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1、The Jeaning of America,Carin Quinn,Unit 10,1,THE JEANING OF AMERICA,bankers,deadbeats,Fashion designers,Beer drinkers,American Symbol,-blue jeans,Lesson 1:Overview,Pre-reading questionsBackground information Getting to know the new wordsGlobal understanding,6,Pre-reading Questions,How many jeans do

2、you have in your wardrobe?Do you like blue jeans?Why/Why not?What do your think are the merits and demerits of jeans?Do you know any famous brand names of jeans?,7,Some Famous Designers,LeeCalvin KleinLEVISWranglerDKNYFAIRWHALEMiss sixtyTexwood,8,Types of Jeans,Acid-wash jeansDesigner jeans,Double-k

3、need jeansBoot-cut jeans,9,Types of Jeans,Bell-bottomedFlare,SkinnySlim fit,Relax fitLoose fit,Low rise,Overall,Cuffed,10,Fashion Set,Boot-cut JeansTeenage wear,11,Categories of Fashion Design,Haute couture:(French for“high-fashion”)高级时装Ready-to-wear:Ready-to-wear collections are usually presented b

4、y fashion houses each season during a period known as Fashion Week.成衣Mass market:The mass market caters for a wide range of customers,producing ready-to-wear clothes in large quantities and standard sizes.,12,Getting to know the new words,Pronunciation check(page 190)Concept visualizedWord classific

5、ationWord derivationWord differentiation,13,Concept Visualized,Hook,Loop,Rivet,14,Coupling,15,Concept Visualized,Ditch:narrow channel dug at the side of a road or field,Lode:排水道;排水沟;矿脉,16,Concept Visualized,Indigo,Inseam=inside leg,Ore,17,Concept Visualized,Dude Ranch:(in the western US)a cattle ran

6、ch converted to a holiday centre for tourists 度假牧场(农场)Dude:(often as a form of address)a man;a guy,18,Meaning&Use,dude:a manHes a real cool.Hey,whats up?ranch:a large farmHe went to work on a.,19,Sundries:small articles of various types,20,Classification of Words,People of a Certain Kindpeddler=pedl

7、ar 小贩deadbeat 懒汉 lumberjack=lumberman 伐木工 proletariat 无产阶级;工人阶级 proletarian aristocrat/aristocracy贵族bureaucrat 官僚(主义者)bureaucracy democrat,21,Classification of Words,sturdy;tough;stiff;manlyShoes are _ usually when they are new.With his _ legs he could keep running for hours.Only _ breeds of sheep c

8、an live in the mountains.He looked so _ in his uniform.,stiff,sturdy,tough,manly,22,Classification of Words,Nouns _ are used to join the carriages of the train together.(挂钩)We dont use _ to sell our products.(噱头;花招)Items such as envelopes,paper,and stamps were lumped together in the bill as _.(杂项;杂物

9、)The tree is one meter in _.(围长),Couplings,gimmicks,sundries,girth,perimeter,23,Classification of Words,Nouns The drainage _ along the sides of the road has been covered.(沟、渠)Light shone through a _ under the door.(切/裂口)The metal plates used in making ships used to be _ together,but now theyre usual

10、ly welded.(铆接),ditch,slit,riveted,24,Classification of Words,NounsThe dog had been trained to jump through _.(环;大圈)He tied a _ of rope around his arm.(环,绳圈)I had a fish on the end of my _.(挂钩;吊钩),loop,hook,hoop,25,Classification of Words,Adjectives _ the name Cambridge.(=therefore),ensuing,Thereafte

11、r,hence,26,Meaning&Use,beckon:to callCity life s many a country boy.The peddler ed me to follow him.An entire new era,the era of knowledge economy,is ing us on.Coffee houses,fast-food joints,and every kind of restaurant ed us to try every kind of food.,27,Meaning&Use,Pacify:calm or soothe the anger

12、or distress of(sb)使(某人)安静,息怒;抚慰He pacified his crying child with a bottle.In spite of my efforts to it the baby continued to cry.It was difficult for the police to the angry crowd.He tried to his creditors by repaying part of the money.为安抚债权人他偿还了部分债务.,28,Meaning&Use,Appropriate:盗用;侵吞;拨(专款)He is susp

13、ected of appropriating government funds.Congress d$5 million for International Womans Year.Some of the opposition partys policies have been d by the government.,29,Meaning&Use,Tear:He tore his shirt on a nail.The boy tore a page out of the book.The child was torn from its mothers arms.This cloth s e

14、asily.Iraq is now a country torn by war.Her heart was torn by grief.,30,Meaning&Use,Marginal:Theres only a difference between the two estimates.This once important social group is becoming more and more(to the way the country is run).The story will only be of interest to our readers.,31,Meaning&Use,

15、Legitimate:Is this business strictly?The army must give power back to the government.It seemed a perfectly question.Politicians are targets for satire.legal;lawful,32,Meaning&Use,seek after:to try to getHis paintings are much sought after.One mustnt after comfort,personal fame and gains.Obviously th

16、ey came here to after truth.He is ing after/for something to serve as a table.Our fighters are ing after the enemy.The girl is sought after by my friend.,33,Meaning&Use,stand up to:This coat will not up to the severe winters.That cloth is designed to up to a lot of wear and tear.The old mans health

17、will not up to the cold damp climate.,34,Meaning&Use,jump at:When I heard about Gmail,I ed at the chance to get an account.When he was invited to go riding in the country,he ed at the chance.She ed at the chance of a trip to Paris.,35,Meaning&Use,eke out:补偿不足;弥补不足They d out a poor existence by selli

18、ng flowers.They d out the ensuing months penny by penny.She d out her wages by working Sundays.,36,Meaning&Use,break upMeetings have been broken up.He decided to up his dull routine and went on an adventure around the world.The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs.The crowd started to

19、 up when the night fell.,37,Word Derivation,symbolize,symbolic,prosperity,prosperous,pacification,pacific,stuff,stuffy,patent,patent,hook,hooked,tough/toughness,tough,legitimacy,legitimize,38,Word Derivation,stiffness,stiffen,fault,fault,immigrate,boost,legendary,bureaucratic,sundry,reliable,couple,

20、tributary,39,Word Derivation,slit,loop,emigration,-ment,purchase,rivet,appropriation,haul,proletarian,-ness,margin,manliness,40,Word Differentiation,Boost vs.Boom This news has given share prices a big _.The unexpected win _ the teams morale(士气).The big tax cuts fuelled a consumer _.Living standards

21、 improved rapidly during the post-war _.California _ when gold was discovered there.,boost,boosted,boom,boom,boomed,41,Word Differentiation,Emigrant vs.ImmigrantThe ship was full of _ leaving Liverpool for Australia.Illegal _ will be sent back to their own countries if they are caught.Summer _ nest

22、here._ workers move from country to country in search of work.,emigrants,immigrants,migrants,Migrant,42,Word Differentiation,Dying vs.DyeingThe small town is well known for its printing and _ industry.I will remember it to my _ days.She looked after her _ mother for months.This is his dying wish.Sus

23、an _ her hair blonde yesterday.,dyeing,dying,dying,dyed,43,Word Differentiation,Stiff vs.StuffThis is too _;I cant bend it with my hands.The ice has made everything _._ the cushion and then sew up the final seam.Theyd been _ themselves with snacks all afternoon,so they didnt want any dinner.,stiff,s

24、tiff,Stuff,stuffing,44,Word Differentiation,Slot vs.SlitI put my money in the _ and pressed the button but nothing came out.She _ open the envelope with a knife.Hes been given a regular ten-minute _ on the radio.Make a small _ in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.,slot,slot,slit,slit

25、,45,Word-Formation,out-=beyond;further;defeat;so as to be better thanI can out-argue you any day.He has outlived his twin brother by three years.Hes out-grown his clothes.They were busy so I left I didnt want to out-stay my welcome.,46,Word-Formation,idio-=personal;distinctKeeping pet snakes is an i

26、diosyncrasy of his.(癖好)A persons particular use of language is often referred to as his idiolect.He speaks in the familiar Washington idiom.,47,Abstraction&Nominalization,To nominalize means to form a noun from a verb or an adjective.When such suffixes as“-ness”,“-ing”,“-tion”,“-ity”and“-dom”are add

27、ed to a verb or an adjective,they can turn the verb or adjective into an abstract noun.The word“jeaning”is an abstraction based on“jean”,meaning the process of making jeans part of the American culture.,48,Background Information,Levi Strauss,49,Global Understanding,What do you think is the authors p

28、urpose of writing?To tell how the blue jeans came into being and have become an American symbol.What do you think is characteristic of an investigative writing?Research-basedFactual and objective,50,A Global Picture,“Jeaning of America is a prime example of how something becomes Americanized.This ar

29、ticle is about Levi Strauss,a dirt poor immigrant who made his way to America,headed west,found a need for a new type of clothing,made the first levis,and the rest is history.Who would have thought that a simple,yet tough fabric,sewn together,with rivets reinforcing the pockets,could have changed th

30、e way that society dressed?,51,A Global Picture,This is a piece of investigative writing which explores the history of the blue jeans,one of Americas symbols today.The author provides some important information concerning who the inventor waswhen and how the pants came into beingwhy they have become

31、 popular what they symbolize.,52,Structure of the Text,Part I(para.1)Status of blue jeansPart II(para.2-3)Introduction of Levi StraussPart III(para.4-5)Birth of the first blue jeansPart IV(para.6)Growth and popularity of the blue jeansPart V(pa.7)Merits of the blue jeans,53,Lesson 2:Overview,Word re

32、viewBackground informationText analysis,54,Which word means?,Strong and firmRigid and firmDefective IncreaseDependabilityTo callLawfulBad-tempered,SturdyStiffFaultyBoostReliabilityBeckonLegitimateMean-tempered,55,Which word means?,To buyA thing of valueA lazy aimless personBarely adequateTo change i

33、ntoTo exist longer thanTo take for oneselfAfterwardsFollowingTo limit or restrict,PurchaseCommodityDeadbeatMarginalConvert intoOutliveAppropriateThereafterEnsuingConfine,56,What does it mean in Chinese?,ProletarianBureaucratPatentCanvasOreAcidRivetCouplingLoopHook,无产阶级的官僚专利帆布矿石酸铆钉/接车钩;挂钩环;绳圈挂钩,57,Wo

34、rd Review,Complete the following sentences.She is writing a thesis on Irish l_ and mythology.Millions of Germans e_ from Europe to America in the 19th century.Our language is now under the pressure from the u_ spread of English.A UN force has been sent in to try and p_ the area worst affected by the

35、 civil war.He b_ her to sit but then ignored her.,legend,emigrated,ubiquitous,pacify,beckoned,58,Word Review,They have been given permission to run gambling halls,the only l_ gambling in the area.A p_ will be refused if details of the item have already been released to the public.The promise of lowe

36、r taxation may have been just an election g_ to gain votes.There was a tremendous c_ for elaborate hairstyles in 1980s.The partys power base was c_ to one province.,legitimate,patent,gimmick,craze,confined,59,Idiom Review,When he was invited to go riding in the country,he _ the chance.They _ a poor

37、existence by selling flowers.The old mans health will not _ the cold damp climate.The minister _ the men who had fought the earthquake.He was much _ on account of his wide readings and brilliant conversational powers.,jumped at,eked out,stand up to,paid tribute to,sought after,60,Idiom Review,He _ h

38、is dollars _ pounds upon arriving in London.The man _ the small branches before cutting down the tree.They _ a long-running legal battle with their neighbours.Tropical plants _ the jungle.They threw him out because word _ that he was taking drugs.,converted into,chopped off,are engaged in,abound in,

39、got around,61,Background Information,(appearing in two volumes:1835 and 1840)The Old Regime and the Revolution(1856)In both of these works,he explored the effects of the rising equality of social conditions on the individual and the state in western societies.,Alexis de Tocqueville(18051859)was a Fr

40、ench political thinker and historian best known for his books:Democracy in America,62,Background Information,Nmes(尼姆)(para.5)a city in southern France noted for its many well-preserved Roman remains.Nmes has a rich history,dating back to the Roman Empire,and it is a popular tourist destination.,63,B

41、ackground Information,Nevada(para.5)Its largest city is Las Vegas.The states nickname is the“Silver State”,due to the large number of silver deposits that were discovered and mined there.,well known for its easy marriage and divorce proceedings,entertainment,legalized gambling and legalized active b

42、rothels(妓院).,64,Background Information,Smithsonian Institute(para.7)a US foundation for education and scientific research in Washington D.C.opened in 1846 originated in a 100,000 bequest(遗赠)in the will of the English chemist and mineralogist James Smithson(1765-1829),now responsible for administerin

43、g many museums,art galleries,and other establishments.,65,Smithsonian Institute,66,Smithsonian Museum,67,Language Points,Draw a distinction(para.1)Its important to draw a between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters.She draws an important between the different kinds of illne

44、ss.We draw no between the two kinds of spelling.Authority(para.1)The government is the highest in the country.The ies in Spain have refused to allow him to enter the country.,68,Sentence Highlight,They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes:they are merely American.(para.1)They do not show di

45、fferences in the wearers professions and social status.They are just an American symbol.穿着它们的人不分阶级,不讲究差别:它们只不过是美国的象征。,69,Language Points,Black market(para.1)Gangs are buying assault(攻击性的)weapons on the black market.A woman selling black market cigarettes was beaten on the street.Have been around(par

46、a.1):have a lot of varied experience and understanding of the worldThat guys been around.那个家伙见过世面。,70,Sentence Highlight,Yet they are sought after almost everywhere in the world including Russia,where authorities recently broke up a teenaged gang that was selling them on the black market for two hun

47、dred dollars a pair.(para.1)但它们却几乎在全世界都受到了人们的追捧包括在俄罗斯,那里的政府当局最近刚刚捣毁了一个少年犯罪团伙,他们在黑市上以200美元一条的高价兜售牛仔裤。,71,Language Points,Bavaria(para.2):巴伐利亚州a state of southern Germany,formerly an independent kingdomTurmoil(para.3):state of confusionShe couldnt think;her mind was in(a)complete.His assassination thr

48、ew the country into.,72,Language Points,Take a chance/take chances(on sth)/take ones chance(s)(para.3)They decide to take a chance with weather.Although he knew the odds were against him,he decided to take his chances in the game.The store closes in half an hour.Lets take our chances and see if we c

49、an make it in time.,73,Language Points,The main chance(para.3)Mr.Brown is a developer with an eye on the main chance.I feel called upon to do it;this may be my main chance.我感到非做不可,这可能是我的大好机会。Push(para.3):promote the sale or use Dont her to join in if she doesnt want to.The company are ing their new

50、products.He used the sales conference to his latest ideas.,74,Sentence Highlight,For two years he was a lowly peddler,hauling some 180 pounds of sundries door to door to eke out a marginal living.(para.3)Lowly(para.3):low in status;humbleShes been too good for her position.It was unheard of for a tr


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