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1、课程教案 课程名称:大学英语(第三册)学时数:46 本章名称:Civil-Rights Heroes 学时数:6 授课对象:全校非英语专业学生 授课学期:第三学期 授课教研室:外语系第二教研室 授课教师:外语系第二教研室全体教师,Unit Three Civil-Rights Heroes 本章主要内容:Civil-Rights Heroes 教学目的及要求:Learn some important new words and phrases.Appreciate the passage in Text A教学重点:Reading comprehension of the material i

2、n Text A教学方法及手段:1.Communicative method 2.Audio-lingual method 3.Grammar-translation method教学时间:6 学时时间分配:1、开始部分:10-20 分钟 2、教授课程:320 分钟 3、内容小结:20分钟,Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes,Text A The Freedom GiversText B The Dream,the Stars and Dr.King,THE FREEDOM GIVERS,And so even though we face the difficulties

3、of today and tomorrow,I still have a dream.It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal.I have a dream that one day on the red h

4、ills of Georgia,the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi,a state sweltering with the heat of injustice,sweltering with the heat of oppression,will be transform

5、ed into an oasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today!,Text A The Freedom Givers,Warm-up ActivitiesBackground Information Co

6、mprehension Questions Text Organization Language PointsAfter Reading,WHO,ARE,THEY?,Warm-up Activities,Group Discussion:Talk about what you know about the four.Is there anything related among them?,1.They are Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King,President John F.Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy,John Kennedys

7、brother.2.They stood for the civil-rights leaders,who advocated black civil-rights.3.They were assassinated young because they fought for the civil-rights,which resulted in making many enemies.4.The texts in this unit are going to talk about the civil-rights and its givers.,Back,Background Informati

8、on,The Southern States(marked with blue and green)The Deep South states are marked with green.,1.Knowledge of American geography,Slave Destinations,Back,2.Freedom and Rights Freedom of the individual is considered one of the essential features of western civilization,which is itself sometimes called

9、 the Free World.This freedom is often expressed in terms of rights to do certain things or to be treated in a particular way.In Britain and the US the most basic rights include freedom of expression,of choice and of worship.,3.The Civil Rights Movement In the US,the national campaign by African-Amer

10、icans for equal rights especially in the 1950s and 1960s.The campaign included boycotts,the actions of freedom riders,and in 1963 a march to Washington led by Martin Luther King.(addition to a government bill)The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were also introduced as a re

11、sult of the civil rights movements,which has helped to change the attitudes of many white Americans.,4.The Underground RailroadA secret system used in the US before the Civil War for helping thousands of slaves to escape to the free northern states or Canada.The slaves were called“passengers”,the pe

12、ople who helped them were“conductors”,and the slaves hid in“stations”(safe houses)along the way.,National Underground Railroad Freedom Center,5.Uncle Toms CabinA novel(1852)by the US writer Harriet Beecher Stowe which increased support for the movement to free slaves.It is about a kind slave called

13、Tom who is badly treated and finally killed by Simon Legree.Toms daughter Little Eva also dies,and another well-known character in the novel is the slave child Topsy.The name Uncle Tom is sometimes used as an insult to describe an African-American who has too much respect for white people.,Why was H

14、enson called an African-American Moses?What was the Underground Railroad?Who forged it?Why did President Clinton authorize$16 million for the National Underground Railway Freedom Center?How did John Parker win his freedom?Why did Levi Coffin,a white man,help black slaves to freedom?What risks did pe

15、ople face when helping slaves?Why did many slaves decide to go to Canada?Who are the conductors of the Underground Railway?Did the Underground Railway have any trains to pass along every day?,Comprehension Questions,Back,Text Structure,Language Points,1.breeze:n.a gentle wind e.g.A gentle breeze ble

16、w over the garden.凉爽清新的微风 a cool,refreshing breeze 比较:gust,gale,hurricane,tornadogust:a strong,abrupt rush of wind gale:a very strong wind hurricane:a severe tropical cyclone,usu.Involving heavy rainstornado:a rotating column of air,2.slender:(of people)slim;not very wide but comparatively long or h

17、ighe.g.Although her face was quite plain,she had long,slender expressive hands,like a concert pianist.King crabs have long,slender legs,with a span over 1 meter(3 feet).Slender fingers a slender income a slender waist slender hopes a woman with a slender figure,3.stand up for:speak,work,etc.in favor

18、 of sb./sth.;support sb./sthe.g.Dont be afraid to stand up for your rights.我所有的朋友都会支持我。All my friends will stand up for me.stand up to:勇敢地面对;经得起e.g.A soldier must stand up to the danger.士兵必须敢于面对危险。你的论点根本经不起仔细检查。Your argument just wont stand up to close scrutiny.,4.site:n.place where a building,town,

19、etc.was,is,or will be situated.e.g.The site for the new factory has not been decided.一所新的学校占据了工厂的旧址A new school occupies the site of the old factory.Collocation:a historic site历史古迹 construction sites建筑工地 a battlefield site战场的遗址,5.forge:v.1).create by means of much hard workTheir friendship was forge

20、d by shared adversity.他们和法国共产党建立了联系。They forged links with the French Communist Party.The two countries agreed to forge closer economic ties.She forged a new career for herself as a singer.2).make a forgery or counterfeit He got the money dishonestly,by forging his brothers signature on a check.伪造签名

21、Forge a signature,6.authorize:v.give approval or permission for(sth.);give authority to.The government authorized the publication of this book.I have authorized him to act for me during my absence.主任允许我们在实验室工作。The director authorized us to work in the laboratory.,7.be intent on doing sth.:be eager a

22、nd determined to do sth.He was intent on the job he was doing.他决心去法国继续深造。He is intent on going to France to continue his studies.,8.peer:vi.look closely or carefully,esp.as if unable to see well(followed by at/through/into,etc.)She peered at him closely,as if not believing it could really be him.Ste

23、phen had been peering at a computer printout that made no sense at all.Hawking was a typical grind,underweight and awkward and peering through eye-glasses.,CF:peer,gaze&stare 这三个词都是动词,都有注视、凝视之意。peer 通常指半闭着眼睛看,并伴随着向前移动,含有好奇地看或难以看清的意味。例如:The old man peered at her over his spectacles.老头儿从他的眼镜上方盯着她。Shor

24、t-sighted people often peer at others when they are wearing no glasses.近视眼的人不戴眼镜时常常眯着眼看人。Gaze指持久不停地看,通常有惊奇、羡慕、感叹等含义。例如:All of us gazed at the beautiful view in the distance.我们都凝视着远方美丽的景色.For two hours Tom sat gazing out of the window.两个小时过去了,汤姆一直坐着凝视着窗外。Stare指出于好奇、惊讶、茫然或赞叹等原因而瞪大眼睛长时间、直接地注视。例如:The wo

25、man stared at the stranger in astonishment.那个女人吃惊地盯着陌生人。It is very impolite to stare at other people.,9.on the side:as an additional job or source of income;secretly He is a teacher,but he makes a little money on the side by repairing cars in his free time.Hes married but he has a girlfriend on the

26、side.他虽有妻室,但暗地里还有一个女朋友。,Other expressions:at the side of在.旁边;口与.相比be on both sides of the fence美两面讨好be on sb.s side of the fence美支持某人be on the other side of the fence美在反对的一边be on the safe side为了稳妥起见,以防万一blind side弱点,缺点weak side弱点,缺点put sth.to one side把.撇在一边,置之不理hold ones sides捧腹大笑,笑破肚皮get on the rig

27、ht side of sb.得到某人喜爱,骗取某人的欢心take sides with偏袒;拥护(某方面)There is much to be said on both sides.公说公有理,婆说婆有理。,10.conviction:n.firm opinion or belief She expressed her firm conviction that television was harmful to children.她坚信她是对的。She had a firm conviction that she was right.,Collocation:a lifelong convi

28、ction终身的信仰 political conviction政治信念 strengthen/deepen ones conviction that增强/加深某人的信念be open to conviction服理,能接受意见carry conviction有说服力in the full conviction that充分相信是.listen with conviction(虚心)倾听,11.impose:vt.1).place(a penalty,tax,etc.)officially on sb./sth.New duties were imposed on wines and spiri

29、ts.征收进口税impose a tax on imports 2).try to make sb.accept(an opinion or a belief)She imposed her ideas on the group.I must perform the task that has been imposed on me.impose oneself on/upon sb.硬缠着某人;打扰某人,CF:depose:vt.免职,废(王位),作证vi.宣誓作证e.g.The king was deposed by his people.那位国王被人民罢免废除。compose:v.组成,写

30、作,排字,(使)安定,调解e.g.the parts that compose the whole组成全体的各部分She composed herself to answer the letter.她镇静下来写回信。He teaches music and also composes.他教音乐,并且作曲。,12.disguise:vt.give sb./sth.a false appearance disguise sb./sth.as e.g.He disguised himself as a woman.The soldiers disguised themselves by wearin

31、g white garments in the snow.这一事实是无法隐瞒的。It is impossible to disguise the fact.,13.abolish:vt.end the existence of(a law,custom,system,etc.)e.g.The death penalty is to be abolished before the end of this year.废除奴隶制abolish slavery 坏的风俗应当废除。Bad customs should be abolished.,pel:vt.make(sb.)do sth.;force

32、e.g.Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.大雨迫使我们呆在屋内。The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.Collocation:compel sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事be compelled to(do)不得不(做),15.at risk:threatened by the possibility of loss,failure,etc.;in dangere.g.The disease is spreading,and all children un

33、der five are at risk.risk:vt.冒.的危险;冒险干;赌注于risk getting caught in a storm冒遭遇风暴之险risk everything on a single throwat all risks(=at any risk)无论冒什么危险;无论如何at the risk of(=at risk to)冒.之险;不顾.之风险take no risks慎重行事,16.starve:v.(cause a person or an animal to)suffer severely or die from hungerstarve to death

34、Whats for dinner?Im starving!晚饭吃什么?我饿死了!starve for news 渴望消息Shes lonely,and starving for companionship.她很寂寞,渴望友谊。,Back,After ReadingBlack Americans have made great progress in getting full equality.But there is still much left to be done!,Back,Text B The Dream,the Stars and Dr.King,Language Pe a lon

35、g way vi.have developed or become very successful有很大进步(有很大改进)The company has come a long way since its beginnings.公司自开办以来有很显著的改善。Regarding the environment,Beijing has come a long way since its last bid in 1993.关于环境方面,自1993年申办以来,北京做出了巨大努力。,mitment n.thing one has promised to do委托,实行,承诺,保证(律)拘禁令His po

36、litical commitment is only skin-deep.他政治上的承诺只是表面文章。The President affirmed Americas commitment to its transatlantic(ie European)allies.总统申明美国履行对其欧洲盟国承担的义务.,3.against(the/all the)odds:despite strong opposition or disadvantages.He survived the cancer against all odds.他勇敢地与癌症做斗争活了下来。Against all the odds

37、,he finished his work ahead of time.他克服了重重困难,提前完成了任务。,4.play up:ingratiate oneself to;often with insincere behavior 加油,鼓吹She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.她极力贬低他在这一事件中的作用而抬高自己的作用。,5.do well(to do sth.):used to advise sb.that they should do sth.Everyone should do well

38、to follow his parents advice.,Writing,Write a draft for a speech,Model Paper,Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earths near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.Global average air temperature near the Earths surface rose 0.74 0.18 C(1.

39、3 0.32 F)during the past century.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)concludes,most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations,which leads to warming o

40、f the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect.Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes have probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950,but a cooling effect since 1950.The basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30

41、scientific societies and academies of science,including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is the only scientific society that rejects these conclusions,and a few individual scientists also disagree with parts of them.,Thank you!,


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