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1、Unit 1 Big Bucks the Easy Way,tutoring,Working in a Restaurant,Distributing Leaflets,Babysitting,sales promoting,Language Points,BUCK:U.S.DOLLAR美元 硬币:纸币:,coin;cent;penny;quarter;nickel;dime;,Bank note;bank paper;folding money;bill;paper currency.,1.leisurely(A message printed on the bag offered leis

2、urely,lucrative work L4),a.unhurried 从容的,慢慢的,悠闲地,The old couple are used to taking a leisurely walk after dinner.,Spring Festival is a good time for relatives,friends,and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings,and enjoy a leisurely chat.,leisure n.,at(ones)leisure 当某人有空时,Take the lea

3、flets home and read them at your leisure.,把这些宣传册拿回家,闲暇时慢慢看看。,Are you at leisure right now?,2.Pain(it pains me to find thatL8),vt.cause pain to,Pattern:,It pains sb to/Sbs pained to.,It pains sb that.,Eg.1 It pains me to see you living in such wretched conditions.,2 必须这样说让我很痛心,但你不再被信任了.,It pains me t

4、o have to say this,but you can no longer be trusted.,3 任何人看到这种浪费现象都会很痛心的。,Everybodys pained to see such wastefulness.,pain n.,physical pain,psychological pain,The doctor gives her an injection to alleviate the pain.,This medicine will relieve your pain.,intense/sharp pain,pains,pl n.,care,trouble,or

5、 effort,No pains,no gains.,Growing Pains,成长的烦恼,take(great)pains to do/with sth/in doing sth 辛苦,努力,费尽苦心做某事,Mary took great pains with her English lesson and got high marks.,spare no pains,不遗余力,全力以赴,我们将全力以赴支持你们。,We will spare no pains to support you.,ache pain hurt,pain可作名词或动词,意为“疼痛”,指不适或痛苦的感觉。它持续的时间可

6、长可短,程度可强可弱,可形容局部,也可形容全身疼痛。Ive pains in my legs all the time.我的腿老是疼。My foot is still paining me.我的脚还在痛。ache 也可作名词或动词,意为“疼痛”,指不适或痛苦的感觉.它指的是一种较持久的疼痛,通常是隐痛,而不是剧烈的痛,它可以与人体的某些部位一起,构成复合名词,如:headachestomachache等。My head is aching./I have a headache.我头痛。She felt an ache in her eyes.她感觉眼痛。hurt可作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“

7、使疼痛、使受伤”,指肉体或精神上受到伤害。He hurt his leg.他摔伤了腿。He was hurt by what you said.你说的话伤害了他。,3.delivery(they were looking into the magazine-delivery thingL10),n.delivering(of letters goods,etc.),星期日不送信。,There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.,你们另收送货费吗?,Do you charge extra for delivery?,公司停止了免费送货上门的服务。,The

8、firm stopped free home delivery.,Useful Collocations:,accept delivery take a delivery special/express delivery prompt delivery on delivery delivery to sb/a place delivery fee,收货,提货,特快专递,迅速交货,交货时,送货到某地,运费,deliver v.,deliver a message,带信,传话,deliver a speech,作演讲,deliver ones smug answer,deliver the goo

9、ds,交货;喻履行诺言,说话兑现,deliver the mail,4.inquire(I inquiredL14),v.ask,1 我向他打听去车站的路。,I inquired of him about the way to the station.,inquire of sb about sth 向某人打听,2 我在美国见到他时,他问起你的情况。,He inquired after you when I met him in the USA.,inquired after 问候,问起某人情况,3 政府正在调查这起大火的原因.,The government is inquiring into

10、 the cause of the fire.,inquired into 调查,4 我到哪个窗口可问到中国的飞机航班时间?,Where ought I to go to inquire about the times of planes to China?,inquired about prices,inquired about 打听,7.inform vt.tell;give information to 通报;告知e.g.Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.Translation:我们很遗憾地通知你,

11、你的申请已被否决了。We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.Collocations:inform sb.of/about sth.告诉某人某事inform sb.(that clause)inform on/against sb.告发某人keep.informed 随时向报告情况be rightly/wrongly informed 得到正确/错误的知识/情报,5 quaver(Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering.L39)v.(of the voice

12、 or sound)shake;tremble,shiver tremble shake quaver,We were _ with excitement.,The house _when a train goes by.,Nothing can _our determination.,Many passengers _ with cold at Guangzhou Railway Station due to the snow disaster.,trembling,shakes,shake,shiver,His voice _with anger.,The pictures of A Dr

13、eam of Red Mansions(new version)_.,He was _ inwardly with nervousness.他心里紧张地直打颤.,gave me shivers,trembled,quavering,shake颤抖,颤动,指任何短促而急促的摇动,有时喻指对决心,信念的动摇。,tremble颤抖,发抖,指因寒冷、情绪变化如愤怒,激动、体弱多病而不由自主轻微地抖动。如:A poor old woman stood at the corner,trembling with age.(一位可怜的老妇人站在拐角处,因年老而不断哆嗦。),shiver tremble sha

14、ke quaver,shiver战栗,寒战,指因寒冷,恐惧或体弱多病而引起的抖动。如:The old man stood shivering in the wind-swept street.(这位老人站在寒风凛冽的街上发抖。),quaver颤抖,有时指不规则的震动或波动,它常常指颤抖,特别是激动的情感对声音与言辞的影响.,6.awful(awful,I reportedL55),an awful accident,awful weather,Thats an awful book.,The film was awful.,My face looks awful.,The smell is a

15、wful.,a.very bad,unpleasant,or of low quality,8 thoughtful(there was a short,thoughtful silenceL80)a.giving to or indicting thought,That put us all in a thoughtful mood.,这使我们大家陷入了沉思。,a long and thoughtful observation,长时间的深思性的观察,thoughtful looks,沉思的表情,She was thoughtful for a while and then answered.

16、,她考虑了一会儿,然后做了回答.,be thoughtful 考虑,thoughtful service,I can not sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness,对于你给我的无微不至的关怀,不胜感激,be thoughtful of 考虑周到的be considerate of,您想得真周到,不过我想我能对付。,Thats most thoughtful of you,but I think I can manage.,petitive(Then some activist had no business se

17、ttling for$5 and a few competitive bonusesL87),完善法人治理结构,增强上市公司的市场竞争力。,a.1)(of a situation)having much competition,广告业是一种竞争很激烈的行业。,Advertising is an intensely competitive business.,Improve the corporate governance structure,and increase the listed companies market competitive strength.,建立全国统一、开放、竞争、有

18、序的出版物市场体系,发展社会主义出版产业,Setting up a unified,open,competitive and orderly market system of publications nationwide,As well as developing the socialist publishing industry.,a highly competitive sales representative,一个有强烈竞争意识的销售代表,竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。,A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.,2)of a

19、person determined to be more successful than other people.竞争意识强的,我讨厌和史帝夫打网球,他好胜心太强了。,I hate playing tennis with Steve.He is too competitive.,请报你方最具有竞争性的价格。,Please offer your most competitive price.,银行竞相以低利率贷款,The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest,3)(of products or prices)chea

20、per 更便宜的,Useful Collocations:,fiercely/keenly/intensely competitive 激烈竞争的be competitive with sb 与某人竞争,compete pete with/against sb,competition,n.竞争,竞赛,competitor,n.竞争者;对手,敌手,10 entitle(the organizer had all the workers were entitled to$5 per hour.L89)v.give sb the right to do or have sth.给某人权利或资格,Pa

21、ttern:entitle sb to sth 使某人有权利享受,凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。,This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.,你没有资格乘坐头等(车厢、舱位等)。,You are not entitled to travel first class.,老年人由于他们的年龄和经验而得到年轻人对他们的尊敬。,Their age and experience entitle old people to the respect of young people.,他们的资格使他们可以得到较高的薪金。,Their qualifications entit

22、le them to a higher salary.,entitle sb to do sth,叫做,称为,题目是,那本小说叫傲慢与偏见.,The novel is entitled“Pride and Prejudice.”,be entitled,给某人做的权利,If you fail three times,you are not entitled to do any more.,11 deadline(the job was completed three hours before Sundays 7 a.m.deadline.L94),n.fixed limit of time f

23、or finishing a piece of work 最后期限,申请于下星期五截止。,The deadline for making an application is next Friday.,把期限提前一星期,advance a deadline by one week.,请宽限几天。,Please extend the deadline a few days.,现在已经过了退课的最后期限了。,Its past the deadline to withdraw.,Useful Collocations:,establish/set a deadline extend a deadlin

24、emeet a deadlinemiss a deadlinework against/to a deadline,推迟截止日期,赶上截止日期,过了截止日期,争取在截止日期内完成,定下截止日期,12 enlist(I assumed their mother had enlisted them to removeL104),vt.obtain the support and help of;cause to join the armed force.,你能帮助我吗?,Can I enlist your help?,The mayor tried to enlist every citizen

25、in the clean-up campaign.,市长尽力在整顿社会治安运动中得到每个市民的支持.,They come here to enlist men for the army.,他们来这儿是为了召兵。,Well enlist him in our movement.,我们要他参加我们的运动。,许多人每年参加红十字会运动。,Many people enlist in the red cross drive each year.,enlist sb in 使某人加入,13 pull up(another truck just pulled up out front.L16),1 brin

26、g or coming to a stop(使停下),咱们在这个饭店前停车吧。,Lets pull up at the restaurant.,2 向上拉;拔,Pull up these plants by the roots.,将这些植物连根拔起。,He is trying hard to pull up his English.,他在努力提高自己的英语水平。,to pull your socks up,振作起精神,pull inpull out pull overpull into the station pull out of the station,Useful collocation

27、s,(火车)进站,(船)靠岸,(火车)离站,(车)停(路边),(火车)进站,(火车)出站,14 cut into(that would cut into our profitL74),1 reduce;decrease 减少,I shall cut into my savings to pay for the holiday.,The pollution of the river cut into the value of the houses in that neighborhood.,Dont cut into our wage.,A loud voice cut into their d

28、iscussion.,一个很响的嗓音突然插进到他们的讨论中去。,2 插进来,参加(谈话),打断(别人的话),Dont cut into the story so rudely,let her finish.,不要如此粗鲁地打断她的讲述,让她说完。,She cut the cake into quarters.,她把蛋糕切成四份。,3 切开,The Boy cut my dress into little pieces.,小男孩把我的洋装剪成碎片。,cut into pieces 切成碎片,Chrysler hopes to cut into the growing Chinese auto m

29、arket with a new homegrown model.,国产克莱斯勒希望用新的国产的车型来瓜分中国的汽车市场.,Useful Expressions,1.伸手向人要钱 2.我不在乎3.使我痛心 4.某人出差 5.在住下来,6.棒极了!7.(车)停下,ask for money,I dont mind,It pains me that,sb.be/go on a business trip,be settled in,Super!Just super!,(a car)pulls up,10.不费吹灰之力的事 11.紧急留言 12.廉价商店13.外卖餐厅14.学乖了,不去做,Usefu

30、l Expressions,(a)piece of cake an urgent message dime store takeout restaurant know better than to do,9.事情原来是这样/结果,It turns out,8.某人因为被指责,sb.be blamed for,Useful Expressions,15.某人在做还没有进展16.对某人奖励一块钱17.减少利润 18.按时投送,sb.hasnt made a dent in offer a bonus of a dollar to sb.cut into ones profitmake a delivery on time,19.没有理由做20.某人有权利做 21.通过调解22.结帐,23.最低工资24.奇怪的举动 25.偷听某人做,Useful Expressions,have no business doing sb.be entitled to(do)in mediationsettle ones account,a minimum wageodd goings-onoverhear sb.doing,Homework,Do the exercises after TextRecite Paragraph 24-29,


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