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1、Unit 2The Fun They Had Isaac Asimov,The Development of School Education,Warm-up questions,What is the role of a teacher?Do you enjoy studying under the present educational system?Why?What is the fun that you have from school education?Can you imagine the world in 2157?,诲人不倦be tireless in teaching兢兢业

2、业conscientiously 桃李满天下have pupils everywhere/have students all over the country or the world 尊师重教honour the teacher and respect his teachings 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 The pupil surpassesthe master./The pupil progresses beyond the ability of his teacher./A pupil learns from and outdoes his teacher.身教胜于言教Practice/Exa

3、mple is better than precept(戒律).活到老,学到老It is never too late to learn./Live and learn.,Home schooling,Group Discussion,Which kind of education do you prefer?School education or home schooling?State your reason.(play Bingo game),Background information,Isaac Asimov(19201992)the author of the text,is an

4、 American biochemist and author.,prolific:more than 500 books,He was born in the former USSR on January 2,1920.He was taken to the United States at the age of 3 and brought up in Brooklyn,New York.,He graduated from Columbia University in 1939,and got his PhD.in the same university in 1947.,He taugh

5、t biochemistry at Boston University,but he is most widely known for his science fiction.Some of his best-known works are I,Robot(我,机器人),published in 1950 and The Foundation Trilogy(基地三部曲),published in 1951-1953.,为20世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学杂志。,“一直梦想着自己能

6、在工作中死去,脸埋在键盘上,鼻子夹在打字键中”,Isaac Asimovs“Three Laws of Robotics”著名的“阿西莫夫机器人三定律”A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction,allow a human being to come to harm.机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观 A robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

7、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类给与的任何命令A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下,机器人必须尽 力保护自己。,Main idea,This narrative story centers around a very old book about school and involves two main characters-Margie and Tommy

8、.The text tells us that Margie always hates school because her teacher is a mechanical one.It also tells us how she is envious of children who studied together,experienced great fun,and had human teachers about 200 years earlier.,Structure of the text,Part 1 Paragraph 1 the background of the story.P

9、art 2 Paragraphs 2-30 development of the story:a contrast of the two different kinds of schools revealed through dialoguesPart 3 Paragraphs 31-35 ending of the story:Margies school life and her envy of the fun the kids in the old days must have had.,Paragraph 1This paragraph serves as the background

10、 of the story.It tells us the exact date on which the story occurs,the name of the leading character,and the real book around which the story evolves.Time is very important in this part.,Part I,Comprehension question,Can you guess what she meant by a real book?Whats your opinion of a real book?,diar

11、y:a daily record of the events in a persons life;journal.日记keep a;read ones;in ones cf.dairy:n.a place on a farm where milk is kept and butter and cheese are made.牛奶场,乳品店 a.乳制品的 products 乳制品,head 1.vt.lead;be at the front of;be at the top of 位于顶部,居于之首The presidents car headed the procession.This can

12、yon(峡谷)heads the list of natural attractions.The page was headed“Expenses”.,2.vt.be in charge of:take charge of 主管,率领,领导When the president died,the vice president was chosen to head the firm.Translation:以胡锦涛为首的代表团于上周到达非洲。A delegation headed by President Hu Jintao arrived in Africa last week.,3.vi.go

13、 towards+for/towards/across etc.朝行进The ship is heading across the Pacific Ocean.Where are you heading for?,n.头;顶部;领导,首脑 headache headline 大标题 above/over ones head 难以理解 keep sbs head 保持镇静 lose sbs head 慌乱,仓皇失措 Two heads are better than one.【谚】三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。,Paragraphs 230It is the longest and most impo

14、rtant portion of the story,with a somewhat long conversation between the two leading characters running through most of it.,Part II,Comprehension questions,What is the conversation concerned with?Why does Margie hate school?If your were Margie,what would you feel?,crinkly:adj.having many thin folds;

15、(of hair)curly 起皱的,多皱的My shirts were all crinkly when I got them out of the suitcase.He stared at the old mans crinkly face.crinkle n.皱纹 v.起皱【synonym】wrinkle,it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving(para.3)it was very amusing to read words that were motionless instead of

16、 moving still:adj.not moving;staying in the same place不动的;静止的 e.g.Keep still while I fasten shoe.,be supposed to1)have a duty or responsibility to do sth.;ought to 应该 e.g.You are not supposed to smoke in here.Everyone is supposed to attend the meeting on time.2)be generally considered to be;have the

17、 reputation of being 一般认为 e.g.I havent seen it myself,but it is supposed to be a very good film.,When youre through with the book,you just throw it away.be through(with sb.or sth).:1)to have finished doing sth,using sth.完成,用完 Im not through with my work yet.2)to no longer having a relationship with

18、someone.与某人关系完结 Thats it.Simon and I are through.,3)to have stopped doing sth.or using sth.that is bad 戒除(恶习)He says he is through with drugs but its just not that easy.Translation:你觉得你什么时候能写完这部小说?When do you think you will be through with the novel?,be good for sth.1)having a beneficial effect on 对

19、有好处 e.g.Smoking is not good for the lungs.2)reliably providing 总能提供的 They found him good for a laugh.他们发现他总能逗人发笑。3)sufficient to pay for 足够支付的 His money was good for a bottle of whisky.,attic,attic,scornful:adj.showing contempt for 鄙视的,轻蔑的Tom couldnt stand the scornful remarks.be scornful of 鄙视,嘲笑Th

20、ey were scornful of all our attempts to find a solution.scorn.n.&v.,mechanical:adj.1)of or moved,worked,or produced by machinery 机械的,机器的The factory manufactures a variety of mechanical products.2)done without feeling or thought;(done)from habit rather than will 机械的,呆板的He was asked the same question

21、so many times that his answer became mechanical.,mechanic n.someone who is skilled at repairing motor vehicles and machinery 技工,机修工 a car mechanic 汽车修理工mechanics n.力学;机械学,her mother sent for the County Inspector.Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.send for order or instruct(someone)to

22、 come to one;summon召唤,派人去叫;派人去取 e.g.Leave this house now,or I will send for the police.Mother sent my brother for the luggage.,inspector:n.an official who inspects sth.视察员,督查 a ticket/prison/school inspectorinspect vt.检查;视察 The mayor will inspect our school tomorrow.,take apart 拆开put together 组成整体 I

23、ts easier to take a machine apart than to put it together again.拆卸一部机器比重新装配起来容易。I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform.在走上讲台讲演之前,我要把我的思绪整理一下。Translation:这个玩具可容易地拆开再装起来。This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease./put together easily.,slot 槽口,Put a coin in/into the slo

24、t.,punch:v.n.1)strike with the fist(用拳)猛击 He punched her in the face and ran off.2)打孔 The ticket inspector punched my ticket/punched a hole in my ticket.,code n.编码,密码;准则,法规 bar code 条形码 Zip code 邮政编码=postcode code of conduct 行为准则,a punch code:a computer system of words,letters,numbers,etc.是一种打孔输入的计算

25、机编码语言。本故事写于20世纪50年代,当时键盘输入法尚未问世。,superior:adj(to)of a higher rank or class;better in quality or value 上级的;较好的,优于的a superior officer 上级军官This book is superior to that one.2)of high quality 优良的,卓越的Superior goods are very popular among the customers.3)having or showing an overly high opinion of oneself

26、 自大的,傲慢的 Bill is always wearing a superior look on his face.,注:superior没有比较级和最高级!n.superiority 优越性,优势;傲慢【antonym】inferior 低等的,低于的Translation:这些新产品优于老产品。The new products are superior to the old ones.,lofty adj.1)proud,aloof,or self-important 骄傲的,自以为是的 I didnt like her lofty treatment of her visitors.

27、2)of a noble or exalted nature 崇高的,高尚的 Young people should have lofty ideals and aims.年轻人应该有崇高的理想和目标。adv.loftily,loft n.attic 在牛津词典上的解释是“在屋顶之下、存放东西的阁楼”。但现在所谓LOFT所指称的是那些“由旧工厂或旧仓库改造而成的,少有内墙隔断的高挑开敞空间”,这个含义诞生于纽约SOHO区。在二十世纪九十年代以后,LOFT成为一种席卷全球的艺术时尚。loft户型通常是小户型,高举架,面积在30-50平米,层高在米左右。虽然销售时按一层的建筑面积计算,但实际使用面

28、积却可达到销售面积的近1倍;高层高空间变化丰富,购买者可以根据自己的喜好随意设计。Loft的定义要素主要包括:高大而开敞的空间,上下双层的复式结构,类似戏剧舞台效果的楼梯和横梁;流动性,户型内无障碍;透明性,减少私密程度;开放性,户型间全方位组合;艺术性,通常是业主自行决定所有风格和格局。,dispute:v.1)(about,over,with)argue about sth.esp.angrily and for a long time 争论,争吵The two governments disputed over the ownership of the territory.The que

29、stion was hotly disputed in the Senate.2)disagree about or question the truth or correctness of怀疑的真实性,对表示异议Few would dispute that travel broadens the mind.,n.争论,争端,争吵 beyond/past/without dispute:确定无疑的,无可争辩的in/under dispute:处于争议中in dispute with sb.与某人有争端/分歧Translation:他的观点的主要部分是毋庸置疑的。The main part of

30、 his argument was beyond dispute.,scream:v.n.cry out loudly on a high note,esp.in fear,pain,great excitement,or anger,or sometimes laughter 尖叫She was screaming for help.Translation:球迷们一看见罗纳尔多都激动得尖叫起来。The fans screamed with excitement when they saw Ronald.,adjust:v.change slightly,esp.in order to mak

31、e right or suitable for a particular purpose or situation 调整,调节;使适应He carefully adjusted his watch.sb.adjust sth./oneself to sth.使适合,适应=sb.be/become adjusted to sth.Freshmen should adjust themselves to the new environment.=Freshmen should become adjusted to the newadj.adjustable 可调节的 adjusted 调整过的,校

32、 正过的 n.adjustment,tuck:v.1)put sth.into a small space,esp.in order to protect or hide it 把藏起,夹入I tucked the letter into my bag.He had a book tucked under his arm.2)push the edge of a piece of cloth or paper into sth so that it looks tidier(衣服、床单等的边、脚)塞进,掖入 Tuck your shirt into your trousers.All the

33、children were tucked up in bed by nine.孩子们九点钟前都掖好被子睡觉了。,Part IIIParagraphs 31-35 These paragraphs,covering the last part of the text,tells us something about the schoolroom and mechanical teacher.Besides,Margies psychological activities are also described.,Comprehension questions,What do you know ab

34、out the schoolroom and the mechanical teacher?What was Margie thinking about?How do you comment on the future school according to the text?,light up:1)ignite;(cause to)start to burn;give light to 照亮,点燃The fire wont light up.The stage was lit up by several powerful spotlights.A flare lit up the night

35、 sky.2)cause to become bright with pleasure or excitement(使)变得喜悦,(使)兴奋起来 Suddenly,a smile lit up her face when she heard the news.,insert v.place,fit,or thrust(something)into another thing,especially with care 插入;嵌入;塞入Insert the key into the lock and turn it,and the door opens.In the pause,he manage

36、d to insert a question.,sigh:n.v.make/produce a long,deep,audible breath expressing sadness,relief,tiredness,or similar 叹气,叹息 e.g.The old man gave a deep sigh.We all make a sigh of relief when we heard that he was safe.听说他平安无事,我们都松了一口气。,How do you understand the title of the text?Explain briefly the

37、 major differences between the schools in Margies day and those in the old days.,The schools in Margies day give classes by computer,assigning homework by computer software programs while students in the old days went to school to attend their lessons given by human teachers,experiencing interaction

38、,friendliness and team spirit instead of taking lessons alone at home as Tommy and Margie do.,Grammatical items(1),Note the italicized parts in the following sentences.It was a very old book.They turned the pages.Our television screen must have a million books on it and its good for plenty more.What

39、s there to write about school?,Grammatical items(2),The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers.He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires.A man isnt smart enough.But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to

40、 fit the minds of each boy and girl it teaches and each kid has to be taught differently.,Translation Exercises1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期三天的友好访问。(head)Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to th

41、e country.2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny)It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social abuses.,3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可以在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen)Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids,for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all

42、 the answers provided can be shown on a screen.,4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for)Zhang Lis mother fell ill suddenly the day before yesterday,so/and he sent for a doctor immediately.,5.他去年高考失败,但他并没有感到沮丧,继续努力,今年考上了一所名牌大学。(disappoint)He failed in the college entrance examination last year,but he did n

43、ot feel disappointed.Instead,he continued to study hard,passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year.,6.这个中学生有许多英语单词发音不准。(pronounce)There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly.=This middle school student cannot

44、correctly pronounce many English words.,7.在这个信息爆炸的年代,我们必须不断努力更新知识,才能适应工作的需要。(become adjusted to)In this new era of information explosion,we have to make constant efforts to renew/update our knowledge.Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirements of our work.=Only in this way can we become,8.那

45、男孩把衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。(tuck)With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm,the boy looked just like a boss.=The boy tucked his shirt into the top of his trousers and a leather bag under his arm.He looked just like a boss.,9.这个女孩虽然只有8岁,但已经擅长计算分数了。难怪

46、他父母为她感到自豪。(fraction)Although she is only eight years old,the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions.No wonder her parents feel proud of her.,10.街坊四邻都已经听说了那个消息了,而你却没有听说,你说怪不怪?(neighborhood)All the neighborhood have heard about the news,but you havent.Dont you think it is strange?,E

47、xercises(11),Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.,Neighborhood tuck nonchalantly in no time Sorrowfully awfully crinkly scornful punched adjust fit light up slot,Exercises(12),The local people had a new church built_,after it was destro

48、yed in the bombing.David,with thinning red hair and _ eyes,looked already in his seventies.He once made a _remark about dishonest ways of making money.,in no time,crinkly,scornful,Exercises(8),Noises from the construction site are disturbing the whole _.“He looks _glad to see you,”said Mary Ann.You

49、can get the best effect by _the volume during playback.,neighborhood,awfully,adjusting,Exercises(9),When you go for a country walk,remember to _ a plastic bag in your pocket.“This is none of my business,”William said _.She would have raised both fists skyward and _ the air in delight.The smiths rear

50、ranged things,so that new kitchen units would _,tuck,nonchalantly,punched,fit,Comprehension questions of Text II(1),1.Why does the author envy such professions as bankers,bookkeepers and writers?He thinks that the nature of all these professions is clear and needs no further explanation.2.What does


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