1、外文医学期刊摘要库及全文库Medical Journal Databases Abstracts&Fulltexts,医学文献检索教研室张亚莉,医学常用外文数据库,摘要库 PubMed全文库OVIDSPRINGERProquestJohn WilleyEBSCOhostScienceDirect,第一部分、摘要库PubMed,About PubMed,Developed by NCBI,NLM and NIHComprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE,life science j
2、ournals,and online books.About 5,700 JournalsBack to 1950sfree fulltexts from PMC(free for all),OA journals(free partly)or linkout publisher websitesPMC:PubMed Central,仓储式OA期刊,Free:All abstacts&part fulltexts,获取外文(英文)医学期刊摘要(部分全文)的必备数据库,一、检索功能Searching PubMed,检索功能检索原理、规则检索途径、方法基本检索高级检索主题词检索几种快捷检索方式,检
3、索原理、规则,principles,1、词的自动匹配转换,Automatic term mapping2、截词,Truncation3、词组强制,Searching for a phrase4、字段限定,Searching by a specific field5、逻辑组配,Combing searches or terms6、内置筛选技术,built-in filters,sidebar filters,standard filters,custom filters,1、Automatic term mapping,Untagged terms will be matched(in this
4、 order)against a MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)translation table,a Journals translation table,the Full Author translation table,Author index,the Full Investigator(Collaborator)translation table and an Investigator(Collaborator)index.When a match is found for a term or phrase in a translation table t
5、he mapping process is complete and does not continue on to the next translation table.,在基本检索状态下,不限定检索字段时,输入的检索词按照主题词表、期刊表和著者表的顺序进行自动匹配,检索词一旦被上述某一词表匹配成功,就不再进入下一词表,系统将该检索词“理解”为用户的检索意图。,Automatic term mapping,在基本检索状态下,系统对用户提交的检索词,采用的是尽量查全的设计理念。当输入的检索词与MeSH表和Journal表可以匹配时,除用MeSH表和Journal表中的匹配词检索外,还在所有字段
6、中All fields检索,例:在基本检索状态下,输入“lung cancer”检索,系统翻译如下:,例:lung neoplasmsMeSH Terms OR(lungAll Fields AND neoplasmsAll Fields)OR lung neoplasmsAll Fields OR(lungAll Fields AND cancerAll Fields)OR lung cancerAll Fields,Lung cancer 被MeSH表“截留”,用主题词形式”lung neoplasms”检索;并在所有字段中分别检索”lung neoplasms”和”lung cancer
7、”两个词形以及两个词的拆词词素,以便查全。,例:基本状态下输入“Smith John”,系统翻译为:Smith,JohnFull Author Name OR Smith,JohnFull Investigator Name OR smith johnAuthor,“Smith John”进入著者表(及合作研究者词表),作者检索词形式有3种:1)姓前(全称)+名后(缩写),适用于所有年份的文献;2)姓名全称,顺序可颠倒(in natural or inverted order),适用于2002以后的文献以上2种形式,姓和名之间空格即可,均不需加任何标点符号。但是,当用姓名全称形式不加标点时,为
8、了查全,系统是将姓名假定为两种顺序检索,有可能有误检。所以当需要明确姓和名的顺序时(以避免混淆),应当在姓的后面加逗号,即第3种形式:3)“姓全称,名全称”,例:James,ryan与James ryan查找结果是不同的。,加逗号,且顺序固定James是姓,ryan是名,不加逗号,系统将James ryan 按James为姓,和ryan为姓各查一次,2、Truncation,Truncation turns off automatic term mapping and the process that includes the MeSH term and any specific terms
9、indented under that term in the MeSH hierarchy.For example,heart attack*will not map to the MeSH term 心肌梗塞Myocardial Infarction or include any of the more specific terms,e.g.,心肌顿抑Myocardial Stunning;心源性休克Shock,Cardiogenic.Trucation stops at the end of a term,that is,it does not process beyond a spac
10、e.Truncating a word in a multi-word search may result in an unexpected phrase search.For example the search,fetus infection*maternal will treat fetus infection*as a phrase.,截词检索时,系统将关闭自动匹配功能。不启用主题词表,属于在all fields中的,多词形的,字面检索。,3、Searching for a phrase,Enclose the phrase in double quotes:“kidney allog
11、raft”Use a search tag:kidney allografttwUse a hyphen:first-lineTruncate:kidney allograft*,短语检索时,系统将关闭自动匹配功能。不启用主题词表,属于在all fields中的,单个词的,字面检索。,检索词:kidney allograft,automatic mapping功能开启,检索结果27714篇。,检索词:“kidney allograft”,automatic mapping关闭,检索结果1796篇。,4、Searching by a specific field,高级检索状态Advance:Us
12、e the Advanced search Builder to search for terms in a specific search field.通过检索选项选择字段基本检索状态Basic:You may also search a specific field,by adding a search tag to a termThe search tag must be enclosed in square brackets.篇名ti 主题词mh 刊名ja 著者 au 文本词tw 字母大小写不敏感,字段前有无空格不敏感。Case and spacing do not matter(e.
13、g.,crabs mh=Crabsmh).,Search Field Description and Tags,著者地址,著者:姓(全称)+名(缩写),著者:姓名全称,姓与名顺序任意,2002年以后的文献,第一著者,用姓前(全)+名后(缩),最后一个著者,一般是通讯作者,用姓前(全)+名后(缩),文章的题名,期刊的名称,著者地址:Affiliation AD If available,affiliation includes the institution name and address(including e-mail address)of the first author of the
14、article as it appears in the journal,e.g.,cleveland ad AND clinic ad.,所有字段All Fields ALL Untagged terms and terms tagged with all fields are processed using Automatic Term Mapping.Terms that do not map are searched in all search fields except for Place of Publication and Transliterated Title.Terms e
15、nclosed in double quotes or truncated will be searched in all fields and not processed using automatic term mapping.,文本词Text Words TW Includes all words and numbers in the title,abstract,other abstract,MeSH terms,MeSH Subheadings,Publication Types,Substance Names,Personal Name as Subject,Corporate A
16、uthor,Secondary Source,Comment/Correction Notes,and Other Terms(see Other Term OT above)typically non-MeSH subject terms(keywords),including NASA Space Flight Mission,assigned by an organization other than NLM.,5、Combing searches,AdvancehistoryAND OR NOT逻辑算符级别相等:PubMed processes all Boolean operator
17、s left to right 可用()改变运算顺序。,6、Filters,1)检索结果页面的Sidebar filters:article types,text availability,publication dates,species,languages,sex,subjects,journal categories,ages and search fields.,检索结果页面左边:sidebars,show additional filters,2)关于数据库的一些预置设计(用于检索式的表达)Loallsb/filter:citations with LinkOut links in
18、PubMed,free full textsb/filter:citations that include a link to a free full-text article,full textsb/filter:citations that include a link to a full-text articleloprovf1000sb/filter:citations that include in F1000 databasepubstatusaheadofprint:citations that appear on the web prior to their publicati
19、on in final or print format.hasabstract:Most citations in PubMed to articles published before 1975 do not include abstracts.,3)关于数据库的一些快捷检索方式 Clinical Queries Filters,4)也可自设filters需注册my ncbi帐号。可选择standard filters(勾选即可)也可自建custom filters(需自设有意义的检索式),勾选standard filters,自设检索式,制定filers,设定好的filters:stand
20、ard&custom,检索结果页面显示用户自行勾选或制定的filters,方便筛选出常用的限定条件,检索途径与方法,基本检索Basic search各种筛选条件sidebar filters内置筛选子集如pubstatusaheadofprintDetails的作用高级检索作者检索期刊检索主题检索快捷检索功能检一篇特定文献临床医生的快捷检索,基本检索Basic search,用Lung cancer smoking在基本检索中检索,浏览检索结果,用Details了解系统制订的检索式,并修改检索式。浏览sidebar filters,了解各种限定条件的含义,尝试用不同filters限定后,浏览结
21、果。不同类型的filters之间逻辑关系为AND;同类型的filters条件之间逻辑关系为OR,高级检索Advanced search,可调用限定字段检索可逻辑组配不同检索词可在History切换不同的检索过程可逻辑组配不同的检索式演示举例,主题检索MeSH,受控词表MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)is the NLM controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing PubMed citations.Use the MeSH database to find MeSH terms,including Subhead
22、ings,Publication Types,Supplementary Concepts and Pharmacological Actions,and then build a PubMed search.The MeSH database can be searched by MeSH term,MeSH Entry Term,Subheading,Publication Type,Supplementary Concept,or MeSH Scope Note.,主题词与副主题词组配使用,MeSH is the National Library of Medicines control
23、led vocabulary thesaurus.It consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels of specificity.MeSH descriptors are arranged in both an alphabetic and a hierarchical structure.At the most general level of the hierarchical structure are ve
24、ry broad headings such as Anatomy or Mental Disorders.More specific headings are found at more narrow levels of the twelve-level hierarchy,such as Ankle and Conduct Disorder.There are 26,853 descriptors in 2013 MeSH.There are also over 213,000 entry terms that assist in finding the most appropriate
25、MeSH HeadingFor example,Vitamin C is an entry term to Ascorbic Acid.In addition to these headings,there are more than 214,000 headings called Supplementary Concept Records(formerly Supplementary Chemical Records)within a separate thesaurus.,2万多主题词,83个副主题词,两者组配使用,精确表达文章主要内容,检索举例,以Lung cancer smoking为
27、式补充。主题词表的容量有限,对新兴学科中没有入选的主题概念不适用。这种情况也需通过基本检索方式来检索。,其它一些快捷检索方式,Single citation matcher表单式,方便查找单篇文章Clinical queries专门为临床医生设计,菜单式。,二、浏览Displaying,FormatSummaryAbstractMedlineItems per pageSort by Recently AddedPub DateFirst AuthorLast AuthorJournalTitle,文献题名title,摘要abstract,期刊名称,文章网上发表日期,早于印刷版,文献的唯一标识
28、符,著者,著者地址,Linkout:全文库链接;F1000库链接,三、输出Output,Send toFileEmailClipboardOrderCollections,The Whole Collections of Medical Journals with full Articles in GZMC,Approximately 4000 journalsYou may also find the journals via”外文电子期刊库”,“按刊名字顺浏览期刊”,Tips:,Searching the citations you need in PubMed:PubMed covers the most biomedical journals,and Its searching engine is the most perfect in the world up to now!Finding original journal articles,research reports and reviews via the above different fulltext databases.,