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1、雅思口语高分模板分享 今天给大家整理了雅思口语高分模板,希望能帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语高分模板:关于自我介绍雅思口语高分模板一:I am_ . I was born in_ . I graduate from_ senior high school and major in _. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. Thats why I have no problem communicating with Am

2、ericans or others by speaking English。In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by one English clubs or institutes.我是-。我出生在-。我毕业于-。我从12岁就开始学英语。我的父母有很多美国朋友。这就是我为什么说英语与美国

3、人或其他人交流没有问题的原因。在我的业余时间,我喜欢做任何与英语有关的事情,比如听英文歌曲,看英文电影或电视节目,甚至参加一个英语俱乐部或研究所举办的活动。I used to go abroad for a short term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things。I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using dif

4、ferent sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literature and enlarge my knowledge.我过去经常去国外短期英语学习。在那段时间里,我学到了很多日常生活中的英语,看到了很多不同的东西。我认为语言很有趣。我可以用不同的声音来表达一种物质。所以我希望我可以学习和阅读更多的英文文献和扩大我的知识。雅思口语高分模板二:My name is_. There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches

5、chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download

6、the E books to read.我的名字叫-。我家有4口人。我父亲是一位化学老师。他在高中教化学。我妈妈是一位英语老师。她在大学里教英语。我有一个弟弟,他是个初中生,正在准备入学考试。我喜欢在业余时间看英语故事书。有时我上网冲浪,下载电子书阅读。Reading E books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations。I hope to study both English and comput

7、er technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.阅读电子书很有趣。此外,它还扩大了我的词汇,因为先进的技术和生动的动画。我希望学习英语和计算机技术,因为我感兴趣的科目。也许有一天,我可以把两者结合起来,并应用到我未来的研究中。雅思口语高分模板:描述传统节日1. What public holidays do you have in your country

8、?Weve got loads of them, for example, the one thats just passed was the National Day holiday, and then weve got the Spring Festival of course - thats probably the most important one - which is at the beginning of the year, sometime around, like, late January, beginning of February, that kind of time

9、. And uh, what else do we have? Uhoh yeah, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and um there are a few others as well but I cant remember them all off-hand Im afraid!我们有很多这样的节日,比如刚刚过去的就是国庆节,然后我们当然会有春节,这可能是最重要的节日,在年初的某个时候,比如一月下旬,二月初。时间的种类。呃,我们还有什么? 是的,端午节,中秋节,还有其他一些节日,但是恐怕我不能马上记住它们!2. Do pe

10、ople in your country celebrate Christmas?Umits kind of hard to generalize, but I would say, to an extent, yeah. I mean, by and large, its the younger generation that tend to celebrate Christmas, but they dont celebrate it in the way Westerners would. You know, in the West, people go to church, open

11、presents, umwhereas over here, its kind of like, just, “lets get together for a party, go to KTV” that sort of thing. So it is celebrated, but just in a slightly different way.At least thats my understanding anyway!有点难以概括,但我想说,在某种程度上,是的。我的意思是,总的来说,年轻一代倾向于庆祝圣诞节,但是他们不像西方人那样庆祝圣诞节。你知道,在西方,人们去教堂,打开礼物,嗯而在

12、这里,这就像是,“我们聚会开个派对,去KTV”之类的事情。所以它是庆祝的,但只是稍微不同的方式。至少这是我的理解无论如何!3. Do you like public holidays?Yeah I do. You know, it gives me the opportunity to be together with my family for a bit, take some time off, so yeah, I always tend to look forward to them.是的。你知道,这让我有机会和家人在一起,休息一段时间,所以我总是很期待他们。4. Which publ

13、ic holidays do you like the most?Thats a good question. I guess I would have to say The Spring Festival, which Im sure is most peoples favourite, the main reason being that its by far the most important festival in our culture. And so everything feels just a bit different during that time. You know,

14、 everyone seems happier, the streets are livelier, and its basically just like one long party which stretches on for a week or two. And, its also probably the only time of year you can eat and drink to your hearts content without feeling guilty about it!这是个好问题我想我得说“春节”,我相信春节是大多数人最喜欢的节日,主要原因是它是我们文化中最

15、重要的节日。所以在这段时间里,一切都有点不同。你知道,每个人看起来都更快乐,街道也更热闹,基本上就像一个延长一两个星期的派对。而且,这也可能是一年中唯一一个你可以尽情地吃和喝而不为此感到愧疚的时刻。5. What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?I cant speak for everyone, but I guess most people either stay at home or go travelling. And if youve ever stayed in China during a

16、 public holiday, youll have seen for yourself the hordes of people that flock to all the tourist spots, right across the country.我不能为每个人说话,但我想大多数人要么呆在家里,要么去旅行。如果你曾经在中国度过公共假期,你会亲眼看到成群的人涌向全国各地的旅游景点。6. What would you like to do during the next public holiday?UmmI havent really given it much thought act

17、ually! But seeing as I went travelling during the last one, Ill probably just take it easy and spend the time chilling out at home. Something like that!我真的没怎么考虑过!但是当我在最后一次旅行的时候,我可能会放松一下,在家里消磨时光。类似的事情!7. Do you think public holidays are important?Yeah, I think they really are, cos I mean, here in Chi

18、na, the public holidays are always on a certain festival, so its one way of helping maintain all the various customs and traditions we have. Just to give you an example, if you took away the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, it probably wouldnt get the attention it deserved, and over time, people might

19、simply stop bothering with all the customs that are associated with the festival, like dragon-boat racing. So yeah, I think its pretty important that we continue to have them.是的,我想他们真的是,因为我的意思是,在中国,公共假期总是在某个节日,所以它是一种帮助保持我们各种风俗和传统的方式。举个例子,如果你把端午节假期拿走了,它可能不会受到应有的重视,随着时间的推移,人们可能会不再烦恼与端午节相关的所有习俗,比如赛龙舟。所

20、以,我认为8. Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?No, not really, if Im gonna be honest with you. I mean, I think we have enough as it is. Almost every month there seems to be a public holiday of some sort, and you know, I think thats more or less enough. Theres no need to go

21、 over the top with them , otherwise, . , I guess it would break up the momentum of our daily lives, if that makes sense!不,不是真的,如果我对你诚实的话。我的意思是,我认为我们已经足够了。几乎每个月都会有某种公共假日,你知道,我认为这差不多。没有必要和他们一起过头,否则我想这会打破我们日常生活的动力,如果这有道理的话!我们继续拥有它们是非常重要的。8. Do you think there should be more public holidays in your coun

22、try?No, not really, if Im gonna be honest with you. I mean, I think we have enough as it is. Almost every month there seems to be a public holiday of some sort, and you know, I think thats more or less enough. Theres no need to go over the top with them , otherwise, . , I guess it would break up the

23、 momentum of our daily lives, if that makes sense!不,不是真的,如果我对你诚实的话。我的意思是,我认为我们已经足够了。几乎每个月都会有某种公共假日,你知道,我认为这差不多。没有必要和他们一起过头,否则我想这会打破我们日常生活的动力,如果这有道理的话!雅思口语高分模板:关于家乡介绍What do you like most about your home?Well, probably what I like most about my home is that we have a really great river view, because

24、we live quite high up,on the 20th floor, and our flat is right next to the river. So I feel really lucky to have such a nice view, and I never get tired of it.嗯,也许我最喜欢我家的地方是我们的河景非常好,因为我们住的地方很高,在20层,我们的公寓就在河边。所以我真的很幸运有这么好的风景,而且我从来没有厌倦过。Is there anything you would like to change about your home?Thinki

25、ng about it, Id say there probably is, yeah, for example one thing I would quite like to do is knock down the wall between my kitchen and the living room, because at the moment, theres not much space in the kitchen, so if we got rid of the wall, it would make everything much more spacious, I think.想

26、一想,我想说也许有,是的,例如,我很想做的一件事就是敲倒我厨房和客厅之间的墙,因为此刻,厨房里没有多少空间,所以如果我们去掉墙,一切都会更加宽敞。(Similar to above) What do you think could be improved about your home?Well, I kind of like my home the way it is, but I guess if I had to change anything, then one thing I might do would be toget rid of the wall between my liv

27、ing room and kitchen, as it would then make things a lot more spacious.嗯,我有点喜欢我家的样子,但是我想如果我必须改变什么,那么我可以做的一件事就是去掉客厅和厨房之间的墙,因为那样会使得房间更加宽敞。Whats your favourite room?I would say my favourite room is probably my living room, firstly because thats where the TV is, and secondly because its got big floor-to

28、-ceiling windows which overlook the river, so we have a really cool view. Oh and one more thing to mention would be that its by far the most spacious room in the flat, because all the other rooms are about half the size, if not less.我想说,我最喜欢的房间可能是我的起居室,首先是因为那里有电视,其次是因为那里有从地板到天花板的大窗户,可以俯瞰河流,所以我们的视野很凉

29、爽。哦,还有一件事要提的是,这是公寓里迄今为止最宽敞的房间,因为所有其他房间的大小大约是一半,如果不是更小的话。How is that room decorated?Well, regarding the walls, weve got a few family pictures hanging up, which gives the room a nice personal feel. And as for the flooring, we basically just decided to use ceramic tiles, because theyre very practical i

30、n terms of keeping clean, but weve also put a small carpet down by the sofa to make that area a little bit more cozy. So all in all Id say its a really nice room for chilling out in.嗯,关于墙壁,我们有一些家庭照片挂起来,给房间一个良好的个人感觉。至于地板,我们基本上只是决定使用瓷砖,因为瓷砖在保持清洁方面非常实用,但是我们还在沙发旁边放了一块小地毯,使那个地方更舒适一些。总而言之,我认为这是一个很好的房间。Wha

31、t furniture is in that room?Well, on one side theres a big bookshelf, which basically stretches across the entire wall, coz weve got a lot of books! Then against another wall, weve got a nice big sofa, which probably seats about 8 or 9 people, so its great for when we have friends over.好的,在一边有一个大书架,

32、它基本上横跨整个墙,因为我们有很多书。然后靠着另一堵墙,我们有一个很好的大沙发,大概能坐8、9个人,所以当我们有朋友过来的时候就很好。In the future, what sort of home (flat, house etc.) would you like to live in?Well, thinking about it, Id say I would like to live in a villa overlooking the sea, the main reason being that, with a villa, I would get my own garden, w

33、hich wouldnt be the case if I lived in a flat, and I think having a nice view of the sea would be great for helping me relax whenever I needed to.嗯,想想看,我想住在一个可以俯瞰大海的别墅里,主要原因是,有了别墅,我会有自己的花园,如果我住在公寓里就不会这样,而且我认为,每当我住在公寓里时,能看到美丽的海景会帮助我放松。Do you like the area where you live?Yeah, on the whole Id say its a pretty nice place, you know, there are quite a few good restaurants and shops, and most of the buildings are pretty new. So its quite an up-and-coming area, and Im really happy to be living there.是啊,总的来说,我认为那是一个相当不错的地方,你知道,有很多不错的餐厅和商店,而且大部分的建筑都是相当新的。所以这是一个很有前途的领域,我真的很高兴住在那里。雅思口语高分模板


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