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1、完形填空的理想做题步骤:,通读全文,掌握大意。瞻前顾后,先易后难。复读全文,检查答案。,阅读理解干扰项的设计规律,以偏概全偷梁换柱望文生义无中生有张冠李戴,阅读理解解题的关键词,主旨大意类:点式事实细节:网式事实细节:推理判断类:词意猜测类:,倒推法,先题后文,准确标注,耐心,合理相关,有理有据,胆大、心细,阅读理解干扰项的设置,阴招之一:以偏概全,New York can be a very dangerous city,especially at night.Many people dont go out into the streets alone after dark.One New

2、Yorker found an unusual answer to this problem.She is a singer,Louise oBriah.She has to drive to clubs late at night.Then she has to drive home after the show.She needed a friend for protection.Now she has a ballon that looks like a man.,Question:In this passage,the writer _.thinks highly of what Lo

3、uise does thinks little of what Louise does presents one aspect of the serious problem in New York.D.wants others to follow Louise as example.,阴招之二:偷梁换柱,That doesnt necessarily mean children have to be in a football team.,Children are not encouraged to play football.,An American consumes seven thous

4、and liters of virtue water per day.,An American consumes seven thousand liters of water per day.,阴招之三:望文生义,I just dont buy it.,I dont believe it.,(2004全国卷E)If you are a recent social science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment from your computer major classmates,you may have h

5、ad the last laugh.,By saying that“you may have had the last laugh”in the first paragraph,the author means that you may have _.shared the jokes with computer majors.B.earned as much as computer majors.C.found jobs more easily than computer majors.D.stopped joking about computer majors.,阴招之四:无中生有,Acco

6、rding to the writer,the best wirter should be those who can _.wirte lots of books make his books sell well make their readers laugh teach their readers how to write,高考作文的核心任务:,在15秒内取悦阅卷老师,优秀高考作文应具备的六个基本特征:,1、层次不乱 2、句式多变 3、亮点若干 4、巧妙串联 5、蠢错不犯 6、整洁卷面,作文上光第一招:,肃清愚蠢语言错误,Last summer I go to America and st

7、udied at a language school.I had many wonderful experience,but I also had a sad one.One day,the school held party,where I invited to talk about Tianjin.After that they asked me a lot of things about China.But I couldnt explain them with English clearly.I felt sadly.I learnt a lesson from this experi

8、ence.I have already studied English for eight years,I cant use it very good.I must work hard to improve my spoken English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners.I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries in the future.,作文上光第二招:,让句式多变起来,作文上光第三招:,适当使用复杂句,主从复合句虚拟语气倒装句强调句非谓语动词结构并列句,作文上光第四招:,巧妙使用连接成分,作文上光第五招:,有选择地背诵经典句型,作文上光第六招:,尽量使用高中词汇,作文上光第七招:,要害部位使用名言、谚语,


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