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1、Uint1 Friendship,Warming up,1.Look at the poem FriendsFriends careFriends shareWe need friends everywhere.小结:You care your friends.You share your happiness and sadness with your friends.Wherever you go,you need friends.Friends are very important.Like our family members and lovers,they mean a lot to

2、us.,2.Now lets do a survey to see if you are a good friend.(P1)提示:If you come across new words and expressions that you dont know,do not turn to the word list at once.Try to guess their meaning according to the context.,Pre-reading,1.Q:Does a friend always have to be a person?What else can be your f

3、riend?(P7)2.Q3 of Pre-reading3.Why is Anne take a diary as her best friend?Next I will introduce some background knowledge to you.,Anne Frank was a Jewish girl.She became very famous after she died,because her diary was published.In her diary,she wrote her experiences of hiding when German occupied

4、Netherlands in War World.1933,the Nazis gain power and began to arrest Jewish.1933,the Frank family moved to Amsterdam.1940,Germany occupied Netherlands.1942,July,the Frank family went into hiding.1944,the Frank family was betrayed,arrested,and transported to concentration camp,.Seven months after h

5、er arrest,Anne died,several days before her 16th birthday.1947,the diary was published.1952,the diary was translated into English.,Reading,1.How many parts are there in the textTwo parts.Part One is the background knowledge.Part Two is the diary itself.2.Read the diary quickly and tell the keyword o

6、f the diary.(nature)3.Part1 of comprehending4.Part2 of comperhending,Language points of Warming up and Reading1,P.11.be good to sb乐于助人的,仁慈的My parents are good to me.我的父母对我很好。My teachers are good to me。我的老师们对我很好。,2.survey n.调查,测验do a survey of sth 对sth做调查do a survey of the students/teachers opinion调查

7、学生/老师意见,3.add sth up 把sth加起来 强调动作Add up all the money.把所有钱加起来。add up to sth 加起来等于;总计 强调结果The cost adds up to one thousand Yuan.花销总计一千元。,add Vt/Vi 加;增加 A to B 把A加进B里 A and B(together)把A和B加起来Add some sugar to the coffee.加些糖到咖啡里。Add some salt to the soup.加些盐到汤里。If you add 3 to 5,you get 8.3加5等于8.3 and

8、5 make 8.add to sth increase sth 增加某事物 The bad weather only added to our difficulties.这种坏天气更增加了我们的困难.,4.score 不表示具体的得分,没有复数形式;point尤指比赛中的分数。平时的考试得分宜用mark。She got 80 marks for geography.她的地理得了80分.score cn.(单复数同形)二十a score of peoplethree score of peopledozen 十二,5.pay to do sth 花钱做sthpay A to sb for B

9、为B付A给某人I pay 1000 Yuan to the landlord for the house every month.我为这所房子每月付1000元给房东。,8.get/have sth done 让别人做sth;使sth被做 get/have为使役动词,意为“使,让”I have my hair cut.我把头发剪了。He had his bad tooth pulled out.他把烂牙拔了。get sb to do sth=have sb do sth 让某人做某事get/have sb/sth doing sth 使不停地/一直做He had/got the light bu

10、rning all the night.他让灯整晚亮着。,9.upset Vt 过去式,过去分词也为upset,过去分词为upsettingbe upset at sth 对sth感到沮丧She feels upset at the news.她对这个消息感到沮丧。,10.ignore Vt 忽略I cant ignore his rudeness any longer.他粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。ignore/neglect这两个词都可表示“忽略”。Neglect指对自己应照料的事没有给予应有的注意。Ignore指故意不理。The government neglected indust

11、ry.政府忽略了工业。I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely.我向她打招呼,但她根本不理睬我。,11.calm Vt 使sb镇静,安静 calm sb downThe coffee will calm you down.咖啡会把你镇定下来。adj(海洋)无浪的,平静的;镇定的,安静的It is important to keep you calm in an examination.在考试中保持镇静很重要。n.平静的状态或时期the calm before the storm暴风雨之前的宁静,12.be concerned about

12、/for sth/that担心,烦恼sthWe are concerned about her future.我们担心她的将来。be concerned with sth关系到,关于These researches are concerned with quality education in China.这些研究关于中国的素质教育。,concern(1)Vt 忙于,关心 concern oneself with sthWe must concern ourselves with state affairs.我们必须关心国家大事。(2)Vt 与有关;涉及The news concerns yo

13、ur hometown.这则新闻涉及到你的家乡。as far as is concerned 就而言As far as I am concerned,it is important to learn English well.,13.walk the dog 遛狗walk通常为不及物动词,这里特殊,作及物动词。walk sb(to a place)(为保证安全全程)陪sb(到某地)I will walk you to the school gate.我陪你到校门口吧。,14.当when,while,before,after,until,unless,once,though,although等引

14、导的状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略从句的主语。从句的谓语动词,如果有be,将be去掉;如果没有be,将谓语动词改成ing形式。While watching television,_.(考察省略时从句的主语必须和主句的主语一致。)A.the doorbell rang.B.the doorbell rings.C.we heard the doorbell ring.D.we heard the doorbell rings.,Though he is young,he is experienced.(让学生改成省略形式)Though young,he is experienced.

15、He will not come unless invited.(让学生还原成完整形式)He will not come unless he is invited.,15.should have done sth 本该做sth,而实际上没有做,含有责备的意味。You should have gone to college.你本该去上大学。Shouldnt have done sth本不该做sth,而实际上做了。must have done sth表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测,只用于肯定句,翻译为“一定做过sth.”The ground is wet.It must have rained l

16、ast night.地面是湿的。昨晚肯定下雨了。can/could have done sth表示对过去发生的事情的否定推测,只用于否定句。I saw him yesterday.He couldnt have been in New York.昨天我见到他了。他不可能在纽约。,P216.reason the reason for sth sth的原因the reason for being late迟到的原因 The reason why is that 的原因是The reason why I didnt go to school was that I was sick.我没去上学是因为我

17、生病了。The reason why he wrote the book was that he was lonely.他写那本书是因为他很孤独。,17.go through 经历;忍受;遭受 she is going through a difficult time.她正经历困难时期。Ann is going through the second world war.安正经历第二次世界大战。检查I went through the students homework last night.昨晚,我检查了学生的作业。go through:空间的穿过,也指从内部穿过,贯穿。go across:平

18、面上的穿过,也指横穿go through the door/forestgo across the street,18.make+宾语+宾补(n/adj/do sth/p.p.)We made him our monitor.我们选他为班长。The news made us happy.这个消息使我们高兴。I made him buy the newspaper.He spoke louder to make himself heard.他说大声点,以便别人能够听到他。When you speak English,remember to make yourself understood.讲英语

19、的时候,记得让别人明白你在说什么。,19.hide Vi/Vt 隐藏,隐蔽 过去式为hid,过去分词为hiddenThe moon was hidden by the clouds.云遮住了月亮。The man hid(away)in the forest.那个人躲在森林里。hide-and-seek捉迷藏,20.set sth down:write sth downWhy not set your ideas down?为什么不把你的想法写下来?21.series 单复数同形a series of 一系列的a series of stamps 一套邮票a television series

20、电视剧the Harry Potter series 哈里波特系列,22 wonder Vt/Vi 想知道;感到惊奇I wonder/was wondering if用于非常客气地提出请求。I was wondering if you could help me with my math.我想知道,你能否帮我的数学。Wonderful wander Vi 游荡,闲逛I wander around the garden.我在花园里闲逛。,23.outdoors adv 在露天,在外面sleep outdoorsoutdoor adj 作定语outdoor activities 户外活动outdo

21、or sports 户外运动,24.crazy=madThe noise made me crazy.噪音吵得我最疯了。be crazy about sth 对sth狂热He is crazy about English.他极度热爱英语。crazilycraziness,25.强调句型 It is/was+被强调部分+who/that被强调部分通常是句子的主语、宾语或状语(以时间状语,地点状语,和原因状语居多)。被强调部分是人时,用who或that皆可。,怎么把普通句子改成强调句?We held a meeting in the club yesterday.强调主语:It was we wh

22、o/that held a meeting in the club yesterday.强调地点状语:It was in the club that we held a meeting yesterday.强调时间状语:It was yesterday that we held a meeting in the club.,怎么区分普通句和强调句It was yesterday that we held a meeting in the club.It was 7 oclock that we held a meeting in the club.(错误。应将that改成when),练习:按要

23、求将下列句子改成强调句。1.I want to see him.(强调宾语)It is him that I want to see.2.They were wrong.(强调主语)It was they who were wrong.3.The football match had to be put off because of the bad weather.(强调原因状语)It was because of the bad weather that the football match had to be put off.,26.There was a time when曾经一段时间T

24、here was a time when girls couldnt go to school.从前有段时间女孩子不能去上学。There was a time when the UK was the strongest countries in the world.英国曾经是世界上最强大的国家。强调when引导的是定语从句。,27.spell n.咒;咒语 bind Vt 捆绑,系紧 spellbind Vt 迷惑;迷住spellbound adj 着魔,入迷,28 stay 系动词,表状态,意为“保持”,相当于keep,后跟名词或形容词。The shop stays open till tw

25、elve oclock.这家店营业到12点。,29.on purpose 故意地 反义词组为 by chance/accidentI think she lost the key on purpose.我认为他故意遗失钥匙。purpose n.目的,意图What is your purpose of coming to Jinshan High School?(让学生回答问题,练习口语。),30.in order to do sth 为了,以为目地They did anything in order to make money.为了赚钱,他们什么事情都做。He started early in

26、 order not to be late.为了不迟到,他早早动身。,31.far too much lightfar此处表示程度,意为“远远地,大大地”,用来修饰形容词,副词,和比较级等结构。He speaks English far better than I.他英语远比我好。,32.much too与too muchThe box is much too heavy.She speaks English much too fluently.他讲英语太流利了。much too修饰形容词和副词。The moon gave far too much light.月亮绽放太多光芒了。You ta

27、lk too much.你讲太多话了。Too much is as bad as too little.过犹不及too much修饰不可数名词,不及物动词或单独使用。,33.,How dare sb do sth?某人怎敢做sth?How dare you say so?,34.happen Vi 恰巧,碰巧happen to do sthIt(so)happened thatI happened to see him on the street.It happened that I saw him on the street.我恰好在路上看到他。,35.It+be+the+序数词+that

28、从句。如果主句为一般现在时,that从句用现在完成时。如果主句为一般过去时,that从句用过去完成时。It was the second time that I had been to Jinshan High School.那是我第二次去金山中学。,36.face to face with 与面对面He stood face to face with Emma他和艾玛面对面地站着。be faced with 面对I am faced with a new problem.我面对一个新问题。,37.sufferVi 受痛苦,受折磨 suffer fromMany students suffer

29、 from homesick.很多学生饱受思乡之苦。The farmers suffer a lot from the flood.洪水给农民带来巨大的痛苦。Vt 作及物动词时,其宾语通常是pain,loss,defeat,punishment,hardship等词。The enemy suffered heavy losses.敌人遭受了重大损失。,38.recover Vi/Vt 恢复,复原 recover from He has fully recovered.他已经完全恢复健康。He is recovering from a fever.他逐渐烧退了。,39.teenager n.A

30、rebellious teenager一个叛逆的青少年40.get along/on with 与sb合得来,与sb和睦相处Are you get along well with your new classmates?/roomates?取得进展 后面尤其接副词或用于疑问句how之后。How are you getting on with your English?你英语进展如何?,41.gossip Vi 传播流言蜚语;说长道短 gossip with sb about sthDo not gossip about other peoples private life.不要对别人的私生活说

31、长道短。nC,U 闲谈;流言蜚语have a gossip with sb 与sb闲谈a magazine full of gossip about famous people一本充满名人八卦的杂志,42.fall in love 强调动作be in love 强调状态They have been in love for three years.他们相爱三年。Shakespeare in love恋爱中的莎士比亚,43.grateful adj.感谢的 be grateful to sb for sth 因sth感激sbThey sent us a grateful letter.他们给我们寄

32、来了一封感谢信。She was grateful to her parents for all that they had done.她感激父母所作的一切。,44.join/join in/take part in/attendjoin the Party/the army/the societyCome and join us!join 通常指加入组织或团体,也可说join sb。join in the dancing/the gamejoin in 加活动作宾语,且多为娱乐性活动。也可说join sb in sth.take part in the sports meetingtake part in 加活动作并与,且多为正式的活动。attend the meeting/school/churchattend出席,参加(会议,讲座,婚礼,听报告等),


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