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1、工業安全衛生組織,南台科大 機械系張崴縉,一安全衛生計劃,工廠事故 98%是由物質環境和操作機器設備的人員所造成有效的安全計畫必須人與物兼顧其著眼點在於預防,避免人員不安全動作發生之方法,工作分析工作訓練監督紀律健全的人事管理體格檢查適當的工作指派,改善”物”的方法,產品設計時考慮安全的問題全體工作人員磋商個人防護器材,推行工業安全衛生之步驟,決定目標 符合勞工安全衛生法規研究問題求得結論訂定決策擬定具體行動,二責任畫分,政府主管機關工廠管理當局安全管理人員工會領班及各級主管工人,三訓練員工,工業安全衛生委原員會的功能 訓練員工目標對安全衛生態度推行安全衛生規則,工業安全衛生法規體系,南台科大

2、 機械系(3)張崴縉,政府推動勞工安全衛生現況,七十六年八月一日行政院勞工委員會成立七十七年三月擬訂現階段勞工政策綱要第一期執行方案提出安全衛生檢查採行措施,以強化檢查功能,加強勞工職業病之預防,確保勞工工作環境的安全衛生及維護勞工合理之勞動條件。七十九年元月行政院核定勞委會所提加強勞工安全衛生方案八十四年更訂為勞工安全衛生加強年訂定強化勞工安全衛生措施內容,結合相關機關、團體力量,共謀職業災害率之降低,以確保勞工之安全與健康。,勞工委員會組織概況,我國現階段的勞工安全衛生政策,與工業先進國家比較,我國製造業勞工死亡千人率為 0.069,為英國(0.012)的五倍,約為日本(0.024)的三倍

3、。建立安全衛生制度,落實安全衛生標準本土化有效執行危險物及有害物通識制度,以降低職業災害 有效運用勞動檢查人力,落實勞動檢查工作推展安全衛生自主管理,落實零災害及現場化強化安全衛生教育,塑造安全衛生文化建立職業傷病監控系統,保障勞工身心健康 加強安全衛生研究,提升安全衛生水準,安全衛生管理人員種類及其資格,(一)安全管理師1.領有勞工安全管理甲級技術士證照者。2.具有國內外大學院校工業安全碩士學位者。(二)衛生管理師1.領有勞工安全管理甲級技術士證照者。2.具有國內外大學院校工業安全碩士學位者。(三)安全衛生管理員1.國內外專科以上學校工業安全衛生專門類科畢業者。2.領有勞工安全衛生管理乙級技





8、性機械及設備型式檢查實施要點,危險性機械及設備之製造人或修改人應於製造及修改前向當地勞動檢查機構依下列型式種類申請型式檢查,未經檢查合格不得製造或修改。但與業經檢查合格之型式及條件相同之危險性機械及設備,不在此限。(一)危險性機械1.固定式起重機2.移動式起重機3.人字臂起重桿4.升降機5.營建用提升機6.吊籠(二)危險性設備1.鍋爐2.第一種壓力容器3.高壓氣體特定設備4.高壓氣體容器 不屬前列各種類之危險性機械或設備,視為獨立種類。,國內實驗室案例中之災害發生源分析,國內實驗室意外災害發生的原因可分為三大類,為化學品管理過程不當、機械或儀器走火、天災,其中化學品管理過程不當包含:化學品儲放

9、過程不當、化學品操作過程不當、化學品運送過程不當和化學品廢棄過程不當四個部分,南台科大 安全衛生管理系統,Laboratory Safety Oregon State University,GENERAL,Safety takes precedence over all other considerations.Do not work alone while performing dangerous chemical procedures.Be sure there is someone in the immediate vicinity you can reach in case of em

10、ergency.Know the location of and how to use eyewash fountains,deluge showers,and fire blankets.Be sure you understand the hazards involved in a procedure and take all necessary safety precautions before beginning.Food products(lunches,snacks,juices,condiments,etc.)are not to be stored in laboratory

11、refrigerators.Consumption of food and beverages or smoking is not permitted in laboratory operation areas.Unsafe facilities,equipment,or behavior should be reported to your supervisor.Unattended equipment and reactions are major causes of fire,floods,and explosions.Be sure all utility connections ar

12、e secure.Anticipate hazards that would result from failure of electrical,water,or gas supply.Use hose keepers on water condenser lines.,PERSONAL PROTECTION,CLOTHING,AND HAIR-1,Be sure all containers are properly labelled.Wear approved eye and face protection suitable for the work at hand.Safety glas

13、ses or goggles should be worn at all times while working with chemicals at the counter or laboratory hood.A face shield should be worn when working with potentially eruptive substances.Custodians,maintenance workers,and visitors must observe safety rules,including eye protection,while in the laborat

14、ory.Wear protective gloves and clothing whenever handling corrosive or other hazardous chemicals.Wear closed-toe shoes at all times in the lab.Be sure that moving parts of mechanical apparatus are guarded to prevent hazardous contact.Maintain your lab area reasonably neat and uncluttered.Use the fum

15、e hood for all operations involving harmful gases or fumes and for flammable or explosive materials.Check the hood to see that it is operating adequately and has been inspected annually.,PERSONAL PROTECTION,CLOTHING,AND HAIR-2,Use a safety shield or barrier to protect against explosion,implosion,and

16、 flash fires when performing reactions with large volume of flammable liquids or unstable material.Inspect glassware for cracks,sharp edges,and contamination before using.Broken or chipped glassware should be repaired and polished or discarded.Always use a lubricant(e.g.,water,glycerol)when insertin

17、g glass tubing into rubber stoppers or grommets.Protect hands in case tubing breaks.Broken glass should be put in impervious containers that are large enough to completely contain the glass.These containers are to be placed into the building trash dumpsters by laboratory personnel,not by custodians.

18、Do not handle radioactive isotopes without concurrence of the Radiation Safety Officer.,CHEMICAL HANDLING,Use a safety pail for transporting dangerous or flammable liquids of more than a small quantity(one pint).Use means to prevent tipping of containers when transporting materials on a cart.Do not

19、work with large quantities of reactants without special precautions.Never pour anything back into a reagent bottle.Use caution when adding anything to a strong acid,caustic,or oxidant.Add slowly.Never add solids(boiling chips,charcoal,etc.)to a hot liquid.Never pipet chemicals by mouth.Use a pipet f

20、iller.Do not point the mouth of a vessel being heated toward any person,including yourself.,CHEMICAL HANDLING,When working with biohazardous material,guard against infection by skin contact,inhalation of aerosols,and contamination of food and beverages.Known carcinogens,mutagens,and teratogens shoul

21、d not be used or stored in normal laboratory situations.Such substances require extreme precaution,tight security,limited access,and appropriate safety procedures,and should be used in conjunction with the OSU Carcinogen Safety program.Never heat a flammable solvent in an open vessel in the presence

22、 of sparks or flame.Use only steam,hot water or a grounded heating mantle for heating flammable liquids.Be sure natural gas lines in the laboratory are shut off at the line valve rather than at the equipment when not in use.,CHEMICAL HANDLING,Always locate energized electrical equipment or other dev

23、ices that may emit sparks or flame at least six inches above the floor.All electrical apparatus must be properly grounded.Except for dual-insulated equipment,laboratory electrical apparatus should have a three-conductor cord that connects to a grounded electrical outlet.All electrical wiring for exp

24、eriments,processes,etc.should be done neatly,and must conform to electrical safety code requirements.All experiments involving ether and other volatile flammable liquids should be considered fire or explosive hazards.Strong oxidants such as nitrates,chlorates,perchlorates,and peroxides should be sto

25、red in a dry area apart from organic materials.Perchloric acid digestion must be done in specially designed wash-down laboratory hoods.,CHEMICAL HANDLING,Never heat a flammable solvent in an open vessel in the presence of sparks or flame.Use only steam,hot water or a grounded heating mantle for heat

26、ing flammable liquids.Be sure natural gas lines in the laboratory are shut off at the line valve rather than at the equipment when not in use.Always locate energized electrical equipment or other devices that may emit sparks or flame at least six inches above the floor.All electrical apparatus must

27、be properly grounded.Except for dual-insulated equipment,laboratory electrical apparatus should have a three-conductor cord that connects to a grounded electrical outlet.All electrical wiring for experiments,processes,etc.should be done neatly,and must conform to electrical safety code requirements.

28、All experiments involving ether and other volatile flammable liquids should be considered fire or explosive hazards.Strong oxidants such as nitrates,chlorates,perchlorates,and peroxides should be stored in a dry area apart from organic materials.Perchloric acid digestion must be done in specially de

29、signed wash-down laboratory hoods.,國內某大學一名研二學生至金屬材料實驗工廠實驗,右手半隻手掌被滾軋機壓碎交大某半導體教學實驗室89年2月13日清晨發生電氣火災,雖無人傷亡,但造成實驗室受損停用,如需完全恢復使用約需4至6個月,造成半導體人才培訓,教學及研究中斷半年,因值班人員誤判使媒體報導成交大半導體實驗室毒氣外洩,且於火災發生後約40分鐘才從監控器發現,加上埔頂消防分隊隊員誤用乾粉滅火器造成潔淨室破壞,因氣體管線內已受火災燻煙污染財產損失經初步估計1500萬以上交大某機械研究室89年3月3日晚上十點冷氣機失火,以九具乾粉滅火器滅火方熄滅,學生僅通知駐警隊,

30、未回報系上致該研究室老師及系上均不知發生火災事故。,實驗場所事故案例,實驗場所事故案例,2001 12月24日上午10:00台大醫學院實驗動物中心一名技佐在清洗不銹鋼動物籠時,旁邊的動物籠突然倒塌,正好擊中頭部,當場血流不止,經至急診室施打破傷風疫苗及縫合八針後,已無大礙。醫學院已建議該單位全面固定動物籠,而各系所單位仍應加強實驗室安全衛生管理,避免再次發生類似事件。2002 1月3日上午6:10台大化學系一名博士後研究員使用正戊烷加熱進行再結晶時,因一時疏忽導致突沸,溶液濺及其身上及實驗桌附近引起火災,由駐警隊撲滅,並將其送至台大醫院就醫,醫生判定其右手右腳被燒燙傷,經住院觀察治療目前已無大

31、礙。事故發生原因為該員於夜間單獨操作實驗,致使疲勞、注意力不集中所致,建議加強本校教職員工於夜間從事實驗研究之管理。,實驗場所事故案例,2001 11月5日下午2:30醫學院肝炎研究中心一名博士班學生在清除組織切片的殘渣時,被切片機的刀片割傷拇指,當天已至急診室縫合三針,並在肝炎中心抽血追蹤檢查。事故發生原因為該生疲勞、注意力不集中導致,故實驗負責人已提醒並教導其他人員,避免類似事件再次發生,且醫學院方已擬於新進人員教育訓練中加強宣導。2001 11月15日下午二點左右化工系單元操作實驗室一名大四學生在操作單元方法實驗期間,因藥品(異丙醇)輸送管線於該生取下護目鏡期間脫落,致使異丙醇濺入該生之

32、雙眼,該生以大量清水沖洗後由實驗室工作人員陪同就醫,所幸並無大礙。,台北市私立延平高中11月1日放學後,發生疑似教室冷氣機漏電電死學生的意外,校方表示,冷氣廠商依約保養,會發生這樣的意外令人遺憾,校方會盡力協助處理善後,檢警正調查死因。北市教育局長李錫津表示,該案查明之後,將追究相關失職人員。檢察官會同技師到校勘驗,延平高中教務主任朱清秀表示,初步判斷並無漏電情況,學生確切死因仍待進一步調查。她說,學校冷氣都定期保養維護,為何地上會有一灘水,是在聲響後從冷氣溢出,還是原本冷氣就有漏水問題,或者學生不當操作冷氣,都還待釐清,為顧及其他學生安全,目前已封閉該間教室。李錫津對於又發生校園死亡意外感到相當遺憾,他說,死亡原因正在調查,他不便評論,但只要調查結果發現校方有疏失的部分,一定會追究行政責任。(聯合報),未來勞工安全衛生工作 面臨的問題及應有作為,安全衛生標準順應國際化,消除國際貿易的障礙 重視事先的預防,建立自主管理制度安全衛生實務本土化,觀念作法合理化企業安全衛生相互扶持,共同建立責任照顧制度 整合社會資源,投入安全衛生工作,


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