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1、200605Donglinli,大学英语B,1,大学英语B考前辅导,DLL200606,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,2,考试说明,标准化考试:记住带2B铅笔、橡皮、蓝或黑钢笔或签字笔;身份证、准考证 在答题卡上用钢笔或签字笔写上姓名和准考证号,用铅笔填涂相应小方框。一年有三次考试:3、6、9月。及格线根据全国考试结果动态处理。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,3,大学英语B级统考题型,交际用语(102分=20分)阅读理解(4篇20小题,每小题2分,共40分)词汇与结构(25 1分=25分,其中完型填空占10分)作文:80字以上(15分)从以往试题来看,80-70%的

2、题来自蓝皮书6套题.阅读本书163290页,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,4,II:Use of English注意语言的得体性,电话用语Hello,may I speak/talk to,please?Hello,Id like to speak to,please.喂,请找接电话Are you?你是吗?,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,5,1.找的正是你 Yes,(This is XXX)speaking.我就是。(Not:Im XXX)2.请对方稍等 Hold on,(Just a minute/moment/second)继续,不挂断 请稍等 please.I

3、ll get her.3.对方要找的人不在(歉意+理由)Im sorry;he is out/busy/not in/not available at the moment.对不起,他出去了/现在忙/不在/还没空。165/21/23,177/22,200/28,210/21,221/22,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,6,availableE5veilEbladj.能得到的,有空的 可接受探访的,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,7,回应别人的求助,Could you lend me your dictionary?同意帮忙:友好而直接 Yes./Of course./

4、Sure.By all means.(Certainly;Please do当然可以)帮不了忙:委婉(歉意+理由)Im sorry,166/22,189/30,200/25,210/22,24,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,8,166/22 go on 继续 go on doing.继续干某事,不停地干某事 go on with 继续 Goahead直译为“往前走”,“先走”,“走在前面”。用于引伸意义,表示鼓励对方做某事,作“请吧”、“说下去”、“请尽管用”解,常见于日常对话中。A.-CanIhavealookatyournewdictionary?-Sure,Goahead.

5、“我可以看一下你的新词典吗”?“可以,看吧”May I use your dictionary?我可以用你的词典吗?Yes,go ahead行,你尽管用吧!,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,9,B继续做(某事)go ahead with sthDont stop.Just go ahead with your work 不要停下来。只管干你们的活。C领先;先走一步。You go ahead and tell them were coming 你先走一步,告诉他们我们就来。210/24 handout5hAndaut分发的印刷品,传单;讲义,200605Donglinli,大学英语B

6、,10,回应别人的主动帮忙,Can I help you with your?对别人的主动帮忙,不管接受与否,均应表示感谢。接受Thank you.拒绝Thank you.I can manage myself.189/26,221/21,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,11,问 路,Excuse me,where is 请问,在哪?how can I get to 怎么走?could you tell me how to get to 打扰一下,能告诉我怎么去?is this the right direction to 去是这方向吗?热情指路自己也不知方向时:先表歉意 Sorr

7、y,I dont know.Im sorry,but Im new here/to the town 166/24,178/25,222/26,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,12,回应赞美,Your house looks very nice.表示感谢:Thank you.166/25,189/25,199/23199/23 Dont mention it.别客气 Not at all.一点也不,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,13,回应别人的建议 200/26,210/23,Why dont you?欣然同意 Yes.(Thats a good idea.)委婉拒绝

8、 Thats a good idea but Could I raise a point(重要的建议)about?欣然同意 Yes./Sure.委婉拒绝 Im sorry(but)(原因),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,14,职业套话,Good morning.What can I do for you,madam?(询问客人买何物、有何事等)直接回答:I want to buy a shirt How can I help you?(询问病人)Doctor,I have a headache.May I see the menu,please?Here you are,sir/

9、madam.(边递菜单边说)/Here it is.你要的东西在这里;给您!166/26/29,178/24/27,188/22,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,15,166/26 go your own way你可以自行其是188/22 appointmentE5pCintmEnt约会 make an appointment 预约,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,16,职业套话200/24,30,222/25,27,222/29,Good morning,sir.May I help you?Good morning.What can I do for you,mad

10、am?直接回答:I want to buy I need someMay I see the menu,please.Here you are,sir/madam.(边递边说)Can I have a look at your passport?Here you are./Here it is.你要的东西在这里;拿去吧!,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,17,222/25 book a flight订机票 book a flight to Beijing for Thursday the 25th 订一张25号星期四去北京的飞机票 single or return单程还是往返票22

11、2/29airlines5eElaInz航空公司,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,18,邀 请,Do you feel like going to the new restaurant?Would you like to go swimming?接受邀请:直接回答或表示感谢后再接受邀请 Oh.Thats great./Sure./OK Thanks.Id like to go there.不接受邀请:委婉拒绝或表歉意,并给原因 Id like to/Thanks but I cant.I am It sounds interesting but(原因)Oh,Im sorry,but

12、 I have to meet a friend166/27,177/21,178/23/26/29,188/23/27,200/27,221/23,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,19,neither,either Neither的意思是“两个都不”(not either);either的意思是“两个中的任何一个”(one of two)或“两个中的各一个”(each of two)。这两本小说我都不喜欢。I like neither of the novels口语里常用not either代替neither。I dont like either of the novelsNei

13、ther常和nor用;either常与or用。李先生和张先生现在都不在香港。Neither MrLi nor MrZhang is in Hong Kong now,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,20,不是李先生就是张先生现在在香港。Either MrLi or MrZhang is in Hong Kong now 两条路我们可以任挑一条走。We can take either road 在上面两句中,either表示one of two的意思。在下面的句子中,either作each of two和each of more than two things:他们在两边就座。The

14、y took seats on either side 在美国英语中,either表示both和each时,动词用复数形式。我认为他们两个人都不会在家。I do not think either of them are at home,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,21,如何回答有动词mind的请求mind表示“介意”,“反对”Do you mind mailing the letters,please?表示不介意:OK./No,of course not./Not at all.表示介意:Yes,I do.(显得不客气)Not really,but较委婉DoyoumindifI

15、askyouafewquestions?表示不介意Certainlynot.Goahead.当然可以WouldyoumindifIsathere?表示介意:Not really,but较委婉 Iafraidyoucant.恐怕不能。166/28,178/30,211/25,222/28,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,22,祝贺/恭喜对他人的好消息应表示祝贺:Congratulations!(Im proud of you.)I have pass the examination!对他人的好消息应表示祝贺:Congratulations!(Im proud of you.)Cong

16、ratulations!对他人的祝贺应表示感谢:Thanks./Thank you.167/30,200/29,211/27,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,23,表示同情 211/26,,对他人的疾苦应表示同情His son has taken the flu.他小孩得了流感 take-To be affected with受的影响;感染Im sorry to hear that.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,24,178/28 So的两个用法 so 主语系动词(助动词或情态动词)表示“照这样做;确实如此”。He was asked to work hard.An

17、d so he did.要求他努力工作。他也努力了。It is cold today.今天天气很冷。So it is.不错,是很冷。He studies hard.他学习很努力。So he does.确实如此。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,25,so助动词/系动词/情态动词另一主语 倒装结构,表示“也是这样”。She likes dogs;so does he.她喜欢狗,他也喜欢。She doesnt like dogs;neither does he.她不喜欢狗,他也不喜欢。引导此类倒装句的副词还有never,seldom,rarely,little,only等。,20060

18、5Donglinli,大学英语B,26,回应道歉188/21/24/29,Thats all right.没关系.没事儿。Thats okay.没事儿.Never mind.不必在意。Dont worry(about it).别放在心上.No problem.没问题;回答道谢别客气No harm done.没什么.Forget it.忘掉它吧.It really doesnt matter at all.真的没关系.Its not your fault.那不是你的错.Think no more of it.别再想它了.Please be more careful next time.下次要多加

19、小心。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,27,(接受)道歉 Can you turn down the TV?Sorry/Im sorry.(打扰了他人而道歉)I beg your pardon.Beg pardon;Pardon(me)用升调 我没听清楚,请再说一遍。Sorry I kept you waiting.Thats all right.没关系.Thats okay.没事儿 199/21,211/30,222/30,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,28,回应道谢Youre welcome.不客气。Youre quite welcome.您太客气了。My pl

20、easure.别客气.Not at all.一点也不(断然否定,少用)Dont mention it.这句常用于美国,在英国和澳大利亚则不常使用。No problem.别客气。也用于回答道歉 P189/28,199/22,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,29,回答有关who的提问211/28,Whos the girl over there?如果认识,回答时应说出人名 She is Mary.如果不认识 I dont know either.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,30,聚会道别211/29,222/24,客人:委婉给出理由,并感谢主人的邀请 Its gett

21、ing late.I must be going.Thank you for inviting me(to the party).主人:稍稍换留客人,并感谢客人的光临 Thanks for coming.Do you really have to go?,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,31,III:Reading comprehension,阅读理解题:一般来说,应先看问题,再 节带着问题查读或浏览文章,根据关键字在文章中找出答案.细节题(关键字)细节判断推理题(关键字)词语释义题(关键字,上下文,排除法)综合判断推理题(浏览各段开头结尾甚至全文)主旨题(一般在第一段或最后一段)

22、,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,32,V:Writing(15),作文平分标准大学英语B的作文考试评卷原则是在整体评阅的基础上给出印象分,此印象分以奖励给分,不是按错扣分。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,33,短文写作要把握好五方面,文体格式要正确(电子邮件和信)内容要扣题(按提纲指定的内容)条理要清晰(按提纲给出的顺序)语言正确通顺,使用简单明了的句子书写工整,卷面整洁(完成听力后,先浏览作文题,打好腹稿;写文章时要心中有读者)在时间不够的情况下,应尽量把文体格式及试卷指定内容的主题句写下.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,34,E P174 1.了解

23、对方毕业后的情况 2.你的近况 3.邀请对方方便时来访E P185 1.告诉对方你最近将出去旅游 2.了解对方所在地的旅游景点 3.主对方给予帮忙安排Lp196 1.了解对方近来的情况.2.通知对方同学将在元旦举行聚会.3.请对方参加.E P207 1.了解对方最近的学习情况.2.你的学习情况.3.请对方说说提高英语水平的经验.LP218 1.你的近况.2.请对方帮你购买英语语法书.3.邀请对方方便来访.LP229 1.告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试.2.询问对方如何做准备.3.请对方建议一些参考书.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,35,电子邮件的格式参考开放英语4 p100,11

24、3,125,p174Subject(主题):Date(日期):From(发件人):To(收件人):Cc(抄送):,My situations,24th September,2005,M,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,36,电子邮件 p174,Dear Mark,(问候语Hi/Hello)How are you?I havent got any news about you since graduation and I wonder how everything is with you.With regard to myself,Im now working at MaomingP

25、olice Bureau as an accountant and at the same timetaking a part-time course at Maoming Radio&TVUniversity,majoring in accounting.Im a bit busy but Ienjoy my life very much.Please write back to me and tell me things about you.And I hope that you can come and visit me at your convenience.Well,I have t

26、o get back to work now.(结束提示语)Looking forward to your email.Best wishes,(结束语Bye/Cheers)Lily,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,37,电子邮件 p185,Dear Melody,I am going to Lijiang on a tour with myhusband and my daughter on the morning ofSeptember 30th.Well fly there directly fromGuangzhou and our flight number is CZ3

27、102.Would you please recommend some other scenic spots to us besides the Ancient Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow-capped Mountain?You know,were going to stay there for a week.By the way,whats the weather like there?It,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,38,was said that Lijiang was a bit cold andrainy during this

28、season,wasnt it?Can you reserve a twin-bed room for us?Whats the most convenient way to tour Lijiangand its neighboring areas?Would you please arrange the trip for us?Thanks a lot.I look forward to hearing from you.Best wishes,Lily,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,39,1、信头:在信纸的右上角写上写信日期日期的写法,如1997年7月30日,英文为:Jul

29、y 30,1997(最为普遍);July 30th,1997;30th July,1997等。1997不可写成97。2、信内地址:在信头日期左下方(常省略)3、称呼(Salutation)在信内地址下方,顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号。例如:My dear father,Dear Tom,Dear Prof.Tim Scales,英文信格式概述,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,40,英文信格式概述,4、正文(Body of the Letter)一般不用Hello!(你好!)正文有缩进式和齐头式两种。缩进式:每段第一行开头通常向右缩进五个字母第二行从左面顶格写起。齐头式:每一行都从

30、左面顶格写起。商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法。5、结束语(Complimentary Close)在正文下面从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号Yours sincerely,6、签名(Signature)在结束语的正下方7、附言(Postscript)通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,41,P196 September 24th,2005Dear Mark,How are you doing?Do you still travel a lot onbusiness?Anything new about Tom,John

31、andDick?Do you still get together with them every week?Ive got a piece of good news to tell you.Weformer middle school students at Maoming areplanning to organize a get-together on the comingNew Years Day and were now trying to informevery former classmate who works outside Mao-ming.Imagine the mome

32、nt when we see each other after being apart so long!Isnt it great?,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,42,I hope that youll be able to come backon New Years Day and join us.By the way,would you please tell Tom,John andDick about it?Thanks.Looking forwardto your reply.With best regards.Yours sincerely,Lily,200605D

33、onglinli,大学英语B,43,E-mail P207(格式参考其他电子邮件)How are you going with your study?Howmany courses do you have this term and areyou still taking English classes?I rememberyou once told me that you enjoyed studying English very much,so you must be very good at English now,arent you?I have 4 courses to study

34、this term,of which I feel English the most difficult due tomy poor vocabulary and grammar.Would,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,44,you please tell me how I can learn English well?Thanks.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,45,Letter p229(格式参考其他信件)Congratulations on your passing in PET4,which Im going to sit next term.As yo

35、u know,English is in fact a headache to me and Im really worrying whether I canpass it.Would your please tell me what will be given in the exam,how to prepare for them,what material I can get to improve my PET4 English and where to get it?And what I should pay attention to when I take the exam?And i

36、f its possible,would you,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,46,be kind enough to send me some of your reference books?Thanks a lot.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,47,其它应用文格式,见开放英语4P140 调查报告(survey report)P156 便条,备忘录(memo),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,48,Vocabulary and structure p171,46.忙于某事 be busy(in)doing sth with sth47.肯定的猜测

37、“肯定(已经)”must(have done)不是非常肯定的猜测“可能(已经)”can/could(have done)本来应该(而又没做到)should/ought to have done,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,49,IV Vocabulary and structure p171,48.从句跟在及物动词wonder后:宾语从句 所缺关联词在从句中充当主语。49.介词短语中的动词用分词或不定式 seat-vt to give(a seat)使.就座 He seated himself at a writing table.他在写字台前坐下。50/51 虚拟语气(先判断

38、是对过去还是对现在或将来的假设),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,50,与现在/将来事实相反If it is a bird,it will fly away.(真实条件)If I go to GZ tomorrow,I will stay with her.真实If I were a bird,I would fly away.(虚拟)If I went to GZ tomorrow,I would stay with her.虚拟与过去事实相反If you were here last night,you would see him.(真实条件)If you had been h

39、ere last night,you would have seen him.(虚拟),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,51,If the whole program were not planned beforehand,a great deal of time and money _.51.在It is(abouthigh)time that定语从句中需用虚拟语气,表示“该做的时候了”,动词形式用一般过去时或should 动词原形。Its already 5 oclock nowDont you think its about time we went home?现在已经5点钟

40、了,你不认为我们应该回家了吗?,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,52,Vocabulary and structure p172,52 介词的宾语从句介词后的宾语从句一般不用which和if引导,要用whether和what。that也很少引导介词宾语从句,只在except,but,besides等之后才用。例:I could say nothing but that I was angry.我无话可说,只是感到生气。-,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,53,其它需注意问题引导宾语从句的连接词that一般可以省略,但如果有二个或二个以上的宾语从句时,只有第一个that可

41、以省略。He said(that)the text was very difficult and that we had to work hard at it.他说课文很难,我们必须努力学习。-,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,54,Vocabulary and structure p172,53.强调句 It is/was+被强调部分+that(who)句子其它部分55.Try/endeavor to do sth设法去干某事(endeavor更正式)manage to do sth 设法得以 succeed in doing sth 在.获得成功,200605Donglinli

42、,大学英语B,55,Vocabulary and structure p172,56.as a result因此;结果 by the way顺便说说 on the contrary相反58.separate A from B 把AB分隔开 distinguish between A and B 区别 compare A with B 比较(共同点)contrast A with B 对照(不同点)59.extend-to offer,give 表示(感谢)给予(欢迎,帮助等),寄与(同情等),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,56,P173/62 只用whether不用if的情况 w

43、hether+ornot/不定式 HeaskedwhetherornotIwantedtoinsuremyluggage.引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、介词后面的宾语从句WhethertheGermanenginewasthefirsttoflyisnotclear.并不清楚是否是德国发动机首先用于飞机的。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,57,P173/69In spite of-without considering being prevented by尽管受阻于concerning关于Regardless of-without attention to不管,不考虑On

44、the condition of 倘若,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,58,Vocabulary and structure p183,46.做定语的关系词可以有以下变体,如:the professor whose car was stolenthe professor of whom the car was stolenthe professor the car of whom was stolen,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,59,P18350.比较级 than 名词或代词 as 原级 as(比较的对象)more than-fml to a degree at

45、 which adv“”is no longer a strong enough word 万分,非常 他会非常生气。Hell be more than a little angry.,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,60,P18451.no matter不论 no matter where its going however-to whatever degree无论多么 no matter how However cold it is,she always goes swimming.wherever 无论哪里 Sit wherever you like.请随便坐。whateve

46、r无论什么 Whatever we said,hed disagree.无论我们说什么,他都不同意。,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,61,p18454.答案应为C 网上有例句为证:Pupil should have the opportunity to read and write at their own pace,e.g.picture captions图画等的文字说明and word illustrations,and play with computer programmes in English.pace-The rate of speed at which an ac

47、tivity or a movement proceeds 活动运动的速率 at any rate 无论如何,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,62,P184/56hurt(精神、感情、身体的)伤害,创伤damage(对事物的)损害,损坏harm(物体、身体或心理上的)损害spoil 损坏(东西);破坏(胃口);(对小孩)宠坏,惯坏,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,63,P184/58as for-With regard to至于besides-In addition to除之外except-prep/conj With the exclusion of;other th

48、an;but除之外despite-prep.In spite of 尽管,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,64,P194/48 将来进行时与一般将来时,一、一般将来时侧重主观意愿,将来进行时则强调动作的进行。Ill work on this tomorrow.明天我要进行这件事。(表示意愿或许诺)Ill be working on this tomorrow.明天我将做这件事。(纯粹表示将要发生的动作)二、将来进行时在语气上更委婉客气。When will you finish these letters?你什么时候能处理完这些事?(如上司对下属)When will you be s

49、eeing Mr.White?你什么时候能见还特先生?(如下属对上司),200605Donglinli,大学英语B,65,P195/59Look out 留神To be careful;take careLook after 照顾To take care ofLook into 调查Look on/upon(as)To regard in a certain way:认为,看待,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,66,Vocabulary and Structurep205,46.have no choice but 后跟动词不定式 非.不可,除.之外别无他法 call in sb-

50、召集,召来 call in a specialist 邀请一个专家-打来电话 Has the boss called in today?老板今天打电话来了吗?call back-召回,回电话,收回,200605Donglinli,大学英语B,67,Vocabulary and Structurep205,47.ought to have done sth should have done sth 否定形式 oughtnt to 或 shouldnt48.and 表示结果或说明 只要.就会;那么 Go at once and you will see her.马上去,那么你就会见到她了。,200


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