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1、环保类核心词汇,afforestation alternative forms of energy classify collapse conserve,contagious disease contaminate contamination deforestation drinking water,dry up ecological balance ecosystem endangered species environmental degradation,environmental protection environmentalist environmentally friendly e

2、xtinct global warming,greenhouse gas hazardous household rubbish humanity industrial waste,landfill natural habitat nonrecyclable nonrenewable resources offspring,ozone pollutant purify rain forest recyclable,rural dweller sacrifice sewage soil erosion solar energy,substitute sustainable development

3、 the greenhouse effect the Industrial Revolution toxic waste,uninhabitable urban dweller urbanization vegetation waste disposal,词汇大串联,令人遗憾的,for nature,biodiversity面临严峻的挑战due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans。Global human population的急剧增长has resulted in major threats to our natural envir

4、onment and many of its species。,令人遗憾的,for nature,biodiversity面临严峻的挑战due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans。It is a pity for nature that biodiversity is facing rigid challenge due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans.,Global human population的急剧增长has resulted in major threats t

5、o our natural environment and many of its species。The dramatic increase in global human population has resulted in major threats to our natural environment and many of its species.,Soil degradation是由deforestation,poor land and water management,过分使用fertilizers and pesticides,poor waste disposal,clear

6、ance of poor land for growing food and air pollution等因素造成的。Soil degradation影响世界1/3的土地,and diminishes its ability to produce food for the growing population.,Soil degradation是由deforestation,poor land and water management,过分使用fertilizers and pesticides,poor waste disposal,clearance of poor land for gr

7、owing food and air pollution等因素造成的。Soil degradation is caused by various factors including deforestation,poor land and water management,overuse of fertilizers and pesticides,poor waste disposal and clearance of poor land for growing food and air pollution.,Soil degradation影响世界1/3的土地,and diminishes i

8、ts ability to produce food for the growing population.Soil degradation has influenced one third of the worlds land so that the land diminishes its ability to produce food for the growing population.,改错练习,The adverse effects of a growing population include environmental degradation,air and land traff

9、ic jams,all kinds of pollution,water shortages.The adverse effects of a growing population include environmental degradation,air and land traffic jams,all kinds of pollution and water shortage.,Scientists are generally believed that the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities are the p

10、rimary reason for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide.Scientists generally believe that the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities are the primary reason for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide.,In short,scientist think rising the levels of greenhouse gases in the

11、atmosphere is contributing to global warming,as would be expect;but to what extent is difficult to determine at the present time.In short,scientist think the rising level of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is contributing to global warming,as would be expected;but to what extent is difficult to det

12、ermine at the present time.,Scientist have identified that our health,agriculture,water resources,forests,wildlife and coastal areas are vulnerable to the changes that global warming may be bring.Scientist have identified that our health,agriculture,water resources,forests,wildlife and coastal areas

13、 are vulnerable to the changes that global warming may bring.,The warmer temperatures are expected to be raised the sea level by expand ocean water,melting mountain glaciers,and melting parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet.The warmer temperatures are expected to raise the sea level by expanding ocean wa

14、ter,melting mountain glaciers,and melting parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet.,In addition,acid rain accelerates the decay of buildings,statues,and sculptures that are belong to part of our nations cultural heritage.In addition,acid rain accelerates the decay of buildings,statues,and sculptures that be

15、long to part of our nations cultural heritage.,To solve the acid rain problem,people need to understand how does acid rain cause damage to the environment.To solve the acid rain problem,people need to understand how acid rain causes damage to the environment.,There are other sources of electricity b

16、esides fossil fuels,include:nuclear power,hydropower,wind energy,geothermal energy and solar energy.There are other sources of electricity besides fossil fuels,including:nuclear power,hydropower,wind energy,geothermal energy and solar energy.,句子翻译,环境恶化导致全球变暖以及物种灭绝。environmental degradation global wa

17、rming extinction of speciesEnvironmental degradation causes global warming and extinction of species.,全世界的人们都面临淡水短缺问题。fresh water shortageThe world is suffering from fresh water shortage.,城市化污染了干净的农村土地。urbanization rural landUrbanization pollutes clean rural land.,水土流失导致可耕种土地的减少。soil erosion arable

18、landSoil erosion leads to the decrease in arable land.,由于人口过多,地球上的资源急剧减少。overpopulation resourcesDue to overpopulation,resources on the globe are reduced dramatically.,合理开发自然资源才能防止这些资源耗尽。natural resources run outReasonable development of natural resources can prevent resources from running out.,许多工业

19、废物被倒到河里去了。industrial waste dumpA large amount of industrial waste is dumped into rivers.,空气污染对人类健康有严重影响。have a severe influence onAir pollution has a severe influence on human health.,现在环保材料在世界范围内得到了广泛使用。environmentally friendlyNowadays,environmentally friendly materials have been widely used in the world.,植树造林是一个减少噪音的好办法。afforestationAfforestation is a good way to reduce noise.,


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