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1、,Warm-1,3,5,6,8,9,10,2,4,7,1,11,12,Meetings Are a Matter of Precious Time会议关乎宝贵的时间,Reading A,spill over into 蔓延到,渗透进Job stress can easily spill over into personal and family life.工作压力很容易就渗透进个人及家庭生活中。Some of this confusion will spill over into the G20 summit.这种混乱在一定程度上会蔓延至G20峰会。,2.chime taim in 插话 e.

2、g.The artists illustrations chime in perfectly with the text.这位艺术家的解释完美地融入到这个课文里去。Tran:他总是插话表达自己的看法。He kept chiming in with his own opinions.,3.cut in with 打断,插入As we were talking,she cut in with a question.我们正在谈话,她插话问了一个问题。4.propose prupuz vt.建议;打算,计划;求婚 她建议封杀张艺谋的电影。She proposed that the films dire

3、cted by Zhang Yimou should be banned.proposal prupuzl n.提议,建议;求婚 make a proposal 提建议,5.contribute kntribju:t v.贡献,出力;投稿;捐献 e.g.We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.Tran:他给这家杂志写了很多文章。He contributed a number of articles to the magazine.,6.make up 弥补;组成;化妆;整理When people started asking que

4、stions,she had to make up more details.而当人们开始提问时,她不得不编造更为详细的细节。He has some perfections in her eye which can make up that deficiency.她在他身上看到某些优点,足以弥补这方面的缺陷。,7.We drift back to our offices,wondering how to make up for the wasted time.现在分词作状语:一、作时间状语如果现在分词的动作和主谓语的动作同时发生,分词用一般式,有时其前可以加上连词while或when。例如:H

5、earing the news,they all jumped with joy.听到这个消息时,他们都高兴得跳了起来。(When they heard the news,they.)Walking slowly across the grass,he pointed the gun at the lion and fired.,二、作方式状语.But later,people developed a way of printing,using rocks.但是以后,人们利用石块发展了印刷术。三、作目的状语例如:The six blind men stood there begging for

6、 a meal.(in order to beg for a meal)六个盲人站在那儿要饭。四、作结果状语,例如:Her husband died ten years ago,leaving her with three children to look after.她丈夫十年前去世了,撇下她和三个孩子。,五、作伴随状语伴随状语的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的。例如:He sat in the armchair,reading a newspaper.他坐在扶手椅里读报。All night long he lay awake,thinking of th

7、e problem.他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。,六、作原因状语,例如:Being sick,I stayed at home.我因病呆在家中。Not knowing her address,I cant write to her.由于不知道她的地址,我没法给她写信。,(译文)会议已经拖拖拉拉开了一个多小时,我们正在讨论如何提高生产效率的提案。这时,最能言善道的同事插话说需要某种制度来激励员工。每次会上,不管讨论什么问题,他都会提出同一个方案。紧接着,另一位同事长篇累牍地说明我们都不是提出这些建议的合适人选。,The meeting _its second hour.We are d

8、iscussing a productivity initiative.At this moment,our most talkative member the idea that we need some kind of system to reward employees.This is the same solution he offers for every problem at every meeting.Then,another member a long storyjust to make the point that we are not the proper entity t

9、o recommend the kinds of changes we are.,spills over into,chimes in with,cuts in with,proposing,(译文)我也没说啥有用的。最后,召集会议的女同事宣布散会,并告知下周继续开会。我们游荡回各自的办公室,盘算着怎样才能把浪费的时间补回来。这是多年前的一次会议,但类似的情景仍然随时随地在不同公司上演。I,contributenothing useful.Finally,the woman who set the meeting and tells us well continue next week.We

10、drift back to our offices,wondering how to _ for the wasted time.This meeting occurred many years ago,but similar ones happen at companies everywhere every day,meanwhile,calls it quits,make up,8.assign sain v.分配;指派 e.g.The teacher assigned a different task to each of the students.Tran:我们可以指派他完成一项重要任

11、务。We can assign him an important mission.,(译文)这种会议的问题部分在于会议召集人没有明确的目标或议程,也没有布置好会前的准备工作,而是寄希望于奇迹发生,带来解决问题的方法。当然,奇迹从未发生。Part of the problem at such meetings is that the leader has not set clear _ or an agenda,and didnt _ pre-meeting preparation tasks.Instead,the leader seems to hope that magic will oc

12、cur,producing _ to the problems.Of course,that doesnt happen.,assign,objectives,solutions,9.perishable peribl n.容易腐坏的东西 adj.易腐坏的;易毁灭的;会枯萎的 perish peri+-ablerespectable 令人尊敬的,可敬的 regrettable 令人遗憾的,令人可惜的 unforgettable 令人难忘的 noticeable(容易看出的)flexible(容易弯曲的),10.steal-stole-stolen Lisa loves to steal the

13、 show at parties.丽莎喜欢在各种聚会上抢出风头。Dont let anyone steal your dreams.不要让任何人盗取你的梦想。To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism pleidjrizm;to steal from many is research.偷一个人的想法叫做剽窃,偷很多人的叫做研究。,(译文)会议之所以效率不高,主要是因为没有很好地珍惜时间。召开和参加会议的人都没有将时间当做最宝贵的资源。但时间是世上最易逝的东西。忙碌的一天中你无法得到额外的一个小时来做事。尽管如此,我们还总是依稀觉得未来有大把时间,故

14、而不珍惜当下,漫不经心地把家庭、朋友和自己的时间浪费掉。,The main reason we dont make meetings more _ is that we dont value our time properly.The people who call meetings and those who attend them are not thinking about time as their most valuable_.But time is the most _ good in the world.You cant earn an extra hour to use on

15、a busy day.Nonetheless,we usually have a _ feeling that there is plenty of timesomewhere in the futureso we waste it now and carelessly steal time from our families,friends or ourselves.,productive,perishable,vague,resource,11.disengaged,disineidd adj.空闲的;自由的;已脱离的;超然的Such a disengaged voting public

16、carries risks for Japan s future.如此散漫的选民给日本的未来带来了风险。Tran:他的眼神流露出超然的态度。He had a disengaged look in his eyes.,12.aim to+动词原形vt.计划,打算;目标在于;以为目标Now,many companies aim to release new films at the same time around the world.而现在,许多公司都争取在世界范围内同时发布新电影。aim for 瞄准;以为目标 Always aim for achievement and forget abo

17、ut success.-Helen Hayes.永远要争取做出成就,别多考虑成功。-海伦海丝。,13.explicit iksplisit adj.明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的 e.g.He was quite explicit about what he expected us to do for him.关于他具体想让我们为他做什么,这一点他很直率。Tran:他清楚明白地告诉我怎样到达那里。He gave me explicit directions on how to get there.,14.in charge 负责,主管in charge of 负责;主管in the charg

18、e of 由负责;由掌管;He is in charge of this class.=This class is in the charge of him.take charge of 接管,负责 Nothing have ever go amiss since he took charge of the school.自他主管这所学校以来,还从未出过问题。,(译文)过去,我开会时参与度不高,对要解决的问题有好想法却不说。现在,我采取更积极的态度,希望会议能更有效。我遵循以下三个简单的原则。第一,无论谁召集会议,都必须明确目的。这意味着说明会议的切实目标并将任务布置下去。,I used to

19、 be the _ participantone who had good ideas about how to solve a problem,but didnt contribute.I now take a more active role,aiming to make meetings more_.Here are three simple principles I use.First,whoever calls a meeting should be _ about its objectives.This means specifying _ goals and assigning

20、responsibilities.,disengaged,effective,explicit,tangible,(译文)第二,每个人都要仔细考虑会议成本:到底需要几人参加?要开多久?最后,会议结束后,要给会议负责人评评分。如果谁有开会效率低的记录,那么下次他就不能再担任召集人。,Second,everyone should think carefully about the costs of a meeting:How many _ are really needed?How long should the meeting last?Finally,after meetings,assign

21、 credit or blame to the person_.If people have records of leading ineffective meetings,they are not _ lead future sessions.,in charge,allowed to,participants,15.voice vis n.声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望 vt.表达;吐露I dared not voice my dissatisfaction.我不敢吐露出我的不满。They re expected to endure rather than to voice any unhapp

22、iness.人们期望他们忍受而不是吐露任何不快。,16.justify dstifai v.证明是正当的;替辩护The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.追求正当的目的并不证 明可以用不正当的手段。Tran:什么都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.,(译文)我知道会议还有其他作用。有时,在会上大家可以讨论预定方案,确保其没有致命错误并给那些有异议的人一个表达心声的机会。I know that meetings may

23、 _ other functions.Sometimes,they can communicate a solution,make sure that there are no _ in it and give those who are unhappy with it a chance to voice their _.,serve,dissatisfaction,fatal flaws,(译文)有些会议则有人文功能,创造机会让与会者叙叙旧、交交新朋友,并增强归属感。这些倒是能为那些冗长而明显无效的会议找到些许召集的理由。Other meetings serve a cultural fun

24、ction,allowing participants to renew social connections,establish relationships,and _ a sense of belonging.So,its possible to _ a few of those too-long and apparently unproductive meetings by finding hidden _.,deepen,justify,payoffs,(译文)但是,千万不要随随便便就召集会议,然后心存幻想,期待奇迹出现。不管会议目标是什么,都要负起责任去达成目标。But,please

25、,dont just call a meeting and hope the magic happens._ and take personal _ for meeting its objectives,whatever they are.,Take charge,responsibility,A-Task 2,No clear objectives or an agenda has been set.,2.No pre-meeting preparation tasks have been assigned.,3.We dont value our time properly.,4.Part

26、icipants are disengaged.,Whoever calls a meetingshould be explicit about itsobjectives,specifyingtangible goals andassigning responsibilities.,2.Everyone should thinkabout the costs of ameeting.,3.Assign credit or blame to the person in charge after meetings.,董事会会议纪要摩登技术公司2010 年1 月22 日 星期五摩登技术公司(以下简

27、称“摩登技术”)董事会(以下简称“董事会”)例行会议于2010 年1 月22 日星期五召开。本次会议采用电话会议方式。,Reading B,()1.MTCs board members were talking face to face in the meeting room.()2.Mr.Fisher presented the Treasurers Report,which was then unanimously approved.()3.Executive Director Rob Anderson proposed that the Board support a new proje

28、ct.()4.The Secretary,B.Thomas Lowes,was appointed to send the support letter to Dr.Rubin.()5.The Board had a ten-minute break at 3:39 p.m.,F,T,T,F,F,Reading B,Greg Steinhoff,Jim Baker,Jake Fisher,Rob Anderson,Greg Steinhoff,Reading B,W-Task 1,Writing,2.Shldadvert.budget next yr._3.If exportsin Q 4,t

29、hink about deving dom.market._ _4.All sales rep.over-fulfilled this yr plan,rec.salary._ _5.Changes in exch.ratecost.rec.!in future trading._ _,We should increase our advertising budget for next year.,If exports drop in the fourth quarter,we will have to think,about developing the domestic market.,A

30、ll the sales representatives over-fulfilled this years plan,so I strongly recommend an increase in their salaries.,Changes in the exchange rate led to an increase in production,cost.Therefore,I recommend caution in future trading.,W-Task 2,Task 2 Below are some points from the minutes of a meeting a

31、t ABC Company and also a transcript of the meeting on the next page.Try to match each of the points with its corresponding part in the transcript.,1,2,3,4,5,A,B,C,D,E,Writing,L-Task 1,Task 1 Mr.McKenna is thinking of making a reservation for a conference room.Listen to the conversation and tick off

32、the items that have been mentioned.,Listening and Speaking(p.24-25),Task 2,A.Because some colleagues are on vacation.Because the man has an appointment.C.Because the woman is not available.D.Because the meeting room is occupied.2.A.Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.B.Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.C.Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.D

33、.Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.3.A.Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.B.Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.C.Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.D.Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.,L-Task 3,1._2._3._4._5._6._,copies of the agenda,separate folder,the notice of the meeting,meeting memo,interested parties,committee members,Listening and Speaking(p.24-25),Task 3,L-T

34、ask 4,F,Task 4 Listen to the monolog and decide whether thefollowing statements are true(T)or false(F).,1.Wrap the boards in bubble wrap.Customary Special 2.Wrap the boards in foam cartons instead of the regular plastic.Customary Special 3.Mark on the cartons“Fragile”.Customary Special 4.Use strong

35、boxes and make sure the boards are secure inside.Customary Special,1.Early in the morning and right after lunch are popular meeting times.8:00 a.m.meetings are usually very productive.Telephone is recommended as a good way to schedule the first meeting.,T,F,Listening and Speaking(p.24-25),Task 5 Lis

36、ten to the passage and work out the procedure for a business meeting according to what you hear.,C,A,D,B,E,LL-Task 1,Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.,(1-10)A J E H C B F D I G,Language Lab(p.30-31),LL-Task 2-1,Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words

37、from Task 1.Change the form if necessary.,1.They _ making arrangements beforehand.If you _ this task to somebody inexperienced,the results will most likely be less than satisfactory.3.The coffee is so full that it might _ over.4.Both his parents are _ about where he is at the moment.The first item o

38、n the _ was how to cut down the cost in production.,proposed,assign,spill,vague,agenda,Language Lab(p.30-31),6.He said that a few people were injured in the accident,but without _ how many.7.The thief has _ fled without taking any money.8.Repetition is one of the most _ ways for remembering new word

39、s.9.The two companies signed an agreement to _ their partnership for another five years.10.The instructions in the manual should be made so as to avoid any _ misunderstanding.,specifying,apparently,effectively,renew,explicit,Language Lab(p.30-31),1.It was cold._,I went swimming.2.He tried to _ his a

40、bsence with poor excuses.In order for our team to win,everyone has to _.Who is _ of the quality control in your company?5.Mr.Blair was about to draw his conclusion when the manager _ with a question.,LL-Task-3,Task 3 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Change the fo

41、rm if necessary.,Nonetheless,justify,contribute,in charge,cut in,Task 4(Model 1):1.The reason for his asking for leave is that she was sick.2.The reason for Johns quitting his job is that he wants to further his study abroad.3.The reason for my joining the team is that I like change.,Language Lab(p.

42、30-31),Task 4(Model 2):1.I walked into the office slowly,thinking about how to tell my boss the bad news.2.The athletes appeared on the sports ground,smiling to the audience.3.He sat there silently,realizing that all his efforts had come to nothing.,Language Lab(p.30-31),Task 51.I spilt coffee all o

43、ver my desk.2.We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting.3.Fruits are perishable during transportation.4.The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle.,Language Lab(p.30-31),5.Apparently,no one has been living in that flat.6.He got a payoff before the retirement.7.The manager is assigning the work to several clerks.8.They are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.,Language Lab(p.30-31),Thanks!,


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