” is such a great image, as if the word is hiding on the tip of your
4、tongue and it wants to be heard: “the tip of my tongue” (特别形象,好像词真的就在你的舌尖,马上要蹦出来一样。)(4)I just had it我刚才还记得的不恰当举例:I forgot坏处:“I forgot” is in the same category as “what am I trying to say?”一样,都不是最佳的填充对话空白方式这样会显得你心不在焉,给人你不是很想聊天的感觉。(5)its just not coming to me这个词就是怎么都想不起来啊拓展:it slipped my mind(我疏忽了忘了。)
5、2、长话短说时的实用短语(1)Basically主要的,基本上恰当句子举例:Basically, her job is to deal with foreign customers.(基本上,他的工作就是负责国外客户。)好处:说到这个词意思就在暗示对方,细节不必多说,马上要说的就是最核心和最重要的内容。(2)For the most part总的来说拓展:Overall, In brief, In short, All in all恰当句子举例:For the most part, she is a good girl.(总的来说,她是一个好女孩。)(3)Boils down to归结为拓展:
6、It all boils down to:归根结底恰当例子举例:The issue really boils down to whether customers will be willing to pay more for the same product or not.(这个问题归结于客户愿不愿意花更多的钱买同样的东西。)好处:这个短语非常的形象,就像沸腾的蒸汽都蒸发掉了,只剩下最重要的东西。学会了这些短语,在日常交流中,当表达跟不上思想时,再也不害怕支支吾吾会尴尬了。在口语考试时,如果遇到了卡壳的情况,不用过分紧张,多用这些词句,说不定会让你的成绩有所转机哦,快学起来吧!雅思口语Part
7、1和Part3没思路?“红色”答题法轻松帮你解决!红色答题法的核心:在你回答的每一句话当中,无论结论、观点怎样,都应对其进行扩充,使答案变得丰富、立体、形象。扩充的具体内容可以是原因(Reason),可以是例子(Example) ,也可以是细节(Detail) ,把这三个单词的首字母放到一起,恰恰组成了“红色”(RED),为了便于记忆,所以称其为红色答题法。在雅思口语中Part1部分内容相对简单,都是我们生活中经常遇到的一些场景话题,如:交友,购物,学习、电影等等。Part3部分难度有所提升,是考生和考官进行相关话题的深入讨论,内容涵盖更广泛,如:社会,教育,环境,道德等。这两个部分的考试形式
8、是完全一样的一问一答,考官问问题,我们来回答。这恰恰是中国考生最为害怕的,因为它需要考生在极短的时间内迅速组织好语言,进行回答。这两个部分最需要的是脑力风暴(Brainstorm),因为在这两个部分中,考生不知从何谈起,容易陷入沉思。我认为,考生必须把脑力风暴发挥到极致。能否在短时间内让你的想法和观点脱口而出,取决于你思考的速度。下面,我们来看一下红色答题法在Part1和Part3中分别怎样运用:part1Examiner : Do you like giving gift to people ?(例题选自雅思Easy姐APP中的口语分类练习)这时,如果我们只回答“Yes , I do . ”
9、或者“No , I dont . ”都是不妥的。那运用红色答题法能不能达到较好的答案呢?我们不妨这样想,送礼物虽然是表达自己心意的一种形式,但是如果所送非所欲,那意义可能就会降低,甚至经常有人因此产生了矛盾,所以与其纠结送礼还不如不送。那么,我们在决定说“ No ”之后应该加入什么补充信息呢? Reason ? Example ? Detail ? 显然,这里我们用举例子和细节的方法都不太合适,最好是给出原因 ( Detail ) 。因此,如果按以下方式回答就显得好很多:Well , I guess that gift giving is a pretty disturbing thing .
10、 Well , for one thing , its hard for me to find valuable gifts for my friends or family , ive no idea on their preference and taste and im so afraid of that they dont feel happy when they receive my present .part3Examiner : Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself ?(例题选自雅思Easy姐AP
11、P中的口语分类练习)我们应用红色答题法时就会发现,回答细节已经不太合适,这里可以举例子或者给出原因。接下来我们以给出原因的方法来解答。Personally speaking , I guess I prefer to work or study with a group of people rather than study on my own . There are some benefits that worth a mention . For example , i can get more ideas and build up my communication skillsi.红色答题
12、法提供给我们一个大致的思考方向 ,在实战中 ,还需要我们多多运用 ,才能做到熟能生巧 。以上就是分享的内容啦,希望对大家有所帮助。雅思口语Part2难题解析,打开新思路找准切入点第一道题是一道物品类的题目:1. Describe a song that means something special to you.You should say:What this song is aboutWhen you listened to this song for the first timeHow often you listen to this songAnd explain why it is
13、special to you这道题的问题一般出现在歌曲的选取。很多同学都会去选择一首对于自己有特殊意义的歌曲,而这个特殊意义一般伴随着某些事件或者回忆,这个切入点没问题。但是如果选择的歌曲只有这一个切入点,最直观的表现就是内容完全不够,因为歌曲这道题和书(describe a book you have read)这道题不一样,很难像介绍书的内容那样去介绍一首歌的内容,而且歌词和曲子的表达难度也非常高。所以,在这里建议大家将歌曲这道题和别的题目结合起来,比如和电影movie或者本季度的题目:电视节目TV program等题结合起来。比如,选择的歌曲可以是一部电影的主题曲 theme song。
14、比如这道题我的选题就是电影系列Transformers的第一部的主题曲,由Linkin park演唱的what Ive done。我的切入点有以下几点:1. 这个电影系列对于自己的影响。2. 歌手,即Linkin park对于自己的影响,大家应该知道林肯的主唱在去年已经自杀去世了,所以林肯的所有歌曲现在都成了一种缅怀寄托的方式。3. 这首歌的主题是与自然保护息息相关的,歌名就是质问人类到底对大自然做了什么,有兴趣的同学可以去看一下MV,一目了然。4. 依然可以加入个人经历和回忆。这样这道题目就有了四个切入点。而其中的很多切入点是一首单纯的歌曲不具备的。下一道依然是一道本季度的新题。2. Des
15、cribe an interesting animalYou should say:What it looks likeWhen you saw it for the first timeWhere it livesAnd explain why it is interesting我接下来说的内容是基于本季度所带的班级里同学们的反馈。这道题的难度在于interesting这个词,很多同学觉得有趣就是单纯的长的有趣,他们就只用这一个切入点所以出现了很多长相比较有趣的动物。我根本不知道这是什么东西,还有好几位同学选择了刚刚给大家看的这些动物,除了长相比较奇葩之外,就没有什么别的有趣的地方了,习性都
16、非常地朴实。比如羊驼,就是吃,所以在进行这道题选材的时候,请大家选取一些智商相对比较高,颜值也不能太低的动物。我的推荐是:海狮 sea lion它是水族馆aquarium的主力表演选手,他们经常能够做出很高难度的动作,或者和饲养员keeper一起为大家带来欢声笑语。现在给大家带来一些表达和分析:Synchronized moves:我们用这个词来形容几只海豹的动作比较统一。Leap through the hoop under the keepers instructions.在饲养员的指导下穿过圈子leap 跳跃 hoop 圈Leap out of the water all of a su
17、dden to surprise audience.突然跃出水面Tap the water with its tail.用尾巴拍打水面Give keepers a high five with its forefoot .give someone a high five是与某人击掌的意思,在体育比赛当中这个行为非常正常,forefoot 前掌Tip a ball on its head.用脑袋颠球下面是最后一道题,本季度高频的一道地点类题目。3.Describe a public place that need improvements.任何一个公共场所,只要它使用了一定的时间,它就肯定有不少
18、值得改进的地方。我推荐的地方是:subway/railway station,airport,library,shopping mall,cinema,cafe,theater,museum.简直不胜枚举。我在这里以地铁站为例子。说明一下,最近在徐家汇旗舰校区课比较多,徐家汇地铁站最大的问题,想必大家和我感同身受:换乘距离,实在太长。所以,怎么去表达呢?In Xujiahui Subway station, if you want to transfer from line 1 toline 9, an 8-minute walk is inevitable.So I think the la
19、yout should beredesigned, the original route ought to be replaced by a more direct one.layout 布局,route 路线,都是很关键的词汇,听力里都是会在填空题里考的。然后地铁站别的问题包括:The layout of exits.出口的布局也有问题,出错一个,只能重新进站。If I get out from the wrong exit, the only way I could get back isto reenter the station and swipe the metro card aga
20、in.请大家注意swipe这个词,刷卡。The locations and numbers ofrestrooms/elevators.注意,这里的restroom是指厕所。很多地铁站厕所设置在站外。So few litter bins.垃圾桶太少The efficiency of security check.安检太慢Not enough signs,路标不够The air conditioning system is not powerfulenough.空调不够强劲总而言之,这道题,从两个方面入手,layout和facilities注意,迁址已经不是改进了,不能讲搬迁地址。因为搬了就不是
21、一个place了,这道题考到的频率很高,请大家好好做一下准备。新题解析就给大家分析到这里!最后,和各位同学强调,所有的思路都是建立在大家对自己想的内容不满意的前提下,可以来尝试我的思路,绝不是强制的哦!干货|高分雅思口语替换词1.occur 替换 think ofSuddenly i had an idea that someone had broken into my houseAn idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my houseIt occurred to me that someone had broken into m
22、y house2.devote 替换 spendHe spends all his spare time in readingHe devotes all his spare time to reading3.seek 替换 want/ look forThey sought( wanted )to hide themselves behind the trees.4.average替代ordinaryIm an average( ordinary )student.5.but 替换 veryThe Film we saw last night was very interestingThe
23、film we saw last night was nothing but interestingThe film we saw last night was anything but boring.6.seat 替换 sitOn his way to school,he found an old lady seated(sitting) by the road, looking worried.7.suppose 替换 shouldHe is supposed to( should )have driven more slowly.8.appreciate 替换 thankThank yo
24、u very much for your helpWe appreciate your help very much. /Your help is much appreciated.9.the case 替换 trueI dont think it is the case(true)10.on 替换 as soon asAs soon as he arrived,he began his researchOn his arrival,he began his research.11.due to 替换 because ofHe arrived late due to( because of)
25、the storm.12.cover 替换 walk/readAfter covering(walking)70 miles, we all Felt tired.13.contribute to 替换 be helpful/ usefulPlenty or memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.14.round the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearbyThe summe
26、r vacation is round the corner( coming)Do you have any plans?Li Ming studies in a school round the corner(nearby)15e to light 替换 discoverThe Family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels.The Family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.16.have a ball 替换 have a good time/en
27、joy oneselfAfter visiting the workshop, we went back to school.Every one of us had a ball(had a good time).17e up with 替换 think ofJack is very clever, he often comes up with(thinks of) new ideas.18.set aside 替换 saveSome students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.1
28、9.be of + n.替换 adjThe products are of high quality(very good) and are sold everywhere in China.20.refer to 替换 talk about/of, mentionThe professor you referred to(talked about )is very famous.21.can not but/ can not help but 替换 have to doI could not but(had to) go home.22.more often than not 替换 usual
29、lyMore often than not(Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.23.lest 替换 so that/ in order thatI wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it.I wrote down his telephone number lest I(should) forget it.24.be long for sth/ be long to do sth替换want to do sth/wish forI
30、want to see you very much.I am long to see you.25.be caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbedin/ be addicted to 替换 be interested inHe is caught up in( very interested in )collecting stamps.26.more than 替换 veryIm very glad to learn that you are coming in September.Im more than glad to learn that you a
31、re coming in September.27.perfect(ly) 替换 good/ very wellHe speaks perfect( good)English./He speaks English perfectly( very well )28.do sb a/the favor 替换 helpWould you please do me the favor(help me) to turn down the radio?29.the other day 替换 a few days agoThe other day my brother and I went to the c
32、inema by bicycle.30.in the course of 替换 duringIn the course of ( during) the mountain climbing,please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.31.the majority of 替换 mostThe majority of (Most of)the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.32.consist of 替换 be mad
33、e up ofOur class consists of (is made up or )50 students.33.be worn out 替换 be tired/ brokenAfter five hoursnon-stop work, we were all worn out(tired).My shoes are worn out(broken). Please buy me a new pair.34.become of 替换 happenWhat do think has become of(happened to)him?35.express ones satisfaction with 替换 be satisfied withThe majority of(Most of ) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.