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1、中 国 的 造 林 绿 化Afforestation in China,国家林业局植树造林司 碳汇管理办公室Afforestation Department,Management office on CDM forest project,SFA王春峰 Wang chunfeng处长 Division Chief,1.中国政府历来高度重视造林绿化和森林保护工作。80年代开始,造林绿化进度逐年加快,上个世纪90年代,基本上每年的造林面积保持在400万公顷左右。到1998年,全国第五次森林资源清查结束时,森林覆盖率已由建国初的8.6%提高到 16.55%,人工造林保存面积超过4600多万公顷,是世界

2、第一,占世界人工林总量的26%。Chinese government attaches great importance on afforestation and forest protection.In 1980s,afforestation was stepped up year by year.In 1990s,4 million ha forested annually.By the end of 1998,forest coverage reached 16.55%,from 8.6%at the beginning of Peoples Republic of China foun

3、ded.The reserved artificial forested area is over 460 million ha,the greatest in the world and accounting for 26%of global total.,2.近两年,每年造林面积保持在670万公顷左右。In recent two years,670 million ha forested annually.3.中国林业发展指导思想经历重大变化,正在采取的重大行动必将对缓解全球气候变化产生重要影响。The guideline on Chinese forest development is

4、undergoing dramatic change,from timber-producing orientation toward ecological function orientation.4.实施了六大林业重点工程.Implementing six giant forest projects.,天然林保护工程(Natural forest protection project)。,范围:涉及17个省(区、市),734县、167森工局Scope:17 provinces,involving 734 counties and 167 forest industrial enterpri

5、ses.,目标:是全面停止长江上游、黄河上中游地区天然林的商品性采伐;大幅度调减东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区的木材产量;同时保护好其他地区的天然林资源,加快宜林荒山荒地造林种草;加强森林管护。Objectives:Implementing logging ban along the upper reach of Yangtze and Yellow river,greatly reduced timber output in key state-owned forest region in northeastern and inner-mongolia area and,protecting n

6、atural forest in other areas,speeding up tree and grass-planting activities,enforcing forest protection.成果:截止到2002年底,森林管护面积已达9500万公 顷,累计营造生态公益林790万公顷,已有近60万富余人员得到妥善分流安置。Achievements:By the end of 2002,95 million ha of forest maintained,total 7.9million ha ecological forest established,and 600,000 fo

7、rest workers laid off and re-employed.,退耕还林工程(The project on conversion of slope cultivated agriculture land to forest)。,目标:将水土流失、沙化、盐碱化、石漠化严重的坡耕地,有计划、有步骤地停止耕种,因地制宜地造林种草,恢复植被。Objectives:transferring slope cultivated land into forest in the area with severe soil erosion,sandification and salt-alkaliz

8、ation by means of forest rehabilitation.,成果:工程实施以来,已累计完成造林643万公顷,1330万农户,5300万人从中受益。Achievements:total 6.43 million ha afforestated,13.3 million households and 53 million local people benefited.,京津风沙源治理工程(Desertification control project in the vicinity of Beijing and Tianjin)。,目标:主要是通过造林和小流域综合治理等措施,

9、遏制沙化土地的扩展趋势,改善北京周围生态环境。Objectives:controlling desertification tendency and improving ecological environment by means of afforestation and comprehensive management of catchments.,范围:涉及内蒙古、河北、山西及北京和天津的75个县。Scope:including inner Mongolia Hebei,Shanxi,Beijing,Tianjin totally 75 counties involved.成果:目前已累

10、计完成造林396万公顷,生态移民12847人。Achievements:3.96 million ha afforestated totally,ecological immigration involving 13 thousand of local people.,三北和长江中下游等地区重点防护林工程(Shelterbelt construction project in Three North and down reach of Yangtze as well as other key areas)。,目标:主要是减轻三北和长江中下游等地区的风沙、干旱和水土流失等自然灾害,改善这些地区生

11、态环境和生产生活条件。Objectives:reducing natural disasters caused by severe sandification,drought and soil erosion,improving ecological and living condition.,范围:三北工程涉及该地区13个省(区、市)551个县。Scope:31 provinces,involving 551 counties.成果:目前,三北工程已进入第四期。前三期完成造林面积2203万公顷。长江流域等地区重点防护林工程近两年,这五个区域性工程共完成造林277.8万公顷。Achieveme

12、nts:At present,Three North project is in phase four,22.03 million ha forested in the previous three phases,and the shelterbelt project in Yangtze valley and other areas have finished 2.78 million ha of afforestation area in recent two years.,重点地区速生丰产林工程(The project on ther development of Fast-growin

13、g and high-yielding forest plantation in key areas)。,目标:主要是缓解我国木材供需矛盾,保护天然林资源。Objectives:relieving the domestic timber-demanding pressure and protecting natural forest better.,范围:工程建设区域主要分布在我国400mm等雨量线 以东的18省(区、市)。Scope:mainly distributing in 18 provinces,eastern past of the 400mm isohyet.,成果:该工程启动以

14、来,已完成造林约11万公顷。Achievements:110,000ha forest plantation established since the launching of the project.,全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程The construction project on National wildlife and natural reserve protection。,目标:主要是解决基因保存、生物多样性保护、自然保护、湿地保护等问题。Objectives:protecting genetic resources,biodiversity,endangered wi

15、ldlife and wetlands.规划:到2050年,我国自然保护区数量将达到2500个(林业自然保护区数量从2000年的909个增加为2000个),总面积为1.728亿公顷,占国土面积的18%。Scope:18%of territory involved.,成果:该项工程实施两年多来,新建各类自然保护区498处,一批濒危物种的拯救繁育工作得到了加强。Achievements:498 natural reserves established and great amount of endangered species saved within recent two years.,谢 谢!Thank you!,


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