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1、Unit 2 Surface Mining,2.1 Introduction,一、重点专业词汇和词组:open pit 露天坑open cast 露天矿extraction 开采bench 平台 bermsstripping ratio 采剥比deposit 矿床,erosive 腐蚀的depend on sth.取决于be used to 被用来做bothand 两者都eitheror 或是或是be applied to 被应用于,placer mining 淘洗采矿 hydraulicking 水力采矿 solution mining 溶浸采矿 leaching 沥滤 commercial

2、 mine(产品)外销矿山 for the duration 在整段时间内 borehole mining 钻井采矿法 be defined as 把什么定义为 inadequate indikwit 不充分的、不适当的、不足以,overburden 表土successive layers 相邻层elevation 海拔高度bench height 台阶高度vertical distance 垂直距离bench slope 平台边坡pit limits 采坑境界haul road 运输线路pit slope stability 露天矿边坡稳定性Formerly 以前、从前topography

3、tprfi 地形学;地志;地势,with few exceptions 极少例外Paradoxically,prdksikli 反常、相矛盾的Meet 满足design parameters prmits 设计参数more than 比更Flexibility,fleksibiliti 灵活性tooto 太而不能Mineralization,minrlaizein 矿化矿化作用Abandoned bndnd 抛弃,放弃Outweighed,autwei 在之上,胜过Alternative:lt:ntiv schemes ski:ms 备用方案,Outside 超出,在之外Outline 外形,

4、轮廓Evaluation i,vljuein 评估Maximum mksimm 最大限度、最大量geometricdiumetrik parameters 几何参数 mined back 回采Simultaneously saimlteinisli 同时地 Specifications,spesifikein 说明书;规格 Lateral ltrl 横向的Infrastructures infr,strkt 基础设施;下部构造;基本建设,Ultimate ltimt 最终,最终的;极限的;根本的more or less 或多或少Arrangement 准备;布置;整理angle of repo

5、se 安息角,休止角Referred to as 被称为Sub-out crop 隐伏露头 Inclination,inklinein 倾向,爱好;斜坡 Percentage 百分率,百分数;百分比Zigzagging zizi 成之字形,二、复合难句1、In open pit mining,a mechanical extraction method,a thick deposit is generally mined in benches or steps,although thin deposits may require only a single bench or face.在露天采

6、矿(一种机械开采法)中,一个厚的矿床通常都是按平台或台阶进行开采的,尽管薄的矿床可能只需要一个简单的平台或工作面。,2、Hydraulicking utilizes a high-pressure stream of water that is directed against the mineral deposit(normally but not always a placer),undercutting it,and causing its removal by the erosive actions of the water.水力开采利用一根高压水柱直接冲击矿床(通常不总是砂矿),由于

7、水的侵蚀作用慢慢切割,进而引起移动剥落。,3、Dredging performed from floating vessels,accomplishes the extraction of the minerals mechanically or hydraulically.从漂浮的船上“挖泥”,实现机械或水力的矿物开采。,4、Solution mining includes both borehole mining,such as the methods used to extract sodium chloride or sulfur,and leaching,either through

8、 drill-holes or in dumps or heaps on the surface.溶浸采矿包括井眼采矿(比如开采盐和硫磺的方法)和浸滤采矿,或者通过钻孔或者通过倾倒或地面堆浸的方法实现浸滤开采。,5、An open pit mine is an excavation or cut made at the surface of the ground for the purpose of(为了目的)extracting ore and which is open to the surface for the duration of the mines life.露天开采 是为了开采

9、矿石而在地表进行的一种挖掘或切割,它在采矿的整个过程中都是露天开放的,6、The selection of physical design parameters and the scheduling of the ore and waste extraction program are complex engineering decisions of enormous economic significance.物理设计参数的选择和矿石及废矿开采工作的进度计划是具有巨大经济意义的复杂工程抉择,7、Among these are increasing production,a shift in

10、emphasis from underground to surface mining,a decline in ore grade and quality of some crude materials,and,with few exceptions,an increase in productivity of labor在这些因素中,属于产量增加的因素是:开采重心由地下开采向露天开采的转变,一些原矿矿石在等级和质量方面的下降,以及,少有例外的员工生产力的提高,8、Paradoxically,productivity has increased even with declining gra

11、de and quality,which is indicative of the rapid technological improvement taking place in open pit mining techniques相矛盾的是,甚至在矿石等级和质量下降的情况下生产力一直在提高。这预示着露天采矿技术的改进是显著的。,9、This pattern of change has permitted production from many formerly uneconomic mineral resources occurring near the surface at a time

12、 when higher-grade ores are inadequate to meet increasing demand这样的技术革新允许人们在高品位矿石产量不能满足人们日益增长的矿产品需求时开采原来认为不经济的近地表的矿藏。,10、The conclusions,although valid,are sometimes outweighed by a new set of factors that arise from differences in the physical character of mineral deposits available for future expl

13、oitation and from changes in technology,markets,and public policy总之,露天采矿虽然是很有效的,但有时也会因为一些新产生的因素而被否定掉。这些因素是:用于以后开采的矿床在物理特性方面的差异和开采技术、市场以及国家政策的变化。,11、The most economic final pit design often depends on factors that are largely outside the mining engineers control,such as the geometric outline of the o

14、re body,the distribution of ore within the ore body,topography,slope angles,etc.最经济实惠的最终开采方案通常取决于采矿工程师所远远不能掌控的因素,比如矿体的几何形状、矿石在矿体内的分布情况,地形(或地志资料)、边坡角等等,12、A bench may be defined as a ledge that forms a single level of operation above which mineral or waste materials are mined back to a bench face工作平台

15、可以这样定义:能够为矿石或废石回采到平台工作面而形成一个单独的作业水平的“壁架”(是指为矿石和废石回采到它上面的一个单独的作业水平的狭长突出部分-“壁架”)。,13、The bench slope is the angle,measured in degrees,between the horizontal(hrizntl)and an imaginary line joining the bench toe and crest 台阶坡面角(平台坡度)是用度数计量的角度,是平台坡顶与坡底间假想的一条连线和水平线之间的夹角。14、Pit limits are the vertical and l

16、ateral extent to which the open pit mining may be economically conducted 矿坑境界是指露天采矿中可以经济地开采的纵向和横向的限度。,15、The overall pit slope angle is the angle at which the wall of an open pit stands,as measured between the horizontal and an imaginary line joining the top bench crest with the bottom bench toe.露天矿

17、的最终边坡角是露天矿边帮的角度,它是在水平线与连接最上一个平台的顶部和最下一个平台的底部的虚拟连线之间测量的。,16、A spiral system is an arrangement(布置)whereby(凭,靠)the haul road is arranged spirally(成螺旋形地)along the perimeter walls(围墙,坑壁)of the pit so that the gradient(坡度)of the road is more or less uniform(相同)from the top to the bottom of the pit螺旋系统是一种使

18、运输道路凭借它沿着坑壁呈螺旋状(上升或下降)的设计系统,这样使得运输道路的坡度从底部到顶部几乎不变。,17、A zigzag system is an arrangement in which the road surmountss:maunt(克服)the steep grade(陡坡)of a pit wall by zigzagging,generally on the footwall(底帮)side of the pit.之字形系统(或回返式系统)是一种使运输道路呈之字形从而克服台阶坡度的设计系统,它通常是布置在矿坑的底帮上。,18、The grade may be defined

19、as the inclination(斜坡)of the road in terms of(依据)degrees from the horizontal or percentage of rise to the horizontal运输道路的坡度可以定义为:道路从水平面上上升的度数或上升到水平面的百分比。,19、The angle of repose or angle of rest is the maximum slope(最大坡度)at which a heap of(许多)loose material will stand without sliding 静止角(或休止角、安息角)是指大

20、量松散物质能够保持稳定而不滑落的最大坡度角(松散物锥面长边的坡面线与水平线间的夹角)。,20、The sub-outcrop(隐伏露头)depth represents(代表)the depth of waste that has to be removed before any ore is exposed(暴露).This waste is often referred to as preproduction stripping(前期剥离)隐伏露头的深度代表着开采到矿石之前需要剥离的废料的深度。这种废石的剥离通常被称为前期剥离,小结,1、专业知识:1)工作平台、平台高度、台阶坡面角(平台坡度)2)非工作平台、平台坡面角、平台宽度 3)矿坑境界、最终边坡角、安息角(静止角、休止角)2、英语知识:构词:前缀、后缀、ing形式、ed形式等 时态:现在、过去、现在完成、语态:主动、被动 语气:句子结构:主从、从句嵌套从句,


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