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1、国际音标突破,Welcome to Carries Class!,我们学什么?,48个国际音标的正确读音与写法连读,音变,重音,节奏,语调英美音的差异,课堂要求,发音的夸张性及时补充水分声音的洪亮,国际音标总图,声带,气管,会厌软骨,舌尖,舌前部,舌后部,舌根,硬腭,软腭,上齿龈,牙齿,唇,小舌,发音器官图,Lesson 1,前元音:/i:/,一、发音秘诀牙床:上下齿分开,距离能容纳一根火柴舌位:舌部及下颚肌肉紧张,舌尖抵下齿,舌 前部向硬腭尽量抬起唇形:上下唇微开,口形扁平发音长短:发音尽量拉长,超过两秒小提示:嘴角尽量往两边扬,像微笑的样子,所以说英语国家的人拍照喜欢说“cheese”,朗

2、读元音,/pi:/,/bi:/,/li:/,/ni:/,/mi:/,/zi:/,/si:/,/fi:/,/vi:/,/gi:/,/di:/,/ti:/,/ki:/,/wi:/,/hi:/,/ri:/,常见字母和字母组合,e he me be she,e_e these Chinese Japanese,ee see week bee feed,ea heat teacher tea weak,ie field thief believe piece,ei seize receive ceiling neither,ey key,想一想,填一填,pl_ _se 请,sh_ _p 羊,l_ _ve

3、 叶子,dr_ _m 梦,s_ cret 秘密,b_ _ 蜜蜂,Chin_s_ 中国人,sp_ _k 说,巩固练习,1)If you get nervous,take a deep breath to calm yourself down./dep/B./dp/C./dip/D./di:p/,3)Which of the following word matches the sound/li:st/?lost B.list C.least D.listen,2)Which of the following word matches the sound/skri:/?score B.screen

4、 C.skin D.section,巩固练习,选出划线部分发音与其他不同的选项,1)A.Its a piece of cake.B.Flowers will soon die without water.C.Dont eat too much fried food.D.Shall I tie the parcel or use tape?2)A.Your health is your life.B.Our math teacher is a kind lady.C.Id like to have some bread for my breakfast tomorrow.D.Could I ha

5、ve fish instead of ham?,前元音:/i/,一、发音秘诀牙床:上下齿分开,距离能容纳一个小指尖舌位:舌部及下颚肌肉比/i:/松弛,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,但舌位比/i:/稍低、稍靠后唇形:上下唇微开,口形扁平发音长短:短小提示:发好这个音的秘诀是一定要收小腹,朗读元音,/pi/,/bi/,/li/,/ni/,/mi/,/zi/,/si/,/fi/,/vi/,/gi/,/di/,/ti/,/ki/,/wi/,/hi/,/ri/,常见字母和字母组合,e pretty reply repair believe,i sit history biscuit lift,u bus

6、y business,y marry January many windy,ey monkey money honey donkey,想一想,填一填,Engl_ sh 英语,g_ ft 礼物,Librar_ 图书馆,hurr_ 匆忙,r_ member 记住,r_ pair 修理,巩固练习,1)Xi jinping,our president paid a visit to the USA in June,2013./vizit/B./visit/C./vi:zi:t/D./vi:si:t/,2)Which of the following word matches the sound/fil

7、/?fair B.few C.fail D.fill,记一记,比一比:,/i:/和/i/,Beat-bitSheep-shipLeave-live Least-listSick-seekFill-feelLip-leap,句子发音练习,It is a good peach.是个好桃子It is a good pitch.是个好球场,句子发音练习,I didnt catch the sheep.我没抓住这只绵羊I didnt catch the ship.我没赶上船,前元音:/e/,一、发音秘诀牙床:上下齿分开,距离能容纳一个中指舌位:舌尖抵下齿,舌部微微抬起,舌位比短音/i/低唇形:嘴唇向两边

8、微分,比短音/i/稍松开,口形扁平发音长短:短元音,急促小提示:发音时下巴逐渐向下移动,直至上下嘴唇张开的角度呈45度,同时发出声音,朗读元音,/pe/,/be/,/le/,/ne/,/me/,/ze/,/se/,/fe/,/ve/,/ge/,/de/,/te/,/ke/,/we/,/he/,/re/,常见字母和字母组合,a any anybody many anywhere,e desk very every vegetable,ea bread dead spread meant,ai said,想一想,填一填,resp_ ct 尊敬,sw_ _ter 毛衣,fri_nd 朋友,n_ver

9、 从不,_ nyone 任何人,h_ _d 头,巩固练习,1)Have you ever read the story?/ri:d/B./rid/C./red/D./rd/,2)Which of the following word matches the sound/smel/?small B.smell C.smile D.smart,3)Which of the following word matches the sound/met/?meet B.meant C.meat D.met,前元音:/,一、发音秘诀牙床:介于开和半开之间,上下齿距离能容纳两指尖舌位:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部微微

10、抬起,但舌位比/e/低,发音时逐渐压低舌头和下颚,尽可能夸张唇形:双唇向两边平伸,张开嘴,嘴唇放松发音长短:发音短促,朗读元音,/p/,/b/,/l/,/n/,/m/,/z/,/s/,/f/,/v/,/g/,/d/,/t/,/k/,/w/,/h/,/r/,常见字母和字母组合,a flag black plan fat,想一想,填一填,m_ p 地图,h_ nd 手,h_ppy 快乐的,f_mily 家庭,巩固练习,1)A crowd gathered outside the hotel./gd/B./gad/C./ged/D./geid/,2)Which of the following wo

11、rd matches the sound/md/?made B.mad C.model D.middle,3)Which of the following word matches the sound/btl/?battle B.bottle C.beat D.bible,记一记,比一比:,/和/e/,leg-lagbeg-bagegg-ant fred-flagbed-badland-lendman-men,Sand is a kind of dead matter.沙子是一种没有生命的物质Put your left hand on the desk.把左手放在桌子上,说与练,/i/sit

12、bid lid pit/i:/seat bead lead peat/e/set bed led pet/sat bad lad pat,音标对比练习,/i/bit lick nick/i:/beat leak need/e/bet leck neck/bat lack nack,/i/pick tip big/i:/peak teep beat/e/peck tep beg/pack tap bag,绕口令,I slit a sheet,a sheet I slit.Upon the slited sheet,I sit.I wish you were a fish in my dish.,

13、Peter is digging a pit.彼得在挖坑。Its easy to dig a deep pit here.在这儿挖一个深坑很容易。Oh!What a deep pit!噢!多么深的坑啊!,中元音:/:/,一、发音秘诀牙床:介于开和半开之间舌位:舌端离开下齿,舌尖轻触下齿,舌中部微微抬起,舌位介于低和中低之间,整个舌身在口腔里处于低平状态唇形:双唇扁平发音长短:较长,朗读元音,/p:/,/b:/,/l:/,/n:/,/m:/,/z:/,/s:/,/f:/,/v:/,/g:/,/d:/,/t:/,/k:/,/w:/,/h:/,/r:/,常见字母和字母组合,er her nervou

14、s mermaid,ir birthday third skirt,or word work world worm,ur turn hurt fur purse,ear earth learn early heard,想一想,填一填,Th_ _sday 周四,sh_ _t 衬衫,B_ _d 鸟,f_ _st 第一,D_ _ty 脏的,n_ _se 护士,巩固练习,1)We should take some action to save the earth./:/B./ei/C./e/D./ai/,2)Which of the following word matches the sound/h

15、:t/?heart B.heat C.hurt D.height,3)Which of the following word matches the sound/p:l/?pale B.pearl C.pool D.pole,中元音:/,一、发音秘诀牙床:半合,与/e/类似舌位:舌尖离开下齿,舌中部微微抬起,舌位中低唇形:嘴唇稍微松开,口形略扁平发音长短:短一点,弱一点小提示:连接r出现在词尾常卷舌,朗读元音,/p/,/b/,/l/,/n/,/m/,/z/,/s/,/f/,/v/,/g/,/d/,/t/,/k/,/w/,/h/,/r/,常见字母和字母组合,a ago breakfast arr

16、ive,e open happen often,o collect computer correct,or actor doctor visitor,er letter order sweater,our honour colours labour,ure picture nature future,想一想,填一填,matt_ _ 事件,b_ nana 香蕉,mom_ nt 片刻,futur_ 未来,p_ tato 土豆,巩固练习,1)His hobby is to collect stamps./krekt/B./klekt/C./krkt/D./klkt/,2)Which of the following word matches the sound/let/?letter B.little C.litter D.liter,记一记,比一比:,/:/和/,police-pursetonight-turtleballoon-birdfarmer-first,


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