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1、1,了解国际贸易商品市场,2,一、国际贸易商品分类,1、初级产品(Primary Commodity):没有经过工业加工或很少加工的农、林、牧、渔、矿产品 按照联合国国际贸易标准分类,初级产品分为食品,饮料,农矿原料,动植物油脂和燃料五大类。如天然橡胶、原油、铁矿石等农林牧渔矿产品,3,初级产品是发展中国家的主要出口商品,约占发展中国家出口总值的3/4,大部份输往发达国家。在国际贸易中,初级产品约占1/3。2、工业制成品(manufactured goods):工业制成品指经复杂加工的工业产品和商品。,4,五大分类:化学(成)品及有关产品 按原料分类的制成品(主要内容是轻纺产品、橡胶制品、矿冶

2、产品等及其制品)机械及运输设备 杂项制品 未分类的(其它)商品。,5,问题:米与面粉的分类?鱼罐头是否是初级产品?,6,二、我国国际贸易商品市场现状,1.种类单一,以劳动密集型产品为主 如:温州小商品市场 富士康公司,7,富士康科技集团创立于1974年,是专业从事电脑、通讯、消费电子、数位内容、汽车零组件、通路等6C产业的高新科技企业。自1974年在台湾肇基,特别是1988年在深圳地区建厂以来,富士康迅速发展壮大,拥有60余万员工及全球顶尖IT客户群,为全球最大的电子产业专业制造商。,8,2008年富士康依然保持强劲发展、逆势成长,出口总额达556亿美元,占中国大陆出口总额的3.9,连续7年雄


4、才18岁,最大的不过24岁,悲愤之余,只会觉得富士康更像一个集中营,也许,“死亡工厂”的名头比“血汗工厂”,用在富士康身上更为贴切。,12,2.缺乏自主品牌,附加值低,高科技产品少 创新性:胡锦涛在全国政协十一届四次会议小组讨论时指出,中国要依靠科技创新、教育和人才,才能在激烈的国际竞争中赢得发展主动权。,13,创新工场 李开复博士于2009年9月在中国北京创立创新工场,出任董事长兼首席执行官,帮助中国青年成功创业,帮助中国打造一批新一代高科技公司。创新工场立足互联网、移动互联网和云计算,每年尝试20个新的创意,并拆分出35个独立运营公司。,14,3.贸易摩擦不断 倾销:是指一国(地区)的生产

5、商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。反倾销关税(antidumping duty)是对外国的倾销商品,在征收正常进口关税的同时,附加征收的一种关税。,15,我国经济发展策略:调整出口产品结构提高产品附加值培育自主品牌增强贸易竞争力,16,三、我国的主要贸易伙伴,欧盟、美国、日本、东盟、韩国、我国香港特区和台湾地区。,17,初识国际贸易商品归类,18,一、商品名称及编码协调制度,商品名称及编码协调制度简称“协调制度”,又称“HS”(The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 的简称)

6、。是指在原海关合作理事会商品分类目录和国际贸易标准分类目录的基础上,协调国际上多种商品分类目录而制定的一部多用途的国际贸易商品分类目录。,19,二、HS编码的结构与特点,1 HS编码的结构 包括三大部分:归类规则(共六条)类、章 子目注释,20,采用六位数编码,我国八位分二十二类,九十九章12 34 56 78 章 目 子目 本国子目,21,2HS编码的特点完整性:是国际贸易商品分类的一种“标准语言”通用性:目前已有200多个国家使用HS编码准确性:HS编码是政府间公约的附件,国际上有专门的机构进行维护和管理,22,三、商品归类的作用,商品归类的正确与否直接关系到国家税收关系到进出口收发人及报

7、关单位的切身利益关系到进出口货物是否能够顺利通关 归类不同,出口退税率也不同,23,24,25,了解国际贸易合同结构,26,一、合同与合同形式,合同,也称契约。指在两人或几人之间、两方或多方当事人之间在办理某事时,为了确定各自的权利和义务而订立的各自遵守的条文。主要形式:口头形式、书面形式、公正形式、鉴证形式。常用的书面合同:合同书(Sales Contract),销售确认书(Sales Confirmation),27,二、合同结构,1约首:开头或者序言部分包括合同的名称及编号,签订日期及地点,订约当事人名称及地点注意事项,28,2正文 合同的主要条款品名,品质,数量,包装,价格,交货条件,

8、运输,保险,支付,检验,索赔,不可抗力,仲裁等。,29,3约尾合同的分数、附件及其效力,使用的文字,合同生效的时间,合同使用的法律及双方当事人的签字。注意事项,30,商品售卖合同Sales Contract,31,一、合同的内容,name of contract,contract number,date,place,name of commodity,specifications,packing,quantity,unit price,total value,shipping mark,insurance,port of shipment,port of destination,time of

9、 shipment,terms of payment,inspection,discrepancy and claim,force majeure,arbitration.,32,二、合同的重要条款,Contract No:Date:This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers;Whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the undermentioned goods according to the terms and condi

10、tions stipulated below:,33,(1)Names of commodity(ies)and specification(s)(2)Quantity(3)Unit price(4)Amount TOTAL:_%more or less allowed(5)Packing:(6)Port of Loading:(7)Port of Destination:(8)Shipping Marks:,34,(10)Terms of Payment:By 100%Confirmed,Irrevocable and Sight Letter of Credit to remain val

11、id for negotiation in China until the 15th day after shipment.(11)Insurance:Covers all risks and war risks only as per the Clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China for 110%of the invoice value.To be effected by the Buyer.,35,(12)The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit before

12、 _;failing which,the Seller reserves the right to rescind this Sales Contract without further notice,or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Contract,non-fulfilled by the Buyer,of to lodge claim for direct losses sustained,if any,36,(13)Documents:The Sellers shall present to the negotiating ban

13、k,Clean On Board Bill of Lading,Invoice,Quality Certificate issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau or the Manufacturers,Survey Report on Quantity/Weight issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau,and Transferable Insurance policy or Insurance Certificate when this contract is made on C

14、IF basis.,37,(14)For this contract signed on CIF basis,the premium should be 110%of invoice value.All risks insured should be included within this contract.If the Buyer asks to increase the insurance premium or scope of risks,he should get the permission of the Seller before time of loading,and all

15、the charges thus incurred should be borne by the Buyer.,38,(15)Quality/Quantity Discrepancy;In case of quality discrepancy,claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination;while for quantity discrepancy,claim should be filed by the Buyer within

16、15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination.It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company,Shipping Company,other transportation organizations and/or Post Office are liable.,39,(16)The Sell

17、er shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.,40,(17)Arbitration:All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly throug

18、h negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached,the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.,41,The arbitration shall take pla

19、ce in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties;neither party shall seek recourse to a law court nor other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision.Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.Or arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties.,42,(18)The Buyer is requested always to quote THE NUMBER OF THE SALES CONTRACT in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Seller.(19)Other Conditions:Seller:Buyer:,


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