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1、B Lets talk,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,Listen and answer,sometimes/by car,often/by bus,usually/by bike,often/on foot,Chant:Red light,Red light,stop and wait!Yellow light,yellow light,slow down and stop!Green light,Green light,go,go,go!,traffic rules(规则),We must pay attention to the traffic lights!,

2、注意,Its _ now.We must _.,Its _ now.We must slow down and _.,Its green now.We must go.,Lets say,Dont go at the red light!,别闯红灯!,Theyre from my cousin in the USA.,Theyre from _ in _.,说说你收到的信或照片。,Dear*There is a picture show in the Museum.Do you want to go?,Ill take the,by bus,by plane,by ship,by taxi,b

3、y bike,by car,by train,11,15,50,-How can I get to the museum?-You can take the No._ bus.,In the USA people on the bikes must wear one.,helmet,We must pay attention to the traffic lights.We must wear the helmet on the bikes.,Lets talk,We must wear the helmet on bikes.,Dont go at the red light!,We mus

4、t pay attention to the traffic lights!,Which is right?,In the USA people on bike must wear the helmet.,What is right,when you see the red traffic lights.,I must pay attention to the traffic lights!,Dont go at a red light!,Stop and wait at a red light.,What should we do?,Arrange the sentences in the

5、order.,()What s this?()Take the No.57 bus over there.()The bus is coming.()So many pictures of bike.()How can I get to Fuxing Hospital?()Theyre from my cousin in the USA.()A helmet.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.()I must pay attention to the traffic lights.()Dont go at the red light!,1,3,7

6、,2,5,9,6,8,4,Do you know,Dont turn left!,Dont turn right!,You can turn left.,You must stop.,Slow down.,我知道:世界上大部分国家是行人和车辆靠右走,但还有50多个国家和地区靠左行,如英国、日本、新加坡等。,小结:,In the USA people on bike must wear one.意思是“在美国骑自行车必须戴头盔。”是强制性的。,3.I must pay attention to the traffic light!“我必须注意交通信号灯”表示自我提醒。,2.Dont go at red light!意思是“有红灯不能走”提醒注意安全。,Homework,1.Read the dialogue.,2.Retell the dialogue.,


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