1、幾個問題的思考,“全球升溫是由於CO2的增加造成的”這句話你贊同嗎?全球升溫會造成全球範圍內的乾旱嗎?在過去1萬年以來,地球氣候最溫暖的時期是:(1)現在;(2)5千-7千年前之間;(3)9千-1萬年前之間?在過去130萬年以來,地球氣候最溫暖的時期是:(1)現在;(2)大約1萬年前;(3)大約12.5萬年前?,地球氣候學(Climatology of the Earth)課程安排:週五下午5:308:30 PM2/25介紹教學內容、安排教學計畫、氣候學的歷史。3/4氣候要素與氣候分帶。3/11影響氣候的主要因素(一):外部因素。3/18AMS-12國際會議,觀看影片不願面對的真相,討論問題。
3、要研究氣候和學習氣候學氣候學發展史氣候學的研究對象氣候學的研究方法氣候學的交叉學科,地球氣候學,氣候學 研究的對象是地球上的氣候。氣候和天氣是兩個既有聯繫又有區別的概念。從時間尺度上講,天氣是指某一地區在某一瞬間或某一短時間內大氣狀態(如氣溫、濕度、壓強等)和大氣現象(如風、雲、霧、降水等)的綜合。天氣過程是大氣中的短期過程。氣候指的是在太陽輻射、大氣環流、下墊面性質和人類活動在長時間相互作用下,在某一時段內大量天氣過程的綜合。它不僅包括該地多年來經常發生的天氣狀況,而且包括某些年份偶爾出現的極端天氣狀況。,天氣和氣象是短時間內大氣狀態(如氣溫、濕度、壓強等)和大氣現象(如風、雲、霧、降水等)
4、的綜合,長時間的天氣和氣象組成氣候,如:月平均溫度和降雨量,概論,氣候學研究氣候的形成過程、分佈和變化規律。它是氣象學的一個分支,也是自然地理學的一個部門,它是邊緣科學。分為理論氣候學和應用氣候學:農業氣候學、林業氣候學、鹽業氣候學、漁業氣候學等。根據氣象觀測資料和古氣候的研究,找出規律。提供氣候趨勢預報。提供改造小氣候的條件。,為什麼要研究氣候和學習氣候學?,自然災害之一 生產力的要素之一 與人類和自然的發展歷史有關與其他學科的發展有關掌握氣候變化的自然規律瞭解影響氣候變化的控制因素 預測未來的氣候變化趨勢 減輕自然災害、改善生存環境,气候学发展史,1600-1800年,僅限於粗略的觀察,對
5、局部地區的天氣進行監測,積累資料;Edmond Halley 1800-1900年,對大量的觀測資料進行總結,逐步形成氣象學,進行氣象預報;Francis Galton 1900-1950年,近代氣候學,開始氣候劃分和規律性研究;Wladimir Peter Kppen 1950-至今,現代氣候學,對氣候進行理論研究,與數學、物理學、化學、生物、地質、電腦科學等相結合。Helmut Landsberg,Hubert Lamb,Milutin Milankovi,John Russell Mather,Edmond Halley,Edmond Halley(sometimes Edmund,No
6、vember 8,1656 January 14,1742)was an English astronomer,geophysicist,mathematician,meteorologist,and physicist.,Halleys Comet,Halleys comet can be seen every 75-76 years,which last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986,and will next appear in mid 2061.,Halley published a map of the trade winds
7、in 1686,after a voyage to the southern hemisphere.,Francis Galton,Sir Francis Galton F.R.S.(February 16,1822 January 17,1911),half-cousin of Charles Darwin,was an English Victorian polymath,anthropologist,eugenicist,tropical explorer,geographer,inventor,meteorologist,proto-geneticist,psychometrician
8、,and statistician.Francis Galton invented the term anticyclone,As the initiator of scientific meteorology:he invented the weather map,proposed a theory of anticyclones and was the first to establish a complete record of short-term climatic phenomena on a European scale.,The Kppen world climate map,I
9、t is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate,thus climate zone boundaries have been selected with vegetation distribution in mind.It combines average annual and monthly temperatures and precipitation,and the seasonality of precipitation.,Wladimir Peter Kppen(Sep
10、tember 25,1846 in Saint Petersburg,Russia June 22,1940 in Graz,Austria)was a German meteorologist,climatologist and botanist.He elaborated the Kppen climate classification system,which is still commonly used today to group climates into similar types(albeit with modifications).,Helmut Landsberg,Helm
11、ut Erich Landsberg was born in Frankfurt,Germany,in February 1906.Died in 1985.While in Germany,he went to college at the University of Frankfurt and received his Ph.D.in 1930 with his dissertation focusing on seismographic records.During his early career,he focused his research on earthquakes.He be
12、came a director of the Taunus Observatory of Geophysics and Meteorology at the University of Frankfurt,Germany.,Physical Climatology(1941).Urban Climate(1981).Weather and Health:An Introduction to Biometeorology(1969).Weather Climate and Human Settlements(1976).,He began to raise the status of clima
13、tology from one of geographic classification to a well-developed applied physical science.His book,Physical Climatology,stressed for the first time in English,the use of statistical analysis in climatology.He produced strategic summaries of the climatological conditions for much of Europe,Hubert Lam
14、b,Hubert Horace Lamb(1913-1997)was an English climatologist who founded the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.,Books:Climate,History and the Modern WorldClimate Present Past and Future,Most of his scientific life Lamb spent at the Meteorological Office,UK,where he started as a
15、Technical Officer by special merit promotion.His responsibilities were in the fields of long range weather forecasting,world climatology and climate change.In this capacity he spent some years in Antarctica and in Malta and North Africa and became a Member of the WMO Working Group on Climate Fluctua
16、tions and the First Director of the Climate Research unit,University of East Anglia,UK.,Milutin Milankovi,Milutin Milankovi(also known as Milankovitch)(May 28,1879,Dalj near Osijek,(Austria-Hungary)December 12,1958,Belgrade)was a Serbian geophysicist,best known for his theory of ice ages,relating va
17、riations of the Earths orbit and long-term climate change,now known as Milankovitch cycles.,Milankovic-a crater on the far side of the Moon Milankovic-a 118km crater on Mars at 54.4N,213.3E 1605 Milankovitch-a minor planet,氣候學的研究對象,地球表面的降雨、溫度、氣流等氣候因數的變化格局和控制因素 大氣的不同層面和介面、環流模式、熱量傳輸(包括輻射、對流和平流)大气层与海洋和
18、陆地表面的作用(特别是植被、土地利用和地形等)大气层的化学和物理组成,氣候學的研究方法,Climatology considers that the past climate can help predict future climate change.古氣候學利用各種地質檔案,如:冰芯、數輪、海洋和湖泊沉積物、石筍、珊瑚等,重建過去的氣候 研究長期觀測的氣象資料,如:降雨、溫度和大氣成份等 根據大氣動力學結合觀測資料,用數理統計方法模擬過去、現在和將來的氣候 用歷史記載的文獻資料來研究與人類歷史有關氣候,氣候學的交叉學科,化学、经济学、地质学、地球物理学、冰川学、水文学、海洋学、火山学、计算机学等,