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1、雅思阅读难点之配对题的应对策略 雅思阅读复习难点题型分析:配对题的应对策略一文举出剑雅中的实例对雅思阅读中的配对题的复习方法进行讲解。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读复习难点题型分析:配对题的应对策略雅思阅读复习难点题型分析:配对题的应对策略为大家带来雅思阅读中难度排名前几位的配对题的复习攻略。*主要先分析配对题这种题型的出题特点和出题思路,然后举了剑雅中实际的几个例子来讲解雅思阅读配对题的解题方法。雅思配对题是指将段落大意和题干给出的选择项相匹配的一种题型。下面我们就一起来看一下这种题型的复习方法。唐僧说学校是不图赚钱的,白痴是不能当教授的,卖狗肉是不能挂羊头的;专家说标题配对题的难


3、用专家所讲过的“无词阅读法”, 在做题时先读懂段落的第一、二句,然后略读其他句子,弄清句子之间的逻辑关系,从而非常轻松地得出段落大意。而句子之间的逻辑关系一共有以下几种:其他句子解释说明第一、二句,即段落为总分式结构,如剑1,Test 4,passage 1的C段(这种情况下,段落大意根据第一、二句归纳即可)But it is not only in technology and commerce that glass has widened its horizons. The use of glass as art, a tradition going back at least to Ro

4、man times, is also booming. Nearly everywhere, it seems, men and women are blowing glass and creating works of art. I didnt sell a piece of glass until 1975, Dale Chihuly said, smiling, for the 18 years since the end of the dry spell, he has become one of the most financially successful artists of t

5、he 20th century. He now has a new commissiona glass sculpture for the headquarters building of a pizza companyfor which his fee is half a million dollars.解题:首先读段落的第一、二句话,考生们会发现第一句实际为一个强调句式,强调“not only in technology and commerce”。我么都知道“not onlybut also”的句式重点要讲的是“but also”后面的内容而非“not only”后的内容,因此运用“无词

6、阅读法”,考生就可以不用关注第一句话的大意了,直接进入第二句话,关注“but also”的内容;第二句话中,也运用无词阅读法,只看主句,考生即可以抓出大意为“玻璃作为艺术的应用也在兴盛”;第三句中的blowing glass,可能考生们陌生,但其并列内容“creating works of art”认识即可,第三句话大意为“男性女性都在创造艺术品”;第四句和第五句我们略读一下即可知道,作者在运用艺术家Dale Chihuly的例子解释说明玻璃在艺术方面应用的兴盛。因此最终我们可以断定此段中第三、四、五句内容是解释说明第一、二句内容的。段落大意根据第一、二句归纳,答案为 i Growth in

7、the market for glass crafts出现转折词或相应表达,把思路逆转,如剑6,Test 2,passage 1的E段(这种情况下,段落大意根据转折后面的内容归纳)It was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications would lead to more dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities. However, the ISTP teams research demonstrates that the pop

8、ulation and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the 1980s after decades of decline. The explanation for this seems to be that it is valuable to place people working in related fields together. The new world will largely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where peopl

9、e come together face-to-face.解题:读此段时,考生会发现在第二句出现however一词,这种情况下,第一句的内容即可以忽略,考生应该直接读第二句及其后面的内容。运用无词阅读法,第二句大意为“人口和工作密度实际上是增长或保持不变的”;第三句话解释说明出现这种情况的原因是把相关领域工作的人放在一起是非常有价值的;第四句话又引用一句话来进一步解释说明。因此我们根据转折厚的内容选出此段大意为 iii The benefits of working together in cities。而陷阱为vi The impact of telecommunications on po

10、pulation distribution。附加新的信息,即信息之间为并列关系,如剑1,Test 4,passage 1中的B段(这种情况下,考生需要找信息之间的共同点,段落大意根据共同点得出)On the horizon are optical computers. These could store programs and process information by means of lightpulses from tiny lasersrather than electrons. And the pulses would travel over glass fibers, not

11、copper wire. These machines could function hundreds of times faster than todays electronic computers and hold vastly more information. Today fiber optics are used to obtain a cleaner image of smaller and smaller objects than ever beforeeven bacterial viruses. A new generation of optical instruments

12、is emerging that can provide detailed imaging of the inner workings of cells. It is the surge in fiber optic use and in liquid crystal displays that has set the U.S. glass industry (a 16 billion dollar business employing some 150,000 workers) to building new plants to meet demand.解题:考生在运用“无词阅读法”略读此段

13、的过程中会发现第一、二、三和第四句都是关于optical computers的;第五句内容是关于fiber optics的;第六句是关于optical instruments的;第七句是关于fiber optic use and in liquid crystal displays的。显然段落中在不断附加新的信息,寻找信息之间的共同点,我们会发现信息都是和optic有关的,因此答案为viii Exiting innovations in fiber optics,而陷阱为ii Computers and their dependence on glass。最后一、二句归纳总结前文,如剑6,Te

14、st 4,passage 1中的C段(这种情况下,考生根据最后一、二句话归纳段落大意即可)Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment. Salespeople like Schaefer walk the line between the common practice of buying a prospects time with a free meal, and bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs. They work in an industry highly

15、 criticized for its sales and marketing practices, but find themselves in the middle of the age-old chicken-or-egg question business wont use strategies that dont work, so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing? Or is it the industrys responsibility to decid

16、e the boundaries?解题:运用无词阅读法,略读该段,考生会发现段落的第三句后半部分和第四句,作者用逻辑词so,并采用问句的形式引出结论:so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing? Or is it the industrys responsibility to decide the boundaries? 我们在归纳该段的段落大意时,就应该根据第三句so后面的内容来归纳,所以答案选Who is responsible for the increase in

17、 promotion?以上就是雅思阅读复习难点题型分析:配对题的应对策略的所有内容。要解决配对题,主要就是要解决2个问题,一个是怎样找到或者说概括出各段的段意,另一个是怎样将这些段意和选项中的段意进行改写和匹配。因为英文文中的段落基本采用总分总结构,因此找段意主要是在段首和段尾找,这样就解决了第一个问题了。第二个问题则是需要我们用同义近义词对这些段意进行转换。雅思考试九类阅读关键词整GMAT阅读关键词1. 表转折:but, however, yet, in fact, on the other hand;A, but B: 否定A而肯定B,则A,B两部分内容是相反的。例如:Computeriz

18、ed data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paper less office. But, contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating .解释:paper less 表示负向,则but后no sign of abating 表示正向,所以abating是表示负向的词。总结:此种方法有利于在不认识单词的前提下读懂句子意思,很有帮助,但一定要练习,而且要敏感。练习:The margin

19、al costs of generating electricity from nuclear energy may be tiny, but , as the technology now stands, huge and uncertain costs are involved in building the power stations, dealing with spent fuel, and decommissioning.GMAT阅读关键词2. 表让步:(1)although:although A, B:尽管有A,B还是出现了(A,B互不影响)若A是正,那B就是负的。例如:Alth

20、ough the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, Lampe says, chaos could easily result in many countries.解释:miracle奇迹,表正向,则but后的chaos是一个表负向的词。(2)while:五个含义:A. although:虽然,尽管B. as long as:只要C. whereas, but:表转折D.when:当。的时候E. n. 表一段时间例如:

21、While ducks offer many advantages over hens, they must be given greater quality of food, especially if regular eggs are desired.解释:原文在本段之前讲鸭子的好,在本段之后讲它的不好。(3)Albeit:尽管,虽然例如:Albeit true but not now.GMAT阅读关键词3. 表并列:A and BA.and B.(1) 并列双方性质相同;(2) 当A、B都比较复杂时,应该从最后一项找起,根据B的形式到前文找到A例如:The modern city con

22、sists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.解释:此句话中共有四个and ,第一个and 并列of 结构,第二个and 并列fumes和toxic,第三个and并列taxicabs, lorries 和buses, 第四个and并列full of , torn by

23、 和throngedGMAT阅读关键词4 表递进:没有转折的意思,后项承接上文。A furthermore BA moreover BA besides BA为正向,B 仍为正向。GMAT阅读关键词5 表顺序或过程:(1) first, then, next, later on, finally(2) 1st, 2nd, 3rd(3) in the first place, in the second place(4) before, after(5) once, until, as soon as,GMAT阅读关键词6 特殊的关键词:人名,地名,时间,数字,生词(这是最好的定位标准,多以A-

24、A形式重现)GMAT阅读关键词7.比较级:类比对比(1) asas, like 类比(2) morethan, unlike 对比(3) 不同的时间导致强的对比关系例如:一段讲1840年,1919年.。二段讲2003年出现了A+(生词)问题是,2003年人们有了A+, 1840年的时候人们没有什么?(4) 不同的地点导致强对比关系例如:In Australia, only,.In Asia, many, A(生词)问题是,Australia缺什么?GMAT阅读关键词8. 例如:A for example = := BA是理论,B是解释GMAT阅读关键词9. 因果关系:(1) 大因果关系/分句间

25、因果关系(即:原因、结果是两句话)because, in that, as, since, for, so(that), therefore, thus, hence, as a result(2) 小因果关系/句内因果关系(在一句话中,通过v.来表达)例如:Increased air temperature brought about higher sea levels.Cause, lead to, result in/ from, contribute to, pose, help, create, affect, influence, attribute to.Attribute A

26、to B, 把A归因于B (因为B所以A)以上就是对于雅思阅读关键词的相关介绍,往往我们看到这些词就大致知道下面想要表示内容,并方便我们找出作文的意图,最后祝大家能考出好成绩。雅思考试阅读辅导资料A.When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonalds in January 2004, the worlds biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were s

27、luggish or declining. One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the groups French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots. His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti-globalisers favourite enemy operates.B.So

28、 far Mr Hennequin is doing well. Last year European sales increased by 5.8% and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years. Europe accounted for 36% of the groups profits and for 28% of its sales. December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal me

29、nu offerings in France and Britain, and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly.CMr Hennequins recipe for revival is to be more open about his companys operations, to be “locally relevant”, and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants. McDonalds is blamed for makin

30、g people fat, exploiting workers, treating animals cruelly, polluting the environment and simply for being American. Mr Hennequin says he wants to engage in a dialogue with the public to address these concerns.D.He introduced “open door” visitor days in each country which became hugely popular. In P

31、oland alone some 50,000 visitors came to McDonalds through the visitors programme last year. The Nutrition Information Initiative, launched last year, put detailed labels on McDonalds packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and salt content. The details are also printed on tray-

32、liners.E.Mr Hennequin also wants people to know that “McJobs”, the low-paid menial jobs at McDonalds restaurants, are much better than people think. But some of his efforts have backfired: last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a “McPassport” that allows McDonalds employees to w

33、ork anywhere in the European Union. Politicians accused the firm of a ploy to make cheap labour from eastern Europe more easily available to McDonalds managers across the continent.F.To stay in touch with local needs and preferences, McDonalds employs local bosses as much as possible. A Russian is r

34、unning McDonalds in Russia, though a Serb is in charge of Germany. The group buys mainly from local suppliers. Four-fifths of its supplies in France come from local farmers, for example. (Some of the French farmers who campaigned against the company in the late 1990s subsequently discovered that it

35、was, in fact, buying their produce.) And it hires celebrities such as Heidi Klum, a German model, as local brand ambassadors.G.In his previous job Mr Hennequin established a “design studio” in France to spruce up his companys drab restaurants and adapt the interior to local tastes. The studio is now

36、 masterminding improvements everywhere in Europe. He also set up a “food studio”, where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends.H.Given Frances reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe, it seems odd that McDonalds revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman, using ideas

37、cooked up in the French market. But France is in fact the companys most profitable market after America. The market where McDonalds is weakest in Europe is not France, but Britain.I.“Fixing Britain should be his priority,” says David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS. Almost two-thirds of the 1,21

38、4 McDonalds restaurants in Britain are company-owned, compared with 40% in Europe and 15% in America. The company suffers from the volatility of sales at its own restaurants, but can rely on steady income from franchisees. So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible, says Mr Palmer

39、.J.M.Mark Wiltamuth, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, estimates that European company-owned restaurants margins will increase slightly to 16.4% in 20XX. This is still less than in the late 1990s and below Americas 18-19% today. But it is much better than before Mr Hennequins reign. He is already being

40、tipped as the first European candidate for the groups top job in Illinois. Nobody would call that a McJob.Questions 1-6Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.TRUE if the statement reflects the claims of th

41、e writerFALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this1. McDonald was showing the sign of recovery in all European countries except France after Denis Hennequin took office as the boss of Euro-markets.2. Starting from

42、 last year, detailed labels are put on McDonalds packaging and detailed information is also printed on tray-liners.3. France is said to be the most anti-American country in Europe, but the ideas of the “open door” visiting days and “McPassport” are invented in the French market.4. Britain possesses

43、the weakest McDonald market among European countries and approximately 1214 McDonalds restaurants are company-owned.5. According to David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS, David Hennequin should treat the problem about McDonald in Britain as the most important thing.6. David Palmer suggested that

44、 the management of McDonalod in Italy should sell as many its outlets which lose money in business as possible for revival.Questions 7-10Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-10 on your answe sheet.7. The word “sterling” in line 3 of Paragraph A means_.A. difficultB. menialC.

45、terribleD. excellent8. Which of the following statements on the accusation of MacDonald is NOT TRUE?A. It tends to make people fat.B. Its operations are very vague.C. It tends to exploit workers.D. It tends to treat animals cruelly.9. Which of the following measures taken by Denis Hennequin produced

46、 undesired result?A. “Food Studio” scheme.B. “Open Door” visitor days.C. The “McPassport” scheme.D. The Nutrition Information Initiative.10. What did Denis Hennequin do so as to respond to local trends?A. set up a “Food Studio” .B. established a “Design Studio”.C. hired celebrities as local brand am

47、bassadors.D. employed local bosses as much as possible.Questions 11-14Complete each of the following statements (Questions 11-14) with words or number taken from Reading Passage 1.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.11. After January 2004, McDonald was making improvement following a period of slump in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were .12. Business of McDonald in France and Britain was particularly good in December since customers took to


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