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1、雅思口语范文和思路解析分享 今天和大家分享雅思口语范文和思路解析,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语新题上市: cooking的范文和思路解析Cooking(new)Have you ever cooked?Do you like cooking?Do you want to learn how to cook?Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?Have you ever cooked?思路解析:你曾经下过厨吗?考生可以根据自己的生活经验进行作答,可以讨论下厨的时候发生的难题,意外以及惊喜。还可以说明一下收获。Y

2、es, I did breakfast last summer. I still remember an accident when I was scrambledeggs. After heating and pouring the oil, I poured the eggs in. Suddenly, the hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand. I was scalded, and the egg was also scorched. This is an unhappy experience of cooking.是的,我上个

3、暑假下过厨。我依然记得我在煎鸡蛋的时候发生一个意外。当锅加热和放油之后,我把蛋倒入进入。突然,the hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand.我被烫伤了,而且蛋也焦了。这是一个不愉快的下厨体验。Do you like cooking?思路解析:你喜欢下厨吗?考生可以分两个方面讨论,并陈述理由。如果说喜欢,考生可以联系到家庭和谐,增加经验等。如果说不喜欢,考生可以联系发生的事故,以及做菜很难吃之类的。I love to cook, especially make breakfast. Because cooking has brought m

4、e a lot of sense of achievement. One day, I friedBaconand eggs, and made oatmeal in the morning. My parents were not only surprised that I could cook so many dishes, but also praised my delicious oatmeal. I felt very proud and learned a lot of experience at that time.我热爱下厨,特别擅长做早餐。因为做饭带给了我很多成就感。记得有一

5、次,我早上煎培根和鸡蛋,还有做了燕麦粥。我的父母不仅惊讶我能做这么多菜色,并且夸赞我做的燕麦粥非常美味。我感到非常自豪和学到了很多经验在那个时候。Do you want to learn how to cook?思路解析:你想学习如何料理吗?考生同样可以从两个方面进行作答,如果说想的话,考生可以从增加生活趣味和经验。如果说不想的话,可以说学业压力大,父母不希望,自己做饭难吃等角度看待。I dont want to learn how to cook. First, I think Im a poor chef. Ive tried to cook many times, but all dis

6、hes tasted terrible. Secondly, my mother is good at cooking that she always refuses me to cook, because she thinks I will cause a lot of trouble. Third, I need to spend a lot of time on study, and I have many homework to do. So these are the reasons why I dont want to learn how to cook.我并不想学习下厨。第一,我

7、认为我厨艺糟糕,我曾经料理过很多次,但是特别难吃。第二,我妈妈厨艺太好了,她总是拒绝我下厨因为她认为我会给她带来很多麻烦。第三,我需要花很多时间在学习上,有很多作业没有时间完成。所以这些就是我不想学习做饭的原因。Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?思路解析:做中国菜对于你难不难。考生可以根据自己的亲身经验进行作答,描述一下自己遇到的困难和收获。还可以从困难的角度看待,说明一下原因和挫折。It is hard for me to cook Chinese food.First, its hard to control the taste of

8、 Chinese food. Sometimes I made spicy fried chicken, but it always tasted salty or sweet. Second, the steps of Chinese cuisine are hard to remember. WhenImade spicy fried chicken, it was hard for me to remember the order of chicken and salt, which made the chicken dry. Third, Chinese cuisine takes a

9、 long time. I found that it takes a long time to make Chinese soup every time. To be honest, I dont have that much patience.做中国菜对于来说很难。第一,中国菜的口味很难控制,有时候我做的辣炒鸡块特别咸,有时候特别甜。第二,中国菜的步骤很难记住。在做辣炒鸡块的时候,我很难记住放鸡块和盐的顺序,导致鸡肉变得很干。第三,中国菜要花很长时间。我发现每次做中国汤需要花费很长的时间。老实说,我没有那么多耐心。雅思口语新题范文和思路解析:Morning routineMorning r

10、outine (new)What do you do in the mornings?Is breakfast important?What is your morning routine?Do you like to get up early in the morning?What do you do in the mornings?思路解析:你早上通常干什么?考生结合自身的情况进行讨论,记住陈述的内容不要过于平淡,例如刷牙吃饭之类的。最好加入一个有趣的事,锻炼,听音乐,看新闻之类的。In general, I will listen to morning news after brushi

11、ng teeth and washing face in the morning. I can quickly learn about news from different places, and I am particularly concerned about economic and political topics. Because I think it is interesting and increasing my knowledge. In addition, sharing these news with others can enhance my social skills

12、.通常,我早上刷牙和洗完脸之后,会听早晨新闻。我能很快了解来自不同地方的新闻,尤其我特别关心经济和政治话题。我觉得特别有趣,还能增长我的见识。此外,将这些听到的新闻分享给其他人,能增强我的社交能力。Is breakfast important?思路解析:早餐重要吗?考生可以简单论述一下早餐给你带来的帮助,例如让你学习精力充沛,让你身体变好,或者能够增加家庭凝聚力之类的。I really enjoy my breakfast. First, my thinking always is fuzzy in the morning. A good breakfast can bring enough

13、energy to refresh. Second, breakfast is delicious. Bacon and eggs in the breakfast are especially delicious, especially Bacon is very crisp. Third,I can chat with family during breakfast. During breakfast, I can share some interesting things with my family to help me release the pressure.我特别需要早餐。第一,

14、我早上意识特别模糊,一个好的早餐能够给我带来足够的能量。第二,早餐很好吃。早餐里面的培根和鸡蛋特别的好吃,尤其培根特别脆。第三,早餐能和家人一起聊天。在早餐的过程中,可以和家人分享一些有趣的事情帮助我释放压力。What is your morning routine?思路解析:你早上习惯干什么?考生可以根据日常习惯进行作答,适当添加一些有趣和不同的习惯。重点是要按照顺序说,这样比较贴合主题。The first thing I do in the morning is to listen to the news. I can quickly know the news from differen

15、t places, especially about economic and political topics. Then I run in the morning, because the park air is so fresh in the morning, and it boosts my immunity. Finally, I will have a good breakfast, which will bring me enough energy.早上我第一件事就是听新闻,我能很快了解来自不同地方的新闻,尤其我特别关心经济和政治话题。然后,我会在早上进行跑步,因为早上的公园空气

16、特别清新,还能增强免疫力。最后,我会吃一顿丰富的早餐,能够给我带来足够的能量。Do you like to get up early in the morning?思路解析:你喜欢早起吗?考生可以根据喜欢和不喜欢进行作答,如果说喜欢的话,考生可以讨论一下起早的好处,还有你起早能干些什么。如果说不喜欢,可以陈述太早会感觉不舒服,做事没精神。I usually wake up at 7:00 amso that Icouldhave enough time to run. Normally, the park air in the morning is so fresh that I can wa

17、ke up as soon as possible, and running can boost my bodys immunity at same time. In additional, I can spend extra time on reading book, because my degree of concentration will increase in the morning.我通常会提前一个小时起床,因为有足够的时间进行跑步。通常,早上的公园空气特别清新能够让我尽快清醒,还能增强身体的免疫力。此外,我会利用多余的时间进行课外阅读,因为早上的专注度会提高。雅思口语新题par

18、t2范文:环保人士Describe a person who helps to protect the environmentYou should say:Who this person isHow this person isHow this person protects the environmentWhat difficulty this person has facedAnd how you feel about this personPart 3Is it important to teach students environmental protection school?How

19、 can people protect the environment?Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?What is the environmental education?雅思口语part2范文Speaking of environmentalist, id like to share the story of my friendMrs Howard.She graduated from Environmental Studies in harvard university

20、,and then she applied to work in an environmental association office.说到环保主义者,我想和大家分享我的朋友霍华德夫人的故事。她毕业于哈佛大学的环境研究中心,然后申请在环境保护办公室工作。As an environmental assistant, the position will provide assistance to Environmental Services staff in the implementation and coordination of County solid waste programs an

21、d other related programs. The main focus of the work will be in the solid waste field assisting in operation of the Environmental Center,including assisting with the operation of the Carver County Environmental Center in activities such as accepting and managing various waste streams with an emphasi

22、s on customer service and assisting with the organics collection program by monitoring sites and dealing with customer service issues.作为一名环境助理,该职位将为环境服务人员提供协助,帮助他们实施和协调县固体废物项目和其他相关项目。重点工作将在固体废物领域环境中心的协助操作,包括协助举办卡佛县环境中心的活动,如接受和管理各种废水重点客户服务和协助有机物收集程序通过监测网站和处理客户服务问题。Mostly she works from 8:00 a.m. to 1

23、2:00 p.m.during weekdays, but she also has extra lectures at weekends.她的工作时间是上午8点到下午12点。在工作日,但她在周末也有额外的讲座。She is an excellent environmental researcher and she is exerted in Eco-Business.雅思口语part3Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?Yes, definitely. Air and water pollution are huge issues

24、 in the modern world. The air pollution problem is especially grave due to the increasing amount of exhaust fumes, which are produced by cars, and result into a poorair quality.是的,当然有。空气和水污染是现代世界的大问题。空气污染问题尤其严重,因为汽车产生的废气越来越多,导致空气质量下降。What do you do to prevent our environment from pollution?A lot of

25、things. First of all, I dont litter. Also, my family and me try to buy only environmentally friendly goods whenever we can. And finally, I try to save trees. I print on both sides of every sheet of paper I use and use any left over white space to scribble notes.很多事情。首先,我不乱丢垃圾。而且,我的家人和我都尽量只买环保的商品。最后,

26、我试着拯救树木我在每张纸的两面都打印,用任何剩余的空白纸来写笔记。Have you ever participated in any environmental events?Yes, of course! Last year I participated in an event in my hometown, which was all about preserving nature. We were taught about the greenhouse effect and I learned about many endangered species in the world.是的,当

27、然!去年我参加了一个在我家乡举办的活动,那是关于保护自然的。我们被告知温室效应,我了解了世界上许多濒危物种。In which way do people damage our planet?Er. In my point of view, we damage the Earth in many ways. Just take a look at all those factories that empty toxic waste into rivers and lakes. People also destroy a great deal of natural areas in search

28、of fossil fuels. Not to mention poaching and endangering of wild animals.呃在我看来,我们在很多方面损害了地球。只要看看那些把有毒废物排放到河流和湖泊的工厂就可以了。人们还破坏了大量的自然区域来寻找化石燃料。更不用提偷猎和危害野生动物了。Do you think that the environmental situation will improve in the nearest future?Yes, I would like to believe so. People are getting more and mor

29、e aware of the major environmental issues that were dealing with nowadays. I hope that we will get back to nature and start caring about our planet more.是的,我愿意相信人们越来越意识到我们现在所面对的主要环境问题。我希望我们能回到大自然,开始更多地关心我们的星球。雅思口语环保类话题相关词汇环境保护狂(非正式) tree hugger世界自然基金会 the WWF the World Wide Fund for Nature保护主义者 pres

30、ervationist绿色和平组织 Greenpeace地球之友 Friends of the Earth敌人缩写 FoE abbreviation环保人士 environmentalist生态学家 ecologist自然世界 The natural world保护英格兰乡村的运动 the Campaign to Protect Rural England(the CPRE )保护环境不受破坏或破坏的人 someone who works to protect the environment from damage or destruction相关词汇 Related words污染物 Pollutants环境问题 Environmental issues保育人士 conservationist保护 conservancy


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