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1、Chapter Five,Counter Offer,Introduction,A counter offer is made when a prospective buyer finds the terms and conditions in the offer unacceptable or as an attempt to gain more favorable terms.A counter offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated

2、 by the buyer or the offeree.,The buyer may show disagreement to the price,or packing,or shipment,and state his own idea instead.Such alternations,no matter how slight they may appear to be,signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis,the original offer or the seller now becomes t

3、he offeree and he has the full right of acceptance or refusal.,When a buyer rejects an offer,he should1.thank the seller for his offer2.express regret at inability to accept3.state reasons for non-acceptance4.make a counter offer if,in the circumstance,it is appropriate5.say that there may be other

4、opportunities to co-operate.,In making a counter offer,one has to state the terms most explicitly(ad.明白地;明确地)and use words very carefully so as to avoid ambiguity(n.模棱两可的话;含糊话 The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract.)or misunderstanding,the same way as one usually does in making an off

5、er.,Sample Dialogues,Dialogue 1Smith:We think your offer is too high in the market of our countryLee:I agree with you,but our offer is really the best we can doSmith:Do you insist on your price?Lee:Well,whats your counter offer?Smith:We would like to make a counter offer to you of$1.5 per meterLee:I

6、 am afraid its too lowSmith:Then how about$1.67.Lee:Sorry,its not possible,we need at least$1.8Smith:OK,let me call my boss to see if that will doSmith:Your price is higher than other companies,I m afraid I dont find your price very competitiveLee:But considering the high quality of our product,our

7、price is very reasonableSmith:Could you go a little lower?You know our quantity is not small,and we can order right nowLee:How about meeting each other half way?$1.7 per meter,there is really no profit nowSmith:OK,thats a deal!Lee:Good,how about a coffee break?Then we can talk about the packageSmith

8、:Great idea!,Dialogue 2 A:This is our rock-bottom price,Mr.Li.We cant make any further concessions.B:In that case,there is not much point in further discussion.We might as well call the whole deal off.A:What I mean is that well never be able to come down to your price.The gap is too great.B:I think

9、it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.How about meeting each other half way and each makes a further concession so that business can be concluded?A:What is your proposal?B:Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we can accept.What I suggested we meet each other half way.I meet it

10、literally.A:Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price?Thats impossible!B:What would you suggest?A:The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars.That will definitely be rock-bottom.B:That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars to be covered.Le

11、ts meet each other half way once more,then the gap will be closed and our business completed.A:You certainly have a way of talking me into it.Al right,lets meet half way again.B:Im glad weve come to an agreement on price.Well go on to the other terms and conditions at our next meeting.,Writing Skill

12、s,Received,ThanksDisagree some of the pointsAmendments and improvements with new requirementsReasons for amendmentsWaiting for confirmationContact information,Specimen Letters,Letter One Dear Sirs,We acknowledge receipt of both your offer of May 5 and the samples of Mens Shirts,and thank you for the

13、se.While appreciating the good quality of your shirts,we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.We have also to point out that the Mens Shirts are available in our market from several European manufacturers,all of which are at prices from 15%to 20%below yours.Such being

14、the case,we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price,say 10%.As our order would be worth around Stg.50 000,you may think it worthwhile to make a concession.We await with keen interest your immediate reply.Yours faithfully,1.decrease,reduce最常见的两个词。可指数量、质量、能量、长度、面积、体积、时间、速率、

15、强度等的减少。The sunspots太阳的黑点 increase and decrease as the years go on.We can reduce friction where it is undesirable,and increase it where it is needed.,decrease 泛指“减少”这一现象;当表示“从某一水平减到另一水平”,或“减到原来水平”时,一般用reduceThe British government announced in May 1981 to reduce the maximum lead content含量 to petrol fr

16、om 0.40g/litre to 0.15g/litre.Calorie requirements decrease with advancing years.,2.diminish 指明显的逐步减少,但并不完全消失。During evaporation,the volume of liquid diminishes.,3.shorten,curtail都指长度或时间的减少,常译“缩短”。curtail常指人为地缩减时间、长度或大小,从而造成不良的后果。The days are beginning to shorten,e.g.(for example,for instance)in aut

17、umn.They want to shorten the time it takes to make the car.We must try to curtail our spending.,4.contract,shrink,deflate,constrictcontract 指外界条件的 变化引起长度、面 积或体积缩小。shrink 指自然条件或外界条件引起的面 积和体积的缩小。deflate 指气体漏出后体积的缩小。constrict 指孔径、直径的缩小。,“I will”can be contracted to“Ill”.Will this shirt shrink in the wa

18、sh?The hot water shrink my pullover.The leaking tyre will slowly deflate.a tight collar that constricts the neck.,5.lessen,dwindle 指数量的减少,dwindle 指数量一直减少下去,直至没有为止。The pain was already lessening.The number of tigers in the world is dwindling rapidly and the animal may one day become extinct.,*worth 1

19、.(pred.)adj.2.worth+ing 3.n.Our house is worth about$500 000.The book is worth reading.It is an idea thats worth considering.*The scheme is well worth a try.Making your own beer?It is not worth the sweat!The thieves stole$1 million worth of jewellery.,worth it certain or very likely to repay the mon

20、ey,effort or time given The new car costs a lot of money,but it is certainly worth it.,worthy1.(pred)adj.worthy of sth/to do sth deserving sth or to do sthTheir efforts are worthy of your support.Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise.2.(attrib)deserving respect or considerationa worthy c

21、ause 正义的事业a worthy life 有价值的生活,-worthy(forming compound adj.)deserving of or suitable for the thing specifiednoteworthynoteworthy achievementroadworthya roadworthy truckseaworthyseaworthy conditions,It is worth shipping=It is shipworthy适航的.It is worth noting=It is noteworthy.,worthwhile adj.rewardin

22、g enough to justify the time,money or effort that is spentIt is worthwhile taking a trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.Are you an energetic and enthusiastic individual who is looking for a unique but rewarding challenge-to raise money for worthwhile causes?,worth ones while profitable o

23、r interesting to sb.It would be worth your while to come to the meeting./You would find it(well)worth your while to come to the meeting.,worthless=valueless 无价值的/不值钱的priceless=invaluableextremely useful 无价的/极其贵重的an invaluable treasure 无价之宝invaluable advice 很有用的忠告invaluable heritage 宝贵的遗产,敬启者:贵方5月5日报

24、盘和男衬衫的样品均已收悉,谢谢。尽管很欣赏衬衫的良好品质,我们发现贵方的价格对我们所要供货的市场而言有些偏高。我们还要指出的是在我方市场有许多欧洲生产厂家提供的男式衬衫,所以这些产品的价格都比贵方价格低15%到20%。情况既然如此,我们不得不请贵方考虑是否减价,比方说10%。由于我方订货价值将约值5万英镑,贵方定会认为是值得作出让步的。盼早复。谨上,Letter Two Dear Sirs,We wish to thank you for your letter of the 20th inst.Offering us 50 long tons of the captioned goods a

25、t 135 per long ton CFR Shanghai,usual terms.In reply,we very much regret to state that our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Information indicates that some parcels Japanese make have been sold at the level of 125 per long ton.Such being the cas

26、e,It is impossible for us to persuade our end-users to accept your price,as material of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower figure.Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by,say 8%,we might come to terms.It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you s

27、uch a counter-offer most favorably and fax us acceptance at your earliest convenience.We are anticipating your early reply.Yours faithfully,inst.=instant this monthprox.=proximo next monthulti.=ultimo last month,This machine is of English make.*Most of the machinery used in the plant is of English m

28、ake,but all the cotton was grown in the Soviet Union.,say,namely,vizsay suppose sth as an example or a possibility 比方说,比如说Lets take any writer,say(ie for example)Dickensnamely adv.that is to say 即,就是Only one boy was absent,namely Harry.viz(often read out as namely)that is to say 即,就是these three pers

29、ons,viz landlord,lessee and tenant,The abbreviations viz,i.e.and e.g.mostly used in formal or technical English.In speech and when reading a written text aloud we usually say,namely,that is(to say)and for example respectively.,敬启者:感谢贵方10月10来函报50长吨标题货物,成本加保险费上海价每长吨135英镑,惯常条款。此复,我们非常遗憾地说明我方本地客户发现贵方价格太

30、高,与现行市场价格水平不相一致。有消息表明,一些日本货已卖到每长吨125英镑。情况既然如此,对我们来说也不可能说服我方用户接受贵方的价格,因为类似质量的产品很容易以低得多的价格得到。如果你能减价,比方说8%,我们也许会达成交易。鉴于我们之间长期的业务关系,我方给你特惠还盘,并请尽早传真接受。盼早复。谨上,Letter Three Dear Sirs,We learn from your letter of 10th October that our price for the subject article is to be on the high side.Much as we would

31、like to cooperate with you in expanding sales,we are regretful that we just cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter-offer,as the price we quoted is quite realistic.As a matter of fact,we have received a lot of orders from various sources at our level.If you see any chance to do better,ple

32、ase let us know.On account of limited supply available at present,we would ask you to act quickly.In the meantime,please keep us posted of developments at your end.We assure you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention.Yours faithfully,be on the side-rather or tooon the

33、big,small,high sideThese new trousers are a bit on the large side.The price is on the rise.,敬启者:我们从贵方10月10日的来信中得知我方上述产品的价格偏高。尽管我们愿意同贵公司合作以扩展贸易,很遗憾我们不能接受贵方还盘,因为我们所报的价格是非常合理的。实际上,我们已按此价收到了来自各方面的许多订单。如果贵方能出更好的价,请告知我方。由于目前供货有限,请从速。与此同时,请随时告知贵地的情况。我们保证来自贵方的任何询盘都将得到我们的立即答复。谨上,Writing Practice,Practice One

34、 Translate the following sentences into English.如果你公司能将9月3日报价单的价格降低3%,则我公司将乐意接受你们的报价你公司报价货物之包装不符合标准,你公司能否使用可防止破损的包装?你公司寄来的价目表很完整,但所列的付款条件不符合我们的贸易习惯。我公司对于你公司30日寄来的报价单中的保险事项不甚满意,你公司能否对其重新考虑。,1.If you insist on your price,we can not make you a suitable offer.2.If you reduce the price of quotation sheet

35、 dated Sept.3 by 3%,we are desirous of acceptable your offer.3.The package of your offer is not up to the standard whether you can use the package prevent from damage.4.The price list you sent on 21st is found in order but the listed terms of payment dont conform to our trade practice.5.We are not s

36、atisfied with the items of insurance listed in your quotation of 30th.Whether you can take it into consideration again.,6.由于考虑到我公司报你之价格为最低价格,故无法满足你公司的特殊要求。7.很遗憾,我们无法履行你公司对我们30日所寄报价单中有关包装事项的特殊要求。8.我公司的装运部门准备依从贵公司对运输路线的特殊要求,特此通知。9.非常抱歉,我们无法依从你对有关包装的特殊要求,但愿意提供如下的特价报价。10.尽管我公司无法满足你的特殊要求,但我们仍寄送另一份报价单给你。,

37、6.Because we consider that the price we offered you is the lowest price,we are not in a position to meet your special requirement.7.We very much regret that we are unable to satisfy your special requirements for the items of packing in our quotation sheet dated 30.8.We hereby inform you that the for

38、warding department will comply with your special request for transport route.9.Much to our regret that we can not comply with your special request for packing but we are willing to make an exceptional offer as follows:10.Although we are not in a position to satisfy your special requirements,we still

39、 send you another copy of our price list.,Practice TwoTranslate the following letter into English.敬启者:你方第146号关于海尔电冰箱的报盘 我方已收到贵方146号提供2500台三种规格上述电冰箱的报盘。很抱歉通知贵方,我方用户发现贵方价格偏高。有信息显示,此地销售的别国生产的冰箱的价格比贵方低5%左右。我方不否认贵方产品的质量较好,然而,不论怎样,价格也不能差异太大。为促进交易,我方还盘如下,以贵方于我方时间2月18日下午5时前复到为有效:BYD212 240.00美元 BYD157 235.0

40、0美元 由于市场竞争激烈,建议贵方立即接受。谨上,Dear Sirs,Your Offer No.146 for Haier Refrigerators We have received your offer No.146 offering us 2,500 sets for three designs of the subject goods.In reply,we regret to inform you that our clients find your price much too high.Information indicates that some kinds of the s

41、aid articles made in other countries have been sold here at a level about 5%lower than yours.We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better,but the difference in price should,in no case,be so big.To step up the trade,we counter offer as follows,subject to your reply here by 5 p.

42、m.our time,February 18:US$240.00 for BYD212 US$235.00 for BYD157 As the market is of keen competition,we recommend your immediate acceptance.Yours faithfully,Practice Three Writing 写信意图:买方对想购买的2000件压缩机(compressor)报盘(3月13日)的交货日期不甚满意,希望把交货日期由7月底改为6月15日以前,否则将从别处进货。,Dear Sirs,COMPRESSORS We refer to you

43、r offer of March 13 for 2,000 pieces of the subject articles.As our customers urgently need the goods,they request us to fax you to shift your delivery time from“the end of July”to“on or before June 15”,or they will get the goods from other resources.In order to promote your business,please accept this unharsh condition.We await your pleasant reply.Yours faithfully,


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