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1、EMAKINABuzz Marketing&Viral Strategies and,StrategiesEmakina Academy,Buzz Marketing,Welcome,Brice Le Blvennec,PresidentEmakina,About Emakina,Emakina is the leading independent Belgian web agency.,We offer the following integrated services,creative consultancy and graphic designweb development and IT

2、 integratione-business and strategic consultancymarketing communication services,With an award-winning team of over+80 web experts,Emakina delivers state-of-the-art projects.,Some Emakina Customers,Selected Cases,Viral Buzz,Volkswagen New BeetleVolkswagen Polo FoxProximus Vodafone live!Ugly DuckProx

3、imus 3GSprite Light Goblin+Goblin BlogJean Paul Gaultier,!,!,Todays topic,“Viral marketing is like,succeeding in Hollywood:every actor wants to do it,only a few succeed.”,Case Studies,Volkswagen BeetleVolkswagen Polo Fox,Buzz,A low,vibrating sound,A particularly intense kind of Word of mouth,Buzz Ma

4、rketing,A term used in the marketing industry to,describe activities that companies undertake togenerate favorable word of mouth publicityabout products and services,Initial Briefing,Make some animation on the vw.be website to relaunch NewBeetle Cabrio mini-site before the summer,The Idea,Benefit fr

5、om the notoriety of the Yeti game which was one ofthe largest buzz on the Internet in 2004,The Concept,The goal is not directly hit the target,but rather to create a rumor that can reach to the target,The Storyline,The New Beetle Cabrio,assists the penguinsmartyrized by the Yeti,New Beetle Cabrio sa

6、ves,them and makes them,rebounding on its capotte tothe sea,Positive wink;-),The Game,Basic arcade game,easy to understand,The more you makerebounds with penguins,the more you get points The more you save,penguins,the more you getbig points,The Game,The game stops after,having let 4 penguinsfalling

7、on the floor or ifyou send your car towater,Design Approach,Cartoon design Fresh interface,Excite the Players,At the end of each part,the player will have the possibility tosend by email a certificate(HTML format)attesting that hesaved a certain amount of penguins,Excite the Players,At the bottom of

8、 the certificate the address of the game with aninvitation:Defy your friends by sending themthe address of the game!.,Excite the Players,A permanent table of high scores is posted on the first screen ofthe game in order to stimulate the challenge,Demo,A Few Figures,5.000 monthly single visits on the

9、 mini site,before the game was launched,130.000 single visits on the mini site,the month the game was launched,12.000 monthly single visits,on the new beetle cabrio mini site today.,75.000 players have already registered,their email address!,Campaign Appreciation,Low cost promotion!,Email sent to th

10、e 40.000 registered users,of the VW e-News(www.vw.be/enews/),Bannering on the www.vw.be home page Bannering on Play the Game site Emailing via Play the Game list,Word of mouth did the rest!What a buzz!,New Buzz Campaign in May 2005,Volkswagen launch new Polo Fox,3 week prelaunch buzz&blog marketing

11、campaign,2 month activation(interactive video)on Volkswagen website,Tony Sheraton Chain mail,Message:,Hi Fred,You told me once that I could count on you if I needed,some help,Well,I think I getting where I want;Im at the top!,Im in super-form and my artistic feeling has never been,better!,Could you

12、ask the people you know if they have a job for,me?That would be super!,I also have a website http:/www.tonysheraton.be where,The first presence onMSN was with a simple,text link on the,homepage,Then,on the Hotmail site,Then,within the,Messenger window,On Skynet,there were,three different places,all,

13、on the homepage,2.Teasing phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesViral effortResults,2.Teasing phase:viral effort,Broadcast to different e-mailingslists:,“Brice site of the day”Other Emakinaopt-in lists,.,.,2.Teasing phase:viral effort Research network:Find first echelon of target traffic sites:

14、write the editorials&directly access the videos Forums:Studiant.be,Skynet forums,blogs Funny sites:pureesoiree.be,zattevrienden.be Find second echelon:sites that help people to find the promotional material&increasereferences,FR(80-sites)drole-,NL(70-sites),EN(50-sites),zone-,studiant.besupergame.be

15、,2.Teasing phase:viral effortCreate site accounts and start posting:,rademakd/*david_,rademakd/*rademakd/*rademakd/*rademakd/*rademakd/*rademakd/*rademakd/*,2.Teasing phase:viral effort Insertion&activation:forum posts We maintained a diary to keep track of what posts were wheninserted(to avoid dupl

16、icates).Editorials and promotional texts werecustom adapted to the style of the site in order to increase thechanges of acceptance:,28/07/2005,NL,submit,griffe_nl.swf,Dude,dont pimp my car(link)Bald guys should NOT try to pick,form,up chicks,28/07/2005,NL,submit,strip_nl.swf,Zoals ze in t Engels zeg

17、gen Is that a gun in your pocket or are,e/forum,form,you just happy to see me?-(link)-t Zal wel weer een of,andere reclame zijn maar toch goed gedaan Insertions of certain material were followed-up by insertions of othermaterial.This allowed us to be present at many fronts with a varietyof material,

18、2.Teasing phase:viral effort,Insertion&activation:funny sites,2.Teasing phase:viral effort,Emails to webmasters,Mails were sent to various webmasters to convince them to pick up,leads.Webmasters are always on the lookout for new originalmaterial and catchy headlines We assisted them in this,by sugge

19、sting headlinesand matching captions Close to a hundred,webmasters werecontacted like that,2.Teasing phase:viral effort,See also appendix 1:mention/review of the teasing phase on,(e-)marketing sites/blogs,2.Teasing phase:viral effort,Even after the launch,2.Teasing phase:viral effort,Even after the

20、launch,2.Teasing phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesViral effortResults,2.Teasing phase:results Quick facts:,Total traffic:Before product launch:Highest day peak:Language ratio:Number of video views:Peak on number of links:,216,574 unique visitors102,212 unique visitors22,025(Sunday,July 31)

21、NL 57%-FR 43%+/-275,000(all videos)+/-250,2.Teasing phase:results Comparison webvertising vs.viral:(*:see next slide)Overall figures:,Paid bannering:Viral traffic:Before product launch:Paid bannering:Viral traffic:Within identified top-5 referrers:MSN-Bannering:Skynet-bannering:Main posts&stimuli:,7

22、3,144 visits(33%)*143,430 visits(66%)73,144 visits(60%)*47,843 visits(40%)25%of referred traffic10%65%of referred traffic,2.Teasing phase:results,Note on accuracy:,Reported unique visitors/visits numbers are guaranteed minimums,In reality,one can add 10-20%to compensate for proxy caching effects(i.e

23、.large corporations frequently surf from a single IP address and allemployees count as 1 visitor),Missing referrer data,We can not independently confirm(via our referencing counter)the,numbers as reported by MSN/Skynet but we accept them,Normally we can confirm these numbers with an error range of a

24、bout10%but here it seems to be more like 75%#can be result of countingscheme at media reps,2.Teasing phase:results,Cost efficiency report:,Classical bannering will always be necessary to support a campaign,but it does not make or break a campaign,Here,the quality of the viral campaign had a far more

25、 important,effect than bannering,Some figures for costs per click,Bannering:20K!/73K clicks#0.27!/click,Viral promotion:7.5K!/143K clicks#0.05!/click Efficiency of viral vs.bannering:x5!,3.Reveal phase,by Emakina,3.Reveal phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesResults,3.Reveal phase:creative con

26、cept Message focusing on:Quality/reliability,SimplicityFair priceIn the“ugly&bad”tone of voice of the brandAll this is a 100%consistent design,3.Reveal phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesResults,3.Reveal phase:campaign map,Geentralala.be:no contentanymore,becomes a redirectto UglyDuck.beOpt-

27、ins from teasingphase have beenwarned by e-mailGeentralala.be/pres:page for press,Banneringon Skynet&MSN,UglyDuck.bePage where tosee/downloadthe movies,3.Reveal phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesResults,3.Reveal phase:creatives,The redirect page onPasdechichi.be:,This e-mail was sent toopt-

28、ins from the teasing,phase,The press had access to,this page(LG&F),On the homepage ofUglyDuck,a link was,placed to see the movies,This time,the movies,were signed with,“UglyDuck.be”,3.Reveal phaseCreative conceptCampaign map,CreativesResults,2.Teasing phase:results Further role of viral in traffic g

29、eneration(via teasing site):,Total traffic:Before product launch:,216,574 unique visitors102,212 unique visitors,3.Reveal phase:results,E-mailing to opt-ins from teasing phase:,thanks to 1.547.153 3.172,3.Reveal phase:results Webvertising(figures from DAD):,rgieMSN,siteMSN HPMSN entertainmentMesseng

30、er,FormatIMULeaderboardLeaderboard expandableOverlayerSkyscraper expandableMini banner 18-34,Imp.Reues524.266714.161160.605192.057,Clicks4.0102.97836.4758.8051.52517.029,CTRbenchmark0,4%0,16%0,29%2,18%0,29%0,5%,Best CTRDAD forProximus0,6%0,4%3,3%13,8%1,7%1,2%,CTR real0,4%0,6%5,1%5,5%0,8%0,6%,MSN Tot

31、al,70.822,1,3%,Skynet,Skynet HP,IMULeaderboardSkyscraperSkyscraper expandable,414.260114.234175.581628.949,2.4596033421.533,0,4%0,16%0,23%0,29%,0,6%0,4%0,4%1,7%,0,6%0,5%0,2%0,2%,=,Skynet ROS Skyscraper 190.036 380Exceptional high resultsSkyscraper FREEEmakina creatives!Skynet Total8.489Grand Total8.

32、615.705 79.311,0,23%0,23%,0,4%0,4%,0,2%0,2%0,3%0,9%,4.Emakinas conclusions,Via ourfigures tool,PrelaunchTeasing campaignViral marketing!Channel Visibility!#of visits to partner web sites!CTR(Click Through Rate)*!#of videos downloaded:+/-275000!#of videos forwarded via site+/-2500 people did send vid

33、eo tofriends via site(number of recipients:unknown)!#of inscriptions+/-2000 people wanted to beinformed of reveal/follow-upThese trackingcouldbe answered via ourtracking tool*Webvertising only with text link onSkynet,MSN,Messenger,Hotmail,LaunchInternet website visitsContracts/sales!Sales!Sales per

34、gross-gain!Sales per swap!Sales per Port-in!Channel visibility!External!#of people seeing banners!#people clicking onbanner!#of visits(CTR*)!Internal!#of pages visited194,680 visits!#of visits converted intocontracts!%ofFrench/Dutch/Englishvisitors57%NL vs.43%FR*the CTR will only indicate the number

35、 ofvisits through the banners and not thedirect click to the site,Post-LaunchCalling behaviorCustomer profile!Consumer Behavior!Age!%of voice!%of SMS!Frequency of Reload!Amount of Reload!%of Free Minutes usedVia ourtracking tool,4.Emakinas conclusions:timeframe,Normal viral campaigns take 1-2 months

36、&require carefully,planned multi-platform presence,The timeline was very challenging(2 weeks):,Effective time window for viral campaign was decreased,Action plan was adapted from“slow build”#“massive tam-tam”Was very challenging but we met traffic expectations and even,surpassed our own hopes/wild d

37、reams,4.Emakinas conclusions:comparison with theSprite campaign,UglyDuck.beUltra-high traffic inultra-short time window(almost 200k/2 weeks)High pick-up rate ofhigh-quality creatives on otherwebsitesMore visuals,videosLower interaction modelLess web links(250)but this isbecause campaign was shorter,

38、Sprite GoblinHigh traffic in short period(150k/1.5 month)Low pick-up rate of creativesbut more word-of-mouseMore content,story tellingMore interactive(custom images posted on site)Lots of online links(1000),4.Emakinas conclusions,Traffic:this must be a record on the Belgian web,(but we were a bit lu

39、cky since time was unrealistically short),Planning:time-window to be enlarged across different media(3,to 4 weeks is ideal),Brand awareness:to be improved:more text/captions to position,funnies,Appendix:Pasdechichi onbuzz/viral,marketing sites,Case Study,Jean Paul Gaultier,Campaign Results,2005-Q4,E

40、uropean campaign+160000 visitors+215000 visits Site even made it to officialApple QuickTime Guide,Case Study,Yes By Sodexho,Archive Online,Yes Gift Voucher,What Ticket Restaurant is for food,the Yes!will be as giftvoucher for presents,special occasions,exchangeable inmany prestigious outlets,Buzz Ca

41、mpaign,A certain Sam Lennov has returned from the future and ismaking various predictions on social,cultural and economiclevel.Highlights are the prediction of the YES,4,2,8,6,4,4,6,Designing a story developmentYESCURRENCY,and let thestory evolve tomore specifictopics to build,geo-politicalchanged w

42、orldtechnological,economic,tim,e,a climax,changes,changes,3,scientific,environmentalchanges,changes,social,culturalchanges,2,medicalchanges,1,timemachine,changes,entertainment,changes,Well start here,talkingfrom a human interestlevel to get the storygoing,SamLennov,These numbersindicate the proposed

43、number of topics/weight within the story,posts,Scheduling posts,Traffic picksup andbecomes,exponential,mainstreamJuly 2005Story getspicked up by,10th planet isdiscovered but notpredicted.However,this is the realisationthat he knows and,Sam leads a quite lifeand is consideringgoing public with hissto

44、ry but its thecoming Tsunami thatwill kickstart it.,Sams friendsMarch 2005,July 2005,July 2005,Presscoverage,influences thefuture,June,Aug Sep Oct,Jan 2004,Oct 2004,Dec 2004,April 2005 2005,2005 2005 2005,time,Blog is created,Starts additional posting,Campaign Figures,1.5 month campaignBudget 10K,+3

45、0000 unique visitors+42000 unique visits+184000 page views4.5 page views/visit13min average visit,21 highly creative posts,on a variety of human interest topics 1325 quality interactive comments,Morti,Campaign Appreciation School forums,class speeches,countless online forumdiscussions,Magazine and T

46、V journalists seeking contactGeachte heer Lennov,Ik werk als journalist voor het maandblad Menzo,en in functiedaarvan stel ik u graag volgende vraag:kan ik u ergens zien,interviewen?Ik begrijp dat u op uw privacy gesteld bent,maar ik kanu garanderen dat indien we tot een akkoord komen voor eeninterv

47、iew,wij uw identiteit(adres,tel.nr.,mailadres,)zeker nietzullen prijs geven.Ik ben best wel onder de indruk van uw kennis envisie op verschillende zaken,maar zou u toch graag wat concreterevragen willen voorleggen,zonder onze lezer ook maar enige duidingte geven of u daadwerkelijk uit de toekomst ko

48、mt of niet.laten wehet beschouwen als een open interview,reclame voor uw blog maarwel in die mate dat we werken met vraag en antwoord.Bovenal:ikbegrijp dat u geen fotos uit de toekomst kan laten zien,maar uvermeldt wel enkele voorwerpen,die ik graag eens zou zien.ikhoop alvast dat u toch even over m

49、ijn voorstel wil nadenken,u kanmij altijd met een priv-nummer bellen op het nummer:met vriendelijke groeten,Jorn,Hey SamMet verstomming en met veel respect eninteresse bekeek en las ik je webpaginas!Het is nl zo dat ik reporter ben voor VTM.Nu wilhet toeval dat ik net voor een reportage op zoekben n

50、aar verhalen en getuigenissen over levenin de toekomst?Mag ik je hierover eenscontacteren(telefoonnummer ofzo).Ik beloofabsolute discretie en kijk uit naar je mailtje?Thanks,nog veel plezier hier en nu en hopelijktot heel binnenkort.,Reveal Phase,Sodexho endorsing the campaign,Admitting the claims m


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