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1、Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero,New words and expressions,Reading,Language points,Grammar,Content,Unit 5New words and expressions,Beauty isnt about having a pretty face.Its about having a pretty mind,a pretty heart,and a pretty soul.美丽不是说有一张漂亮的脸蛋,而是漂亮的思想,漂亮的心,及漂亮的灵魂。,Beauty,quality n.质量U,(人的)品质C,性

2、质,特点Ceg:质量比数量更重要。Quality is more important than quantity.他具有成功商人的所有品质。He has all the qualities of a successful businessman.木头的特点之一就是它能燃烧。One quality of wood is that it can burn.短语:of quality:具有的质量eg:of good/high quality of poor/bad quality,上等的,优质的,劣等的,劣质的,eg:这台电视机质量很好,而且也不贵。This TV set is of high/go

3、od quality and it is not expensive.单词积累:qualify v.qualified adj.2.devote vt.(与to连用)献身,专心于搭配:devote oneself to 献身于,专心于 be devoted to献身于,专心于 devote ones life/time/to sb/sth 把生命/时间献给 devote ones energy to 奉献精力于,赋予(某人)资格,取得资格,有资格的,称职的,devote to 把用于eg:她全力倾注于自己的事业。She devotes herself to her career.他把自己的一生

4、都献给了教育事业。He devoted his whole life to education.我至少一天在英语上花两个小时。I devote at least two hours a day to English.3.out of work 失业eg:他已经失业两年了。He has been out of work for two years.,拓展:go to work at work out of:常有“出于,由于;缺乏,没有;放弃,丧失;超出之外”等意思。eg:out of balance out of sight out of reach out of place out of or

5、der out of control out of question out of date关于work的短语:work on work at work out,去上班,off work,下班,没上班,在工作中,在上班,in work,有工作,失去平衡,看不见,够不着,出故障,出毛病,毫无疑问,不得体,不恰当,失去控制,过时,继续工作,从事,忙于,在某处工作,从事,解决,算出,4.vote vt.&vi.投票,选举 n.投票,选举,表决短语:vote for/in favor of 投票支持 vote against 投票反对 vote on sth 投票表决某事 vote to do sth

6、 表决做某事请选用以上短语完成句子eg:As we cant agree on this matter,lets _ _ it.Do you _ _ or _ his decision?,vote,vote,on,for,against,5.equal adj.相等的,平等的eg:他们同龄。Their ages are equal.短语:be equal to 等于,相当于,胜任的,能应付的 be without equal 无人可比,无敌eg:我不能胜任这项任务。I am not equal to this task.What he said _ _ _ what I thought.他的意

7、思就是我的意思。,was,equal,to,6.turn to 转向,求助于eg:turn to sb for help 如果你有任何问题,就来找我帮忙。If you have any questions,turn to me for help.拓展:turn on turn off turn up turn away turn down turn in turn out turn over turn against,向某人求助,打开,关掉,开大,出现,走开,关小,拒绝,上交,交出,结果是,证明是,翻过来,背叛,7.escape vi.逃脱,逃走,泄露短语:escape from 从逃跑 es

8、cape sth 避开,避免某事 escape doing sth 避免做某事eg:他今天早上从监狱逃跑了。He escaped from prison this morning.她真是幸运,逃脱了惩罚。She was lucky to escape punishment.She was lucky to escape being punished.,e to power 当权,上台eg:该党是在1991年上台执政的。The party came to power in 1991.拓展:get into power take office return to power in office l

9、ose power,=come into power,上台,上台,执政,重新执政,执政,当权,下台,失去权力,2.与devote搭配使用的to是什么词性?devote oneself to(),eg:他把大把的时间用于阅读。He devoted a lot time to reading.,思考,介词,+n/doing,be in power和 come to power 的区别。,be in power意为“执政,掌权”,表状态。come to power意为“上台,执政”,表动作。,eg:这个政党是一年前开始执政的。The party came to power a year ago.这个

10、政党执政多久了。How long has the party been in power?,思考,1.He is really considering _ himself to _ these children of the poor mountain village.A.to devote;education B.devoting;educating C.devoting;educate D.to devote;educate解析:consider doing sth,考虑做某事,exercise,解析:out of work 失业 off work 在休班 in work 有工作 at w

11、ork 在工作中,在上班,3.At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.A.out of sight B.out of reach C.out of order D.out of place解析:out of place 不得体,不恰当,exercise,解析:partly,部分地,merely,仅仅地,nearly,几乎,equally,一样地,5.He _ for ten years but still doesnt want to leave office.A.has been in power B.has come to power C.has taken office D.came into power,exercise,1.Read the new words by yourselves after class and review what weve learned.,2.Finish EX.1 and 2 on page36 and EX.1 on page70.,Homework,Thank You!,


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