1、翻译与文化Translation and Culture,定义:文化(culture)是“一个复合的总体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的其他的能力和习惯”。(an integral whole which embraces knowledge,beliefs,moralities,laws,customs and other abilities and habits a man has acquired as a member in a society.)-Edward Taylor语言与文化:语言是文化的一部分,又是文化的反映。例:称谓,英汉文化差异在语言上
2、的反映:1.词汇意义不同peasant vs 农民 peasant 具有贬义:新编韦氏大学词典:一般指未受过教育的、社会地位低下的人;美国传统词典:乡下人,庄稼人,乡巴佬,教养不好的人,粗鲁的人汉语:贫农谈到他们现在的幸福生活。The poor peasants talked about their happy life today.富农?,2.缺乏对应表达cowboy,hot dog,hippy 天干、地支、赤脚医生、楷书,3.联想意义不同松树 vs pine 松树象征长寿、气节 pine 不含此义狗 vs dog 汉语:贬义居多 狗腿子;lackey;狗杂种 bastard;狗养的,狗崽子
3、 son of a bitch;,狗胆包天 monstrous audacity;狗急跳墙 A cornered beast will do something desperate;狗嘴里长不出象牙 A filthy mouth cant utter decent language.,dog:褒义居多 dog tired 非常疲劳;top dog重要的人;lucky dog幸运儿;as faithful as a dog像狗一样忠诚;help a lame dog over a stile 助人于危难之中;雪中送炭 Give a dog a bad name and hang him.给人强加
4、恶名将毁人一生;众口铄金,积毁销骨 Love me,love my dog爱屋及乌;Every dog has his day凡人皆有得意的日子。,东风 vs East Wind 东风:温暖、春风、春天 闲愁万种,无语怨东风。(西厢记)辛弃疾:东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。西风vs West Wind 西风:寒冷干燥 马致远:古道西风瘦马,小桥流水人家,断肠人在天涯。(天净沙秋思)West wind:温暖而湿润 John Mansfield:Its warm wind,the west wind,full of birds cries Ode to the West Wind 西风颂,夏天
5、vs Summer:Summer:温暖如春 Shakespeare:Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date:,4.语用上的差异(1)打招呼:英语:How do you do?How are you?Hello!Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening!汉语:您
6、好!吃了吗?上哪儿去?(2)称呼:汉语:老王、小李英语:(职务)Mr.,Doctor,Professor,judge,governor,mayor,president,Teacher Chen(3)接受恭维或赞美A:Your English is excellent.B:No,no.My English is quite poor.B:Where,where.,5.比喻和联想上的差异胆小如鼠-“胆小如兔”as timid as a rabbit;落汤鸡a drowned rat;养虎为患cherish a snake in ones bosom;瓮中捉鳖like a rat in the ho
7、le;,like a duck to water如鱼得水;like a hen on a hot girdle像热锅上的蚂蚁;as stupid as a goose愚蠢如猪;as stubborn as a donkey/a mule犟得像头牛,颜色的不同:to raise to the purple升为红衣主教;to be born in the purple 生于帝王之家;to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻;red ink 赤字;in the black 盈利;white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品;brown goods
8、棕色货物,指电视、录音机等外壳为棕色的电子产品。,Translation of Idioms,熟语(习语idiom)分为六大类:成语(set phrase):习用的固定词组或固定短句。在汉语中,四音节是成语的基本形式。警句(famous phrase;epigram)和格言(motto):习用的名人之言,经典之语,含有深刻的教育意义;警句与原作者有联系,格言一般出自古代文 献。,歇后语(enigmatic folk similes):歇后语是中国人民在生活实践中创造的一种特殊语言形式,是一种短小、风趣、形象的语句。它由前后两部分组成:前一部分起“引子”作用,像谜语,后一部分起“后衬”的作用,像
9、谜底,十分自然贴切。在一定的语言环境中,通常说出前半截,“歇”去后半截,就可以领会和猜想出它的本意,所以就称为歇后语。,俗语(common saying;folk adage):特点是通俗化、口语化,有一定的形象比喻惯用语(idiom):汉语中的惯用语以三音节结构为主,其特点是多半用于转义。谚语(proverb):语义相对完整的固定句子。最大特点是跟人民群众的生活密切相关。谚语是人民社会生活经验的结晶,含义深刻;俗语的意义比较浅显,所用比喻多为一般现象,不是经验的总结。,Classification of English idioms,Set phrase(固定词组):Neither fish
10、 or fowl 非鱼非肉?“不三不四,不伦不类”Popular saying(俗语、惯用语):All your swans are geese 敝帚自珍Famous phrase(警句):knowledge is power 知识就是力量Proverb(谚语):The tongue is not steel,yet it cuts.言语不是剑,一样可伤人;谣言可以伤人;人言可畏,Idiom Translation Skills:,1.信达直译法:在忠实原文和通顺达意的基础上,译文采用原文的表现法,按字面翻译,以保留原谚语特有的风貌。Dumb dogs are dangerous.哑巴狗最危险
11、。(不叫的狗咬人)Money is the root of all evil.金钱乃万恶之源。,2.联想意译法:有些谚语的表达方式含有其特有的历史典故或文化背景,直译过来后,中国读者很难理解虽然加脚注或说明也可能达意,但这样就失去了谚语语言短小精悍的特点。采取意译,即舍弃原文形象、比喻,抓住内容、喻义,结合上下文灵活传达原意。Murder will out.谋杀终将暴露?纸包不住火。,3.直译兼意译法:有时在翻译英语谚语时,单纯的直译或意译都不能确切、有效地表达原来谚语的含义。这时可采用直译、意译相结合的方法进行翻译,以弥补直译难达意,意译难传神的不足。在直译后再加上谚语的真实含义,以期收到画
12、龙点睛的效果。Divide and rule.分而治之,各个击破,4.对应借译法:有些英语谚语和汉语成语、俗语在表现形式和含义方面是一致的或基本一致的。汉译这些英语时,可借用与其喻义相同或相近的成语或谚语及俗语直接对译。这样不仅可以比较好地保持原文的神韵和形式,又使译文易于为读者或听者接受。Pride comes before a fall.骄兵必败He who would search for pearls must dive deep.不入虎穴焉得虎子,5.前后倒译法:由于英汉两种语言语法规则和语序的不同,在翻译时将结尾部分移到前面,或者将前一部分移到后面,这种调整称作倒译。Friend
13、may meet,but mountains never greet.山与山不相会,人与人总相逢。,兔年说兔,在中国文化中,兔子给人的印象是温柔可爱,是吉祥之物。说起兔子,中国人会联想到月宫中的玉兔或兔爷儿。但英语中的rabbit和hare 却具有全然不同的意义。,公兔子buck,母兔子doe,小兔子kit,兔宝宝bunnyAs mad as a March hare 三月是野兔发情的季节,March hare因为在交配期间行为怪异而被称为“发狂的兔子”,比喻 mentally ill或 very silly,即“疯癫”或“犯傻”。All these screaming children ar
14、e driving memad as a March hare.Dust bunny 灰尘兔子,是指如果长时间没有大扫除,家里家具底下很多灰尘聚集成一小团的毛球,毛茸茸的像灰兔子,也叫dust kitten.Breed like rabbits The Greens have ten children.They reallybreed like rabbits.,英国人有狩猎的传统,英语中hare 常表现为猎犬捕捉的对象。如:If you run after two hares,you will catch neither.如果你同时追两只野兔,一只也捉不到。You cannot run wi
15、th the hare and hunt with the hounds.你不可能既和野兔一起跑,又和猎狗一起追。I am not going torun with the hare and hunt with the hounds.I must act for her.我不会两边都讨好,我得为她说话。As fast as a hare/Quick like a bunny Nows your chance.Do it!Quick like a bunny!,汉语有些习语中的兔子,由于文化差异,在对应的英语习语中变成了别的动物。例如:It is a poor mouse that has on
16、ly one hole.(相当于“狡兔三窟”)The fox preys farthest from home.(相当于“兔子不吃窝边草”),Some Jokes:1.Rabbit:Are you sure this bottle of special carrot juice will cure me?Doctor:Absolutely.No rabbit ever came back for another.2.A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves,What are you
17、 doing in there?she asked.The rabbit replied,This is a Westinghouse,isnt it?“The lady confirmed,Yes.Well,the rabbit said,Im westing.,3.Baby Rabbit:Mommy,where did I come from?Mother Rabbit:Ill tell you when youre older.Baby Rabbit:Oh,Mommy,please,tell me now.Mother Rabbit:If you must know,you were p
18、ulled from a magicians hat.,与“兔”有关的谚语:rabbit ball(棒球)弹性极好的球rabbit job 成批作业rabbit warren 养兔场;兔窝式居民区(有许多狭小通道的建筑、街道狭窄而密集的城区)rabbit foot 兔子的后足(幸运护符,兔子后脚可带来好运)rabbit ears The old lady hasrabbit ears.那个老太太爱打听闲事。,booth bunny 促销女郎Most of thesnow bunniescome here to socialize.大部分来学滑雪的女孩实际上都是来找男朋友的First catch
19、 your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。Hares may pull dead lions by the beard./Even rabbits insult an dead lion.虎落平阳被犬欺。Each time they asked him a question,he was likearabbit caught in the headlights.每次他们问他什么问题,他就像受了惊吓的兔子一般呆立在那儿。,The governorpulled a rabbit out of a hatby putting together a budget without incr
20、easing taxes.州长突然想出了解决问题的办法,不用增加税收就能平衡预算。Her computer crashed an hour ago and shes lost a mornings work-shesnot a happy bunny.她的电脑一小时前死机了,一上午做的东西全不见了,她烦着呢!No matter what peoples reaction is,shejust rabbits on.不管别人有什么反应,她只是说个不停。,The tail of a rabbit-cannot be long.兔子的尾巴长不了。The fox preys farthest from
21、 his hole.兔子不吃窝边草。Even a rabbit will bite when it is cornered.兔子逼急了还会咬人呢!Foxes grieve over the death of rabbits.兔死狐悲The hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged.兔死狗烹,Waiting for a rabbit to hit upon a tree and be killed in order to catch it.守株待兔A rabbit is never caught twice in the s
22、ame place.同一个错误不会犯两次。Cows can catch no rabbits.老牛追兔子:有劲使不上。A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.狡兔三窟,In-class Activity:Work in team and discuss the different connotations of color words in English and Chinese culture.black,white,red,yellow,green,blue,brown,purple,pink,orange,gray 黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝、棕色、紫、粉红、橙、灰,