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1、New words,door,window,blackboard,door,window,blackboard,black,board,bird,door,desk,chair,window,New words,classroom,blackboard黑板,Window窗户,door门,Chair椅子,desk桌子,谁是幸运儿,door,window,bird,blackboard,Point 指,Point to 指向,Point to,the,别把俺忘了,俺是很重要滴!,door window blackboard,Review:Look and say,Stand up,please.,

2、Sit down.,Listen and point,Good morning,boys and girls,Good morning,Ms Smart,Sit down,please.,Point to the door.,Point to the window.,Point to the desk.,Point to the chair.,Game,red 红色的,It s red.,yellow,It s yellow,It s green.,It s blck.,It s blue.,red,yellow,green,blue,black,yellow,Now,its red,blue

3、,yellowand green.,Ooh!,Now,yellow,Now,its red,blue,yellow and green.,What colour is it?,Its red.,Its blue.,Its black.,Its yellow.,Its green.,yellow,red,green,一、短语:,1.point to the _ 2.stand up _ 3.Stand up,please._ 4.sit down _ 5.Sit down,please._ 6.Point to the door._7.Point to the window._ 8.Point

4、to the blackboard_ 9.Point to the desk_ 10.Point to the chair._,指向 起立/站起来 请起立 坐下 请坐 指向门 指向窗 指向黑板 指向书桌 指向椅子,一、短语:,1.a chameleon _2.a panda_3.be red_ 4.a red cat_5.a blue cat _6.a green cat _7.a black cat _8.a black dog_9.a blue dog _ 10.a yellow cap _11.a red cap _,一只变色龙 一只熊猫 红色的 一只红色的猫 一只蓝色的猫 一只绿色的猫

5、 一只黑色的猫 一只黑色的狗 一只蓝色的狗 一顶黄色的帽子 一顶红色的帽子,()1.你想让别人指向窗户,应说:A.Point to the blackboard B.Point to the window.()2.你想让别人坐下,应说:A.Stand up,please.B.Sit down,please.()3.上午开始上课时,教师应向同学们说:A.Good morning,boys and girls.B.Good morning,teacher,()4.你的书掉到同桌凳子下面,你想让他站起来,你应该说:_ A.Sit down,please.B.Stand up,please.C.Hel

6、lo.()5.别人帮助了你,你应该说:_ A.How are you?B.Thank you.C.Sit down,please.,()6.上课时,老师想让Sam指着窗户,应该说:_ A.Point to the chair,Sam.B.Point to the blackboard,Sam.C.Point to the window,Sam.A.Sit down,please.B.Thank you.C.Goodbye.,()7.家里来客人了,你应该说:_ A.Sit down,please.B.Stand up,please.C.Whats your name?()8.当别人请你坐下时,你

7、应该说:_ A.Sit down,please.B.Thank you.C.Goodbye.,听音涂色,听音选出你所听到的单词,()1.Agirl Bboy Cdog()2.A.cat B.cap C.chair()3.Ared Bblue Cyellow()4.Apanda Bdog Cbird()5.Adoor Bchair Cdesk,听音,与所听内容相符的在括号内打“”,不相符的打“”,()1.Good afternoon.()2.Point to the window.()3.My name is Panpan,Im a panda.()4.Its a blue dog.()5.Wh

8、at s your name?,看图连线,送单词们回家,1.cat 2.red 3.blackboard 4.bird 5.yellow 6.dog 7.desk 8.chair 9.blue 10.door,动物,物品,颜色,送单词们回家,1.cat 2.red 3.blackboard 4.bird 5.yellow 6.dog 7.desk 8.chair 9.blue 10.door,动物,物品,颜色,送单词们回家,1.cat 2.red 3.blackboard 4.bird 5.yellow 6.dog 7.desk 8.chair 9.blue 10.door,动物,物品,颜色,

9、送单词们回家,1.cat 2.red 3.blackboard 4.bird 5.yellow 6.dog 7.desk 8.chair 9.blue 10.door,动物,物品,颜色,选词填空,1.Panda is _ and white.A.red B.yellow C.black.I _ a chameleon.A.am B.an C./_ name is Linda.A.I B.You C.My Its _ orange chair.A.a B.an C.AmMy name _ Lele.A.am B.is C.are,选词填空,1.Panda is _ and white.A.red B.yellow C.black.I _ a chameleon.A.am B.an C./_ name is Linda.A.I B.You C.My Its _ orange chair.A.a B.an C.AmMy name _ Lele.A.am B.is C.are,A,B,C,C,B,


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