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1、Unit 1 Project,Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne,my dear,For auld lang syne,Well take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne.,Robert Burns,Robert Burns,Project,Robert Burns and his poetry,Do

2、 you like reading or writing poems?Why or why not?Which poem is your favourite?Why do you like it?Could you recite it for us?Which poets work do you enjoy reading most?,Free talk,poem,poet,poetry,style,emotion,imagination,image,topic,Try to say some related words.,rhythm,rhyme,There are many reasons

3、 why people write poems.,to create certain feelings or images in readersto share a feeling or experienceto express a point of viewto tell a story to create a mood,A supreme Scottish poet and lyricist(抒情诗人,抒情歌曲作者)lrsst,a pioneer(先驱)of the Romantic movement,Robert Burns(1759-1796),Main works:To a Mous

4、e;The Holy Fair;A Red,Red Rose,他的诗歌内容多种多样,多以苏格兰方言写成,抒发了这位伟大的诗人对他的家乡和大自然的热爱之情,并歌颂友谊与爱情。1796年于贫病交加中辞逝。然而生活的困顿并不是他的作品给人的主要印象。他的作品充满了对现实生活的热爱,表现苏格兰农村生活场景和诗人所追求的自由平等思想。彭斯的诗作主要以民歌为本,写了大量情诗,涉及爱情的各种变化,名篇诗作有一朵红红的玫瑰(A Red Red Rose),我亲爱的约翰安德森(John Anderson,My Jo),我心在高地(My Hearts in the Highland)等。现在传唱的友谊地久天长(A

5、uld Lang Syne)的歌词就是取自这位诗人的诗作。,Paragraphs 14 _to Robert Burns Paragraphs 5 Some information about a movement of poets called the _Paragraphs 67 The poem _with its introduction and explanation,Introduction,Romantic Movement,A Red,Red Rose,1759,Alloway,Scotland,funny and pleasant to be around,a poor fa

6、mily with many debts,1796,The Romantic poets,To a Mouse;The Holy Fair;A Red,Red Rose,Nelly Kirkpatrick,Encouraged him to start writing poetry,Preview:something about Robert Burns,Scanning,Focusing on para1-4,mourned his death,donated money,monument,came out to watch,a museum of his life and work,Nam

7、e of the movement,Representative poets,Features of theRomantic themes,Romantic Movement,John Keats;William Wordsworth;Robert Burns,The poetry of the Romantic Movement often focuses on concepts like_ and_,and tends to use_ and touch on_.,Scanning,Focusing on para 5,freedom,imagination,strong feelings

8、,beauty,1.Place,2.encouraged,3.Romantic,4.poets,5.Features,6.focuses,7.touch,8.mourned,9.monument,10.where,commemorativestamps,the statue of Burns in George Square,Robert Burns,Burnss poem,A Red,Red Rose,To a mouse,Can you understand the poem A Red,Red Rose?土豆,line,section,Enjoy the poetry,Part3.The

9、 poem A Red,Red Rose,O my is like a red,red rose,newly sprung in June;O my is like the melodieThats sweetly played.,Luve,love,Thats,That has,luve,/meldi/,in tune!,harmoniously,love,melody,played,As fair,my,So deep in luve am I;And I will still,my dear,Till the seas dry.,art thou,are you,bonnie lass,

10、beautiful girl,luve thee,love you,a,all,gang,go,Till a the seas gang dry,my dear,And the rocks melt the sun;And I will still,my dear,While shall run.,wi,with,luve thee,the sands o life,the sands of life,sandglass,And,my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again,my luve,it were ten t

11、housand mile!,fare thee weel,fare you well,Tho,Though,一朵红红的玫瑰啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰在六月里含苞绽开;啊,我的爱人像一首乐曲演奏得甜美而合拍!你是那么美丽,我的好姑娘,我爱你那么深切:我会永远爱你,亲爱的,直到四海枯竭:,直到四海枯竭,亲爱的,岩石被太阳溶解;亲爱的,我会永远爱你,只要生命永不停歇。再见吧,我惟一的爱人,我和你暂时别离!我会回来的,我的爱人,即使相隔万里。,have a reputation for a poor family with many debtsearn ones income mourn ones

12、death donate.tofocus on conceptstouch on strong feelingsbe intended to bedivide.pare a girl to a red rose,因.有名声背负债务的穷家庭赚工资 悼念.死亡把.捐赠给.专注一些概念触及到强烈的感情打算把.分成把一个女孩比喻成红玫瑰,Robert Burns,Scotlands supreme literary hero,was born in Alloway,Sctoland in 1759.Burns had a reputation for being funny and pleasant

13、to be around.However,he came from a family with many debts and did not ever make a lot of money.,What is Robert Burns famous for?A.He had a lot of good poetries.B.He was born in Scotland.C.He did not make a lot of money.D.He was fuuny and pleasant to be around.,Robert Burns 是苏格兰的一个文学巨匠。他出生在苏格兰的阿洛韦。他

14、风趣幽默,邻里关系好,赢得了好名声。然而,他却来自于一个背负很多债务的家庭并且他赚钱不多。,live up to ones reputation 不负盛名 have a reputation for以而出名树立的名声earn/establish a reputation asruin ones reputation败坏了某人的名誉,had the distinction of,有待人风趣、友好的好名声,1.伦敦地铁因历史悠久而享誉全球。2.他因对对慈善做出的贡献而出名。3.The store had an excellent reputation for fair dealing.4.史密斯先

15、生因为他的风趣幽默而出名。,这个商店以公平交易而出名。,Mr.Smith has a reputation for being funny and humorous.,He has a reputation for his contribution to the charity.,London underground has the distinction of its long history all over the world.,要是你花的钱比我们的收入还多的话,我们就要欠债了。他有很多旧债要还。欠债(状态)be in debt 欠债(动作)fall/run/get into debt负

16、债累累 be heavily/deeply in debt 还清债 pay off/repay debts不欠债(状态)be out of debtHe tried to pay off his debts,but in vain.=He tried in vain to pay off,When this monument in honour of him was first shown to the public in 1877,the day was declared a holiday and about 30,000 people came out to watch.From thi

17、s we can see how much the Scottish people adored Burns.The house in Alloway where Burns was born is now a museum of his life and work.,在1877年,为了纪念他的纪念碑第一次给展示出来,这一天被宣传成为一个节日并且3万多人出来观看。由此我们可以看出苏格兰人是多么崇拜burns。Burns在阿洛韦出生的房子现在成了他生活和作品的纪念馆。,Which one is not true about Burns?A.All the Scottish people ador

18、ed Burns.B.There is a monument in honour of him.C.There is a museum to memorize him.D.There is a holiday in honour of him,He wrote in the same way the Scottish people spoke back then,which explains why the spelling looks rather strange.,(in which/that),我不喜欢你和你妈妈说话的方式。,I dont like the way you speak t

19、o your mother.,The way he thought of _(solve)the problem is practical.,of solving/to solve,3.The poem was published in 1794 and,like many of Burnss poems,it was intended to be a song.Burns divided this poem into four short sections consisting of four lines each.What was the poem designed for?A song.

20、,这首诗歌是1794年发行的并且像他其他很多诗歌一样,它本意是一首歌。他把他的诗歌划分为四个短小的部分,每一部分由四行组成,intend to do sth.打算做某事 intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be intended for 专为而设计的,专供使用的 be intended to do sth.专为做某事而设计的;旨在做某事,intend to 想要;打算 I dont intend to listen to this rubbish any longer!What do you intend to do?I intended to study abroad

21、after graduation.,用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Do you intend _(buy)that suit?(2)We intend him _(be)the next chairman.,to buy,to be,Burns divided this poem into four short sections consisting of four lines each.,which consist ofwhich is made up ofmade up of,把女孩比作红玫瑰,compare a girl to a red rose,把自己和同龄人相比,compare h

22、imself with/to his peers,(n.)comparison,如果和太阳相比,地球小多了。Compared with/to the Sun,the earth is much smaller.诗人把人生比作舞台。Poets compare the life to a stage.和他的过去相比,他还是进步了很多Compared with/to his past,he has improved a lot.孩子通常被比作国家的未来。Children are normally compared to the future of the country.,3.在他的第一本诗集出版后

23、,他闻名全国。然后他搬到了苏格兰最大的城市中心。虽然他是当时有名的诗人,但他并没有比以前富裕多少,不得不靠做农活维持生计。,After his first book of poetry was published/came out,he became famous nationwide.Then he moved to the largest urban centre of Scotland.Though he was by then a famous poet,he was not any richer and had to earn his income by farming.,纪念他的塑

24、像首次对公众展出崇敬他Burns出生的房子现在是展示他生平和作品的纪念馆。,the monument in honor of him,be first shown to the public,adore him,The house where Burns was born is now a museum of his life and work.,4.intendedintend to do=plan/mean to do 打算做 be intended as 旨在作为 be intended for 打算供用 be intended to do旨在,目的在于做with the intenti

25、on of打算,意欲,怀着意图,企图These films are intended for children.I had intended to see you,but I was too busy.=I intended to have seen you,but,5.Burns divided this poem into four short sections consisting of four lines each.,which consist ofwhich is made up ofmade up of,6.把女孩比作红玫瑰,compare a girl to a red ros

26、e,把自己和同龄人相比,compare himself with/to his peers,(n.)comparison,如果和太阳相比,地球小多了。Compared with/to the Sun,the earth is much smaller.诗人把人生比作舞台。Poets compare the life to a stage.和他的过去相比,他还是进步了很多Compared with/to his past,he has improved a lot.孩子通常被比作国家的未来。Children are normally compared to the future of the c

27、ountry.,作业27,I.Word spellingreputation monument intended sprung romantic supreme debt melting farewell holy,II.Multiple choices ABCBC ACDCD1.动词 2.动词+非谓语 3.动词4.动词 5.状从 6.7非谓语 8.名从 9.定从+名从 10.名从,III.1.consisting of 2.intended for 3.are springing up 4.touching on/focusing on paresto 6.Having a reputati

28、on for 7.focused on,IV.任务型阅读swinging Based 3.migration 4.even 5.experimentsstudy 6.block 7.cloudy 8.discovery 9.north 10.brain(s),“Great Expectations”,written by Charles Dickens,is a classic novel set in England in the early 1800s.The main character is called Pip,who is seven years old when the stor

29、y begins.He,having lost his parents,lives with his older sister and her husband Joe.Pips sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any,harm come to Pip.There is a twist in the plot when a generous stranger gives Pip a large fortune.As a condition for rece

30、iving this fortune,Pip must move to London and begin the life of a gentleman.Pip is eager to begin his new life.Money and education,however,change him.What it really means to be a gentleman is an important theme in,the story.A gentleman is not a person with a large fortune but someone who is kind an

31、d good to his friends.The author also uses mist as a symbol of danger to add tension to the story.On a personal note,the story is well worth reading and I give it a rating of four out of five.,Task P11 词组归纳 12.自制的球 13.朝那张旧长凳走去 head for the old bench14.用A制作B15.与捆绑在一起 be bound together with sth16.使天空变

32、成浅橙色 turn the sky pale orange17.在草地上旋转18.欢呼19.把球按在地上 pin the ball to the ground20.心中一凉,the home-made ball,make B out of A,spin across the grass,shout with joy,ones heart sank,21.一双破旧的/崭新的运动鞋 a pair of worn-out/brand new sneakers22.在没有天赋23.朝吐口水24.把抱在胸前25.发出悲伤的叹息声26.随着悲伤转变成愤怒 As his sadness turned to

33、anger27.把踢到空中28.球飞起来,have little talent for,spit at,hug to ones chest,let out a sad sigh,kickinto the air,Up it flewUp flew the ball,Up it flew higher and higherIt flew up higher and higher车来了。Here comes the bus.铃响了.There goes the bell.孩子们冲了出去。Out rushed the children.“There,here,out,in,off,away,down

34、,up,now,then”置于句首,完全倒装他冲了出去。Out he rushed.特例:(此类型)主语是人称代词时不倒装,P12“The Attic”29.I beg to differ.30.衣衫褴褛31.占有的财产 32.救援帮助 33.给否则阴暗的故事增添喜剧色彩 34.用灰色调描绘 35.用围巾包裹头发 36.现代版灰姑娘的故事 37.从头到尾,恕我不能赞同wear rags/be in rags get possession of ones fortunecome to ones rescue add comedy to the otherwise dark taledescrib

35、e in shades of graywrap the scarf around the hair modern-day Cinderella storyfrom start to finish,who adds some beauty to this otherwise dark tale.otherwise 否则,要不然我们在机场耽搁了,否则午饭前就可以到这里了。We were delayed at the airport.Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。He reminded me of what I would otherwise have forgotten.,


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