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1、Unit8 An Interactive Life,Barbara Kantrowitz,Barbara Kantrowitz has been an editor and writer at Newsweek since 1985.She has written dozens of cover stories on education and family issues and has won numerous awards for her work.She is also a published fiction writer.A graduate of Cornell University

2、 and the Columbia UniversityGraduate School of Journalism,Kantrowitz livesin New York with her husband and two sons.,Joshua Cooper Ramo,Joshua Cooper Ramo(b.1968)is a senior editor for the weekly newsmagazine Time,where he covers business and technology.Formerly he ran a new media company for Time W

3、arner,publisher of Time Digital,and was a science and technology reporter and creator of the online service at Newsweek.This article ran as a cover story for Time in December 1996.,An Interactive Life,Back,An interactive life is a life which acts reciprocally.Whats your opinion about the interactive

4、 life?What can you imagine?,Newsweek,Newsweek is a weekly news magazine published in New York City and distributed throughout the United States and Canada.It is the second-largest weekly magazine in the U.S.,having played second fiddle to TIME during its entire career except for brief moments when i

5、ts advertising revenues were somewhat greater.Its circulation puts it ahead of U.S.News&World Report.,Peter Jennings:,Peter Jennings was the anchor and senior editor of ABCs World News Tonight,where he established a reputation for independence and excellence in broadcast journalism.He was the networ

6、ks principal anchor for breaking news,election coverage and special events.,World News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings(ABC News),As one of Americas most distinguished journalists,Jennings reported many of the pivotal events that have shaped our world.He was in Berlin in the 1960s when the Berlin Wall

7、was going up,and there in the 90s when it came down.,Back,He covered the civil rights movement in the southern United States during the 1960s,and the struggle for equality in South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s.,TELEVISION SERIES 1964 World News Tonight(co-anchor)1965-68 World News Tonight(ancho

8、r)1975-76 AM America(news anchor)1978-2005 ABC World News TonightWith Peter Jennings(anchor),envision:v.imagine(sth.not yet in existence);picture in the mindprophecy:n.prediction of the future under the influence of divine guidance;act of practice of a prophet,hype:n.Am.slang extravagant promotional

9、 advertising esoteric:adj.intended for or understood by only a chosen few;beyond the understanding of knowledge of most people.,HOME,futuristic adj.of or having to do with the future;of futurismfanatic n.a person whose extreme zeal,piety,etc.goes beyond what is reasonable;zealot,click v.colloq.fit,w

10、ork,or get along together successfully;be a success.artsy adj.pretentiously artistic;arty.beam v.direct or aim(a radio signal,program,etc.)via prep.by means of;using,HOME,fake adj.fraudulent;not genuine;sham;falsecouth-potato:n.a person who spends most of his time on a couch watching TV,arcade n.a r

11、oofed passageway,esp.one with shops on either side,HOME,channel-surfing n.Skimming quickly through various TV channels to find a suitable program,CD-ROM pact discs with read-only memorytitle n.disc of movie or TV programs 视盘,HOME,lucrative adj.producing wealth or profit.Profitablescribble v.write ca

12、relessly or illegiblyanonymous adj.with no name known or acknowledgedtout v.colloq.praise or recommend highly;puff,scribble v.write carelessly or illegibly,HOME,cellular adj.consisting or containing cells;porousCellular phone,trample v.crush,destroy,hurt,violate,etc.by or as by treading heavily onst

13、ampede n.a sudden,headlong running away of a group of frightened animals esp.horses or cattle,HOME,corral n.an enclosure for holding horses,cattle or other animals,obscene adj.offensive to ones feelings,or to prevailing notions,of modesty or decency;lewdanalogy n.similarity in some respects between

14、things otherwise unlike;partial resemblance,HOME,icon n.an image;figure;representation,clog v.hinder;impedepulse n.a very short burst of electromagnetic wavesloop n.elec.a complete circuit;the complete fibreoptic cable system,HOME,loop n.elec.a complete circuit;the complete fibreoptic cable systemta

15、b n.(when used in keep tabs a tab on)colloq.keep a check on;follow or watch every move oftap v.Am.make a secret connection with(a telephone line)to overhear or record private conversations,toll n.a tax or charge for a privilege,esp.for permission to pass over a bridge,along a highway,etc.levy v.impo

16、se or collect(a tax,tribute,fine,etc.)elitism n.advocacy of government or control by an elite,HOME,populism n.the beliefs of a political party that claims to represent ordinary people,zap v.Am.slang move,strike,stun,smash,kill etc.with sudden speed and force.mutant n.an animal or plant with inherita

17、ble characteristics that differ from those of the parents;sportspill v.shed(blood),HOME,Back,put the world at your fingertips:to become familiar with the world by using the tips of your fingers on computers;fingertips here has both a literal and a figurative meaning,literally it means the tip of the

18、 finger on the computer while figuratively it means to be familiar with as in the phrase“have at ones fingertips”,HOME,conceive of:to have a picture or idea of something in your mind,In preference to:rather than Preference forGive/show preference(to somebody),HOME,To cater to:To attend to the wants

19、or needs of.Cater for:To provide food or entertainment.,To keep taps on:密切监视,Pin ones hope/faith on somebody/something:to hope that something will happen or someone will help you,because all your plans depend on this,Hang on sth:to depend on somethinghang on to something:to keep something hang up:to

20、 end a telephone callhang around:to wait,HOME,A gold mine of:someone or something that can give you a lot of information about a particular subject and that is therefore very useful or helpful,Round up:to find and gather together a group of people,animals,or things See if you can round up a few frie

21、nds to help you!His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.,Back,an interactive life:a life which acts reciprocally or mutually put the world at your fingertips:to become familiar with the world by using the tips of your fingers on computers;fingertips here has both a literal and a figurative meanin

22、g,literally it means the tip of the finger on the computer while figuratively it means to be familiar with as in the phrase“have at ones fingertips”To get an ideathe past:In order to form a view of what will happen in the future,you need only to have a look at what happened in the past,In the decade

23、s.dramatically:In the tens of years covered by the machines on exhibition,the idea and purpose of sound recording experienced great changes Edisoncommunicate:Edison designed and developed his sound recording machine as a working tool for people to talk to each other over long distance.He intendedmor

24、e:his only intention in inventing the machine was the recording of voices His competitors.and art:His business rivals saw in their minds that there was great possibility of using the machine for entertainment and art.,simply put.Broadway,1)simply put:to express in a way that is easy to understand 2)

25、a huge amount of a button:if you press a button,you will be able to get a large amount of information over a wide range of topics 3)esoteric scientific journal:magazines on science written in such a way as to be understood only by a few who know the subject.,On the receiving end stream of data,1)on

26、the receiving end:for those who are the viewers 2)the era of the no brainer:the period of no need to bother about the selection of programmed3)to be programmed:to furnish the computer with a planned sequence of operations to be performed.,How will we to sleep?1)negotiate:succeed in crossing,surmount

27、ing,moving through 2)mass:a large quantity or number 3)How shall we handle and manage such a large quantity of data and still have time to sleep?data highway:the authors are comparing the transmission in the air to a busy highway and information,data travels along the highway.This is a vivid metapho

28、r.:,The quick answerCalif.1)quick:prompt 2)were a long way from“wild palms”:there is still great distance before we can reach the stage as depicted in the TV series”wild palms”But even if within a year or two 1)techno-chaos:technological disorder or confusion.2)futuristic fantasy:highly imaginative

29、TV series,with stress on the speed,flux and violence of the machine age 3)The futuristic fantasy mini-series refers to“wild palms”,to set a performance standard:to lay down norms for operation CD_ROM do,however:In spite of that,CD-ROMs still give you a chance to have a brief look at what will be in

30、store for us in the future.Philips Interactiveadventure game 1)in which the vieweron the screen:the viewer may decide on which part on the museum to visit and turn on the TV 2)an animated adventure game:an exciting experience filled with activity and vigor,Hawkins says.on a small screen 1)work-at-ho

31、me market:those people who stay at home to do their work and have their computers linked with the office terminals 2)outlet:market 3)telecoferencing devices:equipments used for holding a conference of individuals in different locations,as by speakerphone,close circuit TV,etc.4)portable computing dev

32、ices:equipments used for calculation which can be easily carried around 5)touted:recommended highly 6)runs on a handwritten.screen:operates on instructions written by hand on a small screen in a casual way,Back,Back,HOME,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Back,Meta

33、phor A metaphor is the use of a phrase which describes one thing by stating another thing with which it can be compared without using the words“as”or“like”.It is also a comparison between two things that are essentially unlike yet are alike in a certain respect.It differs from simile in that there a

34、re no words whatsoever used to show the relation of comparison between the tenor and the vehicle.A genuine metaphor therefore,is an implied simile.For example:,The world is a stage.Jim was a fox.He is the soul of the team.Failure is the mother of success.Some books are to be tasted,others swallowed,

35、and some few to be chewed and digested.-(Bacon),She melted into tears.He is a lion in the way.The man is the black sheep in the family.A dark horse I was able to rise from the ashes.(凤凰焚身的形象)(我终于从灰烬中获得新生/我终于得以东山再起)A mixed metaphor is one in which the writer starts with one comparison and then shifts

36、 to another that is not consistent with the first;the implications of one image clash with those of another.,Personification is a figure of speech which attributes human qualities and abilities to inanimate objects,animals,abstract ideas,eg.Youth is hot and bold,(青春充满热情和勇气)Age is weak and cold,(衰老变得

37、虚弱和冷漠)Youth is wild,and age is tame.(青春豪放不羁,衰老温顺驯服)-William Shakespeare This time fate was smiling to him.The wind is whistling through the trees.Dusk came stealthily.(黄昏悄悄来临)I watched the moonlight dancing on the ripples of the lake.She listened to the brook murmuring through the hills.The ancient

38、mansion spoke to me of bygone days.,Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis.The form of the expression is very important for the effect,for the force of emphasis,whether for profundity of judgment,or humor or f

39、or satire,depends chiefly on the juxtaposition of direct opposites,of glaring contrasts:For example,1)Crafty men condemn studies;simple men admire them;and wise men use them.2)Speech is silver,silence is golden.,3)It was the best of times;it was the worst of times;it was the age of wisdom,it was the

40、 age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness,it was the spring of Hope,it was the winter of Despair,we had everything before us,we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going dir

41、ect the other way.(Dickens-A Tale of Two Cities)4)The wicked flee when no one pursues,but the righteous are bold as a lion.,SimileSimile is when you compare two nouns(persons,places or things)that are unlike,with like or as.E.g.I am the way my daughter would want me to be:a hundred pounds lighter,my

42、 skin like an un cooked barley pancake.The water is like the sun.“The rain falls like the sun,rising upon the mountains.,1.星期六演出的票子已经没有了,咱们还是干点别的过周末吧。,XII.ExercisesTranslation,There are no tickets available for Saturdays performance,lets do something else for the weekend.,2.这种套裙的各种尺码 的都有。,The dress

43、is available in all sizes.,XII.Translate the following sentences into English.,(using the following words or expressions:to conceive of,preference,avaiable,to cater to,fun,buzzword,capacity,to keep tabs on,frontiers,to pin ones hope on,access):,3.据我所知,这是他们到目前为止想出的最具有实际意义的项目。,XII.ExercisesTranslation

44、,To my knowledge,this is the most practical program they have ever conceived of.,4.孩子们玩 电子游戏玩得十分开心。,The children have lots of fun playing the video games.,5.那场话剧真没意思,我们几乎笑不出来。,The play at the theatre was very poor fun.We hardly laughed at all.,6.“Tailoring”(人才培训)目前是跨国公司主管人员办公室中最流行的行语。,XII.ExercisesT

45、ranslation,Right now,“Tailoring”is the buzzword in executive suits of multinational corporations.,7.音乐台的节目成功地顾及到不同背景的听众所拥有的不同类型的兴趣和品位。,The programs of the music radio successfully cater to the different types of interest and taste among the listeners of varying background.,8.一些小报竭力迎合一部分读者的低级趣味以便赚钱。,

46、Some tabloids are trying hard to cater to the low taste of some readers for the sake of making money.,9.这家炼油厂每年的炼油量约为一万吨。,XII.ExercisesTranslation,This oil refinery has a capacity of about one million tons of petroleum a year.,10.一个能容纳八万观众的体育馆正在兴建之中。,A stadium with a seating capacity of 80,000 in un

47、der construction.,11.这些珍贵的档案首次向研究人员开放。,It is the first time for the researchers to have access to the valuable archives.,12.只有少数几个了解这个案子的细节。,Only a few people had access to the details of the case.,13.随着时间向前推移,医学科学中的一些尖端领域不断被攻破。,XII.ExercisesTranslation,The frontiers of medical science are being pus

48、hed father onwards as time goes on.,The two rivals competed with each other so fiercely that they kept tabs on every move of the opponent.,The parents are pinning all their hopes on their son,so theyve decided to send him to an expensive private school.,16.他对各种新鲜事物都感兴趣,对电脑更是特别喜爱。,He is keen on all kinds of new things and has a preference for computers.,14.这两名选手竞争激烈,他们密切监视对方的每一行动。,15.父母把希望寄托在儿子身上,所以决定将他送入一所昂贵的私立学校。,


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