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1、Part 2 A night in the mountains,请带着金版 5 个问题阅读文章,找出答案。,snow mountains,as usual 照常,Although Jimmy was ill,he went to school as usual.,吉米虽然病了,但是他照常来上课。,reliable 可靠的,reliable,We can _(rely)on him becausehe is _(rely).,rely,rely on 依靠,On the mountain they saw:_2._3._,snow,wonderful view,clouds,In the val

2、leys:_ flying around us 2._ eating grass,butterflies,yaks and sheep,yak 牦牛,sheep,1.What do you know about Tibet?,“Roof of the World”(5000m),这时,我们不得不把帽子,外套,手套和长裤脱掉,换成T恤衫和短裤。,1.At this point we had to change our caps,coats,gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.,change A for B 把换成,2.We put up our

3、 tents and then we eat.我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。,put up,举起,抬起=raise 挂起,张贴 建造,搭起=build 住宿,留宿,e.g.He put up his hand to answer the teachers question.,A new notice has been put up on the board.,Will you put me up for the night?,3.We can hardly wait to see them!我们迫不及待地想看一看。,cant(can hardly)wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事,每天下

4、课铃声响时,我都迫不及待想回家。,Every day I _ _ _ go back home when the bell rings.,cant,wait,to,cycle,wintersummer,put up,heavy and cold,hard work,fun,hardly wait,dress in long wool coatsstop to do sth.in the setting sunlook aroundat one pointfind sb.doing go down the hillsmake camp put up the tent for company,发现

5、某人在做某事落日的余晖一度;在某处;在某一时刻停下来做某事支起帐篷陪伴,作伴环顾四周扎营穿着羊毛大衣下山,Step 4 Language points,The Mekong is the most important river in Laos.It even _ on the national_ of the country.Laotian people use the river for _,_ and _goods and people around the country.,appears,flag,washing,fishing,transporting,They call the

6、Mekong“the _ of Laos”,but in Tibet people call it“theWater of the _”.If you follow theRiver in Laos”,you can visit temples,caves and a _.At night,you Can sleep in some small _ by the river.,sea,rocks,waterfall,villages,听力训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下面一段对话,回答第1-2题,Why is the man unhappy?Medicine is too difficult f

7、or him.His parents wont support his dream.He doesnt know what he really loves.,2.What does the woman really want to be?A writer.B.An engineer.C.A singer.,听下面一段对话,回答第3-5题,3.What are the two speakers going to do?Visit Mark together.Eat in a restaurant.Do the shopping.,4.What time is it probably now?5:

8、50B.6:00.C.6:305.What feature will probably help the man recognize the woman?She wears glasses.She is wearing a gray dress.She has long black hair.,听下面一段独白,回答第6-8题,6.What does the speaker think of chemistry?Boring.B.Useful.C.Difficult.7.What is Laura doing in Germany?She is working in a lab.She is attending college.She is teaching in a college.8.Who is interested in insects?A.Jon.B.Laura.C.Ben.,听下面一段对话,回答第9-10题,9.How will the woman go there?By car.B.By subway.C.By bus.10.What gift will the woman probably get Jenny?An ice cream cake.B.Some flowers.C.A teddy bear.,第二节 听取信息 A Trip Note,


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