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1、,The Disposition of Words in Translation,词语的翻译二,Why I teach“why do you teach,Pete?”My friend asked me questions when I told him that I didnt want to be considered for a university administrative position.He was puzzled that I did not want to take what was obviously a step toward what all American bo

2、ys are taught to want when they grow up,money and power.I told him that as a teacher,I had both a decent salary and the only kind of power worth having,the power to change lives.“Besides,I said”,I like my job in part because no administrator has even told me how to teach or what to teach or how to t

3、reat students,why would I want to be an administrator cut off from the only kind of power that matters in university?”,But he had stopped listening so I stopped talking.I was not satisfied with that answer anyhow.His question got me thinking,though.This little book is an extended answer to the quest

4、ion,“why do you teach,Pete?”,Certainly I dont teach because teaching comes naturally to me.I was about the quietest kid in class all through high school and college.My teachers just couldnt get me to talk.The last thing I wanted to do for a career was to stand in front of a group of People and jabbe

5、r.And certainly I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living:bulldozer mechanic,carpenter,temporary college administrator,writer.,参考文献,Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written-English Foreign Language Teaching and Res

6、earch Press Success In Advanced English Writing 高级英语写作指南 祁寿华 上海外语教育出版社 英汉互译测试教程 吴松林 中国电力出版社英汉翻译教程 吕俊 上海外语教育出版社,从音、形、义三方面看英汉的不同(二),PronunciationIntonation stress Rhythm,pronunciation,It goes without saying that an interpreters pronunciation of English words must be correct;for a wrong pronunciation o

7、f the essential word would,to say the least,create misunderstanding on the part of the listener,what we should like to stress here in the context of interpretation,are 1 that an interpreter should avoid“swallowing part of the words”or“swallowing syllables”2 that he should avoid“an exaggerated effort

8、 to be precise”,Intonation,A the falling tuneB the rising tuneC the falling and rising tune,stress,Word stressSentence stress,Word stress,English words contain syllables.A word containing a single syllable is a monosyllabic word;one containing two or more syllables is polysyllabic word.,The classifi

9、cation of stress,strong stress and weak stressMain stress and secondary stress,examples,On 1st syllable:context ceremony satisfy different university2nd syllable:contextual direct electric comparison3rd syllable:satisfaction differential individual,Sentence stress stressing it is generally accepted

10、that“correct stressing”is very important in communication in English,as is well known,spoken words do not have the equal value that they seem to have in print.So in spoken English,some words that are deemed important,are given more weight than others.However one should not“overdo”it.Over-emphasis ca

11、n make a speech very difficult to understand,besides making it boring to listen to.,I am going to the post office to send a letter.Question:words are made to stand out from others Another general rule to go by is that when a word is used twice in the same sentence or the text,it generally loses its

12、stress when repeated.,Rhythm,Rhythm in spoken English comes from a combination of these other factors,it depends largely upon the balance of phrasing,stressing and intonation,perhaps it is the subtlest part of any language,rhythm eludes definition yet it something which vitally affects the success o

13、f delivery(of the original speaker and the interpreter alike),音译简要介绍,音译1984年高明凯汉语外来语词典 4400多个SARS,coup 政变泰国 poker humor carnation angel hamburger coco cola pepsi cola hamburger MacDonalds shock shampoo jazz 英语中kowtow litchi kung fu makjong jiaozi silk 等,形,26个字母,48个发音,用26个常用的前缀,10个常用的后缀,8中造词的原则就有200万

14、多个英文词汇。(questionable)We have reason to hold that-,构词 自考365,Rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changescompounding 合成2830conversion 转化 26%derivation 派生 30%40 shortening 8%-10%(clipping and acronym)blending and borrowing and others1%-5%,Compounding,合成 由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连词符号,有的直接写在一起,还有的由分开的两个词语组

15、成Eg:blackboard sightseeing passer-by maybe up-to-date post office horse riding oil well,Conversion,转化 由一种词性转化为另一种或者几种词性Eg:It tastes good.It has not much taste.Clear and clean,Derivation,派生 由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词。prefixes suffixes,prefixes,negative prefixes is in(il ir im)not non un mis prefixes of degre

16、e or size macro large long micro small short mini sub under(分,支,次,亚)super above over Locative prefixes extra fore inter tele-far away trans Prefixes of time and order(fore pre post re)Number prefixes(bi mono multi semi-half or partly tri),Suffixes,noun suffixes 1 concrete(er,or ess let ette ant ee e

17、nt)2 abstract(age dom ery hood ing ism ship some)tion sion ion ence ing ment ity ness ese an istOthers-ed ful ish less like ly y al),denotation,本义,字面意义 词义的演变 扩大,缩小,词义褒贬的变化,词义的变化,词义的缩小 deer-disease 丈人词义的转移 原来词义的消失 naughty a naughty world 万恶的 道德败坏的 现在意思是淘气的感情色彩的变化negro 中性向贬义发展 black,connotation the me

18、aning of a word,Context 语境 文体程度感情色彩,Examples,wise while“我要在武汉住一个月”is put into“I am going to stay in Wuhan for a month”.Generally speaking,“live”is used for long period while“stay”for a short period.,一般来讲词语对等就是从词语的指称意义来谈的。范:但有的对等词义并不完全对等:marry-cousin-parent-adoptive parent real parent natural(biologi

19、cal)father or mother工厂:factory,plant,mill,works 遗产:legacy(遗产中的动产部分)estate(尚未被继承的全部遗产)inheritance(已经被继承了的遗产)税;tax,税,税额。Duty 关税 tariff 进出口货物所怔之税 local tax,state tax,customs duties,介绍:introduce or recommend,but the word“introduce”is more limited than“介绍”in Chinese,the first picture which a native Engli

20、sh speaker gets in his mind when he hears the word“introduce”is to introduce somebody to somebody else.Of course,this does exclude the possibility that someone may introduce himself.,But“你能介绍我一本好书吗?”if you say“could you introduce me a book”,the native speakers of English would be surprised to hear t

21、hat a person could be introduced to a book.(movie about the strong)is rendered into“Could you recommend me a good book?”红包:gift money(婚丧嫁娶所送)bonus(公司所发的奖励)bribe(行贿所送的现 金),另外蕴涵意义中,词语的文体特征,感情色彩也是翻译过程中所要特别注意的。我们曾经谈到过演讲方面的几中风格:freezing style,consultative style,casual style and intimate style.这几种不同的风格,常常

22、取决于1 the addresser 2 the addressee 3 subject matter(the content)4 form of communication(the way),slang(spoken,informal,familiar,(regional,dialect)written,formal,polite,(standard,speech)formal&informal,degree,derogatory term and commendatory termwording(diction)syntax(omission of structure words yeah

23、,hi,um,ok,well,etc),EG:show-demonstrate indicate tell inform acquaint(few)live reside use-utilize soon the near future close-end-conclude-complete start-commence so-consequently glad-content real-genuine,EG:try-attempt get-obtain hide-conceal see-behold talk with-converse with about-with reference t

24、o after that-thereafter ect Hu caps his US tour with Yale speech Hu Wraps up his visit with Yale speech(comment),Happy/pleased-joyful/delighted(very happy)-cheerful(happy and bright)overjoyed intoxicated angry-(filled with anger)-annoyed(a little angry)-furious/enraged(full of rage)Blue-sad-depresse

25、d/dejected,Tiny-small/little(size,weight,force,importance,etc)-average-big-huge(great,titanic)-enormous.Few/little-a few/a little-many/much-numerous/a great deal of/a plenty of,High/tall-towering(exaggerate-the towering giant of a man who was walking toward us)-lofty(can be used to describe the obje

26、ct-extremely high:Eg,we saw the lofty,snow-capped mountain.)Short-stocky(short and strong in body)-dumpy/squat(deperec short and thick in body),Fat-stout-plump(pleasant fat)-corpulent(derog)-overwight.Thin-slim(pleasant thin)/slender/(very thin in a pleasant way)-skinny.,不同的笑,smile chuckle grin beam

27、ing laugh guffaw(laugh which is loud perhaps rude)jeer,微笑轻声地笑露齿一笑满脸笑容大笑放声大笑,狂笑嘲笑,不同的走,saunter amble stride trudge/plodtramp,悠然自得地走从容不迫地走大步流星地走步履艰难的走步履沉重地走,Homework:关于哭的不同词汇Cry-weep-sob-wail,slim-thin-skinny fat-corpulent-plump propagate-preach publicize-disseminate;peasant(汉语中一个中性的词语,而在英语中喻指粗鲁无教养的人)

28、thanks to due to,owing to,because of-in consequence of,wise and resourceful-a bag of tricks,etc.,The objective and subjective aspect in Paper writing formal,informal,personal,relaxed,impersonal and restrained besides words choosing,using the third person references:the author,the writer,the investig

29、ator,it was leaned,and investigation disclosed etc.,Collocation Collocation(指语言系统内各个语言成分的同现和组合,是语境的重要组成部分)You shall know a word by the company it keeps.在这里company指的是与某一词语同现的搭配词语。Begin and start small and little shoulder-head,大风 大雨 大雾 假花 假牙 假唱 假钞 假新闻 竞争意识 自我意识 恶性通货膨胀 恶性循环,Strong windheavy rain thick

30、fog artificial flower false tooth lip-synch counterfeit money pseudo-eventcompetitive spirit self consciousness galloping inflation vicious circle,Exercise,宰客自学寒衣彩票 听电话 抓紧时间 文化程度学习知识风凉话提高英语水平,Swindle(cheat,defraud)money from customersself taughtwarm clotheslottery answer the telephonemake the best use of ones timeeducational levelacquire knowledgeirresponsible and sarcastic remarksimprove ones English,I earnestly hope we can get a little bit from this class,see you next,


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